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Maurice (Moe) Sweeney was born March 31, 1967 on Bell Island, Newfoundland and passed away suddenly August 3, 2020 in Ottawa, Ontario.  He was predeceased by his father, Joseph Sweeney, and his older brothers Lloyd and Joseph.  He leaves behind his mother Margaret, second father David Hagar, sister Sophia (Michael), brother William, nephew Joshua and nieces Shira, Paige and Erika.

Moe lived his life devoted to child development.  A recipient of the Prime Minister’s Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education, Moe took pride in the achievements of the children in his care, and channeled his energy and infectious enthusiasm into helping them begin to experience the world and grow in their abilities.  After obtaining degrees from the University of Western Ontario and from Ryerson University, Moe passed on his passion and experience to his students at Humber College in Toronto and Algonquin College in Ottawa.

Away from work, Moe was a complex individual.  He loved having fun with others, but at the same time loved nature, sunsets and sunrises, drawing with charcoal medium, cycling, hiking and nature photography.  He collected clocks and wrote about how those clocks with their unique rhythms, features and conditions mirrored people with their own unique heartbeat, appearance and experiences.

Maurice will be laid to rest with his brothers at Pinecrest Cemetery at 2:00 pm on Friday, August 14, 2020.  A graveside service will be held due to current restrictions.  COVID safety measures will be observed.

Donations in his memory may be sent to the Children's Aid Foundation Ottawa (
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Sophia, Michael, Margaret, David, Bill, Josh, Shira, Erika and Paige.
We were so sorry to hear of Moe's passing.
Although I did not know Moe well, I remember vividly a conversation that he and I had at Margarets's 50th birthday party. I was attending Carleton University at that time, and I was trying to figure out what to do with my life. After he so beautifully signed 'Wind Beneath My Wings' to Margaret, and after I had a good cry, he and I had a long conversation about working with children with Special Needs. I spent many years of my career doing this. And I think of him every time I hear that beautiful Bette Midler song.
I hope that the memories you have of Moe will embrace you during this very difficult time.
We are sending you all love and virtual hugs from Toronto.
Love Sari, Gary, Emma, Leah and Jillian. xo
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
My friendship with Moe dates back to Hillcrest High. So many fun fond memories, times that sculpted our individual futures.
Moe leaves behind such an incredible legacy, he has touched so many lives, with his laughter, knowledge and love. He in turn has molded so many kids' futures.- His impact will be long lasting with them, he lives on threw them.
My absolute deepest sympathies are with you in this incredibly sad time. Tracy Auger-Amendola
August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Dear Margaret, David, Sophie, Billy and all the dear family members who have lost Moe...

We are so so sad for this big gap that has been created by Maurice's passing. We have heard and read so many lovely thoughts and stories about Moe and know that he touched many many lives, particularly young ones. We know that the sadness will remain forever, but pray that you will remember your happy times with Moe and know that you are surrounded by family that is thinking of you and sending you strength.

With our love,

The Junior Vancouver Gertsmans (Phil, Keren, Oriana and Liron)
August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Dear Sophia & Family,
It’s terrible to hear about your loss. We are sharing in your sorrow with love and friendship.
Our deepest sympathies to you and your family.
Helene & Malcolm Hall
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Sophia and family
Our heartfelt sympathy in the loss of your brother, son and uncle Maurice. He lived a full life and left behind many kindnesses.
Kathie and Pat
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Margaret and family, I am so sorry for your loss.

Joanne Chénier, friend from exercise.
August 11, 2020
August 11, 2020
Dear Sophia, My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. I have read the stories and tributes to Moe and he was clearly a talented, giving and exceptional man.
Jane Van Buren

August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Margaret, David and Family,

Words cannot express how very sorry we are for your loss. Margaret and David, I have such wonderful memories of the times I spent with you in Ottawa. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Kim (Noftall) & Terry Nugent
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Our hearts break for all of you to have to endure yet another loss. We can only wish that these fond memories you shared with us, guide you through this great sorrow. We send our love and deepest sympathy.
Peggy & Gerry
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Dear Sophia, Michael and family,
Gail and I were so sorry to hear of you brother, Maurice's passing. We are thinking of you and hope there is some comfort in these tributes everyone is leaving. Our deepest sympathies.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Some years ago Moe mimed "The Wind Beneath My Wings" in American sign language as a tribute to Margaret on her birthday. It was a very moving gesture. Ever since then, whenever we hear that song, we think of that moment. That is how we will continue to remember Moe.
Dearest Margaret, David, Sophia, Michael, Bill, Joshua, Shira, Erika and Paige,
May you never know any more sorrow.
With love,
Bonnie and Steve
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
To the Sweeney family and friends,

So very sorry for your loss. I did not know Maurice very well other then to have shared some classes with him back at Hillcrest High School- He seemed like a good guy who was doing some more than commendable work with children's education and enjoying life. Hits home for me and all of Maurice's many fellow classmates , when friends and schoolmates pass at such an early age. May your time spent with Maurice and the fond memories you made give you some comfort at this most difficult time. Deep condolences.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Dear Sophia and Family,
Irving and I were saddened to learn of Moe's passing and send our deepest condolences. Please know that our thoughts are with you at this sad time. We are so sorry for your loss.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Thank you Moe for inspiring me to be a better teacher and encouraging me for being on the right path in my education and aspirations of being an early childhood educator. Your words will be forever cherished in my heart. Best of wishes to your family and loved ones. You will not be forgotten<3
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Margie, Dave, Billy, Sophia and Family, my heart is heavy thinking of all the sorrow your family has had to endure. I have a special place in my heart for you all as you looked after me at a time when I needed you. I love you all so very much. We will keep you all in our prayers. God Bless!
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
I was very saddened to receive the news of Moes sudden passing. He was a huge and wonderful part of my childhood in Ottawa , I have nothing but beautiful memories from that time and they are filled with him. We kept in touch after my family moved away and through our teen years. I was lucky enough to reconnect with him in our twenties when he moved to London but unfortunately lost contact when he moved from there . Thanks to FB we reconnected through technology over these past few years . He was a wonderful person with amazing talents, and an exceptional eye for finding beauty all around . I will miss your beautiful photographs reminding us all that beauty is there if we only look . Thank you for all the childhood memories.
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Aggie, Lloyd, Margie and family, once again you experienced a difficult heart goes out to you all, you are in my thoughts and prayers at this sad sad time. stay strong.....Love Always, Cousin Joannie
August 10, 2020
August 10, 2020
Dear Sophia & Family,
Thinking of you during this very sad time.
My deepest sympathies.
Patti Dow

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August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
Dear Sophia, Michael, Margaret, David, Bill, Josh, Shira, Erika and Paige.
We were so sorry to hear of Moe's passing.
Although I did not know Moe well, I remember vividly a conversation that he and I had at Margarets's 50th birthday party. I was attending Carleton University at that time, and I was trying to figure out what to do with my life. After he so beautifully signed 'Wind Beneath My Wings' to Margaret, and after I had a good cry, he and I had a long conversation about working with children with Special Needs. I spent many years of my career doing this. And I think of him every time I hear that beautiful Bette Midler song.
I hope that the memories you have of Moe will embrace you during this very difficult time.
We are sending you all love and virtual hugs from Toronto.
Love Sari, Gary, Emma, Leah and Jillian. xo
August 14, 2020
August 14, 2020
My friendship with Moe dates back to Hillcrest High. So many fun fond memories, times that sculpted our individual futures.
Moe leaves behind such an incredible legacy, he has touched so many lives, with his laughter, knowledge and love. He in turn has molded so many kids' futures.- His impact will be long lasting with them, he lives on threw them.
My absolute deepest sympathies are with you in this incredibly sad time. Tracy Auger-Amendola
August 13, 2020
August 13, 2020
Dear Margaret, David, Sophie, Billy and all the dear family members who have lost Moe...

We are so so sad for this big gap that has been created by Maurice's passing. We have heard and read so many lovely thoughts and stories about Moe and know that he touched many many lives, particularly young ones. We know that the sadness will remain forever, but pray that you will remember your happy times with Moe and know that you are surrounded by family that is thinking of you and sending you strength.

With our love,

The Junior Vancouver Gertsmans (Phil, Keren, Oriana and Liron)
His Life

Prime Ministers Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education - 2008

August 9, 2020
by C D
“For you, working with children is more than a profession.  It is a passion that you pass on to our youngest citizens each and every day.” Stephen Harper May 15, 2008

Toronto Star Article- June 16th, 2007

August 9, 2020
by C D
“A man whose full-tilt workday includes toilet training, pushing strollers, helping muddy little hands plant flowers, hoisting kids into swings.  He rolls PlayDoh like a pastry chef, handles diaper changes with the efficiency of a Ford assembly line.  He turns on Abba when the kids are flagging, Sarah Brightman to calm them down, and can sing the tidy up song in his sleep….Sweeney, who brings a ready laugh and physical energy to his work, concedes it would be nice to see more guys on the job.  Especially for the youngsters.”

Other Awards

August 9, 2020
by C D
The Mentoring Award of Excellence from the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College

Certificate of Excellence - Fourth Year Internship at Ryerson University

Recent stories

Margaret's 50th Birthday Surprise

August 10, 2020
by C D
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We held a surprise party for Margaret's 50th birthday.  Relatives and
friends came from all around.  Moe surprised Margaret by coming in
from London, Ontario.  But the even bigger surprise was that he had
learned American Sign Language, and had prepared a special song for
her.  As you will see from the video, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Moe's Photography

August 12, 2020
by C D

Thoughts From Moe

August 9, 2020
by C D
Clocks are displayed on walls and people put themselves on display.
Clocks can be old and young, have a “broken hand” or a “scratch on its face”.
Clocks use batteries as well as direct current, like pacemakers with batteries that send a current to the heart valves.
Clocks can be big or small, thick or thin, skinny or fat.  They all have something in common, telling time.
Our days and schedule are set to specific times on a clock.  We can always move forward but never go back.
If you arrange a bunch of clocks on a wall, it may only look like decorating.  But as each clock brings out a feature in the clock nearby, it could be viewed as a “family” on the wall.
Some have large numbers, and some have small.  Some “hands” that point to the numbers to tell the time are thin and frail, while others appear heavy, durable and strong.
The characteristics of clocks mimic those of people around us.  The comparisons are continuous from sounds, rhythm, beat, tone, size, colour, shape, letters or numbers, heavy or light, delicate finishing or hardy and heavy.
The clicking or ticking of the clock is like the heartbeat of a being.
I have more than 20 clocks in the house and they are all so very different from one another.
As I look at the clocks on the wall all covered in dust, dirt and grime, I look at the people in that person’s life and similar persons.  I wonder if there is some type of correlation between how we choose clocks and friends?

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