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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Mercy Abiodun Adebimpe Lasisi (Nee Asiwaju). She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandma, aunt, sister and friend. She was loved by many and will be missed and remembered forever.
July 18
July 18
I remember saying to my sister thst I can’t believe you went just like that. Your legacy lives on in your lovely children. May your soul continue to rest in peace Aunty❤️❤️❤️
July 17
July 17
Happy earth birthday my dearest Aunty. You're greatly missed. Lots of love
July 16
July 16
Happy posthumous birthday my darling aunty ...I miss you so much..Keep resting in the lord
January 3
January 3
3 years already??????? Unbelievable. The angels in heaven are surely rejoicing. A loving mum to All. Surely the memory of the righteous is blessed.
July 20, 2023
July 20, 2023
July 16, has always been a day, that I put a special call to you, to wish you a Happy Birthday, moreso, that you shared the date with my son. Though, I couldn't put a call to you again, but you are unforgettable and I know you are in a better place. Happy earthly Birthday!!
July 16, 2023
July 16, 2023
Happy post humous birthday to my loving,kind and God fearing aunty mi.You are greatly missed.What can we say unto the Lord is thank you .Aunty mi continue to rest in peace.Missed ur gists and my mum is in lonely and missing you seriously.
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
It (2 )two years already. How time flies. I love you so much but God loves you more. Sleep On my darling
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Dear Mummy Lasisi, keep resting in the Bossom of the Lord. We love you but God loves you most.
Adeola Adisa nee Lasisi
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
Dear mum, can't believe It's already 2 years you went to be with the Lord. We miss you so much. Continue to rest in peace mum
July 21, 2022
July 21, 2022
How time flies (invariably life passes by like a flower that withers)!
Life is beautiful when used to transform and lighten other lives.
Mummy, you have been a light to me and many others... Only heaven will keep rewarding you.
Keep glowing in the presence of your Living God.
Happy Birthday in Heavenly Ecclesia!!!
July 17, 2022
Happy birthday in heaven mum. We miss you so much especially this day. Enjoy your birthday in heaven with all the angels and may your beautiful soul continue to rest in peace
Till we meet at the feet of Jesus.
July 16, 2022
July 16, 2022
Mummy happy birthday to you in heaven, may your soul continue to rest in peace
and today mark 20 years my daddy left this sinful world.May his soul continue to rest in peace
i missed you mummy,you will continue to be loved though you are not here with me.
Love you ma.
January 4, 2022
January 4, 2022
Mummy you can never be forgotten. We remember you daily. A year has rolled by but seemed like yesterday. You’re missed but glory be to GOD for the fond memories we share about you. 

Pastor & Mrs Ogunniyi
January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
Dearest Mummy

Hard to believe you have gone, but while you left us physically we have so many fond memories of your kindness, your loving spirit, how you cared for so many people. You left a lasting impression on us all. Gone too soon and still very muched loved and missed by us all - rest in peace Ma.
January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
Sweet and dear mum,

It seems only like yesterday when I heard the shocking news of your sudden departure and had the painful task of relating that news to others.
Your sweet smile, vocalised phrases still linger on in our memories o. We love you but Baba God loves you most.

Rest well beautiful mama.
The Aveley Crew
January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
Dear Mummy,

It was like yesterday that you left us to be with your creator.
You are everything that God has embodied a mother to be- extremely hospitable, very caring, ever loving, never discriminating.
You are indeed a mother away from home for me.
You are a mother in a Million. Lest I forget, my Mum passed on to be with the Lord shortly after you; Kindly greet her and let the fellowship continue in the Lord’s bossom!

Sun re o, Omo Asiwaju. Aya Baba Lasisi

You lives on in our hearts
October 5, 2021
October 5, 2021
I was shocked when I heard you’ve gone to rest in the bosom of the Lord
A wonderful woman and great mother to all. Almost 21 years ago when I gave birth to my daughter you were there for both of us.
Stood in place of my mum bath and care for her continually checked on us
We will forever appreciate your kindness.
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Memories of you are still fresh in our hearts and souls. Rest well mum.
July 17, 2021
July 17, 2021
Keep smiling and be our guardian Angel up above.
Continue to rest in perfect peace Mama rere.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Mummy, no day passes without the thought of you. We miss you dearly but give GOD all the glory for your life. 
Pastor Larry & Yinka Ogunniyi
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Dearest mum I thought about you yesterday and the day before that, too. I think about you all the time. Yet, this is nothing new. You are always on my mind and never far from my thoughts. Happy Posthumous Birthday to the greatest mom there ever was. Continue to rest in power.
July 16, 2021
July 16, 2021
Happy posthumous birthday Mummy. I really really miss you. This time last year we all had an amazing zoom call with you that lasted about 3 hours. I have so much to tell you that’s happened since you left but I’m sure you already know and are smiling down at us all. Continue to rest in peace. Love you loads Mummy. ❤️❤️
February 8, 2021
February 8, 2021
May your beautiful soul continue to RIP grandma Lasisi. The Lord comfort all you left behind and remain their guide and ever present help. Sleep on...
January 29, 2021
January 29, 2021
It was so sad to hear about the passing on to glory of Mrs Lasisi (Mama Basira ). .... such a wonderful warm and friendly mother ... so selfless and kind. I remember her right from the days her family returned to Nigeria some decades ago and lived in my cousin , mojis parents compound.
She was a mother to moji and the Sorunke family and she welcomed us all into her home at all times.
Our family are so grateful to her and her wonderful family for being so accommodating and kind. May God bless her soul and grant her dear family the fortitude to bear this loss. It shall be well.
January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021
It's awesome to preview a glorious life. spent by our dear aunty Bimpe! Her life blessed many lives and she shall reap bountiful reward for the good works from the Lord. I am really missing you now. Rest pleasurably till we meet at the rapture of the saints. Daddy, Aramide, Afeez and the rest of your siblings, please take heart and rejoice in the Lord for gaining your mummy into heaven.
January 28, 2021
January 28, 2021
Dear Grandma Lasisi,
You truly were special, very caring and full of love. Thank you for your love and care over the years, all Deola's friends were automatically your children in Uni and even after you would reach out and never forgot who we were. We all remember you with fondness and love and pray God's comfort for all the family at this time. Continue to sleep on in the bosom of the Lord mummy, until the resurrection morning.
January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
My dear Mama Basira,
It is still with shock that I take in the news that you are gone. You have always been a wonderful and kind woman and a great mother to your kids and even to me! I remember all the wonderful escapades that we children got into at your home in Uncle Emmanuel's. Thank you for leaving us with wonderful, joy-filled childhood memories! You will truly be missed!
Happy to know that you are walking hand in hand with your savior!
You are truly blessed!
Dupe Popoola (Ogunjimi)
January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
Mum,Mum,Mum I cant believe you've gone you are such a wonderful and loving mother to everyone, everytime you come to the Uk. You always ask of me and you always call me omoboye. Im going to miss you. RIP
January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
Mummy! I am yet accept that I will never speak to you again. You were a kind, loyal, dedicated and sincere sister to my parents and big mom to me and my siblings. I grew up learning how to support a sibling from watching you support my dad through his pains. You were also always there through our joys including sending stuff for a wedding because you were abroad. You were by my bedside at the birth of my first two kids and we chatted about what my late mama would have done at such occasions, your presence filled a BIG gap on these days. Iya Gbemi respected and cherished you because you were more of a sister to her than a sister-in-law, you had a very good heart. For us the kids, you didn’t mince words to set us straight when we erred. I’m grateful for the life you lived and it’s apparent Babafemi’s children cannot forget you and the roles you played in our lives. We will definitely miss you mummy. Till we meet at the resurrection, I salute your legacy. Iya rere e sun re o!
January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
Aunty Mercy Adebimpe Lasisi (Nee Asiwaju), it has been so hard for me to submit to the fact that you have gone to rest with the Lord and I have just summoned courage to write this tribute.
On Christmas day, when I last spoke with you on video call, I saw no sign for concern on your health and being told ten days after that you have been with the Lord broke me down completely. It has been a privilege to have you as my aunt and I will always have fond memories of you. I still remember meeting you for the first time with your dear husband, young Aramide and Afeeze in the 70s shortly after you returned from England and you came to visit my father (now late) in Osogbo. Since then, we have been so close. I always make it a duty to either see you at home or at your shop each time I visited Lagos. Aunty Bimpe was full of love for her family and we loved her too. She would always ask about the welfare of everyone. She was so accommodating and friendly. She was someone that will always be around to rejoice and mourn with you, driving hundreds of kilometres to do so. She was a devoted wife, sweet mother to all her children and beloved grandmother. I will always remember you for being amiable, soft spoken, affectionate, compassionate and a prayerful person. You went so soon. I wished you lived as old as "Mama Jubilee" your mum who was over 100 years old before departing this world but we thank God for the impactful years you lived.
May the Lord send His spirit to console and strengthen your husband, children, grandchildren and the family you left behind. Rest in peace Aunty 'Bimpe.
January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
My thoughts and condolences first goes to Aramide, Afeez, Tunde, Deola and Iyabo and all Mum's grandchildren.

Then to us the extended family who Mum is popularly known as Aunty Mercy or Aunty Bimpe, to the ones younger Mummy Lasisi and the most younger ones Grandma, we will all miss you.

Aside from my Father in-law whom you called Brother-Mi, you were the other & 1st person that gave me an insight into how to keep it together with the in-laws. YOU ACCEPTED ME AS PART of your IMMEDIATE FAMILY.

You are a Rare-Gem of Glue that Held and Gel the Family Bond together. Soft and gentle spoken yet firm in putting across the message, that is Mummy Lasisi.

Each trip to the UK, you ensure that, if you do not see, you phoned to speak to us asking about our welfare and have words of wisdom deposited into me your Namesake.

May the Good Lord fortify us and the close knitted family she left behind.

Mama Rere, Sun re o ni Ęsę Jesu. Till we meet again to depart no more in Jesus Mighty Name amen.
January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
Dear Deola

May God Almighty comfort your entire family at this time. May He grant you all strength, uphold you and provide for all your needs.

May mummy's gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
January 24, 2021
January 24, 2021
It is sad to hear of your passing at a time
like this dear Aramide’s mum.

You were a gentle, soft spoken, ever smiling, supportive and loving mum. The last time I saw you was at a house dedication and as usual you were happy to see us all together, supportive of our friendship with your daughter and in your usual manner checking to see how we are faring with our families. 

We thank God for your life and for the good seeds you sowed while on earth. In all things the Bible encourages us to give thanks and so we do that now, trusting God to strengthen and console the family and friends you left behind to bear your loss and keep them.

Rest in perfect peace in the bosom of God .
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
Dear Aramide, Afis, Deola, Tunde and Iyabo,

Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your mum (our mum)!
Mummy was a gem! Always smiling and always with a pleasant word to say.
I will forever remember her with fond memories. Her legacy lives on in each of you....her children.

May mummy's soul rest in perfect peace and i pray that God comforts the whole family.
January 23, 2021
January 23, 2021
Aunty Bimpe it's very sad to lose you so soon but àll is well .
Omo agidi kogukogu
Asiwaju Ogun magbeyin ogun
Olowo isonranti
akowonyogun maje kenikan o nu
Omo ogidi gbo lu poro poro lagojogiri
Omo onisu anrogurobe
Omo asoro ma pohunda
Omo Okan buru okan sunwon
Omo osunwon logunse
Omo iroko nla abomo jimajima
Omo oyunko oyunoja mobinrin oyinbo wale
Omo aji boyinbo peropo
Omo olomilaja aso kandeji
Omo ogedegede bishua oke
Sunre o.
I will forever miss those your words and laughter after the oriki that you will say "ose gan aburo" with joy. I pray we shall see again in Jesus name, amen
Aunty mi owon , rest in peace from Bola Daudu
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Our unforgettable Auntie - Mrs. Mercy ADEBIMPE Lasisi, a Jewel of inestimable value you were. Humility and Contentment were your virtues, just as you were amiable and welcoming. We have no doubt that you lived for Christ, died for Christ and have gone to rest with the Lord. Tell Mama Jubilee and her ‘Twin’ Brother- our father, we are holding forth in faith. We love you, but God loves you more. Rest in the perfect peace of the Lord, dearest Auntie.
TUNDE ALABI - for the Late Pa. H.L. Alabi’s Children.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Dearest mum, it can't be true. Loving mother. I am short of words. Really???. Rest on in perfect peace in the loving arms of your saviour.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
YESTERDAY, MUMMY I heard that you have gone back to your creator-the Heavenly Father, who loved you, and gave you as a blessing to all of us.
I can’t imagine you leaving now but the Ancient of Days knows best!
I appreciate you for your motherly affection, care , love and above all, goodwill to all and sundry.

Thank you for coming to fulfill God’s purpose in this world of ‘few’ days!
We will see you on the Resurrection morning in Jesus mighty name.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Mummy, you have fought a good fight, you have finished your race, you kept the faith. You will be greatly missed. 

I pray that the holy Spirit will comfort those mummy left behind.

Sun re o mama rere.
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
Grandma Lasisi was a mum and Grandma to us all. She was an embodiment of Christ character - very selfless, compassionate and full of love. Adieu till we see again Mummy!

For over 30 years you have been someone we were privileged and honoured to know and interact with. Observing your gentle nature and being on the receiving end of your prayers are some of the fond memories you leave us with.

To Aramide & siblings, mummy was a gem. Her legacy lives on in you all. May The Lord strengthen and comfort you all and with love & unity you will keep her legacy alive IJMNA

Bimbo & Princess Odunsi
January 19, 2021
January 19, 2021
May God be with you all, may He encompass you all with the strength that you all need at this time.

God bless & keep you all always.

May mummy’s gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021

My Mum My Hero

I can’t believe I am writing your tribute. To date this is this is the most difficult task I have had to do in my entire life. The dreaded phone call on the 3rd of January broke my heart. In my wildest dreams it never crossed my mind that you would die this soon. I honestly thought you would stick around until at least 90 since Mama died when she was 102. 

Oh death where is thy Sting. Mum your departure is so so painful to us your loved ones. In fact the news of your passing to glory is trending among family and friends. I did not realise you had this much impact you had on everyone you came in touch with. You are indeed the Nigerian version of Mother Teresa.

Mum proverbs 31 can easily be passed as your resume because your attributes tick all the boxes. You were a wonderful wife to a fault as you bent over backwards for Dad in actual fact you spoilt him. You also an amazing mum as you also spoilt us your children and you would do anything for us. When it was time for me to give birth to Tammy and Jola you were in the labour ward with me holding my hands alongside Tunde . You cared so much for all your grandchildren and you made it a point of duty to know every detail of their business. It was only you that got away with calling them Whatsapp video as you wanted to see their faces. You never forgot birthdays and would be the first to call us about 6am in the morning to pray and to wish us a happy birthday.

Not only did you get on with your immediate family you got on so with all my friends. In actual fact you developed a strong relationship with them and they see you as their mum too. Most of them were are so sad that instead of them consoling me I ended up consoling them and you would of thought it was their biological mum that passed. Mum you come from a large family and I can see they all genuinely love you as you stood out. They said you loved all of them equally and never played family politics. You were so accommodating as growing up we had numerous relatives living with us from both your side and dad’s side of the family.

Mum I hope you are reading all your beautiful tributes people have written about you especially the ones from your in-laws. You have raised the bar hopefully a lot of mother-in-law’s will revaluate their relationship by emulating yours including myself when I eventually become one.
Mum you were very hospitable and generous to a fault. You were happy to share even the little you had. You enjoyed cooking and we will miss all of that now and I must confess I can’t match your standard as it is too high for me to achieve but I promise to try my best.

Last year July you celebrated your 75th birthday and you were supposed to be in the UK but due to the crazy things happening in the world right now you could not travel. For the first time ever we then decided to treat you to a makeover and photoshoot session. I’m so happy we did as it was preparing us for such a time like this. 

Mum I have a question how many people did you actually call on Xmas day as it seems you called nearly everyone on your contacts. Where on earth did you find the time? Was this a sign we all missed as I honestly think you were saying your goodbyes.

To conclude this tribute mum I must say I’m ever so proud of you. Your exit is glorious because everyone is singing your praises as to how wonderful and selfless you were. You have left an amazing legacy if I can just try to emulate half of what you are I would be a much better person. Without a shadow of doubt I know you are in a much better place and I’m sure your heavenly father welcomed you home with open arms. Give Mama a hug for me.

Adieu Mum until we meet at Jesus’s feet to part no more.

Aramide Adebayo - Your daughter
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
My sweet mentor, sleep well. You always went out of your way for me, you knew my story,and I knew yours. Life is but a stopping place. A pause in what is to be,a resting place along the road, to sweet eternity. We all have different journeys, different parts along the way. My whole family would miss your gentle soul, love & care. Sleep well mummy till we meet to part no more.
January 18, 2021
January 18, 2021
mummy where will i start,since i knew you i have never regret my staying with you ,God purposely sent you to my life,you and daddy encouraged me to build a lilltle place of mine own,the house is finished, who is going to stay with me there,you are all i have.Mummy ur struggle are done and victories are won.You will ve missed but you are in the hand of is well Sun re my lovely mom
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
Am still in shock because I remember my mum calling you only a few days before. Your love for family is what we will always cherish. Thank you for being a candle that light other candles. May the Lord watch over all you left behind even as He grants you eternal rest. Amen
January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021

Dearest mum bringing myself to writing this is hard; I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that you are no longer with us. Ah! It was so sudden, not in my wildest of dreams will I ever believe I will be saying good night to you so soon. At 75 years old you were still agile and active, I advised you several times to take things easy and slow down but that energy in you was natural!

I prayed your passing away to glory was just a dream and hoping your daily WhatsApp video calls will come through as usual. But who can question the most high? I will miss those long hours of calls, chatting about everything and anything not minding how much mobile data costs you. You love the video calls, sometimes when you dial WhatsApp voice call in error on realising you quickly switch to video saying ‘‘Eku ojo meta o’’ and I reply ''ojo meta ko o! asoro lana ke?’’ we laughed over it. I encouraged you to use voice calls to save spending so much on data but you don’t mind.

Who will now make that birthday calls at 5am or 6am to pray for us? I will miss your favourite prayer ‘God will enlarge your coast’ that was the last text you sent to me before you slept in the lord.

However I choose to celebrate your life and remember all the good memories we shared.

Dear mum you were selfless by nature, your act of kindness was a gift to us. You go above and beyond to help anyone in need, growing up I see you genuinely supporting family and friends especially when there is any form of occasion that need organising, you go out of your way as if it’s your own business. Thank you for all you did, thank you for the legacy you have left for us.

Abiyamo tooto! Your hospitality was second to none, growing up I see how you made sure anyone who comes visiting was well fed. It was like a rule in the house, no guest leaves on an empty stomach!
I remember clearly on several occasions when visitors turn up unannounced, your question as usual was ‘‘ounje nko?’’ You start naming food options bearing in mind we don’t have all the named options readily available but somehow the guest’s preferred option still comes out of the kitchen. It was always like magic!

You were such an independent woman, whenever you come over to mine in the UK you did not place the burden on Yinka and I to take you out if you needed to, you love to find your way. You had knowledge of bus route/ numbers (I sometimes phone you up for help to get on the right bus number whenever I am stuck), taking the train to Guildford was a walk in the park for you and you discovered places of interest I never realised existed in my locality. I can recollect the day you and Moyinoluwa got lost on your trip to a countryside supermarket you both came back with your adventure story, it was so funny and we all had a good laugh about it.

Thank you for being a true role model, for being an example of a virtuous woman.

I thank God the beautiful life you lived. You were a fantastic grandmother, by the grace of God you witnessed the birth of all your grandchildren, and you were there for me when I had my children. Thank you for making the journey of being a nursing mother easy for me, this you extended to your daughters-in-law too.

Dear mum, you served God with all your heart till the very end. You were dedicated to all things concerning your faith in God. You have fought the good fight, you finished the race and kept your faith. I know you are in a better place.
Good night until we meet at the feet of Jesus.

Rest in peace sweet mother. You will forever be in my heart.

Your darling daughter,
Adeola Adisa

January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
My heartfelt Condolences to Aramide and her siblings, may the Lord keep and strengthen you in this trying tome. May your Mums soul sleep well in the bosom of the Lord.

January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
Dear Mommy,

It was such an unbelievable news when my dad called to inform me of your passing! You have been a mother to my siblings and I and it’s amazing how we just assumed that you will always be here.

Thank you for being a Rock for my dad and my entire family! As a child some of my fondest memories were spent in your shop in Shogunle eating yummy rice and drinking 7up. You were such a support for my mom, never as a Sister-in-law but as a Sister and Mother. When my mom died in 2005, you moved to our house to be with your brother and you spent several weeks running the affairs of our family and filling the obvious vacuum that our mom’s passing created! You gave of yourself so selflessly and all your sacrifices are innumerable.

I can go on and on about the pivotal role you have played in our lives and how you have been a mother hen to us all. I remember when I was going to get married and I brought Tola to your house for a formal introduction, you warned him sternly about how he should never imagine that I am without a mother - that I have a mother who will defend me in every situation so he should behave himself. My husband and I still joke about this conversation till date.

I remember our last discussion - On Christmas Day! You had sent one of your famous WhatsApp broadcast greetings. We called you and had such a hearty discussion. Till date, my Happy New Year message to you remains undelivered.

It is such a painful exit but we rest in the assurance that we have in Christ that you are in a better place and we will see you soon. We love you Mummy, please give my Mama a hug in heaven! Till we meet to part no more.

With all my love

Sayo (Sha-Sha)
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Recent Tributes
July 18
July 18
I remember saying to my sister thst I can’t believe you went just like that. Your legacy lives on in your lovely children. May your soul continue to rest in peace Aunty❤️❤️❤️
July 17
July 17
Happy earth birthday my dearest Aunty. You're greatly missed. Lots of love
Recent stories
July 17, 2021
Yesterday the 16th of July was my husband's birthday. He and Mummy Lasisi during her lifetime were birthday mates. I remember Mummy every single year since our daughter got married to her son would be the first one to call us in the morning and wish my husband a happy birthday and pray for him. We missed her call this year, may her lovely and sweet soul continue to rest in perfect peace in The Mighty Name Of Jesus Christ Amen!

RIP mummy Lasisi

January 9, 2021
I have met very few genuinely nice people in my life, mummy Lasisi, you are one of them. You showed my family and I motherly love and we will forever appreciate you.
May your soul rest in peace and may God protect all of us that you have left behind (). 
RIP mummy Lasisi ...
EM11JEB on behalf of my entire family 

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