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Margaret's 50th Birthday Surprise

August 10, 2020
by C D
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We held a surprise party for Margaret's 50th birthday.  Relatives and
friends came from all around.  Moe surprised Margaret by coming in
from London, Ontario.  But the even bigger surprise was that he had
learned American Sign Language, and had prepared a special song for
her.  As you will see from the video, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Moe's Photography

August 12, 2020
by C D

Thoughts From Moe

August 9, 2020
by C D
Clocks are displayed on walls and people put themselves on display.
Clocks can be old and young, have a “broken hand” or a “scratch on its face”.
Clocks use batteries as well as direct current, like pacemakers with batteries that send a current to the heart valves.
Clocks can be big or small, thick or thin, skinny or fat.  They all have something in common, telling time.
Our days and schedule are set to specific times on a clock.  We can always move forward but never go back.
If you arrange a bunch of clocks on a wall, it may only look like decorating.  But as each clock brings out a feature in the clock nearby, it could be viewed as a “family” on the wall.
Some have large numbers, and some have small.  Some “hands” that point to the numbers to tell the time are thin and frail, while others appear heavy, durable and strong.
The characteristics of clocks mimic those of people around us.  The comparisons are continuous from sounds, rhythm, beat, tone, size, colour, shape, letters or numbers, heavy or light, delicate finishing or hardy and heavy.
The clicking or ticking of the clock is like the heartbeat of a being.
I have more than 20 clocks in the house and they are all so very different from one another.
As I look at the clocks on the wall all covered in dust, dirt and grime, I look at the people in that person’s life and similar persons.  I wonder if there is some type of correlation between how we choose clocks and friends?

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