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Her Life

My mother

April 26, 2017

 My mother had a heart hardly no one has anymore, full of love no hate she always wanted the best for everyone she had no envy in her her, She lived her life to the fullest untill her last breath, She struggled with her cancer for about 7 years but yet she never let that be an obsatcle in her life she knew how to live with it even doe only she knew the pain she was in, She was very strong she didnt let others know she was dying inside she always had this contagious smile in her face that made everything seem ok, even do from the inside she was burning with pain. I can only say im grateful to have had her in my life an if i could turn back the hands on time I would in a heartbeat. I could spend they describing her but in little words she was a friend everyone wanted the friend you can depend on when you know you cant on anyone else, sometimes life takes away the best people but its because God calls them in first we love you mom and you will forever be in everyone of our hearts.....