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April 27, 2022
I didn't personally know Michael. However, my boys new him. When we first started attending Greenhouse, Michael happened to be one of my son's Mega Buddy. Gabriel would come home from Greenhouse and talk about Michael quite often. He would say that Michael would always be singing and smiling every time he would see him, however, when Michael would see Gabriel, he would stop and yell "SLIFKA", which is our last name. That would brighten Gabriel's day and make him feel so special, that a high schooler would take time to acknowledge and want to be around him. He said that Michael was a great role model. He seemed to always be lighthearted and full of life. And through that, my other two boys were touched by Michael.
His life was short lived, however, it was a full life and he was used by God to touch many people for His glory. He will never be forgotten, but will be forever missed.
Keslie Slifka
April 25, 2022
I knew Michael my whole life, and have countless wonderful memories of him, but two in particular stand out. 
When I was about 12 or 13 I was sitting at the piano in Auntie Beth and Uncle Larry's living room and trying to play the song, "Skaters Waltz", which is in that classic Christmas song book. I couldn't figure out how to play left and right hand together, but Michael came over and offered for me to play with my right hand and him with his left. We successfully finished the song and I was very happy knowing that an older cousin had looked out for me. 
Another memory I have was once again surrounded by the piano. A small group of us were all singing hymns and throwing out names of hymns we would like to sing. I remember Michael having us sing "Be Still My Soul". We all sang it together and it really was beautiful. I did not know that "Be Still My Soul" was his favourite hymn, and knowing that now makes this memory even sweeter.  
I have so many memories of Michael not just because he was my cousin, but because he was intentional. He cared about you regardless if you were younger or older than him. I will never forget his laughter and zest for life. He truly was a gem. 
April 23, 2022
This is from my (Sarah’s) Auntie B…

I read Michael’s obituary online and although I didn’t know him well, I feel a bit like I do now. I have two memories of him, 1st : playing music at your wedding reception with Nicholas. 2nd : More vividly, is the time I was talking with Sarah and she was trying to coax Becca to come to the phone to talk with auntie B. I clearly heard in the background Becca say, “No! I want to talk with Uncle Michael!” I can’t think of better evidence of how much he loved and was loved.
April 15, 2022
I had known Michael through his siblings Nicholas and Liana, with whom I had fond memories of singing together with the Wheaton College Concert Choir--Nicholas was my roommate during our tour in South Korea. The Muziks had invited me over for dinner on a cold day, and as an international student, I was deeply touched by this gesture. Not many people would welcome foreigners like me. I remember that we made some music after dinner--I was on the piano, and Michael was on the percussion. 

My double vocation as a chemist-musician led to a natural connection with Michael, but Michael was remarkable in the way he would engage and listen. We would see each other at random times and he would still remember my hopes and my struggles from a previous conversation post-ice hockey on a frozen marsh, even when a few months had elapsed. 

Even through his death, Michael had inspired me to engage and listen well even to acquaintances I have not kept up with. He led a well-lived life and shared it graciously, albeit cut short. After reading many stories here, I know my story affirms what has been said: Michael cared for those in his presence, no matter how well he knew them, no matter if he knew them only through his siblings. 

Much love and peace. 

April 15, 2022
I met Michael for the first time In December 2020. Michael, Liana, and Nicholas met my sister Kylie and I in Richmond, VA for picnic. Michael was warm, kind, and playful. He noticed my shy sister and made sure to help her feel welcome and seen. We explored the park and he carried her around the muddy parts to help keep her shoes clean. She was smitten with him immediately. For days after, we talked about Michael and his siblings and the strong bond they shared that we have never known. 
The last time I talked to Michael was about a week before his passing. Nicholas, Michael, and I were dreaming up plans for a trip to Canada in September. The boys shared their usual slew of cringy jokes and I grilled him on his dating life. 
I wish I had gotten to spend more time with hi. 
Much love to you, Muzik Family.
April 15, 2022
I knew Michael since he was a little baby. He had the cutest lisp and cheesy grin from ear to ear. We always had a running joke that he was my “sweetums” fiancé! I don’t think I was ever around him without a smile on my face. He is truly special and I will forever love him! 
April 15, 2022
I wasn't Michael's closest friend, but as someone who was close to one of his siblings, I've got an opportunity to talk to him a few times; I remember each of them distinctly, for I recall being impressed by his genuineness, passion towards God, joy, and liveliness every time. My last conversation with him was when I was privileged to work closely with the Muziks as we were praying for the speedy recovery of his brother, and his inspirational wholesomeness and humility motivated me to be a better friend and a better person.

One of the more joyous memories comes from the Easter lunch (I believe) invitation during my Wheaton days. I got to meet the majority of the Muzik family for the first time then, with Michael being one of them, and his humor and friendliness, on top of the warmest hospitality by the Muziks, gifted me probably one of the most, if not the most, memorable Easter lunch I've experienced in the States that I still reminisce to this day.

I won't be able to share with him the impact he's had in my life, but if he's touched me - who was close to being a family friend than a close friend - by this much, it's evident how many lives he had touched and how big of an impact he'd left in this world. And I'm sure hundreds are eager to testify.

Sending love and support from afar.
April 14, 2022
I distinctly remember the first time I met Michael. Nicholas and I had become good friends at Wheaton College, so naturally (as homeschoolers do), we got together to play frisbee during the summer. One day, Nicholas brought his brother to frisbee and introduced him as “Robert”. The crew of about 20 of us played frisbee all day, complimenting “Robert” on his excellent height and disk skills. It wasn’t until we were gathered around the bonfire at the end of the night that Nicholas jumped up saying: “Attention everyone! I’d like to introduce you to my brother, MICHAEL. His name is not Robert.” We all had a good laugh and probably threw a few frisbees in his general direction after that. Love you all ❤️

Sibling Bond

April 14, 2022
 I remember coming to the Muzik house when Michael was a newborn.  Liana, you were a toddler and you guarded Michael fiercely.  You didn’t want anybody but your Mom or Dad to hold him.  It was a sweet sibling bond between you both from the beginning ❤️    Love and prayers to all of you
April 14, 2022
Last year we had the privilege to work with Michael for a weeks during summertime. He helped us demo (Demolition) a home in Greenville during that time. Although there were many funny memories and great conversations, there is one memory that is so silly you can't help but smile. During lunch break, Scott, Me, and Michael were sitting in the back of the van eating and chatting away. We were talking about this odd little door that was about 3" x 3" that started about 5ft from the ground, almost like a cabinet door that was in the pantry of this house. When you opened it, it was like a strange little room with shelves on the walls.! As we were theorizing what in the world this little tiny room could be for (It also had colorful 80's wallpaper), Michael suddenly asks, "Do you think we could all fit in there?". We begin proposing different ways that all 3 of us could fit into this bizarre tiny room and who would go first and sit where to fit the next person. (realistically it probably could only fit 1 person who'd be crouched over comfortably, but we dreamed) Before we knew it, all 3 of us were laughing SO HARD. No sound kind of laughing, almost wheezing and falling on top of eachother we couldn't even sit still. Kenny (in the front seat) even turned around and asked if we were all "on drugs" because we sounded so ridiculous. Unfortunately upon further inspection after lunch, we decided it probably wasn't the safest idea (didn't want anyone to get stuck and have to cut out the wall to retrieve them). This is definitely a random and silly incident and memory but I can't help but smile as it was SUCH a genuine moment of friendship and enjoying eachothers company. Also, another small story, during this week, Michael came with Kenny and I to the gym one day after work and on the way home, from the back seat, Michael says something along the lines of, "You guys are so amazing, thank you for being so kind". It was such a heartwarming compliment from him, it really made our day that he had so many kind words and compliments and NEVER held them back. He was so loving and great company!!

Big questions from a young boy

April 14, 2022
I remember a time that Ben and I were driving Michael and Liana in the car. Maybe they had gotten done babysitting for us? Anyway, Michael proceeded to ask me a big, sweepingintellectual question. “So, Mrs. Hurt,” he began, “what do you think about…” (I can’t recall the exact question but I think it to do with a cause of war.) I blankly stared for a moment and then responded, “You know what, Michael, I have no idea.” He laughed and said, “That’s alright,” and then proceeded to tell me his own thoughts on the situation. This was probably circa 2010 and so he probably wasn’t even a teenager yet. It was clear that he loved to ponder and converse with others. What a special kid then; I can only imagine what a special man he grew up to be! 

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