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Our Wedding Reception

March 13, 2023
When Jenny and I were getting married, Michelle was so excited for us. I can remember her calling me up and asking if we would be willing to let her cater our reception. This absolutely amazed me and we were more than happy to receive this wonderful gift. She was so incredibly creative and experienced it blew our minds. Not only were there great snacking foods for people to enjoy, she even had a chocolate fondue fountain. 

Later as I continued to get to know Michelle even more I came to realize just how much this was just part of her character. She was such a caring individual and would often look for ways to serve others and share her love.
February 20, 2023
Your mom and I were friends in high school. She was a very kind person and she always looked for the good in everyone. In 2008, I had just left my husband and was starting my life over. Michelle reached out to me and asked how my life was going. I was embarrassed to tell her that I had failed at marriage. I felt like a failure. But your mom assured me that not only was I not a failure, but that God still loved me. Michelle was a ray of sunshine in my life when I needed it most. Your mom was a dear friend and I think of her often. I have been following all of you kids on social media, especially Jacqui. She would be so proud of the person you are growing into! Please know that her love still surrounds you and always will.

with much love 

Min Thornto

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