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January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
We are still in shock since last week when we heard of the untimely death of our dear special sister. Infact we woke up the next morning hoping it was a bad dream. She was such a very warm person, always full of life and very respectful. We love her but God loves her more. Wishing her eternal and peaceful rest. Kabiyesi and Olori Kayode Olusa, the Oludotun of Iludotun Ajowa Akoko.
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021

I struggle to write these few words, cause of the sadness losing you brings.

Your care; generosity and affection are the first thoughts that run through my mind when I think about you. As a young boy, I remember my visits to your shop always looking forward to the attention I got and the GOODIES that came with the visits. Oh Mummy! You showed me love as you would show onto your biological children.

Coming of age as a man, the affection never diminished. Always offering a helping hand particularly at memorable times in my life. Doyin still expresses her gratitude for the level of care and affection
you poured on our kids - Amirah and Faridah - when she had to be away for some days and they were put under your care.

If only I knew December 17th would be the last time I would have the opportunity to talk with you, I would have spent the whole day thanking you for being who you are. Doyin still called 1st of January to share well wishes for the new year but Mummy did not pick-up. 

We mourn in disbelief, you have left us too soon. I am only comforted by the thought you are in a better place looking down on all of us.

We will miss you, Mummy!


Adedoyin & Ademola IBIKUNLE
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Good night mummy Lasisi, till we meet at the feet of Jesus.
Your transition to glory came to my family as a rude shock.
I recall our last meeting when I visited you and daddy Lasisi in Lagos. I had the unique but last privilege of eating your sumteous meal, carefully prepared. You insisted I do some takeaway when I was leaving.
You were such a good mother, kind/large hearted, humility personfied and cheerful. Your life impacted many.
Siba & I will sure miss you, but Jesus loves you more.
May the good Lord strengthen our daddy Lasisi and the well brought-up biological children you have left behind, particularly during this trying time.
Rest on in the bossom of our creator till meet to part no more.
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Such a sweet, gentle, ever smiling, soft-spoken and loving mother. An angel personified! “Iya Beji,” “Baba Beji”; then the prayers followed. Scrolling through the tributes confirms that you were a mother of many - a sweet and good mum. You will be missed immensely but our loss is a gain with the angels. Your memory and legacy will live on in our hearts. Rest well mum. 
Sofys, Aveley

January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
In July of 1978, my two small children and I arrived in Lagos from Jamaica to visit my mom. The first family we were introduced to were the Lasisis as they were my mom's tenants.
I cannot forget the welcome we received from them, headed by Mrs.Lasisi. During our visit we experienced her kindness, loving care and genuinely friendly ways which have had an indelible impact on me.
We met again in 2007 in Kampala, Uganda for my brother Gbenga's wedding. We were very happy to see each other again as it was like seeing a long lost friend!!
We had a wonderful time and lots of fun as we were sharing the same accommodation.
I am deeply saddened to know that she has left us, but I also know that we shall meet again.
To Mr. Lasisi, the children and other family members, I say cherish the memories you have of your time together. I know that God will strengthen you during this time, and going forward. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Please accept deepest condolences on my own behalf and that of Andy and Natalie.
One love!!

January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
Mama Lasis! Gone but never forgotten. Sleep well and say hello to Gbenga and grandma for me. Till we meet again, may your beautiful kind soul rest in perfect peace.

To the family, my deepest condolences- Pam Sorunke.
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
My dearest Aunt and Mother in one
Where does one start with a tribute to someone so dear and special.
Ours is a relationship so special and long standing that it is extremely difficult to find the words that adequately express your uniqueness. My childhood memories is full of wonderful holiday experiences with you and the rest of the family. The daily grind of journeys from home to Shogunle, attending to customers, your interaction with neighbours and passers by .You took care of me as your own, showered me with love, care and attention. In the most difficult times you were always a source of solace, prayers and wisdom. You lived and exemplified the Lord's requirement that we should love our neighbours as thy self, you cared for your family, friends and strangers the same way. You never failed to check up on us, your regular calls to find out how we were doing and prayers would forever be greatly appreciated. On many of your trips to England you always strived to come and spend a few days with us wherever I was living in the UK. I recall your visits to Bristol, Birmingham and Hertfordshire. You will also say ' I can't come to England and not see my son' You always implored us to hold each other dear and care for another because family meant a lot to you. Your close relationship and support to my Mum can never be repaid, you loved and cherished her as your own. Your faith and dedication to God was inspiring and your commitment to the Jesus Christ is both a joy and a comfort that you are in a better place. As inevitably life brings both joy and challenges in parallel, you remained faithful and committed to Christ. In all your travails you remained humble, generous and full of abundance of Christ. You lived a good life and showed the rest of us what it is like to be a Christian. I will miss your care, attention, generosity, kindness, laughter, words of wisdom, and more importantly your love. I thank God for your life, the privilege to know you and hope to meet you again at the feet of Jesus Christ. Sleep well, God Your word says “the memory of the righteous is a blessing”; let the memory of my loved one linger long and bless many
January 12, 2021
January 12, 2021
She was kind hearted, one of the very few people my mum trusted implicitly....she's in a better place now.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
May Mummy’s precious soul rest in the Lord. We need to continue to take solace in the Lord and cherish the memories.

Shall we gather at the river
Where bright angel feet have trod;
With its crystal tide for ever
Flowing by the throne of God.

Yes, we’ll gather at the river
The beautiful, beautiful river
Gather with the saints at the river
That flows by the throne of God.

Goodnight ...
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
I was greatly troubled when I saw her picture on whatsapp status, with a 'heartbreak' emotion... I prayed in my heart that nothing bad would happen to mummy, but that wasn't to be. Her daughter broke the news and my heart broke. I only met her once, during her 75th birthday photoshoot. To say she was so nice is an understatement. She was very accommodating and it didn't feel like I was meeting her for the first time. She made breakfast, even gave me money for taxi, despite the fact that I told her I've been paid for the job. Hmmmmmm... It is well... O ye Olorun
Rest well Mummy, and may God continue to be with the family she left behind.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021

One word that truly describes and embodies who you were, how you lived and interacted with people is ‘selfless’.

To my mum you were not a friend but Mama Aramide her aburo, someone who always had her back, you stood by her in some of the most difficult times and became part of her life like no other person did. Her responsibilities and worries quickly became yours, taking them head on without expecting a thank you and that was just because of who you were.

Your acts of love and kindness to my mum shows you do not have to be related by blood to be TRUE family and in this case a sister to my mum.

When Mr Adegbaju died my mum was in Abuja, you moved in with his grieving wife my mum’s aunty, not many could have shown that level of love and the truth is I have hundreds of similar memories of your pure selfless nature.

To my family you were mummy Lasisi with a heart of gold even when you complained about my not calling enough, you still did it with so much love it never had a sting to it and I always promised to do better. Now I wish I did, the times we spoke you would pray some very deep prayers, those I will surely miss ,however I hold in faith that those prayers from such a heart like yours are answered.

To my Children you were Grandma Lasisi at every major milestone event you were available, whether it was their Naming, Christening, Birthdays or even School Christmas events. 

It is a privilege to have experienced your love across 3 generations of the Akinbowales. It shows how much of an amazing woman you were. No wonder everyone including my close friends only have wonderful memories of you.

You are one in a million and even though you have gone to rest your legacy lives on, your selfless nature causes your footprint to be left in the sands of time.

E sun re Mummy Lasisi.

Lolu Akinbowale (For the Akinbowales) 
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
So heartbroken right now i do not know what to say...can't stop crying.
I was always welcome in the household when I was younger and she makes sure I eat before I go home even though I live down street.
The love was extended abroad she makes sure she see me whenever she's around.
We literally grew up together Deola, Tunde ,Labisi and Iyabo I am so sorry for your loss...Aunty Aramide and Afeez..may the Almighty console you all.
May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace.
Latayo Folawewo.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021

We are still waiting to get over the rude shock of your demise . But, what can we do than continue to praise the Almighty God for the privilege of having crossed your path on Earth. Our consolation is that you are in a better place beyond.
Can we ever imagine that our conversation of 25th Dec, 2020 was going to be the last? As usual, you asked after your 'Baba Òkò’ and thereafter, it was the usual prayers for every member of our family.
On new year day, we called as customary, but there was no response from your end. We trusted you will return the call. Unfortunately, that did not happen. Barely forty- eight hours later, you took your flight to eternity.
God's way will perpetually remain a misery to mortals.
Hard as your death was to us, we are comforted that your labour towards God, your family and all close acquaintances, has not been in vain. You were a mother hen who protected and loved her family fiercely, understands their individual needs, and readily supports them all the way. You were unique, amazingly & highly dependable, neat, trustworthy, easily contented, not wasteful, but lived a simple & comfortable life.
How does one easily forget an unassuming woman with beautiful disposition, who does everything within her power to give all around her the very best. You hardly complained. Mother to all, gentle by nature, kind hearted and love for family were clear to all that came in contact with her.
We have fond memories that we cannot enumerate now, but which will continue to live with us. Your legacy remains our guiding faith.
You will remain deep in our hearts and will be greatly missed.
R I P.
Oyeronke and Abiodun Ibikunle
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
Mummy, you were a beacon of light, bringing lots of cheer to many. I remember how you cared for your grandchildren at Trinity chapel. Your children quickly became many. Rest in peace ma.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
Have tried facing reality of your death. I spoke to you on Xmas day and you were full of life. Your frequent call and love will be missed. Your kind and loving words always brings smile to my face. May the Lord grant you eternal rest.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
May Mamas beautiful soul continue to rest in perfect peace. For the family she has left behind may you all find peace as you keep the fond memories of Mama in your hearts.
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
Mummy Lasisi- such a wonderful woman with full of passion for spiritual matters. Open minded to a fault, always smiling with words of encouragement from her mouth. We will all miss you dearly. Rest in perfect peace. Adieu!!!
January 11, 2021
January 11, 2021
Still trying to come to terms with your departure. 

Sweet mother to my Dear Aramide ,Tunde and their siblings. Mummy had a smile for everyone who came her way. Elegant ,pretty and easy going .

May the Angels of the Lord lead her home and may her memory be a blessing. 

January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mummy I froze when I heard the news of your passing. You have been such a wonderful caring mum to so many of us. I will always remember your warm smile and embrace. I really loved the time we spent with you when Aramide was living in Chadwell Heath. You were ever so loving to all Aramide’s friends. You were a great mum indeed (abiyamo toto) and will be sorely missed. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace mama rere.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mummy Lasisi, I fondly call her. A calm, sweet, gentle and caring soul who loves to pamper us with soo much love and food.
I can't believe you are gone but I know heaven has gained an angel.
I will surely miss you.
May your gentle soul rest in peace.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
I called her mummy because that was what she was to me and my children during a difficult. She cared and took to us as if she's known us all through life but had actually only just met us. She was peace personified gentle and full of love, will surely be missed.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Dear Aunty, what a shock to hear of your passing. It is so hard to believe. May God comfort uncle and all your children and family members. May your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
I still can’t believe that I am having to write this but let me start by saying THANK YOU FOR ALWAYS BEING YOU.
There was always a smile from you to share, always looking out for everyone but yourself. Thank you for being my mum’s sister and friend for loving her always.
Thank you for raising your children to be as loving and giving as you.
You will be truly missed but I guess God is ready to welcome another angel.
Rest In Peace.

January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
My deepest condolences and my love to the family left behind.
May mummy soul rest in peace and rise in glory.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
The news of Mama Aramide’s passing came as a rude shock and I imagine what those very close to her, like her very dear husband, her loving children, her in laws,her grandchildren and Mama Olanrewaju, would be going through right now.

Our dear Mummy lived a fulfilled life. She was remarkably gentle in relating with those around her – soothing words, relentless prayers, consistent transparency, generosity and a dint of hard work – are her qualities which will remain indelibly etched in my memory. She demonstrated a fervent faith in God through her assuring counsel in whatever the circumstance.

I met this great lady through her niece, Folake Ajayi, just over 40 years ago. Somehow, fate brought us very close and that bond waxed stronger till her end. The love she showed me was also extended to my family as indeed everyone else.

I recall her wise words of inspiration in my early days of marriage; those words have impacted my life positively. I remember how she brought laughter to us while in the UK. Her presence was always a blessing to us.

Only God can fill the vacuum you have left behind.

There is so much to say but the limitation of this medium will not allow me to.

I thank the Almighty God for a life well spent.

She will forever be in my heart.

Adieu Mama Aramide
Rest in perfect peace in the bosom of Christ.

January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Wow...where do i start, first i need to come to terms that you have actually left us. There were three of you i have always known as my mothers, you, olori Olawale-cole and my biological mum. You guys have been there for each other through thick and thin. Hard to believe there are only two left. Sleep in the boosom of the Lord and we will continue to make sure your legacy is intact. You shall live forever in our hearts. Mummy Lasisi, e sun re ma!
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Auntie Bimpe, you were my favourite aunt growing up as a kid in 1970s London. You were always fun, bubbly and had that unique knack of bonding with children in a way most Nigerian adults couldn't back in the day. You will be sorely missed. However there is now an extra star sparkling like a diamond in the sky. Rest in peace, auntie.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mummy Lasisi I dont know what to say because I am in great shock about your demise. As you always call my mum( mama Nike) you are such a lovely mother to anyone who comes around you.
I remembered I saw you two years ago in my dad's burial and you gave me gifts to distribute to my friends and families I can not forget you mum..
I will forever miss you, you are too gentle, kind and generous. On behalf of my family and myself I pray that God Almighty will welcome you in his bosom and forgive all your sins in Jesus name. May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace. The Lord will comfort all the people you left behind in Jesus name. Continue to sleep in the hand of your maker goodbye sweetest mother till we meet again. We love you but God loves you more.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Dear Grandma Lasisi....I never knew I won't see you again after the shoot we had last year....!I'm seriously crying here,hearing you passed away!You are kind,generous, pleasant and so amazing!I pray you find peace in the Lord.We love u dearly but heavenly father loves you the most Grandma...I really wished you can just wake up!!!!I love you and will greatly miss your kind and rare heart..RIP Grandma Lasisi...
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mama, even though we never met, I heard wonderful stories about you right from the days when we were resident in Albert Biggs Point, Stratford. Your legacy and good works are evidenced by some of your fruits, Aramide, Afeez, Tunde Adebayo to name a few. Mama continue to rest in the Lord and be sure your legacy carries on - Tunde Olabowale
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mummy Lasisi good night ma. It was a rude shock to hear that you had departed this sinful world. I can't believe that I will never see you again. I remember my encounter with you years back and you were very warm and accommodating. I pray that God Almighty shall grant all your loved ones fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. May God Almighty grant you eternal Rest IJMN.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Little did we know that morning
God was to call your name.
The moment I received the news of
Your death,
my hands cradled my face,
and I frantically cried.
Why did this happen,
and how could this be.
You had so much to live for,
we could all clearly see.
In life i loved you dearly,
in death i do the same.
It broke my hearts to lose you,
You did not go alone.
For part of the beautiful momens shared went with you.
You left us beautiful memories,
Your love is still my guide,
though i cannot see you,
you are always at my side.
I will miss our talks,
and your comforting voice.
And those random moments,
where we’d mutually rejoice
I'm missing you my dearest and
Will forever miss you.
Rest in peace,
My Sister and best friend.

January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
It is with disbelief and great sadness that we took in the news. I can’t believe that I won’t hear your voice again or see your warm smile or hear you call me Mama Buky, with such affection.

You lived a life of faith and tremendous love. You were never a mother-in-law but a real mother to my Sister and took us all as your very own.
If only we could have one more day to tell you how much you mean to us, but you have gone home to rest with our Heavenly Father. Whilst you have left this earth you leave long lasting and loving memories. May the good Lord comfort and console all the loved ones you have left behind.
It really was an honour and privilege knowing you Mummy. From Simi on behalf of the Williams family, 
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021

Mummy Lasisi was one of the sweetest mother I’ve ever known. She had a nice smile and friendly greetings. Thank you ma for your kind words. May your beautiful soul continue to rest in perfect peace IJMN
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
May your soul find peace with your maker . May you rest in everlasting peace . May God bless your soul . Amen
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Our dearest Mummy Lasisi, I can still hear the way you call my name in my head. You were not only a Mother-in-Law to my Sister but a Mother to us all. We all grew to really love the sweet, genuine, soft spoken and godly Woman that you were. You will be sorely missed but it’s so comforting to know that you are now at rest with your maker. May your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace and May God fill this void in the hearts of all your loved ones. Amen.
January 10, 2021
January 10, 2021
Mummy Lasisi, it was indeed a sad day when you were called to glory. You were very kind, thoughtful, generous and always smiling. Your life was a blessing and your memory will be a treasure. Continue to rest in God's perfect peace.
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Rest in perfect peace Ma
I spoke with you a few years back to check up on Aramide and you sounded like you'd known me forever. I felt your warmth and kindness during the short conversation
May your kind and gentle soul continue to rest in peace Amen
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy. Your death came to me as a rude shock. I spoke with you shortly before Christmas and you sounded so good and strong. You asked after my children and even my twin brother whom you have not seen for almost 30 years. You prayed and prayed for me, I never knew that will be the last time I will be talking to you. We love you but God love you more. May your soul find rest in the bosom of your maker.
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy, I will start by thanking you for being the gift that kept giving. I will always hold you in that special part of my heart. From the first time I was introduced to you, you treated me specially, always had kind words for me and others. You were a model of how women should treat and build other women. You never treated me as your aburo's iyawo. You always made me welcome like one of your own. I will always love you ma. I believe your sweet soul is resting in peace. Adieu. Romade Olusa
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
What a painful loss. May her gentle soul continue to rest in peace. Amen. Accept my condolences ma, God will speak you and console you. It is well.
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy, I've known you all my life. You call my name twice every time you see me - I'll miss that alongside your kindness and sweet nature. You're our second mum, always present at every life event. I can't stop the tears - it's too soon to lose you. I'm grateful for the sweet memories and most especially for being a constant, kind and faithful friend to our mum for almost 60 years. We will surely miss you. I pray that God will comfort the entire family as they cope with the void you left behind. Rest well Mum 
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy Lasisi is a Mum like a friend, always warm and gentle. The news of your passing was a real shock, but God knows best. You will surely be missed by all your loved ones including us that are your friends children, but you were also our Mum. I've known you all my life, it's hard to believe that you are no longer with us. Always looking out for those around you to make sure they were comfortable. Mum continue to rest in peace at the bosom of your Lord Jesus Christ.
Oyindamola Oyelese (new Adeshina)
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Goodbye mummy, we will miss you terribly. Thank you for the love and kindness that you have always shown me and my family. May your gentle soul rest in peace. Love you
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy, it is so hard to accept and take in the news of your passing. Your warmth and gentleness stood out and I always looked forward to our meetings.
We love you, but God loves you more and He always has the best in store for us all.
Thank you for the wonderful memories and the impact you have made in this life.
Rest in peace till we meet again.
Bayo Oyelese
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Indeed to God we belong and to Him we will return. God knows best.
You were one of the kindest person I have ever met. You would be truly missed, especially by my mum (your sister). Heaven has indeed gained an amazing angel. Rest well Mummy, rest with God.
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Mummy Lasisi, you were a rare gem. A beautiful person, inside and outside. You were without any doubt my favorite in law because you truly took my daughter, Bola as one of yours. Ever cheerful, supportive, helpful, full of genuine love and humble. I will miss you very much, but my consolation is in the truth that we will still be reunited one day at the feet of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. It is so painful for me writing this tribute in the past tense, but this is part of life's reality.
Mummy Lasisi, you have fought the good fight of faith and finished your course, you have gone on to your well deserved reward. Rest in perfect peace!!!
January 9, 2021
January 9, 2021
Anty Bimpe, as I fondly called her, was an epitome of Love, just like her Mum who happened to be my Father's first cousin. Anty connected with every relation, old or young, rich or poor, as long as you are her family member, she must connect with you. She never discriminated, everybody is the same with her. Anty will call to check on us because she cared about everyone's welfare. She must attend every family ceremony. Too many fond memories of my dear Anty. My gist partner. No dull moment with her. I felt great pain that she had to leave so soon without any hint of any farewell. We cannot question God, but to thank God for blessing our family with such a wonderful soul. I appreciate your worthy life Anti mi, I thank God for a good legacy, a legacy of Love and Service to Mankind. Rest on my dear Anty, till we meet at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ on the Resurrection morning in the mighty name of Jesus. The Almighty God that you loved and served will protect your children and all of us you left behind in Jesus name. From Mrs Bosede Kareem
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