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Her Life
July 4, 2017

Michele Yorde was a very intelligent and vibrant women who loved and enjoyed life with her husband, Steve.  They have spent over 3 decades together traveling and enjoying what this world has to offer.  She also enjoyed gourmet cooking, fine wine and spending time with her grandchildren.

She was very ambitious and driven, starting at an early age.  She learned early on in life to dance and if there was something she wanted, she needed to work for it.  And she did!  From her first car (thanks to uncle Ralph's help on a repo) and throughout her life, she worked hard for the things that she wanted.

She taught her children through her example of how to treat others, live life to it's fullest and to be the best that they can be!  She showed them how to love unconditionally, how to fight for what you believe in, to stand your ground and how to work hard for those things and people that you want in your life.  And equally important, to take time for yourself and to enjoy life!  To have a smile and to share yours with someone who needs one and to take time to dane!!!

She loved her husband, children and grandchildren so much and chose to look past their faults and love and support them anyway! Even in her last days, when her memory was not all there, she knew how to show her family that she loved them!

Rest in Love, Michele.  You once again have a perfect memory!  We know that you will continue to watch over and love your family and we know there is a joyous reunion occuring with your parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc.