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My UK mom

January 18, 2023
It took me some time to be able to write this story, but being here in Singapore and not seeing her at the airport made me finally realise that this was not just a bad dream. 

Meet was one of the first persons I talked to at the beginning of my second year of master in Glasgow. I was about to go back home as I had no idea where the rest of the LLM was meeting next, but she saw me and told me: "I don't know either, but let's find out together!" At the end of the day, she invited some people for a glass of wine and I immediately knew we were going to get along :)

She also took me in when I had nowhere to go in Glasgow and we spent the first lockdown together. We talked about our uncertain future, our past, Scottish guys, the essays we had write, we cooked, drank wine and whisky and watched father Brown.

She always made sure I was safe and sound, and I started to call her my UK mom (although, as she said, this was ruining her street cred!). She was so caring and generous to everyone.

She told me so much about Singapore that I had to come and, back in August, I finally set the date for January 2023. She was telling me about all the things we were going to visit, but more importantly all the restaurants we were going to eat at :) I also wanted my mom to meet my UK mom, as I knew they were going to get along. Unfortunately, that did not happen but I can see now why she loved Singapore so much, it's vibrant, like she was. 

I miss you but I know you are in peace, and I will always keep a special place for you in my heart.  

To my friend, confidant, and whisky compadre

January 9, 2023
It is with great difficulty I find myself writing this. I am utterly heartbroken and saddened by Meet’s passing. I had the absolute privilege of becoming Meet’s friend when she decided to come to Scotland and pursue her Masters. Upon reflection, the time knowing her was much too short, but still, it was filled with some of the most joyful, entertaining, and wonderful experiences of my life so far. So, I will take this opportunity to share with you all some of the most memorable moments I shared with Meet.
Meet holds a special place in my heart as the woman from Singapore who made a Scottish person fall in love with whisky. An iconic moment that I had the luxury of sharing with Meet, my sister, and our wonderful friend Annaig, was filled with classic Meet hospitality: good food and (a lot of) good wine. It was Christmas Eve, and Meet invited us round for a wonderful evening, and of course one in which I found myself a little too tipsy because of her ability to never be in the presence of an empty glass. This was the night my love for whisky was born, as Meet decided to top off the night with a lovely dram of a 21-year old Glengoyne. This whisky today is one of my most favourite whisky’s and always reminds me of Meet.
On another occasion, we ventured up for a weekend in Fort William, where in seeking some relief from covid nightmares we rented a lodge for the weekend and explored the beauties of Scotland by seeking out waterfalls, beautiful countryside, and of course good food and more wine. Whilst on our adventures to the waterfall we had to cross this tightrope wire hovering at least 10ft over the river, and still, I am so proud and impressed by Meet’s determination and fervour in defeating this feat.
Another notable moment we shared cannot be defined as single occasion, but a constant occurrence of love and support provided by Meet. She was an eager ear, a shoulder to cry on, and also, a person to dance with. 
I could go on speaking about the pleasures and forever memories I have been blessed with during my time knowing Meet. But instead of going on, I take this moment to reiterate my love and admiration I had, and continue to have, for this woman. I was forever impressed by her intelligence, hospitality, and above all else, her kindness. She was a notable figure known and admired by myself and my family and I will never forget her. She truly embodied carpe diem. She seized the day and conquered it often. 
Here's to forever remembering one of the brightest souls.

So we’re not growing into cranky little old ladies together?

January 8, 2023
My dear friend of more than half my life, today, I sent you off into new adventures without me. No more chances to perfect our wefies. Thank you for the decades of friendship, unconditional support generosity, patience, laughter and bitching. You’ve lived a very full life, on your own terms. You have earned your rest. I will remember your exhortation to “carpe diem”. Until we meet again on the other side. (You can tell me, “I told you so”).

Beloved Aunt, Godmother and Friend

January 9, 2023
Truth be told, I don't even know where to begin. When I heard the news on the evening of 6 January, I told myself - it could not be true. It was impossible. Until suddenly, the truth loomed ahead of me, immovable and certain. And in that moment, my heart broke. The world has lost one of its brightest stars, while my world has, all too suddenly, been robbed of so much light, joy and love.

I knew her as Aunty Meet - because my mother always said she was her sister from another mother. She was far more to me than that. She knew me my whole life, from the time I was born. At first, she was like a mother to me. As I grew up, she became a mentor, a role model, an inspiration. But most importantly, she became a friend and confidante. She never discounted my views or what I said simply because I was so much younger - instead, she encouraged them. There was never awkwardness, whether in silence or conversation, only familiarity, trust and love. I suppose that's why I saw her (unbeknownst to her) as my godmother. A member of our family, just as I hope I was to her.

Beyond that, she was an inspiration to me as a lawyer. I have never wanted or been interested in a life of the law, yet found myself in the deep end of it. She knew this, but always guided me, counselled me, reassured me that I could succeed at it. I was even fortunate enough to be able to work with her. In her, I saw that it was deeply possible to have a life outside of the law, without giving your career everything, just because everyone else seems to be doing so. It is testament, I think, to her inimitable fire to always carve her own path, make her own roads - and in this regard, she inspired me even more so. She was ever courageous, never afraid to explore new territory. 

Despite blazing through life with the zeal and fervour we have all come to know and love, with a smile and many laughs that we will all miss dearly, she always took the time to stop and smell the roses. To simply pause, and enjoy each moment as it presented itself. She was an excellent cook, baker, wine connoisseur and gourmand. I will always cherish the memories we have of going over to your place for a home-cooked meal, and sometimes I'd help you too. There was that time, when we just spent the afternoon cooking, and we went out to get the groceries and just cook, because we wanted to. Or when I would go over to just have a glass (or several, as was more likely) with you and we would chat about what was going on in each others' lives. To know that I can never do that again is pain and grief beyond measure.

There is so much more that I want to say. So many more memories I want to recount. But most of all, there was so much more time we should have had. So much more of life that we were supposed to go through. I hope that I made you proud, just like how I am always so proud of you and all you have achieved. Aunty Meet, you were taken from us far too soon, and I already miss you so much. I'll see you on the other side and it'll be another wonderful party, I don't doubt :)

"For tho' from out our bourne of Time and Place
The flood may bear you far,
I hope to see you again face to face
When I have crost the bar."

- Adapted from Alfred, Lord Tennyson

Love always, Mikhail x

A Friend

January 8, 2023
It’s not very long that we exchanged messages on our next get together in coming week and you decided no to show up now :( (you always show up).

Evening of 1st Dec when after party everyone left and it’s only 2 of us who were there on that ground , so deep in our conversation about your life, I learnt bit more about “how strong you were”, thanks for trusting. Can never forget how much you cared for people around, taking things strongly and with a smile always

Wish I could tell you one last time that Meet , let’s meet on 12th Jan , will invite Sharon and we three will talk from noon till night.

Meet, I will miss you !!

My sister from another mother

January 7, 2023
by Lin HB
My heart broke on the evening of 6 Jan 2023 when I found out about Meet's passing. She was my sister from another mother and we've known each other for more than 35 years of our lives. 

She was part of my family, as we were a part of hers; always there for birthday celebrations, graduations, new jobs, festive makans, concerts, holidays abroad. In fact, we've booked tickets to watch One Republic next month...

She was the life of the party, always sociable, friendly, cheerful and humorous. She was our Dancing Queen. 

My life will be forever changed due to your absence. I just cannot remember a time when you were never around, except on the two occasions when you were away in the UK doing your studies. 

My last text with you was on Thursday 5 Jan. My dear sister, if only we had met...

Rest in peace, Meet. We love you and you will be missed. 

'What we have once enjoyed we can never lose; all that we deeply love becomes a part of us.'

From Rash, Lin, Mikhail & Marsya

My loving aunt

January 7, 2023
To me, Meet was a second mother. No birthday celebration was complete without her - of course not forgetting a glass of wine. To the younger me, she was the aunt that always spoiled me. Whenever she travelled, she’d always have something to bring back for us. And that’s just who she was - this generous and thoughtful person.

As I grew older, she became the cool aunt. My career mentor, my personal wine expert, but also someone who didn’t judge, and I could share everything with. We always celebrated every milestone. We had our fun times together just aunt and niece, staycation, dinners, drinks. Even from how fondly I speak of her, all my friends have come to know of this cool aunt - and those who’ve met her all loved chatting with her.

So it’s no surprise that we always joked about how we had to book her time in advance because she was the social butterfly with plans every weekend. Deep down though, I admired the life she had built for herself, the love and warmth she gives to everyone around her - which explains why she has so many friends.

She showed me the meaning of chasing your dreams, living your life on your own terms.

I’ve always striven to make her proud. But more importantly, she’s made me the proudest niece for everything she’s achieved in life.  Her distinction in her masters just truly topped it all off.

Masi, i only wish I could spoil you as much as you’ve spoiled me. There’s so much more in the future I wish i could’ve shared with you. I love you.

Amazing achievement!

January 7, 2023
I had the privilege of reading MK's thesis and several of her essays during her time in Glasgow. Just brilliant. She worked so hard and thoroughly deserved her Distinction. I remember her telling me how proud of herself she was for getting it done, especially during the COVID lockdown and disruption of 2020. Her achievement made her happy and she picked up some great new friends along the way ... of course! ;)

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