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January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Always a good listener. The passion is felt even after so long. The commitment to medical education and her aspirations for a better healthcare ecosystem is admirable. Her dream and legacy will live on in those whose lives she touched and the doors that she opened. Your warmth will forever be missed. Till we meet again.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Comrade-in-arms for almost 30 years, very dear friend, perfect hostess, charismatic and caring leader. Other words that I can describe Mei include quality and class in taste, persistent, tenacious, meticulous, penchant for cleanliness and tidiness. Of course love of IMU.
You’ll live forever in our memories. Thank you for having touch many of us. Rest in peace.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
From the time I first met Mei in 1999, I found her to be a multi-talented person; a person with lots of passion, an immense determination to achieve results, a stickler for details but never losing sight of the bigger picture. What impressed me most was her ability to deal problems with a smiling face, her caring attitude towards every one and her helpful nature.

IMU has truly lost a great personality.

I miss you Mei

My family and I will always cherish the memories of our acquaintance
Rest in peace Mei

Ramesh Jutti
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
My first meeting with Mei Ling way back in 1982 has shaped my views on the future of Geography in the university. As a fresh graduate in Planning but assigned to teach Geography at the School of Humanities, USM I was unsure about my future career in academia. But you opened up a young mind on the potential of Geography, which I have not imagine prior to our exchanges. For that, I thanked you forever. RIP my friend.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Ladies Dinner Group

Whatever needs to be said is covered by Susan.
I have lost a very close confidant and a traveling companion. Diana Tan

Dearest Mei Ling,
It was an honour knowing you and having you as our friend. We will always cherish the memories of happy times spent together at our gatherings. Our ladies' dinner will not be the same without you. You will be dearly missed and fondly remembered. Rest In Peace Mei Ling. Wang Leng Foo

Dearest Mei Ling, what an honour to have met you.  Will miss your gregarious personality at our dinners - certainly would not be the same without you. Will cherish all the wonderful times & sharing.  Rest In Peace Mei Ling.  Josee Lee

Mei Ling, a true friend, a fantastic travel companion, a good chef and much more. Till we meet in that beautiful shore... Bee Kee Teh

Dear Mei Ling. You had fought a good fight. You have finished the race. May you rest in peace. Linda Koh

Dearest Mei Ling, thank you for yr friendship and fellowship at the ladies dinner group. Will miss you dearly, future gatherings will not be the same without the chirpy you. Till we meet again. Love, Leng Sung

I will always remember your warm charming smile. Rest in peace, Mei Ling. Shirley Toh
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I was with IMU Finance Dept for 5 years. During my IMC/IMU days, Dr Mei Ling always with a lovely sweet smile whenever I greeted her. She treated all the staff well with support and encouragement. She was an inspiration and role model to everyone.

My deepest condolences to the family of Dr Mei Ling.

May you rest in peace, Dr Mei Ling. The legacy you leave behind will never be forgotten. You will be dearly missed.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Sweet farewell, Mei, as I shed my tears of deep sadness for the loss of a remarkable life, and the dearest of friends. You will be remembered as the sunshine radiating its light of joy, playfulness, and warmth and comfort to all who have been fortunate to have been touched by you. The sparkle in your eyes, the intensity of your attention, the vibrancy of your company. An irreplaceable jewel who will be forever missed and forever loved.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I know many people worked with MLY for a very long time. So did I....for 13 long but wonderful years, from IMC days to the Bukit Jalil university campus.

Under Mei Ling's wings,  I felt very confident in carrying out my work as she was such a caring, generous, kind-hearted and supportive boss, friend and mentor. She also cared for my young children then and gave them gifts in the form of books.

Mei Ling always carried a wide smile and through the years, we still kept very much in touch as she was always enthusiastic about the higher education industry.

You will be dearly missed, Mei Ling.

My deepest condolences to Mark and Wui Leng.

January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
My heartfelt deepest condolences to Mark and family.

Mei Ling had been an inspiration to many with her zest for life, contagious smiles and laughter, selfless contributions to the betterment of society and care for the people around her. She has touched the lives of all who had the pleasure and privilege of knowing her. She will be missed dearly. Her inspirations will be etched permanently in memory with fondness.

May she rest in peace, in the loving presence of the Lord.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Mei Ling, we met during your USM days. We used to have those lovely dinners at late Mrs. Moo's place. You are one of the most warm, generous and fun-loving persons I have met. You are gone much too soon. You will be greatly missed. May you rest in eternal peace. Deepest condolences to Mark, Wui Leng and Zhou Ling.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I am forever grateful that my role at the Australian National University (ANU) meant that I began the connection between the the ANU and IMU and through that came to know Dr Mei Ling Young. She is among the most remarkable people I have ever had the honour to know. Her intellect, drive, strategic, bold, and innovative thinking, was matched with deep humanity, compassion and hospitality. To talk with her was always enriching, encouraging and uplifting. To be with her was engaging professionally and always fun. I am glad she was a friend and am blessed by that. She will be sorely missed. May she Rest In Peace. To Mark and all the family, and to all the IMU community, Jennie and I offer our deepest condolences.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Always a shock to hear of the death of a friend. So it was when the sad news popped up on my cellphone last night. I shouted and my wife sitting next to me soon joined me in the pain of the loss of a friend. We both visited with Mei Ling at the IMU in August of 2018 little knowing this was coming. Mei Ling, your legacy lives on definitely in the IMU and beyond. To live in the hearts of those who love you, is to live forever. Sleep on in the peace of your creator.
With love, Francis n Ozo Achike, TX, USA.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Thank you Dr Mei Ling Young for your service to our country . You’ve touched so many lives and personally gave me the chance to attend your prestigious school.

Your school didn’t just teach medicine , but understanding relationships and building life skills.

My deepest sympathies to your family .

Your kindness will never be forgotten and each student that you have helped succeed will continue your legacy.

Rest In Peace !

A. Kharis Ibrahim MD
Class of 2/ 1996

January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
My heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of Dr Mei Ling Young.

I first met Dr Young as a medical student in IMU in 1999. She was a friendly person who would strike up a conversation wherever she went.

Years later, I got to know her a little bit better as a faculty member of IMU. She had been a source of hope, and help, as she was not one to turn a person down.

I believe, that like ripples in a pond, whatever that she had done here on Earth, will continue to resonate. Our loss is Heaven's gain.

Thank you, Dr Young, from the bottom of my heart. You will be missed.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr Mei Ling was a visionary and is an inspiration to all. She will always be remembered by IMU community and beyond. Deepest condolences to her family.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I first met Mei Ling during my First visit to Malaysia. I was invited by her to teach at IMU. She had a beautiful smile and bursting energy. I still remember when we first met at the university. She was incredibly down to earth but yet had a powerful presence. She also visited us at Dalhousie where we had a chance to meet again. 

She had forever left her mark on the teaching world and will be missed.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr. Mei Ling was always serious about teaching and supporting not only for students but also staff and faculty. All the ones who met her seemed impressed by such her educational spirit...I am one of them. I am proud of working experiences with her. May she rest in peace.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Thank you Dr Young for giving me a chance to pursue surgical career when other doors were close. For all the patients that I am blessed to help, you are the reason. You will be missed dearly.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
We will miss you Mei Ling. We will miss your kind and beautiful smile. Rest in God's peace.

Chung & Roz
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
She is gone, and we can be sad
Or we can rejoice for how she had lived
We may pray that she may return
Or accept that she has left
Our hearts can be empty because we can’t see her
Or we can be full of the love that she had shared
Mei Ling had touched many a heart
and I for one am forever grateful.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dear Dr Mei Ling, when I mention you to my colleagues in Shanghai, they remember your charming smile at once even they only met you for several short times. We respect you a lot for founding the first private medical school in Malaysia and thank you for fully support of Chinese medicine program in IMU. May You Rest in Peace. 
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
No words can describe how wonderful you are, Dr. Mei Ling Young. In my memory you will always be the warmest and most beautiful personality I have met. In the midst of your gentleness I saw strength; in the midst of the unknown I saw courage and determination. The legacy you leave behind will be the emulation for all. I am glad I have known you, you will be an inspiration for me and for all.  Rest in peace Dr. Mei Ling Young. Sincerely Lilian Tan
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I first met Mei Ling about 20 years ago. I was immediately impressed by her intellect, passion and understanding of people. Since then we have had many enjoyable discussions. Direct, challenging but always warm and positive. A wonderfully creative person and one of the most engaging in international medical education who has left a magnificent legacy in IMU. Above all a really nice person, kind and generous and clearly devoted to her family. She will be missed. Mark and family, we share your sadness. I trust that we will meet again when international travel allows.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr. Mei Ling Young, an ever smiling face was a great humanitarian who was an inspiration to many of us. It is a great loss to the institution. Her contributions to the society and the field of education are tremendous. She was greatly loved and admired by all of us. Condolences to thefamily
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I was Prof Mei Ling Young's student in USM in the 1980s. I will always remember her as exuberant, lively, vivacious and with a lot of vigor. I always had this desire to emulate her as she left a very deep impact in me. I just read about her demise. Rest in peace Prof. The world has lost a beautiful soul.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Karen and I were devastated by the incredibly sad news of the passing of Mei Ling, whom we have known for more than 22 years. So much has been already been said about her vision for medical and pharmacy education, which culminated in the establishment of IMU, a unique institution and a lasting tribute to her. However, on a personal level, we shall always remember her friendship, her warmth, her generosity, her smile, her mischievous sense of humour, and her wonderful hospitality, through which we were entertained by her and Mark at their home on our numerous visits to Malaysia. It was a tremendous privilege to know her and we shall miss her hugely. Our heartfelt condolences and love go out to Mark, Wui Leng and Susan.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
My memories of you will forever be cherished. You left us too soon.May your kind Soul rest in peace always.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
To family of Mei Long
This warm ever smiling person will always be remembered for her contribution to medical education and for founding the first private medical school in Malaysia.
Our family extends our condolences. Her battle is over and she is at peace. Thank you .
Dato Dr Prof Sivalingam IMU
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
There's no words can describe the LEGACY you leave behind. You will be forever missed. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and my deepest sympathies to your family. May you rest in peace... Thank you so much
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dear Dr Mei Ling. Thank you so much for your guidance, your advice, your charming smile whenever you talk. I will be missing the time I received messages from you asking me to translate some Japanese things. You are so friendly despite your position, honestly. So approachable and so charismatic. Will be really missing you. 
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Gone is an Angel from Earth, so fair
With a stunning smile and ethereal silver hair
How is it that life is so unfair
That we, your IMU family, are left to despair?

In her, a charming personality and eloquence thrived
She knew all by name and touched our lives
She was the reason why her comrades strived
For excellence but with empathy - a reason to be alive!

As chapters of her life unfold
In heartfelt tributes and stories told
As the dust settles and the tears grow cold
Your legacy, forever in our hearts we shall hold.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dear Dr Mei Ling, thank you showing me how to be a kind, caring and graceful person. I will always remember your smile and for always making me feel that my views and opinions are important for you to hear. Will always remember all the sweet, meaningful interactions with you and your constant support for what we do in N&D in IMU. You are dearly missed. May You Rest in Peace.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
"She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom,
and faithful instruction is on her tongue.
Many women do noble things,
but you surpass them all."

Dr Mei Ling, we are, who we are today, because we were changed by you. We will dearly miss you.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr Mei Ling, rest in peace in the arms of your saviour.  Thank you for your warm and friendly support, friendship, greetings and hugs.  My memory is just like our draft returned by you...... with colourful circles, arrows, lines and scribbles..... that's the warm and beautiful picture you have left in my heart.  Till we meet.......
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Mei Ling was such a wonderful person who was dedicated to her calling in life. I remember when first meeting her she expressed her desire for excellence in everything we do. Her positive impact on the administration, faculty, support personnel, and students at IMU will be ongoing. One more thing; my wife Melanie said that she gave great hugs.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr. Mei Ling, together with an amazing team of pioneers, had an amazing incredible vision that enabled students like me to pursue medicine during those days in which there were not many options and for that, I am very grateful.

She had a unique way of connecting with people; a humble, warm and graceful aura that made me feel at awe and yet instantly at home. I am honored to have crossed path(s) with you. I am proud to graduate from IMU.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
A true legacy and a significant well respected icon in Medical Education Industry in Malaysia. I am honoured and blessed to have crossed path with Mei Ling in a few occasions. One of the memorable ones was during the IMU entrepreneurship forum she was present during my keynote session and she was very supportive and encouraging in our healthtech startup and proactively offered to help to link us up with some other industry players via her network. She was such a well-liked figure in the campus and anyone who knows her will agree with me that she was one of the most genuine, caring and humble leaders I know thus far.
RIP Dr. Mei Ling Young. You will be missed
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr Young Mei Ling played an important role in the development of higher education in the country. She helped establish the International Medical University (IMU) which provided a new and much-needed avenue for Malaysians who were interested in studying to become doctors. I knew her through my association with MAPCU - Mei Ling was once President of that association. She was an unassuming, kind and gentle person who treated everyone with great respect. Her presence and wise counsel will be deeply missed by all.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr. Young will be remembered by many of us as a genuine and caring person, an inspirational leader and a visionary. She was a down to earth person with a warm smile and encouraging words for all. She would spend time getting to know everyone and we have all experienced her acts of care and kindness. Learnt a lot from her. Rest in peace Dr. Young. You will be solely missed.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I have the greatest respect and admiration for our beloved Mei Ling, my ex-boss & friend. She was an inspirational leader, down to earth with no airs, and with a good heart. Her passion has always been IMU. At times she can never let go but we know her intention is for the good of the University. I will miss her dearly and pray that God will grant her perpetual peace. My deepest condolences to Mark & family. Take care.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Though I've heard of Mei Ling since the inception of IMU, I only get to know her as members of BOG, IMU over the last couple of years. I found her full of energy and she was always involved intensely in the academic discussions. Nevertheless, at the few social events that we attended, I felt she was a person full of love and kindness. Surely, you'll be missed Mei Ling, even by a new colleague like me. RIP.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Mei Ling was exceptional in so many ways, not just for her vision, achievements and legacy in the sphere of education and creating the opportunities for so many young people but also for being that person one is fortunate to meet in one’s lifetime, a true life enhancer. An abiding memory is her all-encompassing joyfulness, humility, generosity of self and genuineness. The many dinners, formal and informal, were memorable because of her and Mark’s warm company and generosity. Her hospitality and concern for her guests was legendary. I remember her showing, at a dinner she and Mark hosted for visitors from the University of Dundee in 2018, how to eat steamed prawns, a lesson I now pass on to my children. Even when ill in 2019, and unable to attend the Academic Council dinner, her attention to choosing the menu and insistence on the best and calling during the dinner to check if all was well, was so typical of her. We miss Mei Ling dearly, but we are grateful to have been blessed with so many happy times with her and Mark, and to have met so many good friends through her. Like so many others, our life’s journey has been enriched because of her. Our thoughts and prayers, for Mark and Wui Leng, and Susan and family. Although we met Mei Ling and Mark for the first-time many years ago under sad circumstances at the funeral of Professor John Bosco, a dear mutual friend, out of the sadness came the joy of enduring friendship with her and Mark. In the same way, her leaving too early is painful and sad beyond words, but gives us the opportunity to reflect on the person she was and her qualities that made her touch so many lives and made the world a better place for her time on it, a lesson to reflect on, a true educator to the very end. Chim, Anna Maria, Andrew, Jonathan and Elizabeth Lang
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dr Mei Ling was a visionary a brave and a bold leader by nature, an educationist at heart and an entrepreneurial in her skills. I often found her thoughtful and extremely observant, soft spoken and caring in nature. She spoke with brevity and charisma guiding and mentoring many of us. She has left back a legacy and an empire of young healthcare graduates and colleagues around the world who will dearly miss her! Many colleagues whom I have worked with in IMU would agree that everything we have learnt in IMU under her leadership is now being disseminated in other higher education institutes in Pakistan and around the world in respective organization. That is legacy!

I believe this loss will always be felt in our hearts but her presence will remain through her work and memories.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Your smile was always so charming and comforting. Your passion for education was like fire, your friendliness was so contagious! Dr Mei Ling, I will miss you deeply, we never say goodbye but see you again! <3
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Mei Ling's passing has left a vacuum difficult to fill. Her generosity, cheerfulness, and passion for excellence in IMU have greatly benefitted both colleagues and students.
You will always be in our hearts.
Rest in Peace Mei Ling.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I knew Mei Ling whilst I was at the University of Southampton, a partner University of IMU. She was always a charming host, unfailingly gracious and polite, and a true Malaysian.Her first priority was the welfare and success of her students, and the wellbeing of her staff colleagues. She will be greatly missed by her own family, and by her IMU family, to whom I send my condolences at this time.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I read with great sadness that MLY (as I used to refer to her when I was her PA in IMC) has journeyed on. She was and still is the best person I have ever worked for. I met her at a very difficult point in my life. MLY has nurtured me and shown me such magnitude of kindness. I have always remember her with gratitude. I can't stop crying as I am writing this. Your legacy will live on. My condolences to Mr Heng and Wui Leng. Love and hugs from Australia, Effie Cheng.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I feel very sad. In Mei Ling I had a close friend and an incredible colleague. I feel sad that I will no longer be able to have conversations with her when she shares her excitement, passion, and visions for medical education.

What I do have, however, is a wonderful bank of memories. Memories of the early days, sitting at the pool at the Mandarin Oriental, with Mei under the umbrella in the shade, talking about the creation of an International Medical College with partner schools around the world – what seemed like an impossible dream. Memories of how she persuaded deans in different schools to sign up as partners for a collaboration which, at that time, was unique. Memories of how she charmed Michael Hamlin, then Vice-Chancellor and Principal at Dundee University to assure the potential partners of the viability and strength of the partnership. The memory of how she saw with pride the first graduates of the school. Memories of the numerous Academic Council meetings where she ensured that progress was made and problems were resolved. Memories of the wonderful dinners and barbeques we had at her house where she always arranged for me to have my favourite rum and raisin ice cream. This attention to detail as well as the big picture was characteristic of Mei. More recently, memories of Mei addressing the Academic Council from her hospital bed and of seeing her just last year at home when she talked excitedly about plans for the future for IMU.

Mei had received many awards recognising her numerous achievements and there will, I am sure, be other opportunities to document these. IMU is a wonderful and fitting legacy for her. She supervised its growth from just a dream to a successful reality – an important development in medical education that has broken new ground in international collaboration and in curriculum planning.

Mei has a marvellous can-do attitude. She always wanted not only to do well but to do better and to plan for an exciting future. All who knew Mei enjoyed her friendship, admired her interpersonal skills, and sampled the passion which was so infectious.

Mei was blessed by her husband Mark, who was a huge support to her personally and professionally. Together they had a marvellous relationship.
Mei, you were a unique package. We will miss you. What you achieved cannot be overstated.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
I remember the first time I met Dr Mei Ling Young was in an auditorium , hearing her speech just gave me the best inspiration and encouragement.
You light up every single soul that you met and it was indeed a blessing to know you. May you rest in peace Dr Young.
Regards, Eugene from Perth, Australia.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dear Mei,
You are always loved and never forgotten. Close to our hearts you will stay. Forever loved and remembered.
I am blessed to have worked for Dr Mei Ling since 1994 as a pioneer staff in IMC. Her passion to make IMC the premier private medical university in Malaysia was infectious. Always caring for the wellbeing of her staff, she went out of her way to make us feel like a family in the pioneer years of IMC. Memories of those time will always live on in my heart.
Rest in peace, dear Dr Mei Ling.
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