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From band members of Gorilla

January 8, 2021
thoughts from members of Michael’s first band in Melbourne.

Sam Righi

Sorry to hear this news.
R.I.P. Michael.
An old friend & a great guy.
We all shared great memories together as a band.
My thoughts are with his family.

Ron Teuma
This is the saddest news I’ve heard in a long time.
We only just found him, it’s a sad day indeed.
My thoughts are with his family.
A great guy & a damned good bass player.
I always enjoyed playing The Who stuff.
R.I.P. Mick

Danny Pasto
So sad to hear.
Our only catch-up was on FB.
I have great memories of our time playing music together.
They were good times in Gorilla, such as sleeping on stages after the gig.
Will miss Mike as we only recently caught up on Facebook.
Looking forward to jamming again...
R.I.P. mate.

Cheers, blessings,


December 30, 2020
I think I must have terrorised my little brother. He claimed he used to get bashed regularly if he didn’t strictly follow instructions. Also that I used the match that burnt twice trick (hot match applied to arm) on him, inflicted Chinese burns, used him as slingshot practice & once threw a dart into his leg (which I deny). When I first visited Mike in Seattle, we were in his basement studio & a hug turned into a wrestling match, which he won. Sweet payback!!

High Hopes Media

December 21, 2020
Michael was a partner in High Hopes media in the late 70's and early 80's.  We all met at "The Media Shop" which supported use of the then new portable video equipment. Michael worked there with Frank Blummer.  At the time he had a marriage of convenience so she could get custody and he could get a green card. 

Later we formed High Hopes - partners Michael Holten, Jack Buchans, Mark Sherman, Mike Cady and myself, Parker Lindner.  We built two studios where we did video and audio production and where Michael and Jack also shared a job making training videos for the Northwest Kidney Center.

Michael was also a leading sound designer at the time working with the Empty Space Theater where he designed sound for the three part "Illuminatus" production.  When Robert Anton Wilson, the author came to town, we hosted an event at the local watering hole, "The Comet"
and Wilson unexpectedly got a pie in the face.  We also celebrated Richard Nixon's resignation there. Another favorite theater story was when he designed sound for a play that opened the Seattle Repertory's new Bagley Wright Theater.  It was a war story and Michael made the walls vibrate with his helicopter's strafing across the much so that it triggered the sprinkler system at the preview!

Our last studio together had several offices, conference room, studio and control room.  Michael always appeared confident - and his desk had a sign on it that read "When in doubt, mumble"!

Fagin’s Apprentice

December 20, 2020
Michael’s first job was as an apprentice petty thief in Washington DC where our father had a military posting.  I was not what you’d call a role-model big brother & I led him astray - coerced really. Mike was 3 years younger than me & he had to do whatever I said, or he copped it! As a youngster I was heavily into shoplifting, & lifting anywhere really. The booty had to be hidden & Mike’s smaller hands could get into tight spots, like wall cavities. He was also sworn to strict secrecy. We had quite a career, while it lasted. And so consequently I think I can take the credit for Mike growing up to be scrupulously honest!

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