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Six years

June 19, 2022
For my love. It has been six years since you left us. The worst and hardest six years I have had to navigate through. But now I am able to go several days without crying, but you are always on my mind and will forever be in my heart and be a big piece of our lives. I wish you were still here to see Stormi & the grand babies. You missed Stormi’s graduation and Minas head start and kindergarten promotions and we even have a Bubba now (Salesi Natia) and he just graduated Headstart. The kids always ask questions about you and we speak of you often. I love you and truthfully no one would ever be able to replace or take your place. You will always be the love of my life and my first love. We had a roller coaster of a ride but it was always you my love. We will be waiting to see you at the resurrection.

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