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January 17, 2021
January 17, 2021
The entire Adeniran and Ogunniyi families, home and abroad express our deepest condolences on the death of Mrs. MERCY ABIODUN LASISI, popularly known as Mama Basira which sad event occurred on Sunday the 3rd of January, 2021.
Apart from the fact that we have been family friends for over 50 years we also became in-laws by Providence.
Mrs. Lasisi was amiable, loving and caring and these attributes she demonstrated throughout her life time. She was indeed special and served the lord till death.

We pray Almighty God to rest her soul in perfect peace and grant those she left behind the fortitude to bear the loss.

ALHAJI BASHIR ADENIRAN for the families.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Adieu Mummy Lasisi! You were a lovely and friendly soul, always wearing a smile and eager to exchange greetings. Never for once forgot our faces and quick to ask after our children and other family members.

It is sad to see you go so soon. May you rest in the bosom of the Lord and may the Lord keep everyone of the beautiful family you left behind.

Rest in Peace!
Deco & Jibike
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Rest In Peace, Aunty. I have very fond memories of you in my teenage years. May your soul find rest IJN, Amen.
You will be sorely missed
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Well we can't question God we will always miss you our dear aunty. Continue to rest in perfect peace in the bosom of your creator.
Aunty will be sorely missed, She loved to have family round her.May her soul rest in perfect peace, Amen
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Peace, perfect Peace! Mama Afees, Iya okomi, Ol'owo-orimi was a dear older Sister and friend. She was very selfless to family, friends, and the Church. May she find favour with her Creator whom she loved and served all her lifetime. Iya okomi, o d'igba o se o.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Auntie mi, Auntie Bimpe!

I'm not sure I know how to do this. I've never written a tribute for anyone and i never thought you'd be the first I'll do this for.

To describe someone so special in plain old words? How do I sum up the feelings and memories we have of you in a tribute? Impossible!

You were a great, caring and selfless mother to all.

Your aunty, Iya Olanrewaju , who you often refer to as Mama mi misses you and your daily phone calls to her.

You came, you saw and conquered.

Continue to enjoy your well deserved rest in the bossom of our Lord.

Sleep on dearest Auntie and know you will forever be in ours hearts.

January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Mummy Lasisi like we all fondly called you. You were such a lovely and peaceful soul. You truly showed love to everyone around you. I recall how you would take time to check on me periodically at the time I lived in Lagos. I have very fond memories of you that I will carry with me for a long. Rest in peace Mum. You surely will be missed.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Grandma was really kind and very helpful. She always made people smile. She loves to cook and she takes us out sometimes.
I remember when we both went on the bus and we got lost, anytime I think about this it makes me laugh. I will really miss grandma she was the kindest and nicest person I ever met!
I will always remember you Grandma ❤

Moyin Adisa - Grand daughter
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
A o mu olododo lo saaju ojo ibi .
Why did you have to leave us now, a lovely kind-hearted and wonderful mother, it is hard to say good bye but I have assurances that you are resting in the bosom of the lord.
Rest on, Ma.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Grandma was a very cheerful person who could make anybody smile in a matter of minutes. She calls me 'Follyjay! 
I remember taking the bus together every week to go to Tesco, Marks & Spencer and how you used to give me mint polo sweet( which was your favourite) and sometimes even put them in my bag for school even though the teachers didn't let me eat them. I would eat them while you walked us back home.
I was always surprised how you were able to understand how to use most functionality of smart phones. I’m going to miss you grandma and will always think of you with a smile

Your Grandson - Folajinmi Adisa
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Mama RIP, unfortunately I never had the opportunity of meeting you but your good nature is instilled in your daughter Aramide therefore your legacy will live forever .
Sun re Ooooh Mama.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
May mama's soul rest in peace.
You were blessed with great children........ like Aramide, who is a testament to your good nature. God's blessing to you of a wonderful daughter is a blessing to very one who has come in contact with her. E sun re o
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
News of your passing to eternal glory has been a rude shock to all of us. Though your strength and smile will forever be missed by all, we are comforted that your teachings and thoughts will live on forever. For to live in the hearts of those who love and appreciate you, is to live life eternally. Mummy, may your gentle soul forever rest in perfect peace of the Lord. Amen
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021

From The Oba and Olori of Ojota Kingdom Lagos Nigeria.

We have been friends and close family for over 56 years.
We share great moments in Nigeria, as well as us growing up in English with Alhaji B.A Lasisi..

She was with us a month ago.. May her soul rest peacefully.. She was very kind, loving and a great humanitarian..
She will forever be remembered in our hearts.❤️
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
The news of your passing came to us as a shock. You loved people when they were at their worst as well as their best. Always doing things for others thereby touching so many lives. 

It is our sweet memories of you that  keeps us going even when the pain of losing you is still so fresh in our hearts. We never knew the last time we would hear your voice was on Christmas Day when we spoke with you. We love you but CHRIST loves you more. 

We miss you so much but our consolation is that you are in heaven with the LORD and we shall see you again one day. 

Pastor & Mrs Ogunniyi
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
OUR hearts are heavy; coming to terms with your departure, but as believers we Take Consolation In Your Exemplary Life, The Many Indelible Memories & The Life of Impact You Led 
Our Loss Is Certainly Heaven's Gain As We Pray You Find Eternal Peace & Comfort In The Bossom Of The Almighty Lord.

REST In Eternal Peace Mummy

January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Tribute to a dear friend, sister, former business partner and family. I look back with very fond memories of our over 50 years of friendship. I called her mama Afeez.

We went into business together, when we were both pregnant and expecting delivery. We would squeeze ourselves in a Volkswagen Beetle full of our wares, which we bought from Marina, Lagos. We pushed along together through the ups and the downs of the business venture. Our kids grew up together, and they had fun too. They seemed to always be together.

We continued to be trading partners until my family relocated to another part of town. Even then, we never stopped communicating and our friendship remained as strong. Our respective families remained connected.

I remember sending my dear friend December 2020 Christmas greetings and her reply on behalf of her family, as well as her prayers. My last message to her was my New Years message.

Mrs. Lasisi was a successful wife and mother, and her life was well spent. May her gentle soul rest in peace. May her memories be a blessing - Amen
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
A truly loving soul, loving aunt, and mother!
You genuinely cared for your family and loved ones.
You shared in the pains of others and always sought ease and soothing for the pained. No cost was too much, no distance was too great for you to cover. I remember your visits when my wife was ill. It was obviously not convenient, with your age and the arthritic pains you were suffering. But you still had to come, each time with the car laden with fruits and vegs. That was you. I do not remember the number of times you visited my father, your "brother", in Ibadan when you found out he was ill and later bereaved.
You were truly an amazing woman. Yours is a sweet and pleasant memory in my heart.
Yes, take your rest in the bosom of your saviour, till we meet to part no more. Adieu!
Aramide, Afeez, Adeola, Bisi, Tunde, Iyabo, your mum was obviously not perfect, but she was a truly good woman. May her memory be blessed.
Daddy Lasisi, May God keep you strong and healthy to enjoy the rest of your years. Amen.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Dear Mummy,

I am writing this tribute with a heavy heart but also with gratitude to God as commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:18- " In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you"....then the big your sudden passing onto eternal glory the will of God? I believe so Mummy, because as painful as it is ... I have to find my solace and comfort in God's Word as you taught us ma. There is nothing that happens without the knowledge of the Most High God and our saviour Jesus Christ....Job 28 v 24 says..."For He (God) looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens"..

I cannot forget the day your daughter ,Adeola brought me to your presence as her husband to be. You welcomed me with open arms and showered prayers over my life...and your kindness never stopped since that day. A rare privilege enjoyed by all your Son and daughter in laws until 3 January 2021 when you joined the angels to sing praises to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ forever. For those who did not know mummy, you missed the opportunity of meeting a prayer warrior, woman of faith, compassion, selfless love and a true reflection of God's love. No wonder , Mummy will only be upset when others don't show love and compassion.. the rare fruits of the Holy Spirit in this complex world. You had a personal relationship with all your grand children and in laws .

I was looking forward to your return to the UK , the food (roast potatoes and chicken), my routine of bringing Metro newspaper/Evening Standard for your reading delight, watching EastEnders and Premiership football (especially our team, Arsenal FC). You have left a big shoe that none of us can fill...big shoe of selfless love and compassion. We'll forever miss you , but you will continue to live on in our memories mummy... I loved you as my own mother ....We will meet again at the feet of Jesus Christ ,where there is no sorrow or pain...Mummy won in this world and beyond ! I can visualise you saying ... "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?.1 Corinthians 15:55

Goodbye Mummy
Your Son in law- Olayinka Adisa
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
It is with great sadness to hear the passing of a dear aunty and mother. Myself and my siblings; Joke, Teslim, Jade and Tunji would like to send our sincere condolences. May the family have the strength to bare. We shall continue to remember great fund memories - May her soul rest in peace (Amen) 
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Dear mommy Lasisi,

The news of your departure to eternal glory came to me and my family as a rude shock. We unequivocally trust God that you are in a safe place of glory resting in eternal bossom of your creator.
The lives that you have impacted positively attests to the fact that you are a rare gem and will be greatly missed.
May the Lord keep and fortify the families left behind.

January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Words fail me as I am struggling to get the right words at this time. We were together on the 28th and 29th of December 2020, I didn’t know you just wanted to see me to say goodbye.
Mum memories of your large heart and good deeds brings tears to my eyes. You talked constantly of coming to Abuja to take care of me and children hmm........
I can say with a sense of gratitude that my life is what it is cos of you and this I treasure, am so fortunate and grateful to have you as my mother. Rest on my beloved mother
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Aramide's Mummy as l famously called you growing up, you may have passed on but your memories would always live on within us. I remember my numerous trips to your house after school you looked after me like your own daughter. For me you embodied beauty and kindness. I know you are in a much better place.

Rest in peace Mummy
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Ours was beyond friendship. My sister, my aburo... Words fail me as I never thought I will be saying farewell to you soon. You were with me all through the highs, the low and even during my not so good health issues. You are part of me, you stood by me holding my hands firmly in prayers. You remain my support system. How will I cope? Iya Afeez, this hurts really bad aburo mi. I will forever love, cherish our sisterhood. You are a part of my family and will forever be. Sleep on my dearest sister.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Mummy the news of your passing is still a shock to me and my family. My family and I met with you about 14 years ago in New York. Ever since then you’ve been playing a role of a caring mother for my family.It is very hard to belief you have gone, the only consolation we have is that you are in a better place. We will meet again where we will part no more.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Dear Mummy, so sad to hear about your passing to glory. In everything we give thanks to God. Thanking God for the life you lived, touching many with your love, care and generosity. You will be greatly missed. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace and the Lord comfort the family and loved ones left behind in Jesus name.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Mum, we met over 30 years ago. What immediately struck me was your humility and kindness. You were the first person to accept me as an Inlaw. Thank you for your, wisdom, counselling and encouragement.
You will forever live in my heart as we continue the journey of life. Rest in the blossom of your creator. Your great legacy lives on in your children.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
My dearest mother. I only want to remember you for who you are. Very loving, caring, amiable, humble, gentle but firm. Very kind, generous and affectionate, Mum I shared with you alone things I have never told any one else. I know you are smiling at us. That very reassuring smile will keep me going. My only consolation is in Revelations 14:13 that your good works have followed you. Your crown in heaven is assured. Your reward is guaranteed. Thank God you live on because your Spirit lives in Jesus eternally.
January 16, 2021
January 16, 2021
Dear Mommy, We are missing you and we are praying that we will get to see you again one day. Rest in perfect peace Ma, and thank you for your sweet spirit and kindness to us all.✝️
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021

Hmmmmmmm this is the second most difficult tribute I’ve had to write in my life.
Where do I start from? Do I start from you being so nice and friendly when I was just a friend to Afeeze? Or having my corner when we started dating? To visiting me every day in Chadwell Heath when I lost my Mum? To telling me you’d try your best to fill my Mum’s shoes? To taking on my siblings as your own children? To following me on hospital visits for the children? To constantly cooking traditional food for me, whilst I made you your lovely English meals? To looking after my children? To video calling me every other day (at least 3 missed calls at a go, just in case the first 2 calls didn’t go through)? To sharing your experiences with me (about motherhood, marriage, love, in-laws, relatives, your living in England and Ikeja days)? The list goes on and on.
Each passing year into my marriage we grew to know, love and respect each other more and more (Yes you’re older but you still gave everyone their respect).
You showed me true “Mum in love” characteristics - we laughed together, we gisted together, we argued, we cried together, we cooked together, we watched our series together.
This is so painful for me to write that I can’t stop crying, I can hear you telling me not to write anymore because it’s upsetting me. That was you all over... very selfless, even till the end. I remember telling you once to think of yourself for a change but you said “ Yemi ma jẹ ki wọn ni nkankan lati mu dani”
Mummy!! You put the P in patience.. I’ve learnt a lot from you. 
I miss you so much... who would call us and the kids first thing in the morning on our birthdays and pray for us?
Everyone close to me knows you, you remember all my friends names and ask after them one by one every time.
You made sure we all stayed close as a family, don’t worry you (and God) made that foundation solid.
I promise to look after your darling Afeeze for you as best as I can. I know I can’t measure up to you but going by what I’ve learnt from you for the past 20 years, I’m certainly heading in the right direction.
To know you is to love you, you broke that “Mother in law” cliche... you’re a gem, a rare gem ( it’s hard to talk about you in past tense because you’d forever be alive in my heart).

Rest well Mummy, you deserve to rest now.

Love you loads Mummy.

Your darling daughter, Yem Yem.

Yemi Lasisi
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
My loving Aunty, your departure from this earth has left a vacuum in our lives. Words are not enough to depict the vacuum created by your departure. I was shocked and saddened when I found out about your passing.

You will always be remembered for your smile; it was always warm and welcoming. Your jovial and light-hearted spirit was ever radiant whenever I spoke to you or saw you. Your ways of encouraging others were always inspiring. Your care for others, your kindness, and veracity were unparalleled.
Your exhibition of faith in Christ attracted others to Him. Aunty, you impacted so many lives, you gave out of the little you had out of love. What a virtuous woman!

My Mom, sisters and I will miss you immensely, especially my mom (whom you always called Sista mi), as you were very close.

You may be gone from amongst us, but the fun memories we all have of you, we will treasure forever. Our loss on this earth is heaven’s gain as I know you will be dancing with the angels, worshipping your creator, and Him delighting in you.

Rest well and in perfect peace in your father’s bosom Aunty. Till we meet again at Jesus’ feet.
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
The first and only time I had the privilege of meeting GrandMa was December 2017 in the United Kingdom. That meeting stuck with me because of the amiable personality GrandMa embodied. GrandMa is super blessed with the children, in-laws and grand children surrounding her. I met a number of them during the meeting. While Grandma’s death is such a sudden and sore reality, my joy is that her legacy is blessed. Eyin GrandMa ma daa’ra. I still recall our discussions, her smile and her countenance. Mama rere ni Mama Lasisi.

Rest in Peace, GrandMa. Your memory and your legacy shall continue to be blessed. GOD shall console and stand by Grandpa, your children, your in-laws and your grandchildren. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Father.
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
My dearest mummy, I really cannot believe you are gone. It still feels like a bad dream. A bad dream that I want to wake up from. I have had many sleepless nights since you left us. My heart aches. Why did you leave us so suddenly? We thought we still had time. We were all looking forward to you coming to England this year. We all had plans for you, mummy. Why did you go?

You were the best mother in-law. Our relationship was special. We had a unique bond. I was not your daughter in-law, I was your daughter. You loved and supported me. Always there when I needed you. Nothing was too much trouble for you. You went out of your way to make sure I was ok. You never let me lift a finger when I am around you.
You were the envy of all mothers in-law and I told anyone who cared to listen that I have the best mother in-law in the world. My parents and siblings love and adore you. You loved my family too. My siblings became your children. Their joy was your joy and their worries, your worries. You were simply the best, mummy.

You were a rare gem. A prayerful woman, who loved God and lived a godly life. Nobody came in contact with you and remained the same. Your love, support, generosity and kindness is unmatched. You went out of your way even for strangers. You made sure everyone around you was comfortable.

Your grandchildren miss you, mummy. They miss talking to you. Debare asked me to call his "grandma Lasisi" a few days ago. He cried when I didn't because he is too young to understand that you are now in heaven. My heart breaks because I can't just pick up my phone and call you anymore. I miss talking to you. I miss your prayers.

I'm happy we were able to celebrate your 75th birthday with you, even though it was a virtual one. All your children and grandchildren were present. Seeing you happy filled all our hearts with joy.

I miss you terribly, mummy. Your grandchildren miss you too. I hope I did enough to show you how much I love you. Nobody can ever fill this void that your departure has caused but we will hold on to the pleasant and beautiful memories we have of you. We will all continue to make you proud, mummy and continue to be a united family, because that's one of your greatest wishes.

Sleep well dearest mummy.

Your loving daughter,
Bola Lasisi
January 15, 2021
January 15, 2021
Mummy Lasisi was a lovely woman and we (my parents, siblings and I) are all deeply saddened by her sudden departure.

She wasn’t just some distant in-law, she was family and not because her son is married to my sister but because she made it a point of duty to show love not just to my sister but to every member of my family at every opportunity she got.

Many (perhaps most) in-law relationships are characterized by toxicity and bad blood but that was not the case with her. She will be fondly remembered and sorely missed.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Grandma was a very lovely Grandmother, that would be in our hearts forever.
She would always say “nice and clean” after she’s finished having my bath for me.
And she is always the only one that would comment on my hair cut.

I will miss you a lot Grandma

Tioluwani Lasisi - Grandson
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Abiodun was not just a friend but a sister and confidant. We grew up together and shared our youthful years, went through having children and grandchildren together.
I called you on the 1st of January to exchange new year pleasantries but found out that you had taken ill. Was shocked to hear that you passed on 2 days later.
Oremi sun re o, until we meet at the bossom of the Lord.

Olufunmilayo Adeshina
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Grandma was a loving and caring Mum and Grandmother. She was always thinking of others before herself and always calling us multiple times in the day. She took care of every single one of us grandchildren for a long time. I miss her dearly but she’s in a better place now .


Oreoluwa Lasisi - Granddaughter
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Mummy Your death is really shocking and seems like a bad dream but who are we to question God. I believe you are in a better place. May your soul continue to rest in peace!!!
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021

"The Lord moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform".

Ka bi e o si who are we to question God.

My darling other sister, my confidant after God, my peace maker, my joy. The gel that binds families together. The Eluwa's, the Martin's, the Sorunke's. You had 5 children by your bioligocal self yet you brought up many. Bisi, Damilola, Taofeeka and even Iya Okiki and both Gbenga and myself.

My month mate who never seemed to forget SOGUNLE, which was our cove. We had an awesome July ekuru fun. The food, the travel, the schools, the Polytechnic University of Ibadan and our marriages; you were deeply involved which showed your selflessness.

You singlehandedly dealt with Ugandan customs getting to Gbenga's wedding when they were ready to seize the gifts (Nigerian Schnapps & Honey) by raising one hell of a commotion by sitting on the boxes saying "I will break all the bottles and lick all the honey!". I know that Gbenga, was very grateful for it.

After a phone call from me saying I am coming to Nigeria, you took me in unreluctantly and allowed me to stay for as long as I wished. You even gave me your car and a driver to go with it which allowed me to do all I needed to do during my stay. At 5am, you would ask me "Moji, ki lo maje?". At 10am you would ask me "Moji, ki lo maje lo'san?" and then at 6pm, you would ask me "Moji. kini k'ase fun e l'ola?". I was so spoilt during my stay with you that I had the time of my life! What else could I want. Ah! This is Ojoro. This is not what we hoped for but who are we to question God.

"E'Ope fun Oluwa nitori ti O seun, nitori ti aanu re duro lailai" - Psalm 136, verse 1.

Sleep on my darling sister,; sleep on.

Mojisola Bamtefa.
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Darling Mum
We know you are at peace , sleeping till we all meet again . Thanking God for your beautiful life , a life well spent bringing up the amazing children God gave you. I will always remember your smile , gentle and kind spirit . Love you loads xxx
January 14, 2021
January 14, 2021
Aunty Bimpe she is one in a million, always smiling we miss you and we love you you. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
From Tunde and Ruth Babayemi
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
When on that eventful Tuesday in November 2020 you visited us in Ojodu, Sister I didn’t realize that it was going to be our last moment together. You were unusually patient for my wife to pound our popular meal with the local soup, which you ate after our long discussion which turned out to be the last one on one. Sister Bimpe, as I often called her was my confidant, a sister in a million.

Shortly after the Lasisi family returned from the U.K., I moved to Lagos from Akure in 1980. Since then we have blended as one family until you left me. Yes, we had the same father but God gave you to me as a mother, a big sister who stood by me at each stage in life.

Was it at my wedding in December 1981, you and your husband played a role that made the wedding classy. At my various life challenges, you were always by my side to give me hope. In the larger Ashiwaju family you stood out, your place will be difficult to fill. Your death came a bit too early for me but I will take solace in the fact that you embraced Jesus the Christ in your journey here on earth.

Sun re o, Omo agidi kogu kogu.
Sun re o, Omo Asiwaju ogun ti ki ngbehin ogun
Sun re o, Omo agidigbo lu poroporo ni ilu Akunu.

- Rev. Babafemi Asiwaju (Your Brother).
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
You would be greatly missed by all those who loved you, and those that you touched their lives in different ways. May your soul find peace in God's presence.
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
On behalf of MFM Lagos Region 4, We thank God for a life well spent. She was a pillar in the elders forum and a group leader in the women foundation. She served God with all she had, this gives us great confidence that she is resting in the bossom of her Father who she served. Adieu our sister and Mother! Goodnight till we meet at His feet.

Sis Oyeneyin ( Regional Administrator)
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
I've attempted writing so many times & didn't have the courage to continue. Mummy Lasisi was my personal person, a mother who mothered me with so much warmth & love. Her love was so real & genuine, she always called to check about our well being. A prayer champion indeed- I am not surprised she accomplished so much - its evident in the lives of all her family & anyone fortunate to have come across her path. Its difficult to even come to terms that I wouldnt see or hear from her any more. A rare gem indeed she was. I am comforted with the belief that she has gone to rest in the bosom of Christ, worshipping at His feet. I will forever love you MUM.
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
Dear Mummy, it's so sad to hear of your early exit ... May you receive comfort at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ IJMN Amen  A lovely sweet easy going beautiful mum ❤ Your awesome legacy lives on in your beautiful loved ones ma.... Rest on in peace ❤

Aramide & Family, it is well... please accept our condolences 

With luv from the Akinlades' ❤
January 13, 2021
January 13, 2021
I am really saddened and shocked by Mummy's going home! A woman by no other name but mummy. You have always been my confidant and support. You really did care for me and were always there when I needed a shoulder to lean on.
We are all going to miss you, I am going to really miss you! Till our meeting at the resurrection.
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Mummy Lasisi
We miss you already and love you dearly. You were a ray of sunshine, always smiling, giving, loving, caring, so gentle natured. Heaven has gained an angel. You thought us all how to be Gracious. We will never forget your generousity and kindness, even towards our families here and back home, you visited our parents also in Nigeria. Hmmm...,the great memories and experiences are endless. Rest on mummy, may your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace❤️
Sola, Dayo, Sope & Ayodeji Afuwape
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
I knew this gracious lady, Mrs Abiodun Lasisi through my in-laws. She was always very kind and charming.
May her gentle soul Rest-In-Perfect Peace, Amen
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Mummy Lasisi,

It's hard to come to terms with your passing, you have left a void in our lives that will be difficult to fill.

You were very much loved by me, a jolly good fellow - loving, kind, warm, understanding and never a mean streak in you. You accepted me with open arms, always treated me as a daughter and ever ready to offer your full support, love and care.

We will miss you greatly, we will miss seeing you at events and on special occasions especially Mummy Akinbowale (your sister, best friend, travel partner, shopping partner and party partner etc). I do not know how she would cope with your demise.

We love you but God loves you more, trust you are resting in the Lord's bosom.

May God grant you eternal rest.


Folasade Akinbowale.
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