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Thank you for celebrating Michael with us. Please share your photos, videos, and stories. We are eager to hear your memories.

Michael’s Family
October 25, 2023
October 25, 2023
it's "letter of recommendation season" for my high school students, and I often re-read letters that I've written from past semesters for some inspiration. Of course this morning I stumbled across what I wrote for you:

"Michael was, unequivocally, the best student in my class
that semester and remains within the upper echelon of students I have had the pleasure of teaching within my career."

I've now been at the College for 14 years (and teaching in high school for 12). The statement I made for your letter of recommendation remains unchanged.

Mr. Muzik, you were taken from us too soon; you had so many other lives to impact. You changed peoples lives just by being you. Please help and guide me to do the same. We miss you.
April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023
Dear Michael, Easter celebration and music at College Church was grand and worshipful. JJ and I had the privilege of singing with the choir this year. We talked about you as we were driving to the rehearsal on Easter morning, how it had already been a year since you went home. I remember you sharing with us how much you loved the Easter worship at College Church...

During one of the services, I had to stop singing for a bit because I was overcome with powerful emotion as the choir was leading the congregation in singing one of my favorite songs, which I first learned at Sovereign Grace/Redeemer. So I leave this note for now with the third verse of The Power of the Cross. Looking forward to the day we are all together because of this truth...

"Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death,
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love."

"This, the power of the cross:
Son of God, slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross."
March 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
Its been almost a year and yet its hard to realize that you have passed from this world.

I met an amazing friend in the summer of 2019 from the REU program, an inspiring young lad with strong moral compass, loving nature, filled with kindness and bold humors.

Michael always observed and analyzed his surrounding in a peculiar manner that he always maintained a positive and optimistic mindset. Personally coming from a different culture, he was kind and patient with me. He taught me about cultural traditions, slangs, and we always had long conversation about our beliefs and thoughts. He was always curious and open to understand others' perspective, truly an inspiring character.

You will always be remembered and missed, it hurts each time to think that this world has lost you. However, I believe you are in good care of the Gold Almighty.
September 10, 2022
September 10, 2022
Oh Michael. Sigh. It’s been five months ago to the date since you left us. And it continues to mystify and frustrate me that you died! It feels so permanent and unmerciful. Yet I hold onto the hope that your soul is alive and well and in peace and joy with our Heavenly Father. Lord, in your mercy make it so!
I think of you often and I find myself listening to music you enjoyed - mainly Franz Liszt and Alecia Keys. Usually I’m prepping meals or cleaning up after them. And I remember you jumping in and chopping away at veggies and chicken for a Thai red curry soup that we enjoyed the first night you came to our house in Kalispell the summer 2019. That was when you were Nicholas’ wing man for his looong race in Canada……
Finding my thoughts again turning to you and your fam, today especially, as I think of Nicholas currently running through the Canadian Rockies. This time without you, his wing man and brother. He’s wearing your shirt and hat as he runs. And it makes me smile and makes my heart just ache for him and your parents and Liana and Andrew. They loved you so much. We all did and do. Past tense feels too harsh. I cling to the hope our souls live on and physical death is not the end but merely the river we must cross to get to the better side. 
Continuing to thank God for you life. Continuing to mourn your physical death. You are so loved and missed. 
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
One year at a Redeemer summer youth retreat, we all went to another camp other than Dickson Valley. At this camp, there was a ropes course and a zipline. Now I have a huge fear of heights but I wanted to go on the zipline so I did part of the course to get to the zipline with Kaitlin Romack. We get to the top of the zipline and I am already freaking out. Michael, Michael Gard, and Ashley Malas were all at the bottom originally trying to cheer me on. But then it turned into let's freak out Micah more. They kept trying to scare me, trying to get me to look down at them, and so on. Michael decided it was a good idea to sing Look Down from Les Miserable until he realized what the words actually were. He said, "oh wait maybe we shouldn't actually sing this song" at this point I already had told them to "stop, shut up" multiple times. I did not end up going down the zipline that day and did not talk to Michael until after dinner because of how mad I was. He came up and apologized for all of it. After that we laughed about it, he always could make us all laugh. Looking back on that day, it was actually one of my favorite memories with him, even though to this day I will not go on a zipline, it makes me laugh every time I think about it or tell people why I won't go on one. 
July 12, 2022
July 12, 2022
I have waited for three months to write this. Not because I have had nothing to say. But it it is because I am afraid that by writing a tribute to you Michael, that I am recognizing and acknowledging that you are in fact gone from this world that I live in.
You were a bright spot on this dreary earth from the time you entered stage right to the time you left so suddenly. We all thought there were so many years to come for you. Maybe that is why my tears spill bitterly down my cheeks.

Knowing your fun spirit and quick wit, you would might reply to this with something to the effect that you got the better end you of the deal. And I am not In Doubt of that. But please forgive me that I miss you. And I yearn for the day when tears will be washed away and all will be made right.

Happy 22nd birthday buddy. Love you.

Auntie Anna
June 25, 2022
June 25, 2022
At the beginning of the pandemic, my best friend Liana’s family adopted me for a semester. Memories from those four months still make me laugh. I miss the dinner table — the stand-up comedy stage for Michael and Mr. Muzik. Michael’s jokes would make me laugh so hard and ponder on deeper issues. For a long time in college, I felt depressed and confused. But the way that Michael joked inspired me to see spiritual and social issues under a new light. Like the rest of his family, Michael was so caring and sincere. He helped me to kill millions of bugs. He laughed at the K drama that Liana and I were watching. He still kept in touch after I left for Michigan and back to Wheaton. I should have written here a long time ago, but I couldn’t start with any words or sentences that can fully describe who Michael is in my heart. I still cannot find the right words. But what I know is that Michael continues to be an inspiration for me, during both joyful and difficult times.
June 6, 2022
June 6, 2022
Michael had played frisbee with a primarily Christian group of us called “Field Day,” and on 6/5/22 we put on our first frisbee tournament in his honor: the Michael Muzik Memorial Frisbee Tournament. We had 8 teams play for the prize of Coronas with limes. The players were a combination of people from Field Day, his community group, coworkers, and some stragglers who simply enjoyed frisbee. Not everyone knew him, but the tournament brought together a lot of new people in a really sweet way.
May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022
I met Michael through the Wheaton College Bible study group and we ran into each other at College of DuPage and University of Illinois.

I wish I knew him on a closer level as many others have had the opportunity to, however every encounter I’ve had with Michael left me in a better and more cheerful mood after. I’ll never forget his genuine enthusiasm when we ran into each other for the first time at the U of I gym! The fact I am writing this now is a testament to the positive impact he had on every person he interacted with, even those he don’t know very well.

He was a great role model and even better friend.
May 13, 2022
May 13, 2022
When I heard about Micheals passing, I felt complete disbelief. The Lord has showed me that I need to hold onto the belief that he is with Him instead. So from this day forward I will live remembering Micheal and the great friend that he was to me and instead of being in disbelief about his passing I am going to hold on to the fact that he is home. Praise God that although our bodies die our souls are living and living more truly than they ever have when in His presence. I love Micheal and am going to miss the great, fun, and energetic brother in Christ he was to me and so many others! “Earth has no sorrow that Heaven can’t heal”
May 6, 2022
May 6, 2022
I grew up in Chicago, 13 years of going to the same church, with the same people. Michael was one of those. I remember one of my favorite memories with him was a sleepover for my Pirates of the Caribbean birthday party.

During our swordfight, when Michael was slain by my hand, I remember him lying still on the ground like a good sport, while the rest of us kept fighting until my mom said “Michael you can get up!”

Later that night, we had our heaps of blankets piled on couches ready to sleep, but we were still talking as is the case with most sleepovers. Michael, however, was still and silent on the ground.

I remember saying, “Guys. Michael is trying to be mature by pretending to be asleep,” and Michael sitting up and exclaiming, “HOW DID YOU KNOW?”

It was always that kind of friendship: mutual understanding, late nights of talking, and even though a 2000 mile move from Chicago to Seattle might’ve caused the occasional silent spell, we were still able to keep in touch, picking up the phone right where we left off, like a never-ending story of what God was doing in each of our lives.

Michael was a friend and a voice of wisdom to me in an unhealthy dating relationship. When I struggled in my faith, he was steadfast and was with me when that unhealthy relationship ended, in the hurt and loneliness. We were each other’s wingmen, rolling with the punches of life together.

Growing up, Michael and I were the dynamic duo of goofballs. I remember playing video games together, singing stupid, made-up songs, getting buried to our heads at the Warren Dunes, going out into his backyard to play in cool forts, or eating the rhubarb from his garden, before going inside for cookies, chess (he would always win), and card games.

Michael was always interested in my older brothers, my younger brothers, my sister, my parents, me, my plans, everything. He wanted to hear everything, I felt like a celebrity. I loved the chance to get him to open up about his own life, his vulnerable heart for God, and his longing to see God face-to-face.

Michael clearly had so much practice at being grateful, that it was his default perspective on life. I remember having talks where I was stunned and even doubtful that he could be THAT grateful for everything in his life. He was a challenging, transforming example to me.

Michael was an example of steadfastness of heart, his love and faith in the Lord were inspiring, and he taught me much in the way that he lived.

Near the end of his life, Michael and I had scheduled phone calls, which kept us in touch, at least once a month if not more. I’m convinced that the Lord did this, in order to give me a glimpse into the blessing that was Michael’s life to others, before taking Michael to his true home, where he has always belonged.

When I talked to Michael a few weeks ago I remember him telling me that he loved his new job, that he and his boss would play games in the hall when things were slow. That his new roommates were great, and pretty much the only reason a roommate had left the house he was living in was that they had gotten married. He was clearly excited by this fact. He told me he’d won lottery tickets in a raffle, and we prayed earnestly together that he would win, fantasizing together about what WE would do with his money, I immediately pre-grafted myself into his winnings.

I remember getting off the phone with him smiling, marveling at the ways God had provided in his life, and enjoying the fact that we got to share in each other's lives even across the country.

On Sunday, April 10th, there was no time for anything. There was no time to pray, to beg for the Lord to spare Michael’s life. There was no time to call, to connect with the family and hear how he was.

When I heard I got up and went for a walk.

The first thing I said to God was “Is he with you?” And as I began to sob behind the empty church building outside of our house I knew and felt the assurance from the Lord, that today, Michael was with Him in paradise.

There is no miraculous resolution, there is no happy ending to this story for us yet. Just the pain and grief of loss.

Yet, when I read 2 Corinthians 3, I can’t help but feel the Joy of the Lord at the prospect of going to be with Michael in eternity:

“Since we have such a hope, we are very bold, not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face so that the Israelites might not gaze at the outcome of what was being brought to an end… Yes, to this day whenever Moses is read a veil lies over their hearts. But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.”

On April 10th, 2022, Michael, with unveiled face, beheld the image of his Creator. He saw and is seeing, without restraint, the power, the glory, the splendor, the all-consuming love of our Yahweh. I know that on that day, he was transformed into that same perfect, holy image, in all of its glory forever, and ever. And I also know that on that final day, Michael will rise again, with me, and with all of us, to behold and reflect the image of God together, for all eternity.

Michael, you will always be my brother. I miss you more every day. Passing the deadline for our monthly check-in was like a sword stroke to the stomach.

But I find my greatest joy in knowing that you are perfect, and complete, lacking in nothing, because of the glory of God that you reflect perfectly throughout every moment in paradise. I hope you climb the tallest of mountains, sing the most joyful songs, dance without restraint, and feast with your bridegroom to your fill.

I’ll be there soon, wait up for me.

Your fellow goofball, Owen Pronovost
May 5, 2022
From the funeral home site:

Colleen Conley
Posted Apr 17, 2022 at 06:58am
Michael was the kindest, happiest person and we never saw him without a smile on his face. He always brightened our day. I can still picture his smile and wave as he walked down the road, mowed someone's lawn, or helped Mary by planting something for her. Chris and I always marveled at what great kids you have and wondered how you raise them to all turn out so strong, ambitious, generous, respectful, happy and full of integrity. We can't even begin to imagine what you guys are going through dealing with his loss. Michael truly will be missed. He was an amazing gift to this world.
May 3, 2022
May 3, 2022
I am so sorry to hear of Michael's death.  I was the Engineering Club advisor here at the College of DuPage when Michael was the president.  I never met a more cheerful person. He was always the first to volunteer for any task and always did it with a smile. Just as important, he always made sure everyone felt welcome on the team.  He was almost always happy and he wanted everyone around him to be happy.

His death is a loss to all of us.

Tom Carter - Physics - College of DuPage
April 27, 2022
April 27, 2022
Dear Muzik's,

I travel in my role at Daimler, so only recently learned of this situation. 

Admittedly, I did not know Michael well, but he made a positive impression on myself and my team.

Michael walked by my area on the way to his desk and would tell my team good morning every day he was in the office. He would always say hello to me personally when I walked by. He presented himself as a pleasant young man. 

It is ironic that a mere "hello" or "good morning" can leave such an impression.

I heard today that he was a graduate of the Illinois Fighting Illini! 

You should be proud of Michael!

I am deeply sorry for your loss.
April 27, 2022
April 27, 2022
There is so much to say about Michael and too many stories. Sleepovers at Grandma and Grandpa's house, "quality family time", playing sports, conversations about our lives and futures, and playing airsoft in the woods as kids are just a few memories that come to mind. Michael was goofy and always fun to be around, however, he was also extremely wise and understanding. A lot of my memories of him consist of us having fun together but the memories that stick out are the ones where we had deep conversations about our Faith, futures, and family. Every couple of months, Michael would call me and we would catch up about the things that we were doing. Sometimes they were great talks about how well things were going and other times they were talks about how things could get better. In May of 2021, I was moving out of school and we were passing by Champaign. I decided to give Michael a call to see if he would like to grab lunch. We spent about an hour together catching up and conversing about Christ, family, and our future plans. That was one of the last times I saw Michael. He was always a joy to be around.

Although Michael and I were the same age, I looked up to him as a role model in so many ways. He was a great man, and a great cousin.
April 26, 2022
April 26, 2022
I met Michael through my friend and his roommate Eli. I remember Eli telling me about his new, very tall roommate who was texting him mushy things:) Soon, Michael became my friend too, and I was greeted with a loud “BROOKE” every time I came by their house. He called me one day last month, telling me that he was driving by a bridge that people were walking across I-277 from Uptown Charlotte, and thought of a conversation we had had once and wanted to see how my new job was going for me. He was kind and considerate and did these things for others often. He embodied Christ’s love & care for others and a joy expressed only through Jesus. My favorite memory was one where Michael, Eli, our friend Anna, & I went skiing, but were stuck in hours long traffic on a frozen highway. Michael insisted we get out of the car and line dance to the Wobble & Cupid Shuffle on the highway. There’s video proof of it too that I shared :) I’m going to miss him a lot. I’m glad he gets to see Jesus face to face and I’m looking forward to seeing him again one day.
April 24, 2022
April 24, 2022
We first met Michael as a cute baby, when he attended our small group in his car seat. Over the next 20 years the Muzik and Tatum families enjoyed precious times together: church life, weekly homeschool co-ops, dinners in our homes, jam sessions in the music room, and boisterous games. Michael was always in the middle of the fun, with a smile, a laugh, an encouraging word, a prank, or just his loving, goofy self! Even as a young child, Michael was outward focused, quick to ask others about themselves, and eager to serve in a time of need. Special memories include: Michael, as a 1 year old, contentedly enjoying blanket time. Michael, as a pre-schooler, reciting Psalm 139 word for word, with his adorable lisp and endearing hand motions. Michael at Glen Lake, as a handsome, godly, cheerful, and engaging teenager, paddle boarding, playing spike ball, eating constantly, and trying desperately, night after night, to beat Tim at cards. Michael, you brought a lot of joy and laughter to our lives. We already miss you. Thank you for your example of loving God and loving people. You greatly enriched the lives of all the Tatums.
April 22, 2022
April 22, 2022
I first met Michael during my freshman year of college at UIUC during his senior year. We were connected through the Christian houses we lived at together. While Michael and I clashed quite a few times because we were both very passionate and intense people, we always made up and were able to connect regardless. He was a very core person when I think back on last year and what it was like to come to school. I remember that within the very first month, there were a few of us just sitting outside on the porch late at night and he had turned on his music just to vibe. Frank Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon" came on and he asked me to dance with him. I had only had a few interactions with him, but that became one of my favorite memories from that semester. He taught me how to play Spikeball and was there every time I texted the group chat begging for people to play with me. He was patient, kind, and entirely supportive when it came to anything in my life. Even as I write this, it's sunny and nice out, and I can picture him in my head just laying out on the concrete just tanning and playing music.
Despite our differences, Michael was always someone I felt safe with. He was one of the few whom I felt loved as fiercely as I did and we always had a very clear understanding of each other and our priorities. It makes my heart sing to know that he is having the biggest party with Jesus right now, and while I miss him, and I can't wait to see him.
April 20, 2022
April 20, 2022
Such a devastating loss. Michael was on fire for God and spreading the Good News. It has been really hard grieving the loss of him even though I know he is in heaven. He was such a bright light going out.

He was so intentional and energetic. He would introduce himself to anyone at church that was sitting next him and truly took an interest in everyone. I’m trying to trust God and understand why his time on earth was so short.
April 19, 2022
April 19, 2022
I’ve tried so many times to write this. Every time I’ve come up short. Short of what this person has meant to so many people and what he’s meant to me.

I hope the comic I made can do some of that for me. But still, it remains a small window into 12 years of friendship with a wonderful boy.

Michael Muzik and I grew up together in church. We shared picnic benches on park days, soccer fields, and an affinity for competition and laughter. I liked him from the start. It was hard not to.

But it wasn’t until his 16th birthday that we became really good friends. That night, we played soccer again, made tiny pies, and drank helium till we saw stars.

We never really stopped talking after that. Conversations ranged from our favorite music to literal battle scars to “I guess I’m allergic to mangos now”.

Michael always asked me about my day with such genuine curiosity. He learned songs I liked on the piano to surprise me. Once, he stayed up all night to watch Ever After, one of my favorite movies.

You never made me question my worth. Ever.

The last time we talked, you texted me asking for pictures of my art. I asked you how life was. You had never sounded more content.

You really loved Jesus, Mike. If I’m honest, I’m not sure what I believe right now. But I know that your life was a testament to His radical love.

I want to be more like you.

I wish we would have danced at that wedding. I wish we would have been in the same canoe. I wish I could hug you one more time.

But if I believe anything, it’s that faith is hope.

I hope I’ll see you again soon.
Thanks for loving me.

April 18, 2022
April 18, 2022
We loved our brief time getting to know Michael as a neighbor and friend.

We grieve deeply with you over the loss of his joyful, enthusiastic, light-filled presence in this world. We rejoice with you that he is eternally secure with His heavenly Father and rejoicing in the victory of Christ over the grave.

I love remembering Michael's cheerful, funny commentary in the car on the way home from Greenhouse, and how he could pull things out of my quiet kids that even I couldn't. :-) :-)

I loved the times he came down to play basketball with Trevor. For a time, Michael was Best Friend #1 to Trevor. :-) :-)

I love the memory of the time we all sat, packed into your music room with our little kiddos, listening in awe at Michael playing a Chopin piece he'd been working on for 6 months. 6 months!! At that time, we had kids learning things like Hot Cross Buns on the piano. :-) :-) He was so gracious to share the good gifts God had blessed him with (and the hard work he'd put in!).

I loved hearing about this heart for the kids of COD, and how he'd spend his lunchtime looking for ways to bring the gospel light to others.

Probably my favorite Michael memory is one day when we'd all ridden our bikes to the dam in McDowell, and suddenly we saw Michael and a bunch of his Greenhouse friends canoeing towards us. We realized the were going to attempt going over the dam! They did this successfully, laughing and splashing and calling out hellos to us. As I watched him with my much younger kids, I thought, "Man, I want [Ollie] to grow up to be like that adventurous, friendly, loving young man!" :-) :-)

Thank you for sharing the service online for those of us who could not share that time with you in person. Virtual hugs are not the same, but please know the Smiths are sending you lots in these days. With deep love for you all, Jessica (for Phil, Trevor, Ollie, Linnea and Lily)
April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022
My time knowing Michael was too brief, yet I had a clear picture of who he was. He is so easy to know.

I met him through a group in Charlotte called Field Day and we quickly bonded over frisbee and spikeball. That first night, we all ate dinner at Optimist Hall and we didn’t have enough chairs, so he kneeled on the ground next to me - and was still visibly taller than me while I sat in a chair. Someone asked how tall he was and he responded “5’11”.” When they argued, he relented slightly, claiming to be 5’11.5”. After dinner, he bought a large pumpkin croissant to share and invited me to pickup frisbee that week, texting “Michael Muzik. 5’11.5” “

Michael pursued people, including me, in a way I’ve never seen before. He constantly affirmed me. And he is by far the most entertaining texter I’ve ever encountered.

I once rode on the back of his motorcycle and he gave me the award of “best passenger ever” because at that time, I was the only passenger he’d ever had.

Michael so clearly loved his family and that was evident in our conversations. He shared stories about Nick’s ultras and how much he respected Nick’s discipline. He shared that he was best friends with his sister and he was continuing to grow in loving her. He shared pictures of all of you.

He was bold in his words and actions, which I value highly. He asked great questions and gave thorough and thoughtful answers. Michael was incredibly deep while maintaining his reputation as a goober.

My heart breaks for the Muzik family. The portion of Michael’s life that I knew was a bright picture of the gospel and the cross has never felt as powerful as it does now. The ceremony utterly overwhelmed me with the power of the gospel. I know he is having the absolute best time with the Lord, and I am so thankful to have known him and to be inspired by him.
April 17, 2022
April 17, 2022
I met Michael just a couple of months ago but he quickly became a good friend. A good friend meaning someone who is very dear to me but also someone who is good at being a friend…Michael was both. We both felt comfortable enough to share our lives and our burdens within a week of knowing each other. He consistently encouraged me and pushed me towards Jesus.

I took pride in being someone who could give Michael a dose of his own medicine with joy and spontaneity. I would routinely call him at work for no reason just to talk to him. I would send him music with no context and I would stop by his house for 5 minutes just to say hey. It is so rare to find someone that you can laugh with and cry with in the same day…Michael was that friend for me.

My friend Carter and I got to eat lunch with Michael after church on his last day. The lunch was so life giving. Michael spent the time encouraging Carter and I and he closed us out with the most beautiful prayer. Obviously Carter and I did not know that that would be the last time that we saw him but we are both so thankful for that interaction. It is such a tribute to the Christlikeness in Michael. I am so grateful for the time that I had with him. In the face of this tragedy my grief is as deep as my hope is strong. You can run out of tears feeling this kind of pain. But I know that the hope that Michael had has put him firmly in the arms of our savior. Michael’s life has inspired me to take hold of that same hope and never let go.
I love and miss you Michael
Prayers for the Muzik family
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
I didn’t want Michael’s memorial service to end today! What a gift and balm to so many of us who have been grieving this week. A reminder to lift our eyes. A special thank you to all who were involved in bringing this together and making it available by live stream. 
I could have sat and listened for hours more. What a beautiful and fun tribute to our hilarious, fun loving, God fearing nephew and cousin. And what a message of hope and ultimate restoration!
Joseph and Selah were listening. And they got to know Michael better today through the stories and memories shared. Joseph has mentioned several times, “I can’t believe he climbed a crane!” 
And my children got to hear the message of the gospel in a new light. We all did. And all this because of Michael’s life and death. What a gift. I am eternally grateful. 
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Dear Muzik's,
I met Michael here in Charlotte and he was the light in every room he walked into. People gravitated towards him and he made everyone feel listened to and appreciated. He was also fantastic at making people laugh without even trying (like when he was incharge of the blow-up "No" stick in the "Poetry For Neanderthal" game and didn't hesitate to whack people with it hahah!). One time in particular, we were talking about playing guitar and how it's really hard to play bar chords. Earlier he had laughed at my hands cause he said they looked like talons - so I snatched this opportunity and joked back at him for having trouble playing bar chords with how big his hands were! Michael was special in how he could be sarcastic and funny with you, but also do it in a way where it make you feel included and want to be around him more.
Even though it was a short friendship, I am thankful for the time I was able to know him and how he makes me want to be a better Christian.
With love,
Bridgette Scott
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Mark and I were deeply touched by the wonderful tributes to Michael in the memorial service. Each one spoke so engagingly. Each reinforced what an amazing person Michael was, while giving us new insights into his fun loving, dare devil side and his passionate faith. Thank you for live streaming the service so we could share this experience with you. Liana, I am so glad your friends were there to show their love and support of you.
April 15, 2022
April 15, 2022
Dear Muzik Family

Micheal was a joy and will be missed by all who knew him. I have a few stories that I will share.

One summer Liana watched my boys Jared and Cole. They had the best summer that year and some of that was due to her bringing Michael over to play with them. Micheal was a wonderful boy whose sweet personality was a good influence on my sons.

Another time we had that big flood in our adjoining backyards. Micheal and his other kids pulled out their canoes and were canoeing around. They came over to the edge, picked up my boys up and took them for a ride. That is a special memory of ours and I know I have pictures someplace but have no idea where.

Your whole family is special and we are blessed to have had you as our neighbors. Michael will truly be missed, but he's hanging with Jesus and there is nothing cooler than that. I know when I get to Heaven he will be there saying hello, Mrs. Peaslee, just like he did every time I saw him around town.

May God give you peace during this difficult time. 
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Michael had such a unique way of making everyone feel loved and valued. He always made the space to sit and listen to people. I will always remember Michael’s words, “How’s it going Emily? Tell me about life?” He would then sit and listen. He gave you the floor as long as you needed it. He loved people with a love that was genuine and heartfelt. I will miss his sweet smile and words of encouragement. Words can’t express the grief and loss.
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Dear Muziks,

I knew Michael through the College of DuPage Robotics team during my first year of college.

During my first week at the College of DuPage, I met Michael through the Engineering and Robotics club. That time was a bit turbulent in a way because you are in a new place and meeting new people. That day when I sat down with him for the first time and talked with him about joining the club, he was incredibly warm and welcoming to me on the team and to everyone else, he extended that same kindness. He always helped others with college and club work and was incredibly positive and caring. I am thankful to have known him and I am so sorry for your loss.

Ojas DhiYogi
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
Dear Muziks,

I wish that Amy & I had some pictures to share of Michael, but our times in his presence were either too brief or too focused on good conversation to think about snapping a photo.

But I do have such good memories of him. Two come to mind.

I remember sitting down with Michael and Larry over coffee at a campus coffee shop in the years before he came to U of I. He wanted to meet me and talk about what it might be like to live in Champaign, study engineering there, and all as a follower of Christ. I was *so* impressed with his earnestness, his faith and joy, his ability to connect with people. (He barely knew me as some distant second cousin, yet he was so interested not just in U of I, but in me!)

I remember another time after he'd moved to Champaign. It was a Sunday at church. He'd come to TCBC just a few times by this point, even though the church was in a difficult season, with far fewer students than had historically been there. On this particular Sunday, the interim pastor, either in his sermon or just his up-front speaking, asked a rhetorical question, something about where we saw God working, or what we were thankful for. I don't recall other people answering out loud -- but Michael did. Sitting in one of the front pews, loud enough for everyone to hear, Michael said, "TCBC," with a smile on his face and a joyful honesty in his voice. He wasn't at TCBC for long, but he exuded a love for God and people while he was there.

That confident warmth was so memorable, so contagious, and so much like the Jesus he knew and loved. We're so thankful to have known him.

Steve Jaeger (with Amy, Ethan, Bella, Owen, and Noah)

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October 25, 2023
October 25, 2023
it's "letter of recommendation season" for my high school students, and I often re-read letters that I've written from past semesters for some inspiration. Of course this morning I stumbled across what I wrote for you:

"Michael was, unequivocally, the best student in my class
that semester and remains within the upper echelon of students I have had the pleasure of teaching within my career."

I've now been at the College for 14 years (and teaching in high school for 12). The statement I made for your letter of recommendation remains unchanged.

Mr. Muzik, you were taken from us too soon; you had so many other lives to impact. You changed peoples lives just by being you. Please help and guide me to do the same. We miss you.
April 23, 2023
April 23, 2023
Dear Michael, Easter celebration and music at College Church was grand and worshipful. JJ and I had the privilege of singing with the choir this year. We talked about you as we were driving to the rehearsal on Easter morning, how it had already been a year since you went home. I remember you sharing with us how much you loved the Easter worship at College Church...

During one of the services, I had to stop singing for a bit because I was overcome with powerful emotion as the choir was leading the congregation in singing one of my favorite songs, which I first learned at Sovereign Grace/Redeemer. So I leave this note for now with the third verse of The Power of the Cross. Looking forward to the day we are all together because of this truth...

"Oh, to see my name
Written in the wounds,
For through Your suffering I am free.
Death is crushed to death,
Life is mine to live,
Won through Your selfless love."

"This, the power of the cross:
Son of God, slain for us.
What a love! What a cost!
We stand forgiven at the cross."
March 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
Its been almost a year and yet its hard to realize that you have passed from this world.

I met an amazing friend in the summer of 2019 from the REU program, an inspiring young lad with strong moral compass, loving nature, filled with kindness and bold humors.

Michael always observed and analyzed his surrounding in a peculiar manner that he always maintained a positive and optimistic mindset. Personally coming from a different culture, he was kind and patient with me. He taught me about cultural traditions, slangs, and we always had long conversation about our beliefs and thoughts. He was always curious and open to understand others' perspective, truly an inspiring character.

You will always be remembered and missed, it hurts each time to think that this world has lost you. However, I believe you are in good care of the Gold Almighty.
His Life
April 14, 2022
Michael Donald Muzik was born on the 14th of July in 2000 in Naperville, IL. He was raised just outside of Chicago in the city of Warrenville, IL. Surrounded by a community of family and friends from a young age, Michael sought to promote other people’s lives through selfless kindness and encouraging closeness. Committing himself to Christ at an early age, he daily chose to discover his earnest dependence on God’s love. Until the very end, Michael prepared himself for the joy beyond death by living each moment on this earth passionately for Christ.

Thriving in his early education, he delighted in developing complex questions and discovering simple, reliable solutions. At the same time, he was loved outside of the academic realm as a competent and supportive teammate. Soccer as a youth,  spike ball and hall games in college, and frisbee as an adult brought him joy and fulfillment in his communities. Throughout each activity- academic and beyond- he chose to discover the kindness and complexity in the human story by promoting each person’s individual experience. He graduated high school early and soon began his further education in mechanical engineering. At the University of Illinois, he burnt the candle at both ends in academia and community fellowship. He graduated college at the age of 20 and moved to North Carolina to prioritize being close to family. There he worked for Daimler Trucks, designing auto body frames. He also travelled frequently as it brought him closer to the people that he loved so well.  Whether it was his grandparents and family in Illinois and Missouri, his brother’s family in Virginia, his sister in the Midwest, or multiple roadtrips with his other brother out west, Michael prioritized the family that he was given through boisterous laughter and passionate curiosity. Even as he showered friends and family with enthusiastic love, his greatest joy was Jesus.

From the moment he began to speak, Michael Muzik made people smile. Both with strangers and friends alike, Michael had an uncanny ability to communicate— his bold humor and intentionality made others feel safe, supported, and valued. On every level, Michael spent his time making other people feel important. The grounded genuineness through which he interacted with the world bound communities together and created spaces for growth and love. And as his professional and adult life was yet starting, Michael Muzik was taken swiftly to the Lord’s care.

On April 10th, 2022, Michael Muzik left this world following a vehicle accident in North Carolina. He leaves behind his parents Larry and Beth Muzik; his older siblings Andrew (Sarah), Nicholas, and Liana; a niece and nephew, Rebecca and Theodore; his maternal grandparents, Don and Joyce Krumsieg; and many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins on both sides of the family. The family would be honored if you took the time to share a story, memory, or note about Michael. Please go to The Muzik family would also be honored by your attendance at his memorial service at 2pm on Saturday, April 16th at Mercy Church in Charlotte (7200 Providence Rd, Charlotte, NC 28226).

We all felt deeply supported and thoroughly embraced by Michael Muzik’s love. Take some time to share those memories and live a life with a bolder kindness like we learned from Michael.
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April 27, 2022
I didn't personally know Michael. However, my boys new him. When we first started attending Greenhouse, Michael happened to be one of my son's Mega Buddy. Gabriel would come home from Greenhouse and talk about Michael quite often. He would say that Michael would always be singing and smiling every time he would see him, however, when Michael would see Gabriel, he would stop and yell "SLIFKA", which is our last name. That would brighten Gabriel's day and make him feel so special, that a high schooler would take time to acknowledge and want to be around him. He said that Michael was a great role model. He seemed to always be lighthearted and full of life. And through that, my other two boys were touched by Michael.
His life was short lived, however, it was a full life and he was used by God to touch many people for His glory. He will never be forgotten, but will be forever missed.
Keslie Slifka
April 25, 2022
I knew Michael my whole life, and have countless wonderful memories of him, but two in particular stand out. 
When I was about 12 or 13 I was sitting at the piano in Auntie Beth and Uncle Larry's living room and trying to play the song, "Skaters Waltz", which is in that classic Christmas song book. I couldn't figure out how to play left and right hand together, but Michael came over and offered for me to play with my right hand and him with his left. We successfully finished the song and I was very happy knowing that an older cousin had looked out for me. 
Another memory I have was once again surrounded by the piano. A small group of us were all singing hymns and throwing out names of hymns we would like to sing. I remember Michael having us sing "Be Still My Soul". We all sang it together and it really was beautiful. I did not know that "Be Still My Soul" was his favourite hymn, and knowing that now makes this memory even sweeter.  
I have so many memories of Michael not just because he was my cousin, but because he was intentional. He cared about you regardless if you were younger or older than him. I will never forget his laughter and zest for life. He truly was a gem. 
April 23, 2022
This is from my (Sarah’s) Auntie B…

I read Michael’s obituary online and although I didn’t know him well, I feel a bit like I do now. I have two memories of him, 1st : playing music at your wedding reception with Nicholas. 2nd : More vividly, is the time I was talking with Sarah and she was trying to coax Becca to come to the phone to talk with auntie B. I clearly heard in the background Becca say, “No! I want to talk with Uncle Michael!” I can’t think of better evidence of how much he loved and was loved.

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