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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Mariatha Muojieje. We will remember her forever.
September 4
September 4
It is with a heavy heart that I bid goodbye to an amazing friend who stood for honesty and integrity. I do not have the words to describe the pain in my heart but I believe that you have moved to a better place and are resting peacefully while getting a good joy with the angels. Farewell from this wicked world of pain and sadness. I miss you and your remarkable presence but I take comfort that you are in better place. You are forever in our hearts.
Rest in peace ST MARIATHA my good friend till we meet again. 

Mr. Mbaebie Augustine
For myself and family. 
August 20
August 20
Rest in peace, Mummy Muijeks. Bye for now and we shall meet to part no more.
August 12
August 12
I may not have known you Mummy but you left a legacy in your great Son, Chukwudi.
All i can say is that may the Good Lord grant you eternal peace in Christ Name
August 9
Mariatha, It is very difficult writing your Euology as I am heartbroken over your death knowing that death is inevitable for all mortals, but we cannot question God because he knows when to call every one of us back. Your demise has created a vacuum too difficult to be filled.
Let me simply narrate the quality of the life you lived while on earth.
To your Children, Daughter-in-law, and grandchildren, you were an extraordinary mother and grandmother.
To your Brothers and Sisters, A very supportive and dependable Big Sister.
In business, you make a name for yourself.
In the circle of friends, a rare gem.
In your Christian Life, you trained a priest.
In the Community, an Epitome of peace, love, and charity.
Mariatha, I mourn your exit but I Celebrate the Virtuous Woman you were. I would miss your visits and your words of encouragement in my quandaries. I will forever treasure your memories.
I pray that God may grant your Children, grandchildren, and siblings the strength to endure this loss and the comfort to cherish and honor the remarkable legacy left behind.
Adieu my best Friend!!!
Adieu Sweet Mother!!!
Rest in peace and Good night!!!! Noble Lady Fidelia Ifeoma Ibeanu
August 9
August 9
A Tribute to Mrs. Muojeje( Mama Chichi) : A Woman with an Ever-Smiling Spirit

In a world that often seems hurried and harried, there are few people who remind us of the true essence of kindness and warmth. Mrs. Muojeje (Mama Chichi) was one such rare gem. With a heart as beautiful as her ever-present smile touched the lives of everyone she encountered.

Mama Chichi as i fondly called her lived a life that was a testament to the power of a positive attitude and a gentle heart. She taught us that no matter the challenges we face, there is always a reason to smile, always a reason to show love, and always a reason to be kind.

Today, as we remember her, we do so with deep gratitude. We are thankful for the moments we shared with her, for the warmth of her presence, and for the legacy of love she leaves behind. Though she may no longer be with us in person, her spirit lives on in our the hearts

Mrs. Muojeje, you will be deeply missed, but your beautiful heart and ever-smiling spirit will continue to inspire us all. Rest in peace Mama Chichi

Adieu! Adieu! Adieu!!!
Farewell! Farewell Farewell!
Till we meet to part no more

Isiguzo Maureen Chioma (Nee Ibeanu)
August 8
August 8
Losing a friend is never easy, and it’s with a heavy heart that we remember Mariatha. She was a beacon of light and kindness, always ready to lend an ear or a hand. Her laughter was infectious, and her spirit was unwaveringly generous. Mariatha had a unique way of making every moment more meaningful, turning even the simplest of gatherings into cherished memories. Though she is no longer with us, her impact will forever resonate in the lives she touched. We will carry forward her legacy of compassion and joy, remembering her not in sorrow but in the warmth and love she brought into our lives. Rest in peace, dear Mariatha. You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.
August 7
August 7
Tribute to my Sister.                    I have had so many moments in my life but the passing of my Sister is the most agonising moment of them all, it's like a fairy tale but unfortunately its true. How can I get over the care and the love that flows from Her. She was like a mother and a very close confidant to me. I will always miss you Ada Mazi and I strongly believe that you are in a very safe hand. God bless you and Rest in Peace.
August 6
August 6
Tribute to my Lovely Sister.
Sis, there are many glowing tales about our dear Sister, but discussing it in past tense is indeed an agonizing experience. Today we are forced to say farewell to a dutiful mother, a diligent sister, a compassionate woman, a mentor like no other and a people's person.

Our late sister was a great woman, she was a woman whose life was in strict compliance with core values, big sis also believed totally in the family and she never shrink taking any action that would enhance it's image. Her role in the family had the trappings of moral rejuvenation as well as a stabilizing force. Her death is indeed a deficit that has foisted a yawning gap in the family. Yes, we can shed tears that she is gone and smile because her life was a perfect example of life verging on the ideal. As recorded in Philippians 1:21 " for me to live is Christ and to die is gain" Our Late sister lived in Christ and her gain is an eternal life with God.

As humans, we walow in grief from the pains of our tragic loss. But as Christians, we are consoled with the scripture as recorded in Isaiah 25:8 " He will swallow up death in victory and the Lord will wipe away our tears and heal the searing pains of this loss"

Sis, as you embark on this homeward journey ride with the wings of the angels for you lived a life deserving of a peaceful journey.
Adieu my dear Sister, friend, confidant, ally, counsellor and teacher of the word.
August 4
Tribute to the Pillar of my life.              It is an established fact that we will depart One day but I never expected it to be so soon. Your transit hit me and everyone else connected to you like a sucker punch. You are a sister everyone would love to have. You are a catalyst. When I needed a support you were there for me. When I needed a counselor you are right there by my side. The bitter truth is that I have to start getting used to not having you around. Good night Ada Mazi, Good night my dear sister, God has a better package for you. It is well. Rest in peace.
August 4
August 4
In loving memory of my dearest sister.

Sister, your demise was a big blow to all, especially your siblings. It was a bitter truth, we found it so hard and difficult to accept. Expecting that someone should wake me up from the night mare. But, as the days roll by, we have to face the reality , accept the ugly truth, and the challenges that follows it.

Sister, you will forever be remembered by your siblings. The indelible marks you left, will continue to be our watchword.
Truly, Madukolum family has lost someone, Ugwudunu village lost an Icon, Neni town lost a pacesetter, Umu Mamagold, lost a legend.

You are a strong woman, an achiever, a goalgetter, a fighter...., but I take solace in the words of St Paul in 2 Tim4:7: You have fought a good fight, you have finished your course, you have kept the faith... May you continue to rest peacefully, in the bosom of our Lord Jesus, Amen!!!!
   Good night Sister!!!
   Good bye Ada Mazi!!!!
   Adieu Nwanyi oma!!!!!
   Jee nkeoma Nnukwu Ada!!!!
July 25
A Tribute to My Beloved Mother

It is with a heavy heart and profound sadness that I write this tribute to my lovely mum, whom I affectionately called Mummystic. She was more than just a mother to me; she was my rock, my guiding light, and my unwavering source of strength and support.

When our father passed away, I was only 14 years old. In the face of immense grief and challenges, Mummystic single-handedly raised my siblings and me. She deprived herself of comfort and personal happiness to ensure that we were always comfortable and well taken care of. Her sacrifices were countless and immeasurable. She worked tirelessly, often through the night, to provide for us, ensuring that we never lacked anything. Her dedication to our well-being and future was extraordinary.

Mummystic was determined to give us the best education possible. She instilled in us the importance of learning and self-improvement, ensuring that we all attended higher levels of education. Her insistence on education was not just about academics; she taught us life lessons that have shaped who we are today. She taught me to dream big and to pursue those dreams with relentless passion. She showed me how to work towards my goals with perseverance and resilience. Mummystic always emphasized the importance of never giving up and remaining level-headed, no matter the challenges that came our way.

Her influence extended far beyond our immediate family. Mummystic was a beacon of cultural heritage and values. She imparted the rich Nigerian Igbo cultural values to my daughters, Zara and Kaira, ensuring that our heritage would continue to shine through future generations. She taught them the importance of family, respect, and community. Her teachings have left a lasting impact on them, shaping their identities and connecting them to their roots.

Mummystic brought light and joy to the Muojieje family. Her presence was a source of comfort and happiness for all who knew her. She had a unique ability to make everyone feel loved and valued. Her warmth, kindness, and generosity touched the lives of many, creating a legacy of love and compassion that will live on forever.

Mummystic, I will miss you dearly. The void left by your absence is profound and heart-wrenching. I am heartbroken, and it will be difficult to fill the emptiness your departure has created. However, I find solace in knowing that your legacy will continue to inspire me every day. Your teachings, your love, and your spirit will always be with me, guiding me through life.

Rest in peace, Mummystic. Thank you for everything you have done for us. Your love and sacrifices will never be forgotten. Your son,

Dr. Chukwudi Muojieje

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Recent Tributes
September 4
September 4
It is with a heavy heart that I bid goodbye to an amazing friend who stood for honesty and integrity. I do not have the words to describe the pain in my heart but I believe that you have moved to a better place and are resting peacefully while getting a good joy with the angels. Farewell from this wicked world of pain and sadness. I miss you and your remarkable presence but I take comfort that you are in better place. You are forever in our hearts.
Rest in peace ST MARIATHA my good friend till we meet again. 

Mr. Mbaebie Augustine
For myself and family. 
August 20
August 20
Rest in peace, Mummy Muijeks. Bye for now and we shall meet to part no more.
August 12
August 12
I may not have known you Mummy but you left a legacy in your great Son, Chukwudi.
All i can say is that may the Good Lord grant you eternal peace in Christ Name
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