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August 10, 2022
Gone way to soon. Heaven gained another angel. You touched so many hearts with your kindness,laughs,always joking around. You had the biggest heart and compassion for many. Thank you for being there for my family and me.You were an awesome manager.You are greatly missed my friend but will never be forgotten. Rest in peace.
August 9, 2022
Love you uncle Michael my heartis so cruched rite now I want get to hear your voice or see your face things will be very different now and thank you for the time well spent I’ll see you agian one day I’m sure of it you will be deeply missed

Road Trip

August 9, 2022
I’ll see you again in heaven.  You’ll knows it’s me when you see the Community House Van rolling through.  Miss you but you’ll forever be in my heart!!

Cheers w/ love your sister

August 9, 2022
Thank you for always being my protector and making my world so much brighter! Since you’ve been gone my world is so much dimmer.

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