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His Life

Order Of Service

July 23, 2020

Jason Brown

Opening Song
“He Will Call” Job 14: 13-15

Opening Prayer

Memorial Discourse

Closing Song
Life Without End- At Last! John 3:16

Closing Prayer

Memorial Slide Show

And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning, nor outcry, nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.

Revelation 21:4


July 23, 2020
Morris L. Ankrum Jr. was born November 11, 1965 to the late Morris and Rachel Ankrum. He was born on his mother’s birthday. He was raised in Brooklyn NY. He was one of three children. On Monday July 13th he fell asleep in death. Morris was married and 3 children were born to this union. Shelton, Brittany and Riley. In 2007 he moved to Charlotte NC to be closer to his mother. Morris was a proud father, protector and provider. He never looked for praises and he was never one to boast. When times were good or bad, he was always the one to make you laugh. He was dearly loved, and his passing was deeply heartbreaking. We will always have fond memories of him. He was known as “Big Moe” and he had a big heart to match.

He is survived by his children Shelton Ankrum, Brittany Ankrum, and Riley Ankrum. His sister Cynthia Johnson and her husband Bert Johnson. His brother Antoine Ankrum. He left behind many nieces, nephews and other family members who are devastated by this loss.

Special Tributes

July 23, 2020
“The best father you could have. So happy to call you my dad. Didn’t know the time was here. I didn’t know you would pass. I was just talking to you we had a few laughs. I knew something was up. I’m not going to front. I’m going to miss play fighting when I was little you were throwing me up. So many good memories, its going to be tough. I’ll see you again and say I Love You a Bunch”

  • Your Daughter, Brittany Ankrum