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His Life

Prime Ministers Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education - 2008

August 9, 2020
by C D
“For you, working with children is more than a profession.  It is a passion that you pass on to our youngest citizens each and every day.” Stephen Harper May 15, 2008

Toronto Star Article- June 16th, 2007

August 9, 2020
by C D
“A man whose full-tilt workday includes toilet training, pushing strollers, helping muddy little hands plant flowers, hoisting kids into swings.  He rolls PlayDoh like a pastry chef, handles diaper changes with the efficiency of a Ford assembly line.  He turns on Abba when the kids are flagging, Sarah Brightman to calm them down, and can sing the tidy up song in his sleep….Sweeney, who brings a ready laugh and physical energy to his work, concedes it would be nice to see more guys on the job.  Especially for the youngsters.”

Other Awards

August 9, 2020
by C D
The Mentoring Award of Excellence from the School of Early Childhood at George Brown College

Certificate of Excellence - Fourth Year Internship at Ryerson University

Work Experience

August 9, 2020
by C D
Moe was an exceptional Early Childhood Educator. Over the years he went from shaping the minds of children to mentoring and teaching future educators. In his 30 years of experience, he has worked in various centres and institutes in Ottawa, Toronto and London. Here are some of the places he worked

Algonquin College,  Part-time Professor

Ryerson Early Learning Centre, Preschool and Kindergarten Educator, Mentor for Early Childhood Studies students on practicum

Humber College, Professor for Continuing Education

Northlea Childcare Centre, Preschool, Kindergarten and School Age Teacher

YMCA of Greater Toronto, Preschool Teacher

London Day Nursery


August 9, 2020
by C D
  • St. Leo's Elementary School
  • Hillcrest High School
  • Fanshawe College - Early Childhood Education Diploma
  • University of Western Ontario - Bachelor of Arts Cross Disciplinary
  • Ryerson - Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Studies, specializing in Child and Family Protection