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Living life as he wanted

July 28, 2018

He was one of the orginal OG's

He carried his guns on his hips and he wasnt afraid to use them. But he wasnt stupid about them either.

He grew up here in Moses Lake and had a name  here. People knew who he was and they either had respect for him or feared him in many circles.  He was who he was and stood his ground. He didnt have time for bull shit people that were out to be low lifes or users.

Now dont get me wrong he was no sait himself, and he made plenty of mistakes, chose the wrong path and at times just plain ass CRAZY.(most of the time)

And that's the truth of it.

He lived his life the way he wanted to...

Becoming A Father

July 28, 2018

He got married (serveral times 7) lol

He had 4 boys total, he loved being a father. He was not easy on any of them, especially his oldest. Michael wanted his boys to be prepared for this hard cruel world. With theway people were he wanted his boys to know hia to read people and not be suckered. Hs wanted them to stand on their own two feet and become men.(maybe a little to hard on them) my own opion..

Michael wanted the best for each and everyone of his kids, wheni say he had 4 boys well he had more than that he helo raise many more than that. He had had kid come into his life that he helped raise, he welcomed them in his home and treated them as his. Never giving less to them nor ever expecting less from them. Again wanting the best for all who he cared about and for.

It was his way and his way only.

As a child

July 28, 2018

He was always getting into things  Fighting with his brother and sisters, or getting beat up on by his sister Deon

He left his mom and dad as a young teen to go see other family members and explore thing and a way of life he did not understand. But quickly hewas educated into a new life and became part of the famous Saddle Tree Casino in Yakima ,Wa. It was fast pace, he saw  and was invovled in things we only read about. He learned ur word was ur pond and he knew what he believed. And sttod by that.

He shot a child molester who was bragging about what he does to his own children. He just met this person  and was so sicked by hiim that there was only one way to help them child and the rest of this world. As i was told of this i was never so proud to know Mchael Shelton to know he was that kind of person and man to stand up and take action against someone or something so wrong. And his life continued to be full of excited and daring experiences.

He lived his life his way....

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