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July 9
When I first moved to Alabama Nora and Mom are the first people I met. I loved going to the store to see them and hear mom talking about people. Mom made me feel welcome from the start. There wasn't a day that went by that mom wasn't in that store and Nora was right with her. We would go to the casino and I would sit with her and every time she would cash out she would say go cash this in while I keep playing. I loved going and getting to spend time with her. Mom was my second mom and the joke Nora and I would say is I was the good one she was the bad one and mom would laugh. She is going to be truly missed so much but never forgotten always in my heart. I love you mom and miss you so. 

Friends forever

July 8
I met Maryann 73 years ago when she came to live with her father on North Main st in Port Chester NY. We used to wade in the Byram River, and one day she stepped on something sharp in the water and bled like crazy. We went to the gas station and someone drove us to the hospital where they cleaned and taped up her toe and sent us on our way. We never told her dad or my mom what happened but she always blamed me cuz it was my idea. We laughed over that forever. We were closer than sisters.

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