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June 4
June 4
Michael, Hard to believe it is 14 years today you have been gone. Your mom is a special lady who I know misses you so much. I wish I had been given the opportunity to meet you as you sounded like such an awesome person and son. May you know there are many people who miss and love you. Be blessed in heaven. Pat Chakonas
June 4
June 4
Heavenly Angelversary Hugs! You are truly missed! I think of your mother every day. We both truly miss our son's so very much!
June 4
June 4
To My only son, Michael Joseph Price. You are missed and loved like no other. I cant believe today is 14 years since I got the call and went to the hospital. There are really no more words. Only that I hope to someday see you again and wherever you are I hope its good. Your Mom loves you dearly and will always remember you.
January 14
January 14
Happy birthday bud,

I miss you more than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorrow. You were always an amazing friend to me, thank you for always being there any and every time anyone needed you. God seems to always takes the best ones first..

Rest easy my friend until we can beautify heaven with our street art.

Love you brother, can’t wait to see you again <|3 
January 14
January 14
MIkey, its been too long here without your smile. I have the best memories of you. I have the strongest hope that you are free and living a great life in the next realm. You are missed more than I could ever say. I am thankful for 26 was not enough. I know wherever you are you are impacting that world for the better. I have no doubt. Love you always....Mom
June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023
Mike, Although your presence on earth is not visible, your soul is all around those that love and miss you so dearly. May you be flying high with the angels and all those who have joined you. Rest easy knowing your mom will remember and love you always.
June 4, 2023
June 4, 2023
13 years......that is a very long time to not see your smile. Your soul is etched in mine. Your essence is with me. I hope that in your new life it is full of all good things. Your Mom loves you.
October 23, 2022
October 23, 2022
On October 22, 2022 12 years after you passed away I finally laid your ashes to rest. When you first died I slept with the urn for two weeks. Then it was moved to the side table next to my bed. From there it went to the dresser. At some point it was moved into your old room which is now my home office.

I decided that it was time to let it go. A symbol of you growing up and out. You have been gone from this life for a long time. I chose to have your ashes interred at the Steelmantown Cemetery in Woodbine, NJ. Its a green burial ground. The cemetery is Circa 1700. It is full of trees. Not only your ashes but your cousin Paige and your Aunt Leslie also passed and their ashes were included. We planted a six foot flowering dogwood tree to memorialize all of you.

You always wanted the marginalized included and this seems so fitting that you would have these lovely souls with you. It was your heart to reach out to people who struggled and just make them feel wanted. In this life you all struggled and it was a tough place to exist for you. When I think of you, Aunt Leslie and Paige now I think of 'upward and onward'. 

I am thankful for the strength to do this and look forward to visiting your memory and have faith that you all have been growing in the Lords love and light since passing.

Your Mom will always love you and will never ever forget you Mikey.
August 5, 2022
August 5, 2022
It’s been 12 years and I still think about you all the time. Your STILL one of the best friends I’ve ever had and I still miss hanging out with you. I would give anything to go back to the great times we shared. It’s amazing that I got to know you the way I did, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. Thank you for everything.. Miss you bud.

Though you may be gone, you’ll never be forgotten.

til we meet again..

Rest Easy King.
January 14, 2022
January 14, 2022
Heavenly Birthday wishes Mikey! I hope you and Jesse are flying high.
June 5, 2019
June 5, 2019
Dear Mikey,
Wow. It's been just over 9 years since you left us. You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten. We were about 9 years old when we first met in school. I remember it like it was yesterday. We were in the 4th grade together when we first met. Little did I know how close we would become over the years. We shared our childhood together and I have countless memories of you making me laugh. You had one of the best senses of humor and wit of any human that I have ever met. You were kind hearted and amazingly talented. I always loved your style and art. You were a great friend and I miss you to the moon and back. I'll always remember you for the amazing person you are and your memory I will always keep dear in my heart. Love you forever brother!
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
To my dear nephew Mike,
It's 9 years already since you left us, but still feels like yesterday. I know that you're in good company in Heaven with all of our family that has passed on before us. Hugs & Kisses to you. Forever Loved & Dearly Missed...Aunt Linda. xoxo
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
Mikey that's what I always called you. I remember the days we got to know you. Jesse and you seemed to get along great. I loved how you always had so much respect for your mother. I think I liked that about you the most. You had a great sense of humor and I remember how upset Jesse was when you left this earth. Your mom was one of the first people I thought of when Jesse left the earth. I miss you both I hope you found each other, I'd like to think you will be friends forever.
June 4, 2019
June 4, 2019
Nine years......way too long to not hear your voice or see your smile. I carry you with me everyday and thank God for the power and strength He provides me to move forward in a world where you no longer live. I love my Michael more and more every day. Even death can not change that.
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
With lots of love and missing you on this day. Your Mom always thinks about you Mike.
January 14, 2019
January 14, 2019
Today is your birthday , not a day goes by that I don’t miss our conversations, so many times I look inside myself to remember your advice and guidance. You were then now and forever my brother my best friend we all miss you but we know you watch over. Love ya bro till we meet again!
January 14, 2018
January 14, 2018
Mikey, Happy Birthday son. I dont think I have to tell you how much you are missed. I know you know how much you meant to me and the others that love you. Hope your new life is being good to you. Love always, Mom
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
My dearest nephew Mike,
I can't believe that today marks 7 years since your passing. I miss you so very much & you're forever loved. I know you're in good company up in Heaven, surrounded by the love of Grand Pop & Grand Mom Bowers. Until we meet again. Love always...Aunt Linda
January 14, 2017
January 14, 2017
Happy Birthday my son. You are so loved, so missed. There really are no words anymore...nothing but love from here until forever.
January 14, 2017
January 14, 2017
Happy Birthday in heaven Mikey. Your Grandad has joined you now so I know you were there to greet him. Look on after your Mum. She's strong but I know she misses you terribly. God bless you and keep you
August 9, 2016
August 9, 2016
Hear you me

There's no one in town I know
You gave us some place to go.
I never said thank you for that.
I thought I might get one more chance.
What would you think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
now I'll never have a chance.
May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.
So what would you think of me now,
so lucky, so strong, so proud?
I never said thank you for that,
now I'll never have a chance.
May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.
And if you were with me tonight,
I'd sing to you just one more time.
A song for a heart so big,
god wouldn't let it live.
May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.
Hear you me my friends.
On sleepless roads the sleepless go.
May angels lead you in.
May angels lead you in.
June 4, 2016
June 4, 2016
Remembering your sweet soul. Knowing you're at peace I'm sure brings all your loved ones great comfort. Please watch over your Mother and give her heart peace.Rest well my friend whom I will one day meet
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
My boy, my very heart. There really are no words to describe the grief that has carved its presence into my whole being. To say I miss you and love you sounds so empty compared to the feelings. I say it everyday and you are never forgotten.
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Happy Birthday in Heaven Michael. Your memory lives on and forever to those who hold you dear their hearts.
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Sending Happy Birthday wishes to you in Heaven. How blessed you are to spend this special day with your Heavenly Father, your maker. And, I know you're in good company with Grand Mom. I love & miss you dearly; until we meet again. Love...Aunt Linda
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Happy Birthday up there in the heavens Mikey. Looking forward to meeting you one day. Blessed Be
January 14, 2016
January 14, 2016
Happy birthday to my favorite boy in heaven, thanks for always looking out, I love you
January 14, 2015
January 14, 2015
I lay this flower in tribute to you, my dear nephew Mike. As I remember you on your 31st birthday, I rejoice in the knowledge that you're in Heaven with our Lord, your Grand Mom & so many others who went ahead before us. There's still an empty spot in my heart that will only be filled when we meet again in Heaven. Your ray of light shines bright for all who knew & love you/ Happy Birthday Mike!!!
January 14, 2015
January 14, 2015
Another candle lit in remembrance of you. You painted yourself on my soul. The colors never fade and the image is wonderful to remember. Warm, vibrant and Forever Missed, Your Mom remembers you all the time. I hope to see you again someday.
June 4, 2014
June 4, 2014
Four years have come and gone. Yet your Mother and friends can still feel your presence. You surely must have been a very special soul Mikey. Looking forward to meeting you someday
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
I light a candle in your memory. The light pales next to having you here with us. We do this in remembrance of your vibrant and loving soul. Your Mom misses you son. Every day of every minute.
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Even tho it has been 3 and a half years since your passing, I still feel your warmth and see brief images of your face when I close my eyes. You appear in my dreams sometimes, too.

Happy Birthday, Mikey.

                                   Miss you,
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Happy 30th to a most special young man that I wish
I could have known.
January 14, 2014
January 14, 2014
Rest in Paradise Michael...I didn't know you in person, but heard alot about you through your mother..I hope you met my son in Heaven...Fly high with your Angels and keep shining your love down on your mom...

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