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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Michael Harp, 54 years old, born on June 20, 1970, and passed away on June 27, 2024. We will remember him forever.

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July 12
Mike has always been more like an older brother than an uncle to me. He was always showing up to the dinner table with crazy fun stories about adventures he had been on. Usually getting an "oah Michael" exclamation from his mother.

I always enjoyed the opportunity to be on adventures with him because he would get me to try new things and overcome fears. Snowboarding, mountain biking, jet skiing, etc..

You were a constant inspiration and source of fun for my boys. They loved being around you regardless of if it was hanging out at home, exploring in the mountains, or learning from you at the fire station.

I will always wish I had more time and experiences with you, now I'll have to forge ahead and do my best to live like Mike.

Until we meet again for the next adventure.
July 12
I’ve known Mike for 54 years. I am his Uncle. A typical young child growing into a fun loving teenager. Then he grew into college young daredevil.
As long as it was fun, exciting, and even dangerous. He knew no fear. He was a good father to his beautiful children. I am so glad that Irena and Mike were together for his last years. I always knew Mike for his smile and loving attitude. Have a cold one waiting for me man

How to "Live Like Mike"

July 11
The T-shirts that read “Live Like Mike” seen at his lovely memorial were spot-on, because who wouldn’t want to live like Mike? But how does one do so? There are plenty of ways, of course, but I thought of three: 

Be wild with your hair. When I first met Mike in 2003 he had the clean-cut, Ken (as in “Barbie” fame) look. His tame locks screamed “suburban dad.” But things changed and he went through cycles of short hair, long hair, one handlebar mustache phase, the ponytail look and the scruffy look, but most of the time he just looked a lot like Fabio. His ultimate hairdo, the one that really took some guts, was when he went full punk mode, resembling Magua from “The Last of the Mohicans.” Mike really could rock any ‘do. 

Second way: Buy newfangled gizmos and entertain friends with them. We knew a camping trip would be fun when Mike showed up with a new toy. The first gizmo he brought was a disco ball with lights. Albion Basin campground lit up that night thanks to Mike. In the San Rafael Swell, he produced a giant flood light. When the campers next to us were too noisy, Mike scared them into silence with 10,000 lumens. Then there were the other toys: large kites, glow in the dark sticks, electric bikes (before they were popular), motorcycles, skis, snow bikes, a canoe, inflatable kayaks, the Pleasure-Way camper van and, of course, his favorite “toy” of all, the customized truck, that was equipped with more lock boxes than one Mike Harp could handle. He never locked anything. 

Last but not least, to live like Mike means having a “Yes, and…” attitude. We asked the Harps on dozens of camping trips, mostly to desolate, tree-less terrain where the wind howled all night and nasty arachnids roamed. To their credit, the Harps always went. When it came to adventure and travel, Mike was always game on. 

It is all too evident to those who loved Mike that life is short. So live like Mike: get the new hairdo and rock it. Entertain your friends with fun gizmos. Say yes to life and the adventures it holds. 
—Linnea Charnholm (and the Charnholm crew: Mike, Tor, Jens and Britta)

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