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His Life


May 8, 2017

Nicholas loved this song!!


My Son Nicholas Robert Miller

May 8, 2017

Nicholas is my second child.  He loved all he knew and loved his pets!!  He was a kind young man and always put others before himself!!  He always used manners and treated others the way he wanted to be treated!!  I loved him with all my heart and still do!!  I miss him and always will!!  He was full of life and loved life!!  He was very intelligent!!  He passed away at such a young age of 35 years old.  I have wonderful memories of my precious, angel, son, Nicholas!!  I liked being called Nick!!  He was a son, a brother, a husband, a nephew, a grandson, an uncle and a true friend!!  I loved God and I know I will see Nicholas again someday!!  He was truly a Blessing from God and I thank God for bringing my son into my life!!  However, it makes me sad because he is no longer physically with me!!  Nicholas will always live on in my heart. memories, and dreams!!