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August 27
August 27
We love you sweet Nicholas and will always remember your caring and compassionate heart. Please watch over us all and pray we always stay close to Jesus, like you are now♥️♥️Aunt Kathy
August 29, 2023
August 29, 2023
We love you sweet Nicholas! Please continue to pray for us and give Jesus and Mary kisses from us!
February 21, 2023
February 21, 2023
May today be filled with peace and loving memories of Nicholas for all those who knew him. A wonderful son, brother, grandson and cousin filled with us with joy and laughter with a wonderful smile. Continue to watch over all of us here on earth. Until we meet again. God bless.
August 27, 2022
August 27, 2022
My sweet boy...10 years! Seems like yesterday since you left us. Love you so much❤❤❤
February 22, 2022
February 22, 2022
We will always miss you Nicholas and remember your sweet loving heart. Watch over us with your love and prayers!♥️
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
We will always miss your tender caring heart dear Nicholas…please pray fir us all…we miss you!
August 28, 2021
August 28, 2021
9 years!! Seems like yesterday, Nicholas! Mommy loves and misses you very much....every day!!
February 21, 2021
February 21, 2021
Always remembering your caring loving heart Nicholas! We miss you♥️
August 27, 2020
August 27, 2020
My sweet baby boy!!! 8 Years!! Feels like yesterday! Please continue to watch over us all, especially Julia. She misses you so much (so does Mommy).
Love you so very much, baby....
August 27, 2020
August 27, 2020
Nicholas today marks 8 years that you have left us, but knowing you are with the Lord and so many of our loved ones is some what of a comfort.
You are missed so much Nicholas & Loved just as much.
February 21, 2020
February 21, 2020
I know you & all the Angels are celebrating in Heaven, but we miss you LOTS and LOVE YOU JUST AS MUCH.
You are loved more than you will ever know...
December 25, 2019
December 25, 2019
Love and miss you Nicholas, I know you had a Blessed Christmas with Jesus and all the Angels. 
You are loved and missed more than you will ever know.
August 27, 2019
August 27, 2019
Happy 21st Nicholas! Love you so very much. Beautiful day for you. A nice mass at church for you today. We then let 21 balloons into the Heavens for you. Some Italian food for you and cake at Grandma's. Continue watching over us! I love you so very much.
February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019
Happy birthday Nicholas.
I can’t believe your 21.
I love and miss you so very much.
February 21, 2019
February 21, 2019
Happy 21st Birthday Nicholas!  I am sure you all are celebrating your birthday in heaven. 
Nicholas you are loved & missed sooooooo much.
December 25, 2018
December 25, 2018
MERRY CHRISTMAS! Nicholas you are missed every day but at Christmas time it just hurts a bit more. Heck a lot more. I know you are with the Angels and along with them celebrating the birth of our Lord. 
Merry Christmas Nicholas, you are loved and missed so much.
August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018
You are always on our hearts...pray for us dear Nicolas❤️We love you, Dan, Kathy, and the boys xo
February 22, 2018
February 22, 2018
Always remember your kind, thoughtful heart...we love you! Dan, Kathy, and the boys xoxo
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
Happy Birthday, my sweet baby boy! You will always be my baby!! Celebrating at the best place...Heaven!! Mommy loves you so very much!!❤
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
Happy Birthday! You are always in our thoughts and prayers and we know you are preparing the way in Heaven for all of us. Continue to be the guardian angel for your family and friends.
February 21, 2018
February 21, 2018
Happy birthday Nicholas. I love and miss you very much. Until we meet again save a seat at the bar for me.
Love Dad
August 27, 2017
August 27, 2017
Dear Sweet Nicholas, Today marks your 5th anniversary in Heaven.
We all went to visit you and mom brought balloons which we wrote messages on them & let them go up to you. It was a nice touch very nice felt you there. Then back to my house for your favorite meal, YES grandson Lasagna. I went back later on & brought you your piece, Nicholas you always loved my lasagna, it was always a pleasure to cook for you & of course watch you eat. I still have your letter you wrote me about my "meatballs" hanging on the wall.  Love it & love you.
You are missed A LOT Nicholas & I know you are with us every day. Hugs & kisses to you, Grandma 143
August 27, 2017
August 27, 2017
Nicholas you touched so many...I watched you come into this world, loved and enjoyed all the times we had had so much spunk and energy, you never ceased to amaze us !!!! My heart breaks when I see the pain in your mom's eyes but she too amazes me !!! Forever loved and in our heart and memories !!! Love Aunt Sandy and your buddy Dylan xoxox
August 27, 2017
August 27, 2017
I can't believe its been 5 years since you went home to Jesus. Heading to Mass this morning, and sending balloons your way, my sweet baby boy! Stay as close to us as you always have...Mommy lives you so very much.
February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017
We will always remember your kind and caring heart, Nicholas.....pray for us all and hug baby Jesus for us! love, Aunt Kathy
February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017
Nicholas you will always be remembered and loved. You live on in all the lives you have touched. Happy Birthday!
February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017
Happy 19th Birthday dear Nicholas.
You are loved & missed more than words can say.
Grandma & Grandpa
August 27, 2016
August 27, 2016
You will be forever remembered and be a part of our lives and heart. What a wonderful son, brother, grandson and cousin. We love you.
February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
We love you, Nicholas! You have blessed so many lives with your thoughtfulness and compassionate heart!
February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
We love you, Nicholas! You have blessed so many lives with your thoughtfulness and compassionate heart!
February 21, 2016
February 21, 2016
Happy 18th Birthday... Loved & miss so much but I know you are with the Angels & you are loved.
July 10, 2015
July 10, 2015
Nicholas I miss you very much and if I can have you back now I'll would take that chance any hour, any day, and any second to have in my arms again. Your third anniversary is coming up of being gone, But it feels like yesterday you just left us. I know you are with me always but I just want to say that I miss you and wish you would just come because tell you the truth it's hard without you here. I will love you always.
Love your sister Julia
February 22, 2015
February 22, 2015
Happy Birthday Nicholas,
As we all "celebrated" your 17th birthday it was with a very heavy heart. I know you were laughing at us, as we were all with balloons & your lasagna it started to snow & I do mean snow. What were you have an pillow fight up in heaven? I know you would do that. 17th years, I remember the day you were born, what a thrill, what an honor, what a beautiful boy.
Love & miss you every single moment of every single day.
grandma & grandpa
February 21, 2015
February 21, 2015
Remembering you on this day, Nicholas, will never forget your sweet caring heart...please keep praying for us your family who love you!
February 21, 2015
February 21, 2015
Nicky - we miss you so much, & we say hello to you every time we walk by your picture - I blow you a kiss when we are leaving the house. Of course, you are in our prayers every day - and I feel you acknowledge your presence in so many little things - Love you. Opa & Grady
November 11, 2014
November 11, 2014
Dear nick, I miss you so much. The last time I ever saw you was when I was at school and we were outside and you were at a friends house across from the park we were at, and I waved at you, thinking ide see you when we cam back from break... I always think about that day, and how everytime I was having a bad day in school ude always ask me whats wrong and I want you to know that I appreciated every single bit of advice uve given me; How every morning youd bring me a redbull to school and bill would say "you cant drink that in school!" lol.. I hope your okay, I miss you so much! Ide give anything to see you again now that we're a bit older. You were so sweet n kind, every other day I think about you, and that contagious smile of yours :) Well now that I finally found a way to talk to you im gonna be leaving notes like these all the time lol... I wish I knew where u were resting so I could come visit you. Love you nick, Talk to u soon♥️
August 29, 2014
August 29, 2014
Nicholas it is your 2nd year leaving us already, time does goes by but I have to be honest your memory & how much you are loved does not.
Yes my dear grandson, it is 2 years already, 2 long years, & your name is mentioned, thought of, & prayed for every single day.
1-4-3 grandma
July 18, 2014
July 18, 2014
Was thinking of you at the beach today! We all miss you!
August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013
I will always remember Nicholas' kind heart and thoughtfulness especially to those suffering. Watch over us and give Mary a big kiss from me.
August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013
I love and miss you hope to see you soon
August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013
May you be at peace spending time with your Aunt Margie. Watch over your mom& sad and grandparents & sister sweet boy.
August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013
Today Nicholas you left us to return home to God...they say in time it gets easier & time heals well my dear grandson it DOES NOT. At best we all are just coping. Their is a HUGE VOID in my heart & in everyone who loved you. Love you very much Nicholas & miss you as much.
1 4 3  grandma
August 27, 2013
August 27, 2013
Today is your 1 year anniversay in Heaven. It feels like yesterday, my sweet baby. Miss you every day!!!
August 4, 2013
August 4, 2013
Nicholas as the anniversary of your passing approaches, I must say it is not any easier today as it was yesterday. You were or correction you are my first born grandchild always was & always will be. There is a very special spot in my heart for you. You may have left us in body but your soul lives on. "I can't smile without you" 1 4 3 grandma
May 14, 2013
May 14, 2013
Heck of a good fisherman. I'm sure he is fishing some good waters now. I will always remember the way he lit up when I mentioned fishing.
Save some fish for me !!!
April 26, 2013
April 26, 2013
Hi Nicholas it's your sister i wanted to say hi and how are u.
Say hi to sammy for me and the big dog,tell him i miss them and i love them very,very much.Well that all i wanted to say to u,i will to talk to u soon in my dreams nicki.Remember only takes the best.
Love u so much and miss your little sister.:) :) :)
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