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His Life


May 24, 2017

Michael was a loving son , grandson  brother , uncle cousin ,with a heart as big as you could imagine! He played baseball as his father Joe coached his baseball during his young summered years. He also was in Tye Quin doe  and received his black belt. He like the girls thats for sure ,as i remember being at a party in 1994, and as i was standing there, there ran Michael with around five youngs girls chaseing him yelling his name, but he had time to stop and say hello,then said hed better go as he ran away laughing. He loved children he would babysit for his aunt lisa and i when wed take a night on the town. but always was more than happy to do so. Michael loved people and loved to make them laugh and made them smile. He was just alittle honery, joking around and telling wild stories! Thats just who he was . He grandfather Bill And Grandma Genie he loved and deeply and kept close watch over them. He and his grandpa Bill would go eat together at Carlos O Kellys Or Take Summer trios to The Family In Oklahoma. That was the special time together. He loved his sisters and brithers ,and always had just the right word of advise for them to make them more at ease. His Neices and Nephews he would be like a big kid around them playing in the dirt with cars, or tossing around the old football just in the yard but it made his and the kids day just as long as uncle michael gave them just what they needed. Id remmeber when hed call his dad or mom and tell them so so seriously that he got jumped and he had to fight off 6 guys in the parking lot of mcdonalds trying hard not to laugh, or that he went fishin and the fis was so big that tge boat tipped iver and thank got he had the orrs , and then hed start laughing in his humeriuos snerky laugh. michael would make a daul room turn into the sunshine of the day. if you were crying he was there too make you laugh and smile. I Michelle thomas Married Michael in 2005 on valentibes day, And that was the most joyful loving memorable and unforgetable day of my life. He taught ne to love again, trust again , laugh again. We taught eachother things, but he mainly taught me!! My everything he was abd always will be! My Unforgtable Famous Silly Loveing Caring Husband and a loving Father too children that he raised and treated as his own. The world was what he was and God Broke the Mold whrn he created Michael William Thomas, Now hes helping God Like he helped US His Family. Missed Forever and Lived forever more. Michelle Thonas