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February 17
Nick had many wonderful qualities, one of them being his witty sense of humor.  He once stated that since Wikipedia defined him as a Millennial, he simply went to Wikipedia and edited the page adding a year the Millennial start year.
February 15
Nick was such a pleasure to work with and besides being incredibly smart at "finances" a.k.a Salesforce, he had the most hilarious sense of humor and sarcasm. He was always at the ready to put on that smirk and say something completely ridiculous to lighten the atmosphere. When he became a manager he was a mentor, friend, and a leader to his team. Any work required of Nick and his team was accomplished with kindness, respect and always some fun along the way.

The project the team was working on the past couple of months was crazy intense. After many late nights and working weekends the team nailed the Go Live date with success! Nick was ecstatic! His final post..."More Cowbell! Watch it here... and "Explore The Space" thinking of Nick! We will never forget you, Nick! And we promise to carry on...keeping your memory in our hearts forever! 

Nick and Michelle dancing

February 15
Soon after I met Michelle in person at a Pinsight event, our conversation turned to families, and she showed me a photo of Nick and her at a party. They were in a dance embrace and Nick was gazing down at Michelle with such adoration that it took my breath away.  Michelle told me what a special person he was and how much they loved each other.  I will always remember that photo Michelle, and the love that was so evident between you.  May this love be the bridge that connects you during these hard days so that you know in your deepest core that this love will never end.  

My favorite Nick Story

February 12
What I loved so much about Nick was how he was so profoundly... subtly funny. Like you wouldn't know by meeting him at first. I even knew him for maybe over a year before I came to realize how truly hilarious he was - And heard him tell a story that has since become a thing of legend.

Basically, when Nick and Michelle were living in downtown Denver, eScooters were taking over the world (just like Southpark called it). No matter where you went in town there would be hastily discarded eScooters littering the sidewalks... piles of them... much to the chagrin of curmudgeons like me. Little did I know that Nick shared my distaste...

Anyway, quiet, subtle Nick told me one night the story of coming home to their loft late at night and someone had left an eScooter laying in their lobby -- Only this one wasn't sitting there dead, it was still "active" -- So what did Nick do? He took the thing out for a spin around the Pepsi Center and their building... rode around for what I remember was like an hour or so, on some unsuspecting drunk renter's dime, who left it running -- Then when it finally died, he threw it in the dumpster behind his building.

Some may not find that as funny as me, but I think of it every time I see an eScooter laying somewhere... and will tell that story until I join Nick in whatever comes next.

Funny, funny, AWESOME dude.

I'll miss our texts my man.

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