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July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
I recently moved from my house of 18 years - a house I chose in part for its proximity to the Hestad's home in Upper Rainier Beach. In the final moments looking around a completely empty space - two years after Matt’s passing, I acknowledged the many projects Matt worked on to make it a home - the windows he repaired, the floors he finished on Fathers Day with my own dad, the front porch he helped build, the light fixtures installed….to name just a few. It is friends and family that make an old 1902 quirky house a home, and Matt, alongside Katy, Vincent, Bridget and the late-Angus helped fill this chapter of my life with love. It is time for a new chapter in so many ways…and while I cannot take pieces of the house with me, I move forward with so many happy memories and so much gratitude for friendship. ~ Laurie
August 20, 2021
August 20, 2021
I've had two particular reasons to think about Matt lately, and I thought it fitting to share them here.

First - the expiration dates on the milk at the grocery store are just about to cross over into being *after* the first day of school. I remember Matt talking about how this was the signal to him that summer was coming to an end, and I think of that - and him - every year at this time.

Second - I'm mainly a beer drinker, and always enjoyed talking with Matt about the breweries we'd each found and enjoyed with our respective families. However, we also shared a love of Bainbridge Island gin. My husband and I have been back on the Right Coast for three years, and we just - finally - found a place that sells Bainbridge Island. We opened the bottle tonight, and I'm toasting Matt.

Sending love to Katy, Vincent, and Bridget - know that your beloved husband and father lives on in the hearts of so many.
July 29, 2021
July 29, 2021
We make our way to the shores of Lake Kampeska tomorrow for the Hestad family reunion in Watertown. It's difficult knowing your deep voice and easy smile - and Katy's dear presence - won't be there when we pull into Bruce and Colleen's. I'll miss your hugs, our relaxed and oh so real conversations as couples - talking about life, about our kids, about the joys and challenges of parenting and marriage and work and all the things.

Matt, you remain a shining light - larger than life as my oldest cousin who could do anything, would DO anything for others and always looked so darn cool - too - as you did!! Water skiing, kayaking, mountain climbing, lighting off fire works, helping Erik with the smoker... sailing... fathering... teaching... I mean all of it.

I love you. I miss you. I will light a candle for you and think about you, Katy and your beautiful kids so much on the lake of your childhood.
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
I’m so grateful to be able to call Matt my friend and to have had him as part of my journey. Tasha stopping over to our cabin and Jim Eubanks made us all a drink and we toasted to Matt…a loving, kind, adventurous, and devoted man❤️ I love that I have the memories of our gang hanging out in Seattle in the early 90’s and growing together and getting to know each other’s families. Pure delight
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
Katy, Vincent & Bridget - I am so grateful to read this website, view the pictures and think about how much we all miss Matt. I will never understand why the most special people amongst us seem to be the first to leave the earth. Matt was truly the "Best Wiswall". He was kind, funny and so gentle. Yet he had such a deep strength and love of family, good food, boat rides, sunsets on Lake Washington, being a Dad and a love for my sister that made her who she is today. Truly you were my brother - not just a brother-in-law. I loved the way you embraced our children - and even my fun loving husband (and I know he drove you crazy sometimes!!!).  I know he is watching over all of us - we just wish he was here. Love you all so much. Molly, Bruce, Anthony, Sophia & Isabella Busacca xoxox 
July 13, 2021
July 13, 2021
Matt, Matt, Matt.... I sure miss seeing you in the morning at school. Even when I was there at 6:30 you would still beat me. There were a few days I didn't see your bike and knew I beat you only to find out you were attending a PD and had a sub. I enjoyed that part of my work day the most. I know you are watching over Katy, Vincent and Bridget. I see your warm smile of being so proud of them and how strong they are.
Until we meet again.... Love and hugs to you and your family.
July 9, 2021
July 9, 2021
Uncle Matt- I miss you and your smile and sweet voice. One of my favorite memories is in your former house with the fence with the wave- Grammy was playing Tile Rummy with us and you were building my dream birdhouse.

Another favorite memory is pretending to be a Hestad and going to pick out your first paddleboard after you took Vincent and me surfing in Rincon.

I will cherish those memories. I saw a hummingbird in SF yesterday and felt your presence.

I am excited to see your kids and Aunt Katy this week- it will be strange to not have you there, but I know you will be smiling down on us esp when I force Bridget to make every tasty item from her Bridget’s recipe collection. I love you!

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