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March 29
March 29
Dear Julie, Nicole, Jenny (and Family), David & Eli,

We woke up today thinking about Nick. A good friend, a beautiful human being, and a great all-around guy. Wea were reminded of his work and accomplishments last month when we watched the Academy Awards.

You are all in our hearts today as we go back down memory lane and remember the person we knew; a man who exuded gratitude, a great example of a life well lived. 

David & Maria Brule
March 28
March 28
Ah, another birthday missed. I think of Nick often and also you, Julie, Nicole and Jenny. I hope you are doing well.
November 19, 2023
November 19, 2023
It's been a long year and there hasn't been even one day of it that I haven't thought fondly of Nick.
Sending hugs to all his friends and family.
May 1, 2023
May 1, 2023
My husband John and I met Nick and Julie in 1998 when John directed the Peace Corps Office in Los Angeles. Nick and Julie had already produced a Peace Corps volunteer - Nicole - who served in Lesotho (I think). In 1998, they were ready for their own adventure. The wonderful Bosustow's, John and I clicked immediately, after all, we were among the "older" set of PC volunteers, we shared all things political, loved a good wine, laughed heartily at life's mysteries, challenges, and gifts, and just enjoyed being in each other's company. They traveled to Eagle, Colorado for our fiftieth anniversary - more laughter and escapades, shared crazy workplace stories (emphasize "crazy"), and saw each other when we could although distance became an obstacle. I know that John has welcomed Nick into his next rewarding life with a warm, "So good to see you, Nick! You're going to love it here." My deepest sympathy and love to you, Julie, Nicole, and Jenny and to your wonderful families. Katha
March 25, 2023
March 25, 2023
I learned of Nick’s passing while watching the Academy Awards and my reaction was one of shock. I had the pleasure of becoming Nick’s Executive Assistant in 1976. Newly married and living for the first time in Los Angeles a mutual friend told me about him and his company, an animation production studio. He was in need of a full time assistant. He was so personable and we hit it off in a matter of minutes during my interview. Under his mentorship I learned about and was enthralled with the wonderful art of animation and film-making. He generously encouraged me to take the lead in numerous areas of production and I’ve always felt he contributed to my personal growth as well. We had an amazing team and were all family. I acquired some very good friends through my work with him. Our work never was “work” and Nick nurtured that environment. I met Julie and shared their joy when their two daughters were born. When business slowed as it does seasonally, he was forced to make cutbacks. I had to leave my job and was very saddened by it. I came to know Nick well as a kind, funny, joyous and tremendously talented person. My experiences with him and the company continue to provide me with the fondest memories. He was a man of all seasons and leaves a legacy those of us who knew him benefit greatly from. Soar high, Nick.
March 13, 2023
March 13, 2023
It was nice that the industry remembered Nick in the In Memorium segment on last night's Oscars. There isn't a day that I don't think of him.
March 12, 2023
March 12, 2023
I am so saddened to learn Nick has left this world. It has been many years since ours days together in the Peace Corps (Guatemala), but Nick and Julie still hold a tender place in my heart. Your friendship and caring meant so much to me. I will miss you neighboor.
January 14, 2023
January 14, 2023
I am so sad I cannot be there for the celebration of my dear friend nick’s life but nicole will read my tribute there in place of me.
The memories our whole family have shared with nick r too numerous to share here but I will treasure our many adventures together throughout the 45 years we have had together . Yes it is hard to say julie without nicks name following as they were a unit just as jim and myself were…. Pacific palisades , Wofford heights Paris, Tigeaux , Cabo , and lately Eugene just to name a few of our excursions together .. nick always adding his sensitivity, humor, satire, warmth, caring, and fun to each time we were together oh how I will miss him but now hopefully he is laughing with my husband jim on their new plateau having new adventures together … nick you will always have a special place in my heart as I, sky and tysun will always treasure our memories together. Love you forever
Helene mcmullan
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Julie and Nick fit so perfectly together, it’s hard to imagine one without the other! We had at least 25 years of glorious holidays together in Cabo where we first met. Nick could make us laugh like no one else, but he also had a serious side - that’s when he showed us his kind and gentle soul! Along with Nick’s family, I am grieving his loss, but I am so grateful to have known him for nearly 40 years! Until we meet again…..Sheri
January 10, 2023
January 10, 2023
Well, my dear old friend....I hadn't planned on this and I'm totally unprepared. Sally and I have lost a piece of our hearts. I thank you for a lifetime of friendship....true unconditional friendship.
January 6, 2023
January 6, 2023
Jan and Tom Adams
January 6
We will miss you Nick. We think of you and Julie often and the fortuitus luck of meeting you and your family 47 years ago when our oldest girls carpooled together while in pre-school. 
We have such special memories of our times together. What fun we had, whether on the ski slopes, a hilltop hike, a walk in the woods, a drive through Oregon, a social gathering, or merely sitting at a table sharing a glass of wine. When we were together, we always laughed harder, felt happier and parted with a full heart.
We will always remember the way your smile lit up the room. Your humor and laughter were contagious and we loved your witty and insightful stories of your life’s adventures. You were always so present. I hope you know how special that made us feel.
Tom fondly remembers the fun times he had when he and you joined the Y Indian Princesses program with daughters’ Nicole and Cory. You were a fun and creative leader, who as chief, hosted lively meetings at your house and organized inspiring games, outings and campouts.
Nick, you made every memory tangible by your passion and talent to film and photograph the life and family you loved, preserving the moments of a life well lived. Julie, we are so sorry we will miss the celebration of Nick’s life. In our absence we send our love and blessings and hope the outpouring of love from family and friends will lighten your sorrow and give you strength as you find your way through each day.

January 4, 2023
January 4, 2023
In 1978 I was the Dean of Students at The University of Toledo and responsible for professional development for a division of over 200 people. I needed a good visual tool to support the notion that we need to be flexible and open to the opinions of others. I discovered the perfect animated short movie called, “Is it Always Right to be Right,” produced by some guys with a strange sounding name, Bosustow! Little did I know that about 35 years later in Eugene Oregon, I would meet a real person with the name, Bosustow! And he would become one of my best friends and a member of my men’s coffee group, Java Jive! That was Oscar winner, Nick Bosustow! Nick was incredibly humble and interesting, and was an immediate hit in our group, comprised of 9 retired men who were not very retiring personalities. We miss his subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) wit and kindness, and we loved his stories about the LA entertainment world and his time in the Peace Corps in Suriname, South America (wherever the hell that is).
January 3, 2023
January 3, 2023
FROM RON LOVELL. Nick and I met in the Army reserve unit we both belonged to in L.A. in 1962. We clicked as friends immediately. Nick and I often talked about the ridiculousness of life. Believe me, our reserve unit exemplified that notion. Soon, we were getting together often in the Silver Lake area of L.A. where we both were living and starting our careers. He with Universal and the film business, me beginning my career in Journalism. From there we went our separate geographic ways but we always kept in touch. I also got to know his wonderful family. Over the years, we got together as often as possible in L.A., New York, and, Oregon, after we all moved here. Nick was a special person in many ways--as a friend and a mentor about all things to do with film. Sadly, we had just begun to work together on his autobiography. Alas, his many friends and would-be readers will never get to read about his interesting and exemplary life. I miss you, dear friend, Ron
January 1, 2023
January 1, 2023
Nick, you are truly going to be missed. You have been an inspiration to so many around you. I will always remember your gentle nature, your kindness, caring, and ability to open your door and welcome everyone in. I always admired your creativity, all the wonderful books you made of photographs, and your eye always behind the lens, taking pictures at your parties. You were one great guy, very loving and I now will be missed by everyone who had the privilege of knowing you. And now, Rest in Peace with your dear friend, Jim.  by Sue Unmacht
December 27, 2022
December 27, 2022
 We are so sad that Jim's knee surgery (long scheduled for January 13) will keep us from joining you all to celebrate Nick's wonderful life.
 Nick was soooo entertaining and fun to be with! He always had a story followed by a chuckle. We loved his wit and wisdom. Words cannot describe the joy he brought to all of us.
 When I (Jennifer) visited you both in Guatemala, I had an opportunity to see Nick in action with the PC. He was advising the ladies and their bakery operation. Recall that Nick taught them how to turn their daily work into a successful business. The ladies were happy and grateful for his advice, smiling and laughing along with him.
 Julie, take a long walk along the river and remember the good days! We will do the same in our own walks and remember Nick always.
 We love you and wish you the best in this hardest of times!
     Jennifer and Jim McIntosh
December 17, 2022
December 17, 2022
I will miss Nick. We took many walks together. He was always ready to listen to subjects I might bring up. He was always understanding and empathetic. His willingness to join the peace corps and help the people in Guatamala was amazing. He invited me to join him in Guatamala where he had adventures that I will never forget.  Nick was also a wonderful host. He and Julie's Labor day parties were so much fun. Nick made everyone comfortable and gave so much as these parties. Nick enjoyed life and always looked at the glass 1/2 full instead of 1/2 empty. I will miss sharing with him and seeing his delightful smile. Ken Unmacht
December 13, 2022
December 13, 2022
Several weeks have passed...and Dave & I still have a hard time processing what happened, so…in our minds, he is still around. Nick was a rare and special person. He loved you, he validated you, he made you laugh, and he would cry with you if that was needed. 

His kind and generous heart was always open for you. We will miss him forever.

Julie, Nicole, Jenny, and all the beautiful grandchildren, you are lucky indeed to have had him in your lives. He will live forever in you. We will think of him whenever you cross our thoughts. 

Rest in peace, dear friend

David and Maria Brule
December 12, 2022
December 12, 2022
I don't think I'll be able to share this in person at Nick's memorial without breaking down, so let me add it here. Often Nick and Julie would share the story of how we met, shortly after they moved here to Eugene and knew no one other than their daughter who lived here. 

It happened at the bank. I was retrieving our passports from our safe deposit box, and they were waiting to speak with a banker, when they overheard my conversation with a teller that we were leaving the next day for Turkey. While we were both waiting to be served, Nick asked if he had heard correctly and wanted to share how coincidental it was that he and his wife had spoken just that morning about wanting to go to Turkey for their upcoming anniversary. Just then I was called back to the vault, so I gave Nick and Julie my email address, and asked them to contact me so we could talk about Turkey. They seemed amused and somewhat flabbergasted that I'd be open to being contacted. Evidently strangers aren't as open and friendly in LA! 

Long story short, we met for coffee after my husband John and I returned from Turkey about three weeks later, and I shared lots of information about our trip. Nick and Julie followed up and did go to Turkey for their anniversary. We found that we had a lot in common and enjoyed one another's company, and we became good friends.

I sponsored Julie's application to the Fortnightly Club women's study group, where she made a lot of friends, and where Nick made a presentation about his family's experiences in Hollywood during the McCarthy era, and showed clips from his award-winning short animated films. We would go wine tasting together sometimes, and had dinners with Nick and Julie and another couple. Nick and John would meet regularly with a few other local guys for beer, and dubbed themselves "The Old Geezers." 

We will miss Nick terribly. He was witty and fun. He loved his family and friends. And he certainly loved life. What a wonderful one he had!
December 11, 2022
December 11, 2022
Nick was so thoughtful and generous that he sent me from Cape Cod to LA to surprise Julie on her 40th birthday. He rented a restaurant on Wilshire Blvd.
I was disguised as a fluzzy waitress. When Julie asked for another wine, I, in my NY accent, said i thought she had too much.You should have seen her expression as she turned to me. It was wonderful and Nick did that for her, he wanted her to have a very special time on her day.He was such a caring guy.He'd do anything for Julie.
December 9, 2022
December 9, 2022
Wow, what do you say for someone who was so kind, caring, positive, and really did make such a difference in the world?! Nick brightened each space with his smile, humor, stories, and love of life! He drew people to him and you always felt loved, cherished, and valued. He was truly "an angel on earth" (as my mom used to say). He will live forever in the stories, photos, and memories of his family and friends. I feel blessed that we met in Guatemala and remained friends. Nick and Julie were such pillars of light in difficult times and helped many of us during our service. Much love to Julie, Nicole, Jenny, and their families during this time. I wish you much peace and love. 
December 2, 2022
December 2, 2022
When I heard the sad news, I was asked to write an obituary for ASIFA. It was very hard to do. How to encapsulate a life so very well lived into a few paragraphs?

Nick was the best boss I ever had. I'm so proud of the work I got to do with him. When I moved on, he gave me the courage to continue in what was a very misogynistic industry at the time. I managed to break a lot of glass ceilings and I don't know if I could have done it if it hadn't been for Nick's support, encouragement and his assurances that I could do it. He was a great friend.

So many people LOVED working with him. In the wonderful After School Specials, the best animation artists always wanted to work for him because he gave them the freedom to do what they could do best. Lots of award-winning children's books were given a wonderful new life. And then came the great work with the Peace Corps.

I didn't know his last words until now. They are so very appropriate.
I miss you, Nick!

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