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July 25, 2021
I remember when we use to listen to like glue by Sean Paul, and I was in my room, and I came out to get a drink, and caught you dancing because you thought no one would see you lol. You were so wrong lol. The way you froze when you saw me it was so priceless. I tell everyone that story, because it's one of my favorites, and it's super funny. Of course for people to understand it, they would have had to have been there. Anyways that's the story I chose to share this year. I hope you're happy in Heaven, and that you're keeping an eye on all of us I just want you here. I love you and I miss you like crazy. I feel like sometimes you're just on vacation, but that's obviously not true. I wish that was the case, cause atleast I knew I'd see you again. I won't be able to see you for ALONG time. That's what kills me and bothers me. Right now, I'm just glad, that if you're any where, it's with our Maker, and Father of Heaven and Earth. The alpha and omega, from the beginning until the end. I love you dad so much. Until i'm called home, I'll keep thinking of you, and remember you, and keep telling the girls all about you, and anyone else I may talk to about you. Goodnight dad, happy late ANGELVERSARY. You're the best father any child could have had. I love you forever and foralways

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