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August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
This is the day I hate the most, Nicole. The day you left us. I think about you all the time and wish you were here. I know I'll see you again, wherever you are, but till then, I'll miss you dearly. Love you, my friend.
August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
The most terrible day of the year. I love and miss you every day, Kiki. These three years without you have been emptier, duller, and sadder and there remains a hole that can't ever be filled. Things still happen and my very first thought is to call you about it. I'll love you always, Keeks. So much.
August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
You are always on my mind. I love you infinity. Auntie Elayne
August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
The saying is.... It gets easier with time, but I'm still waiting for that to happen. I was driving down the street the other day and these little kids were clearly up to no good, I saw water guns and rope, my first thought was I was annoyed with them so I stopped my car to tell them to knock it off...... Well before I could, a memory of us probably doing the same kind of thing jumped into my head and I began to cry...... I truly hope that each of my children have somebody in their lives as special as you were, and still are, to me! Love and miss you tons! XXOOXX Love, Hollywood :)
August 9, 2014
August 9, 2014
I will never forget the time we've had together.
I will never forget the last moment that I saw you.
I will never forget this terrible Tuesday in 2011.
I will never forget YOU!
I will always think about you!
You have inspired us all!
You are so loved from everyone!
You are so missed!
But for those, I know, you will always be with us!
I love and remember you, each and every day!
Wish you were still here!!!!!!!!!
July 24, 2014
July 24, 2014
Thinking of you today. I love you Ms. Tuff Stuff!!!!
July 7, 2014
July 7, 2014
Hi Nicole- don't quite know what to say, other than you have been such a great friend to so many people. We lost touch after high school, but the time that we had was truly awesome. Thank you for everything.
April 13, 2014
April 13, 2014
Just thinking about you again, Nicole. Saw a cheesy movie about California, which I'm sure you would have made fun of. Still ,and always will, miss you my friend.
January 13, 2014
January 13, 2014
Nicole, missing you very much on your birthday and hope you know we all still hold you in our hearts. Happy Birthday from all the Gregson's we miss you so much!
January 12, 2014
January 12, 2014
Thinking of you on your birthday, Nicole. I wish you were here to celebrate. Your "dirty thirty" in San Francisco was the best. I miss you so much.
January 12, 2014
January 12, 2014
Thinking of you on your birthday and all the other days. You will always be in my heart. I love you, Auntie Elayne
January 1, 2014
January 1, 2014
Thinking of you today on the Cancer Survivor Network Forum and remembering your Intentions for 2011…

Gone, but not forgotten..

Thoughts & Prayers
November 9, 2013
November 9, 2013
Time passes by, but I still miss and love you.

Auntie Elayne
September 9, 2013
September 9, 2013
You are still in my heart!

Love always, Auntie Elayne
August 24, 2013
August 24, 2013
Just found out today of your passing. My favorite times at St.Bonaventure hands down were with you and Pato. Oh my gosh how you made me laugh with your funny faces! I did meet up with you in San Fran and so sorry I didn't stay in touch. You had a light brighter than the sun Nicole and I will miss you dearly.
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Nicole, of all the milestones to celebrate in life, this isn't the one I most treasure. But I will not let any day pass when I can pay tribute to you and your glorious, yet too-short life. I think about you every day and try hard to live up to the challenge of living a gutsy, Nicole-worthy life. You are so special to me ... til we meet again <3
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Hard to believe its been 2 years and one day since your last text, and just so you know, I am keeping the old phone with your lasts texts to me. Also, I found a photo of us last week that I didn't even know we had. I will post it here soon. You are not physically here but you are always with us!! The positive impact you have made on us cant even be described in words. Miss you every day!!
August 9, 2013
August 9, 2013
Another year has passed--unbelievable how much I think of you.

I love you Nicole!

Auntie Elayne
August 8, 2013
August 8, 2013
I miss you everyday Nicole. I think of you often and wish you were here. The impact you had on my life was so great, and ill never forget what you've done for me. I love you, and miss you so much.
July 20, 2013
July 20, 2013
I'll never forget our days at st were a great friend.I truleh miss you
July 9, 2013
July 9, 2013
Just remembering how special you are.

Love always, Auntie Elayne
June 9, 2013
June 9, 2013
You are always on my mind. I love you Nicole! Auntie Elayne
April 18, 2013
April 18, 2013
Nicole, I did not know you but I can only imagine how great a person you were because I've met your Mom and Dad, and they are the greatest. They love and miss you forever.
April 9, 2013
April 9, 2013
You will always be in my heart, I love you Nicole!

Auntie Elayne
March 18, 2013
March 18, 2013
Miss you so much, Nicole. I think about you every day and miss you dearly, my friend. Love you.
March 9, 2013
March 9, 2013
Still miss and love you Ms.Tuff Stuff!

Auntie Elayne
February 16, 2013
February 16, 2013
Hi, Pumpkin Pie,
can't believe 18 months have gone by.  Seems so yesterday . There are days when I miss you more than others but never a day when I don't miss you at all. Love, DAD
February 9, 2013
February 9, 2013
Really wish you were here and you had brought tony,jenny,stephanie, steven and nonnie and grampa with you! I miss you all and love you forever.
February 8, 2013
February 8, 2013
Hey Belated Birthday Wishes! Watch over us okay..
January 15, 2013
January 15, 2013
Happy 34th Birthday, Nicole!! We think about you always and celebrate your memory and the time we had with you. Especially on days as special as the day you were born.
January 13, 2013
January 13, 2013
I miss prayers are with your family...
January 12, 2013
January 12, 2013
Hey Nicole! My Birthday Buddy! I wanted to wish you a Happy Birthday! You have been the Best Birthday Buddy ever! I made a choice to say "Cheers! and Happy Birthday, Nicole!" on Jan. 12. and every birthday from now on!. You have been a great friend of Lexie's life and your Friendship/Memory is the GREATEST part of my life.
January 12, 2013
January 12, 2013
Happy Birthday Nicole, I sooo wish I could make you mad by calling you old today! Miss you.
January 12, 2013
January 12, 2013
Heaven shines with birthday wishes. Love you forever!

Auntie Elayne
January 9, 2013
January 9, 2013
Hi precious one. Still thinking about you and missing our text messages. Hope you have met up with my Steven. You both are in my heart. Love you always, Auntie Elayne
December 12, 2012
December 12, 2012
Thinking of you dear Nikki! Miss our text sessions and your bright spirit. Sending my love!
December 9, 2012
December 9, 2012
Forgetting you is not an option. You are in my heart!

With Love, Auntie Elayne
November 9, 2012
November 9, 2012
Hi precious, gone so very long, but never forgotten! Auntie Elayne loves you!
November 9, 2012
November 9, 2012
Hi Cousin,
Today I am thinking o you,just like all the days before.Striving to be as strong as you, is as hard as running a marathon!!! xxoo
October 9, 2012
October 9, 2012
Good morning Miss Tuff Stuff, Auntie Elayne loves and misses you still. I will never forget you.
October 9, 2012
October 9, 2012
Love and miss you Kiki. These 14 months had been less bright, less funny, less full. I think of you daily, and I am painfully aware of how much better the world could be. Love, Lexie G.
October 9, 2012
October 9, 2012
Hey Nicole, think about you everyday. Taking comfort in knowing that your wings are wrapped around us in love!!!! Love you
September 9, 2012
September 9, 2012
Hi Precious One, Still thinking of you and still missing you. You are still my shining star. Auntie Elayne loves you!
August 18, 2012
August 18, 2012
Always in my prayers.....
August 11, 2012
August 11, 2012
 Miss you very much and think about you all the time. Thank you for all the smiles and wonderful memories.
August 10, 2012
August 10, 2012
On the 1st anniversary of your passing I just want to tell you that I love & think of you ALL.THE.TIME. Miss you tons my dear friend.
August 9, 2012
August 9, 2012
Hey Nicole!!!! I cant not believe today marks one year!! It seems like yesterday that we starting getting to know each other,I miss your emails and texts! Auntie Elayne has a piece of her heart missing'(
Im sure your busy watching over all that loved you! Until we meet again know that I am thinking of you and sending you love to heaven!
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