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May 20
Psalm 34:18
  The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Matthew 5:4
  Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
John 14:27
  Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Psalm 118:24
  This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Happy Heavenly Birthday, my sweet Grandma. I love you always&forever. I never forget you.
March 21
March 21
Ohhh Mama... It is so hard to even imagine it has been 7 years since your beautiful soul left us... left me sad, broken, hurting, disbelieving, in shock... I didn't think I could ever go on without you but life is very cruel and makes you stay even though I didn't want to. I have continued though this thing called life but without you it is just going through the motions... The pain lessens but never goes away.. I still feel everything like that day... The day when part of me died with you, nothing has ever been full, complete, meaningful enough? I know you.. know what I am saying, just never cared anymore but I still take your torch and keep it lit and try the best I can or some days just get through.. I just keep thinking it's a bad dream I can wake up from... someday..... I love you Mom, miss you more than you could ever imagine in my heart... I will be there soon hopefully and be able to tell you in person and be able to hug you again, I promise I won't let go ever....
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Happy Birthday Grandma, I know you're here with us and celebrating your special day with all of us. I love you and miss you everyday. I can't wait to see you again.

-Forever your Toy
May 20, 2023
May 20, 2023
Happy heavenly birthday mama... I miss you so much, wish I could hug you just for a minute.. I think of you everyday, love you so very much. I hope you are dancing and laughing today. Ed is here and we are together on your birthday which I know would make you so happy. Missing you always, Happy birthday
March 22, 2023
March 22, 2023
Mama..... I can't even begin to tell you the changes and things I am totally out of my element, after so long.. that I am going through right now in my life... I can't call and tell you everything or ask you advice which I cherished so much... Just to hear your voice for a second would calm my soul... Lost without you... Thank you for going to talk with Ed last night, he's waited so long and needed that. I love you mama, miss you so much... All my love..
May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Happy Birthday Grandma.. I miss you so much everyday and I wish today we could be hanging out and sharing smiles and laughs together like old times. I know you're in a much better place and watching over all of us. Until we meet again ❤️❤️❤️

Love you always,

- Your Toy
May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Happy bday Grandma. Love you lots and missing you so much everyday!!
May 20, 2022
May 20, 2022
Happy birthday Mom... I can't believe I have made it this long without you. I think about you everyday and tell you how much I miss you , How much I love you. I hopeyou are with everyone celebrating. Tell them all I love and miss them too. Ed is here and we will celebrate your life today. Dance and sing and laugh today. Love you Mama....
March 22, 2022
March 22, 2022

My second mother. I just want to tell you how much you are missed every day. Your children, your grandchildren, and your great-grandchildren all miss you every day. You were such an amazing force on this Earth and I am so pleased when I think of you in Heaven dancing and singing and being forever happy.
I can still hear your voice and I really miss talking to you on the phone and in person. You are living on forever through Anna, Ed and the rest of us because we will never let your beautiful spirit be forgotten.

I miss you and love you!
March 21, 2022
March 21, 2022
Today marks 5 years without you, It all still seems like a dream.. How I have made it through each day, I don't know.. Missing you everyday, there is a hole in my heart that cannot be filled without you. I will hurt and I will cry when I think about you until the day I can wrap my arms around you again and the emptiness will disappear, my heart will be full again. Thinking about you and missing you forever my sweet mama... I love you more than you will ever know
December 27, 2021
December 27, 2021
Hi Mama,

Sorry I didn't get a chance to write on Christmas but I still wanted to write now. Hoping you had a beautiful heavenly Chistmas and I hope you got to see all of us, Grandma and everyone else too. Ed just went home this morning but he has been trying to make it out for one of the holidays and we have had 2 Christmases with him now! We miss you so very much, it's hard but we make it through together. You have some beautiful Christmas flowers, I hope you like them. Missing you always, forever loving you... Merry Chistmas Mom
June 8, 2021
June 8, 2021
Hi, my sweet sister,
I'm just sitting here thinking about you, and wishing so much I could talk to you. There are a million things I'd love to talk to you about. I miss being able to do that more than I can say. I know you can hear me when I'm talking out loud to you, and probably even just when I'm thinking things. After our other wonderful sister died, I was so mad, and kept talking to you both and asking you how you could both just leave me because you guys were there all my life, and I couldn't remember ever being without you. I adore our brother, and am happy he's still here. But it's different with guys, especially when people get old. I cherish every time I'm with him, but he's not one for staying on the phone very long, and he's pretty busy with his girlfriend anyway. I'm glad of that, because I didn't want him to sit around and be lonely after Lorraine left us. I know it wasn't fair to be mad at you guys, and I'm sure you would've wanted to stay longer if you could've, but it's just so lonely without my big sisters. I know that one time, when I was thinking about you & wanted a sign from you, then 16 Candles played right when I was thinking that. And, as only you know, that song only has significance because we used to sing it all the time cause you did that one low part on it, when we would ride in the back of the pick-up going up to Gee-Gee & Grandpa's cabin - till we got scared when we were on the road going up to it that was so dark! Then we would quit singing, laugh, and cover up with a blanket, till we reached the cabin. So much fun! You were definitely my fun partner in life. I thank God every day for having you to grow up with, and share a lot of my adult life with. I know you would hate what's going on in the world now. It's all screwed up! So often, I just want to talk with you about the frustrations of everything that's going on. It's worse than ever - I'm so worried about our kids & grandkids. Maybe you can talk to God about it. A lot of people are saying it's the 'end of times'. That could be true, I guess. If so, the one thing about it is, I will see you & Sharon again. Mom too. Meanwhile, I'll dwell on my memories. I love my memories. Thank you for giving me such good ones. I love & miss you so much..
May 23, 2021
May 23, 2021
Hi mommy,
I didn't get to post a message to you on your birthday since I was in Vegas at your house with Ed. Always going to be with him and closer to you. I hope you saw us together cause I know that means a lot to you and me too. We sing happy birthday to you and Ed gets stuck eating your cake but he doesn't mind, for you. We miss you always and love you so much, we will keep trying to be strong for you until the day we are all together again... Love you so much mama ...forever
May 20, 2021
May 20, 2021
Happy Birthday in Heaven mom. I miss you very much!
March 22, 2021
March 22, 2021
Mama, to say I can't believe it's been 4 years without you is an understatement. Every day hell to get through knowing I can't call you, so many times I have reached for the phone over these years and cry because I'm like what are you doing Anna? I just know yesterday was hard like every year on that day... I tried to keep it together but well you know... I just miss you so much mom, I am doing my best to get through this life and trying to make you proud. I have my days when I don't do too good but I always try... For you. I love you mama and can't wait until I can hold you again..
March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021
Can't believe It's been 4 years since you left us, my sweet big sister. I miss you more than I can tell you. Love thinking about all the years growing up with you. And, all the fun we had sharing apartments together, working together at Knight Campbell's, going dancing at clubs and the USO, and, of course, our fun cruise! I will treasure you, and all my memories of you forever & ever. You were a huge part of my life, and will remain a huge part of my heart always! ❤
March 21, 2021
March 21, 2021
I can't believe it's been 4 years! You've been in my thoughts and I hope you can hear me talking to you, as I do with all of our angels up there with you. Love and miss you so much!
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
Happy Birthday Grandma i didnt even realize its been 3yrs now since youve left. I also failed to say anything for last year, how forgetful of me to do so... Im sorry but i know you know forgiveness and i know to not hold onto little things as lifelong burdens. Something im still learning to do from you and Mom. I miss you all the time, though i dont talk about you as much, simply cause its hard to, i love you just the same as i always have. I cant yet count the days til i get to see you again but i am hoping one day ill get to. I think about you a lot and youve taught me a lot of things i shouldve seen sooner. You helped my mother be the beautiful woman she is, im learning to be the same though it takes time and comes with many trials and errors. I dont know how you did it lol. But ill get there. I hope youre having an amazing time, ill never forget you.! I love you.
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020
My sweet, wonderful, amazing mom...I am getting to your site late again just flew back from Vegas today. Had to be with Ed on your birthday, I missed going out in March. This year was very different, weird- there is a virus that tried to stop me from getting to him. I made it regardless. We couldn't get to your Bingo Hall or anything, you wouldn't believe how crazy things have gotten. Vegas is closed, You would be freaking out on all this. We stayed at the house and still got you a cake, thought about you, talked about you, to you and yes I was in your room hugging your clothes...I know, I know, I just miss you so, so much mama. Everyday that passes is not easier, some days worse. My heart is broken since the day you left and my soul empty.. A very big piece of me left with you so you see, it gets hard sometimes to get through another day but i'm trying, for you. Just wanted to make sure and tell you Happy birthday in heaven and tell you again how very much I love you...with every ounce of my heart and soul...Love you mama
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
Happy Birthday to my second mother Nancy! I miss you very much but I know that you are at peace in heaven with your family and Carl. Probably dancing and lighting up the room with your amazing smile and presence. We all love you and miss you very much!
May 20, 2020
May 20, 2020
My sweet beautiful Grandma.. how I miss you everyday. I wish I could hear your voice right now. I want to wish you a very Happy birthday and I hope to see you again. I love you always and will always be your Toy.
May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019
My sweet mama, I'm a little late posting on your memorial page. I was with Aunt Pam and Jen visiting Ed to celebrate your birthday at your house. Had to be close to you as I could get, smell the smells, see your things, hug your clothes. Weird huh. Just wanted to tell you happy birthday in heaven. I hope you were with all our family and friends and I hope and pray with all my heart you are happy and had a wonderful day. I miss you so much mom, I'm just lost without you. The only thing keeping me going is the thought that I might see you again someday... Gotta keep going for my kids and family, I know that's what you want me to do, very hard without you... if you can feel it or hear me or see me just know how very, very much I love you...
Your daughter,
March 21, 2019
March 21, 2019
Today it has been 2 years since you left me mom... It's so unreal I can't even comprehend the time. Life has continued but I have not been living at all for sure..Without you I just never thought how my life would change, how empty, sad, lonely and lost I would be. I thought you would be with me forever well, my forever. I don't know what direction to take anymore, I just go throught the motions.I know you would be so upset to know that but I lost myself, my heart shattered into a million pieces and there is no way to put them back together. I will be forever lost until I have you again. Today is hard I knew it would be. Every day is hard though. I can't look at your pictures without crying, it just hurst so much. I don't know why God took you from me and try hard to forgive him, it's hard too. I only know the pain, the loss, the total and complete eternal sadness I feel everyday of my life and have no one to share that with. You were my everything and I just don't know how to continue without you. The most loving and caring person I will ever know. The love you gave me surpasses death, I was so blessed to have you as my mother.. I miss you mom, I hurt..I can only hope and pray with all my heart that you are safe and happy and that I will see you again someday... With all the love I have in me.... Your daughter, Anna
March 21, 2019
March 21, 2019
My Grandma ❤️ I miss you so so much everyday. I live you and know you are watching over us all every day. I know I will see you again someday and until then just know I love you and always think about you and the memories we had. Always
your Toy.
August 7, 2018
August 7, 2018
Love you! Miss you! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
May 20, 2018
May 20, 2018
Happy birthday Grandma! Words cannot express how I am feeling today and how much I miss you. I know you are smiling down on me and all of us. I love you and will see you again someday.
May 13, 2018
Happy Mothers Day to the most amazing grandmother who created the best mother I could ever have. I love you Grandma and I hope today you get to dance and play bingo. Today will be very hard for my mom but I know you will show her its okay.
May 13, 2018
May 13, 2018
My beautiful Mother... God how I miss you.... It is so hard everyday that goes by and you are not here but especially on Mother's day. How I wish I could call you, hear your voice, tell you how much I love you.. I would give anything to be able to put my arms around you one more time, just one more time. Just know you are always in my thoughts, always in my heart. Nothing will change the pain of not having you here, it doesn't get any easier. I hope and pray that one day I will get to be with you again, it will be the best day of my life to see you again. I love you mama, so very much. I hope you are happy, I hope you are ok. I wonder about that. I hope it's like we thought it would be and you are here in spirit watching and seeing everything going on. Tell Grandma I miss her and love her, I hope you are together on this Mother's day. All of my love mom. Happy Mother's day.....
March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018
Can't believe you've already been gone for a whole year. Every time I think about you, so many great memories come to mind. It was wonderful sharing so much of my life with you. We were always pretty poor, but having you in my life made me rich. Everyone should share the kind of great times I had living with you in all the different apartments we had. So much laughter, so much closeness, so much fun!! So much craziness - I'm amazed we survived the way we used to live. But I'd do it again in a heartbeat, sweet sister, because we were good together - and took care of each other - and supported each other, and everything else that matters in life. I loved living next door to our cool landlords and playing volley ball over that little tiny hedge that stood all of about a foot or two high with some of our friends. I loved going out dancing all the time at the Fireside Inn & La Pichet Lounge. And spending all of what little money we made on clothes & cover charges & beer. And then being hungry & buying boxes of glazed donuts at the little store on the corner and each eating six. I loved laying in bed at night talking about life and boyfriends and music and dancing. I even loved it when we moved from one apartment to another when we didn't have the aid of a car & literally carried boxes of our stuff up 14th. Ave, laughing and dropping half of it. That was crazy! I loved all the times we went swimming at night at Harriman's Lake. Especially the night we joined the bonfire & barbeque with the Airmen from Lowrey and had to fight with the high-school guys from East High because they started a grass fire and were drunk & wanted to fight the airmen just cause they were jealous. What a night! I loved getting scared all the time when we lived in that ugly house in Englewood, and laughing even when we were scared. I loved when we let 'Gorpy Bill' stay with us for awhile because he was poorer than us (which was going some). And he was so funny - we laughed so much with him. too. I loved when Dave & Joe would come over to watch 'The Fugitive' every week on our little t.v. with us, except for the time they were throwing firecrackers under our door. I loved when we stayed up too late, after partying, and called in to work the next day, because we were so late and one of us told our boss that if he was going to fire us when we got there, we were going back to bed. Hilarious! I love when we fixed up our apt. like a beatnick pad with wild colors, fishnet, black lighting etc.I could go on forever with things I loved about being with you. I loved it all - and I miss you so much. Even though you didn't live here anymore, I could talk to you & laugh some more just thinking about all that. I thank God for all those great memories - and more. It's what I hang onto. I miss you sooo much, but I know I will be with you again one day. Until then, I'll live in the past. I like it better than the present, anyway. I Love You!!
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018

I just wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I pray to God every day/night that your family will have the strength to heal and go on. Anna is having a really hard time and she could use some signs that you are ok. It does not seem like a year has gone by already.
I LOVE you and I know that you are smiling down from Heaven watching us all. You left us too soon, but your spirit and your loving way will impact me FOREVR! You always treated me with respect and made me feel like I was family. God bless you and please say hello to my family in heaven. Love Lonnie
March 22, 2018
March 22, 2018
My sweet mom... God I just can't believe a year has already passed since you left us. Unbelievable, I still live in the days of that, it's like just yesterday when my world came crumbling down and nothing would ever be the same again. It's like walking around in a nightmare I can never wake up from. There is so much I needed to say, so much I wanted to do with you and we will never have that. My heart just breaks, so much sadness and pain. I feel totally alone without you. I know you would not want me to be sad and hurt but I cannot change how my heart and soul feels. I don't know how I have gotten through this year at all, I really don't remember much, just walking in a fog. I get up and do what needs to be done but, I'm not living anymore, was I ever really? I made a promise to make sure Ed takes care of himself and I call him everyday so he is not alone but I know you spend a lot of time with him. That makes me happy. I wish every day I could just have one more phone call, one more hug, one more smile. I would give anything.... I talk to you all the time, I hope you hear me. I hope you know how very much I love you and how very sorry I am for any pain and unfairness and unhappiness you had in your life. I hope you thought it was a good life, I just wish you were still here. I would do so many things different so yes, I have tons of regrets. I miss you so terribly, I just don't know what to do anymore. I keep trying though, for you.. Mom, my sun will not shine as bright the days will not bring happiness, just counting them down until I can be with you again, you were my whole world and I just don't see anything changing until I can see your smiling face and know for sure you are ok and happy. Only then will I be able to breathe again. I know you would not be happy with me being so sad and would tell me I gotta quit. I'm sorry mom..I'll keep trying, keep going for you. I love you so much mama, missing you everyday of my life......
March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
Grandma I miss you soo much and though i have a very subtle way of showing anything lately anymore, i hope you dont think i hate you... My biggest regret was not going to Vegas with everyone to see you one last time and though i wanted to go with mom to see you, after the fact, i just couldnt. There wasnt enough time, enough money... I shouldve made time. I shouldve had the money. I shouldve just flew to see you when they did. But i didnt and its something i have to live with everyday. It hurts and it hurts even more to see my mom so lost without you. I didnt think shed change... But she did and im starting to miss her too. You WERE her. And I AM HER. You are all of us. I wish you could come to my dreams or my reality and give me the best advice ever on what to do with my damn life ... My mom needs you to go to her. She needs reassurance that she can get through all of this because without her im nothing too... I havent talked to you since then because i want you to be peaceful and God knows im far from that so ive been keeping my distance. But i still love you. I will NEVER forget you. NEVER forget goin to Vegas when we were little. The small little space you and Ed lived in is still a memory with certain details like a giant framed picture of Jesus that mom drew years ago you had it stacked against other pictures against a cabinet or something. That was the day i realized where my drawing abilities came from. That was a day i was actually HAPPY. And it was there with you and my family. I LOVE YOU GRANDMA NANCY ill check in with you every once in a while.
December 26, 2017
December 26, 2017
My sweet mama oh, God how I miss you... Christmas is almost over , how very hard this day... year has been without you. I have been so lost, so very lost. Hurting so very much until I can't even breathe. I try so very hard to just continue through each day, it's so hard. Some days I don't even can't even continue. I am a truly broken woman. You were and always will be everything to me. It just keeps getting harder to get through one day without you mom. I need you so much. If I could just talk to you for one moment, hold you for one more minute.....I would give anything. I don't think I can do this anymore, It just truly hurts too much. I just want to tell you Merry Christmas I love you so deeply. I carry you in my heart but it's not enough I wish I could spend this holiday with you, I miss your voice so much, your comforting arms, your love. I miss you so much mama on this first Christmas without you.....
December 5, 2017
December 5, 2017
Nanc, Christmas is almost here and I think back on all of my Christmas memories and several with you come to mind. It makes me smile and yet brings tears to my eyes at the same time. I think of you and miss you all of the time. I remember how you used to love Jingle Bell Rock and there was one time when I was little when that song came on and you started dancing and then grabbed my hands and had me dance with you. There was also the house that you and grandma used to take us to that Santa Claus lived in and Mrs. Claus would answer the door and say Santa was not there cause he was at the North Pole and we would get Candy Canes. Those and so many others will always live on in my heart and in my memories. You will be with me this Christmas and always. Merry Christmas my sweet aunt! Some day we will dance together again!
May 21, 2017
May 21, 2017
Your birthday came yesterday.. I wanted to tell you how much I love you and how very much I miss you mama. It was such a hard weekend without you. I could not imagine I would ever be saying all this to you on a web page but thinking I would always have you mama, until we both got old. You left too soon, he took you from me too soon, you said you were not done, not even close. What we thought could possibly take you from us wasn't even what took you, how could they not know, how??? Why??? I'm so lost without you mama, you were and are my heart, my best friend, my only .. love of my life...My everything...I cannot go on without you it's just too painful.Not a disease that consumes you but a pain in you heart that you cannot get relief from ever. You are my everything, my whole world..Everything I did and lived for was for you... I'm not able to function anymore without you. I miss you more than a person could ever imagine... I am just truly lost..... I'm sorry mama, I love you so very much, more than you would ever know. I would say happy birthday but I don't know where you are or if you have family around you, God I hope you do. I hope you had the biggest, happiest celebration ever! I love you so much, just know you are in my thoughts everyday, every second of every day mama.. I wish you a happy birthday and I am thinking of you in my heart and soul. I love you soooo much.........
March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017
Nanc - beloved big sister,
I know you haven't lived here for a long time, but I always knew I could call & talk to you whenever I wanted - or come to visit when possible. And now it seems so unreal that I can't do either one anymore. We just talked, the other night, about how we weren't done yet and had more times to share. I wanted so much more with you.... But, I do have so many wonderful memories - and I thank God for that. All the laughing together, crying together, knowing that we had so much in common, just sharing so many things that I can't begin to count them all - those things will always be a part of who I am, and you will always dwell in my heart. I love you.
March 29, 2017
March 29, 2017
My dear mother, your love was what kept me going through life, your arms kept me safe, your words comforted me, your smile let me know everything would be alright. I cannot imagine one day without you. My heart is breaking. I love you so,so much, there are no words to ever express. You were my world mama,my whole world... I miss you............
March 29, 2017
March 29, 2017
My wonderful Aunt the world you were one person, but to your family you were the world. Your laugh, smile and silly ways will forever live in our hearts and in our souls. The way you could and would always turn a frown upside down was something I looked forward to from you whenever I was feeling low. You could always see the good in anyone or any situation and you genuinely cared and it always showed. I always admired that. I wish I would have been able to spend more time with you but I'm grateful for all the time I did get with you. You will forever be in my heart and my wonderful memories. I Love You!

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