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August 12, 2016
August 12, 2016
August 12, 2016.........I miss you momma, sometimes I would like to talk to you. You always listened without judgement. Comfort always flowed from you being there when I felt so alone. Years ago I needed you so much when my heart got broken and you were there all the way, until the sorrow slowly vanished a little bit at a time. Thank you momma. I love you and miss you so much. You've been gone 5 1/2 years now and it seems like it was a few months ago. So much has happened since you left us, but we're doing alright. WE'VE had some hard times as a family but we're still praying and hoping for the best in bad situations as you taught us. I don't know how some things are going to turn out but I won't give up hope and faith, I'll fight for what's right and do the best I can to help those that need me. The load gets heavy sometimes and I get weighted down with all that's needed from me for some of the others but I love them and I'll carry the weight with God's help. I know what's required of me and I'll do the best and give the best that I can. I guess that's why the Lord gave me broad shoulders, to carry burdens for others, but it's alright, I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. I'll watch over them and keep them before God, because I know that's my job and I won't give up. I love you now and forever.
September 28, 2015
September 28, 2015
"The cramping toes"  When my nephew Michael, was in Chapel Hill having surgery for the cancer he had, my mother Myrtle Clardy and my sister Joyce Roberson and myself Cheri Parton, were staying in a hotel.Our mother had problems with her toes cramping and her feet. That one night she did have very bad cramps while she was sitting on the bed, my sister and I tried to get her off the bed to stand on her feet to help with the cramps, well she couldn't hardly get off the bed so I pulled on her feet to see if I could get her off that way. My hands slipped and got her toes, so I was pulling on her toes and she slid all the way off the bed info the floor on her bottom. She was in a lot of pain at the time and she startes to laugh also. My sister and I looked at each other and we started to laugh also, so we're all down in the floor trying to help with her feet and laughing hysterically, all three of us, mom in pain from cramping toes plus getting pulled off the bed onto the floor.That was one of the funniest things we'd ever seen. It looked like I just walked up to the bed and grabed her by the toes and pulled her off the bed. We laughed so hard we had tears running down our faces. It was really hilarious. We still laugh about that night. That was one of the hardest times our family ever went through, not knowing and waiting to see if our little Michael was going to be OK. But through that time of sorrow, fear, the unknown , the torment. God in his mercy gave us a few minutes of pure belly laughing and we really needed it bad.and of course our boy was going to be OK. The Lord works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Thank you Father God. We love you for never letting us go through the worst times of our lives without you by our side....Amen
September 19, 2015
September 19, 2015
Thank you for being my mother. You dedicated your life to raise your children. All the things we did together. The mountains in the fall to see the leaves, the Biltmore Estate, Chimney Rock, the caverns. I'm so thankful for the time I took to do those things, which I didn't realize would become such precious memories of my mother and I. I wouldn't trade them for anything. You will forever live in my heart. My Beloved Mother. I will forever be grateful to God for giving you to us to be our mother. God just doesn't make them like you anymore. You were a rare mother indeed. I could never say thank you enough. You were truly a special gift.

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