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February 19
February 19
Family and friends around the World are heartbroken with the sudden loss of Nick. Here in Australia, we love hearing all the adventures of Nick, Michelle, Winston, and Ziggy. Retold between family and friends, the stories carry an infectious shine, and with each telling, we ‘re reminded that Michelle found someone so truly awesome! The retelling of stories will continue, and Winton and Ziggy will know the fun-loving effects their dad had on the World.

The memories of Nick will always shine.

Sending our love from family in Australia.
February 19
February 19
Dear Michelle and Winston,
Today we shared in hearing the beautiful stories and memories of Nick's life. Despite the deep sadness of Nick departing this life, it is certain that his strong legacy of love, joy, kindness, and cheeky tricks will be remembered. In the days, months, and years ahead, may you find comfort in the cherished memories you hold dear, knowing that Nick's spirit will always remain strong in your hearts.

From afar, we send to you our love and big hugs. ❤️
Stephen, Atsuko, Marcus and Hamish
February 19
Thank you for allowing us to be part of today’s ceremony. I feel I know Nick just that little bit more, it is just unfair that it is under these circumstances. I sure do wish I knew young Nick, he sounded a bit like someone else I know.

To our Darling Michelle- we know that you can find the strength from within to carry the light, love and laughter for Winston and baby boo. 

Thinking of you and wish that we could wrap our arms around you right now. With much love Cousin Liz and family (Sam, Charlotte and Mabel). Xxxx
February 14
February 14
"Amazing" is the perfect word to describe Nick. Nick was my co-worker, my teammate, and my friend, and I'll miss him terribly in all of the above capacities. Everyone trusted Nick. His level of knowledge was unsurpassed. We likely leaned on him more than we should have as we always knew he'd have the answer, so eventually I personally tried to go to others to lighten the load and let him focus, but so many times the response would be "I have to check with Nick". Our team is amazing, but Nick's breadth of knowledge was exceptional.
Nick was always so calm too, which made it fun for me to try to get a rise out of him! Unfortunately it just never worked as Nick was just way too patient, even with me. I would jokingly volunteer to do SalesForce development work (I'm a Project Manager but have SalesForce Admin privileges) saying "I have admin rights, I'll just take care of it" and wait for the eye roll or lecture about how I have no business doing that, Nick would just grin slyly and tell me that "maybe we'll just take care of it". Of course, he always would. The times Nick would go to Australia for a month to visit with his wife's family were tough times for us as missing Nick's knowledge and presence were always felt heavily and we couldn't wait for him to get back. It's a true testament to someone's value when everyone was counting the minutes until they return.
I learned a lot about Nick during our "fun Friday" tradition that we would have every couple of weeks, I know he was super busy but normally made time to participate and be part of the team which I always appreciated.
I was on Zoom with Nick several times the day before he passed. I got to meet Winston "virtually" and could see the pride in Nick's eyes as he sat him on his lap to introduce him to the team, and wrapped up a long day at 10:30PM with Nick, Marko, Greg, and John talking about our favorite whiskey and first cars. We did something amazing together, and I'm thankful that I got to share with Nick that night how much I appreciated him and how amazing he was.
Nick's presence and impact on the team and each person who knew him will never be forgotten. I feel lucky to have known him for the time I did.
February 14
February 14
Hi Michelle,
I have only known you for a very short time and really appreciated your caring and genuineness. I am extremely shocked and sad to hear of your terrible loss. I am speechless. I wish that you have lots of support and love in this difficult time and may you find comfort. My deepest condolences, Linde Burger from South Africa
February 13
February 13
Dear Michelle,
Your loss leaves me speechless, it is hard to find words. I wish you find courage and lots of love from family, friends and colleagues to support you in this difficult time.
I send you my LOVE and big hugs,
from Belgium,
February 13
February 13
As a distant aunt.I did not meet Nick and haven’t seen you Michelle for many years. But Michelle I send you all my love at this saddest of times. May you be comforted by those who are with you, and are given the strength to carry you forward.
Love and Prayers
February 12
February 12
It's funny how people can come into your life unexpectedly and leave such an impression. I met Nick through a mutual colleague and friend and instantly appreciated his genuineness and subtle, dry sense of humor.

He instantly became one of those comfortable friends that you don't talk to all the time but don't need to, you can just pick up a convo whenever and wherever without skipping a beat.

Go Runnin' Rebs, you will be missed Nick.

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