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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Nnamdi Onyeka, 52 years old, born on May 22, 1969, and passed away on September 17, 2021. We will remember him forever.
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
To the memory of
MARCEL NNAMDI ONYEKA (his name as an acronym)

Made and
Adorned with
Responsibility to

Novel with
Ability to
Motivate and

Overflowing love to
Yield with
Excitement and

+Chisom Njoku
October 11, 2021
October 11, 2021
How does one say goodbye to a lifetime friend so early?

Fate brought Nnamdi (I liked to call him Marcel) and I together as room mates when I arrived FUTO in 1987. We became a family and went on to share rooms throughout my time at Owerri and tagged on afterwards. Our familiarity grew naturally  to include other family members and one was always welcomed.

His house was my home wherever career pursuit relocated either of us. Life plans, pranks and jokes,  we shared all in good and bad times.

Nnamdi was always there if I needed a honest sounding board or a shoulder to lean on.He was my dependable confidant and everything a friend could be. We were always connected even when we may not speak directly for months. 

An outstanding family man, Nnamdi would give anything for his family. I am sure that he wouldn't have left his beloved family so suddenly if he had the choice. But when God calls his saints home to glory, they must leave all that they cherish and answer.

I condole with his wife, his children, the entire Onyeka family and all of us that have become part of Nnamdi's extended family. 

My family particularly miss him now and we will always do. My last son, Oyarebu Victor who is also Nnamdi's Godson will especially miss him.

We are however consoled by our belief that he has taken his place in the bosom of the Lord where he belongs.

Rest on my friend until we meet to part no more.
October 10, 2021
October 10, 2021
This is not to write a tribute to Nnamdi because I'm even not yet composed to write the family funeral oration, which I'm being expected to write as Nnamdi's eldest brother. I am rather writing here to express our family's surprise and embarrassment, to say the least, on the creation of this platform without the knowledge and consent of Nnamdi's family members. Incidentally, some information about Nnamdi here are not correct. No doubts the Admin has good intentions but the starting point is faulty and counterproductive. Let's do it better next time. Cheers and best wishes to all!

Professor Aloy Onyeka
(Nnamdi's eldest brother)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor,
Kingsley Ozumba Mbadiwe University (KOMU), Ideato South, Imo State
October 4, 2021
October 4, 2021

Nnamdi, it has been hard to accept that you are gone; our last conversation still very fresh in my mind. Your passing led me to a deeper reflection on the meaning of life and leaves unanswered questions. Being human, we grieve and wish it wasn’t true. But it gives solace that you rested in the Lord and that our Creator who knows it all, who gives and takes, called you back.

While many may desire that they be allowed twice the time you spent here on earth, what we do with the time we are given here matters more. In your short life here, you made positive impacts on many (in the church, the body of Christ and secular world) and were a committed friend.

May God give comfort and courage to the family and friends you left behind. Where you had erred as human, may the Almighty grant you mercy and give your soul eternal rest.


Richard Ebisike

September 26, 2021
September 26, 2021
Dear Onyeka,
It is very painfully that you had to go home so soon. It feels like it was only yesterday when we were together in SCM function in Shell, and two days before when we were in SCM fellowship in FUTO. How can one forget your ever cheerful demeanour and that infectious dimple-cheek smiles that brightened those around you? Your role modelling of hard-work and selfless service will be greatly missed. Nobody can question God for calling you home now, because only Him sets the time of every mortal. Adieu my brother and friend! Rest in peace!
September 24, 2021
September 24, 2021
Life can be very unbearable sometime. So GOD almighty the creator of life itself in his infinite wisdom created an Antidote in the person of Engr. Nnamdi Onyeka to make life bearable for all those around him. This is a personal testimony by me, his family, his Christian brethren, his friends, his colleagues and his neighbors. May the mercy of GOD grant him eternity
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
#Joe Onweni: So heartbreaking to see another good man in our midst take a bow way too soon. I don’t recall our paths crossing in FUTO but fate has a way of circling back over paths that were meant to cross. I met Nnamdi at my brother’s residence in Lekki on one of my visits and it turned out that his house was a couple of blocks from my brother’s house in the same estate. It was only natural for us to bond right away and Nnamdi remained my brother’s trusted friend and good neighbor till the very end. May his gentle soul Rest In Peace.
Joe Onweni
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
#Fabian Ogbonna: I am saddened beyond words by the sudden passing of Engineer Nnamdi Onyeka, a friend, colleague, associate turned brother, whose life path crossed mine at several points on this tough earth, and who became a member of my immediate family for the past 20 years. It is at times like this you will begin to appreciate why even Jesus being man and God simultaneously, wept. Nnamdi was supposed to bury some of us and be a Will executor for some of us, who were a few years older than him, but God in his infinite wisdom has allowed it to be this way. I did not imagine it this way for one moment. Our able chairman may please cross check his source of information on cause of death being Covid-19 related, as those who were there in Warri at the time he passed have a different view. As Elder Franc indicated, this youngman was very friendly, very sociable, likeable and showed up when the need arises. It is very painful to talk about Nnamdi in past tense. May God grant his gentle soul eternal rest and his family and extensive friends the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Even if covid were not the cause of death in this instance, please do get your shots, you're no longer that young and your margin of error has thinned down. I deeply mourn with all those in and out of this forum whose lives were touched by this rare soul. Adieu my friend and brother! Fabian Ogbonna.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
#Chijioke Ikonte: For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

A few hours ago we got the news of the translation to eternal glory of one of us, Elder Nnamdi Onyeka. He was a registered member of FAE. Let us spend a day or two mourning and in sober reflection of what this means. Clearly we do not have many miles to travel before we go to sleep. Discussions on other issues can wait for sometime.

Nnamdi, rest in peace and I pray that the memories of your time on earth will comfort your loved ones.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
#Franc: How can it be ND?! I met him first time at Assa North project (I & C), about August 2019 - we blended immediately as Futo siblings. Besides, he was cousin to Mark Ogoke, my Primary School friend (Senior brother to our Victor Ogoke). Mid-2020 covid-19 saga threw him and I out of job. We nursed our wounds together. His job loss did not last long, he got another mouth-watering job, such that when Assa North called him back in April, 2021, he shut his doors in their face, against my persuasion. That's ND for you. Self-made man, sincere, calm and trouble terminator.

Is ND's posts not here with us? Scroll back a little, you will see them. How can ND die, just like that?! If you have not met ND, nor worked with him, then you are yet to meet one of best colleagues - far better than most, he was! I will sorely miss him. I wish it is not true THAT THE MAN DIED!!

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Recent Tributes
October 28, 2021
October 28, 2021
To the memory of
MARCEL NNAMDI ONYEKA (his name as an acronym)

Made and
Adorned with
Responsibility to

Novel with
Ability to
Motivate and

Overflowing love to
Yield with
Excitement and

+Chisom Njoku
October 11, 2021
October 11, 2021
How does one say goodbye to a lifetime friend so early?

Fate brought Nnamdi (I liked to call him Marcel) and I together as room mates when I arrived FUTO in 1987. We became a family and went on to share rooms throughout my time at Owerri and tagged on afterwards. Our familiarity grew naturally  to include other family members and one was always welcomed.

His house was my home wherever career pursuit relocated either of us. Life plans, pranks and jokes,  we shared all in good and bad times.

Nnamdi was always there if I needed a honest sounding board or a shoulder to lean on.He was my dependable confidant and everything a friend could be. We were always connected even when we may not speak directly for months. 

An outstanding family man, Nnamdi would give anything for his family. I am sure that he wouldn't have left his beloved family so suddenly if he had the choice. But when God calls his saints home to glory, they must leave all that they cherish and answer.

I condole with his wife, his children, the entire Onyeka family and all of us that have become part of Nnamdi's extended family. 

My family particularly miss him now and we will always do. My last son, Oyarebu Victor who is also Nnamdi's Godson will especially miss him.

We are however consoled by our belief that he has taken his place in the bosom of the Lord where he belongs.

Rest on my friend until we meet to part no more.
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