Large image
Your light was bright, your heart so kind,  
A truer friend, we’ll never find.  
Though you have gone, you’re never far,  
You live within us, like a star.
In your twins’ laughter, your spirit lives,  
Your love remains, it never leaves.  
In every moment, big or small,  
We’ll think of you and cherish it all.
Rest in peace, our dearest friend,  
In our hearts, you’ll never end.  
Gone from sight, but always near,  
Your spirit lingers, ever dear.
September 23
September 23
Rest on Nneka,in the bosom of ur Lord God ✌️
September 23
September 23
My dearest friend and sister Igbo as I fondly called you. Your demise came to me as a rude shock when I saw it on Berth’s Facebook page, I couldn’t believe it!

Dearest Nne, I can’t believe I’m writing a tribute to you. I can’t think that our friendship of over 21 years from our NYSC days is gone, you are such a beautiful and amazing soul.

I wore the wristwatch you gave me on my fortieth birthday throughout the week you passed on, I didn’t know you were passing a message to me. Igbo! I promise to cherish the wristwatch as your wish and memory. I didn’t know that the last time you visited me and the girls was the last time I would set my eyes on you. 
I wish I had probed further your response when I last chatted with you. You made a statement that caught my eye. My dearest Igbo words can’t express the pain I feel right now.

Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

You will forever live in my heart.

I love you beyond words.

Adieu Nneka.

Tina Akhaome.
September 22
September 22
May your memory live on forever, Nneka! As your university schoolmate and a friend to your husband, I mourn your passing.

Rest on!
September 21
September 21
I knew I needed time to accept your demise.

My heart grieves for the one I genuinely called my unbiological lil sis. Smart, bold, strong, blunt, fearless.; and equally loving, caring, generous and full of life. 

For us, it was not about taking each other for granted. The friendship was about loving each other unconditionally and being intentional about it. You were always genuinely happy for me, my girls and my husband. We never allowed our imperfection to be a barrier to the beautiful friendship we had.

Nne baby, as I fondly called you, death has not destroyed that love but has only successfully taken your physical presence off my face on this earthly journey.

I am grateful for the beautiful memories you left me with, especially the last part of you, spent with your girls (Jessy and Jenny) and my family in London, Paris and Portugal.

I know one day I will let go of this loss but never will I let go of our love.

Forever in my heart Nne baby.
September 21
September 21
Quite sad to hear of your early demise. I remember your radiance in school. May God console your family and grant them the strength to heal. May your soul rest in perfect peace Nneka
September 20
September 20
It hurts more it's after your death I found you.Last time I saw you was in primary school. We lost touch after that.I am not surprised reading how you grew up to become such an amazing lady while still having your beautiful qualities as a child.You were so intelligent back then,full of energy,easygoing and friendly.Rest in perfect peace Nneka.May God console your loved ones.
September 19
September 19
The news of your passing has been a rude shock. I remember getting the call from my sister to break this terrible news.
My mum has not stopped crying from this news. It hit us all really bad.
Chia, this one hit home and really deep.
I pray strength for your family, parents and siblings because this is a huge loss.
Rest in peace dear Nneka.
September 19
September 19

In class, we affectionately called you Iyom, a title I never fully understood until now. Discovering its meaning - a respected woman, embodying femininity - I realized how fitting it was for you, Nneka. You truly were our Iyom.

I remember your graceful dance moves, radiating joy with every step. Your exceptional Excel skills and ability to simplify complex financials left me in awe, and I learned so much from you. How could I forget your exceptional multitasking skill. You were really not a ‘mere mortal’.

I remember the wise counsel you offered, your support for every good cause, and your ever so generous heart. Your beauty, inside and out, and zest for life inspired me a great deal.

I honour your devotion to the Twins, those you mentored, and the countless lives you touched with kindness.

Nneky Joe of MEMBA 3, Our Yellow Sisi, my seat partner, our friend, our darling IYOM, this is how I choose to remember you – vibrant, wise, beautiful, and full of life.

May your legacy continue to inspire us, and may your memory be a blessing to all who knew you.

Rest in peace, darling Nneka❤️️
September 19
September 19
Nneka was one of the women I admired the most in my place of work. Her charisma, dedication and generousity was unmatched. She was so beautiful.
It completely broke my heart to learn you are no more with us. It still feels like a dream
Thank you for being a light through which the younger ones could see. You remain in my heart forever.
September 19
September 19
Na wa o! I believe God knows better. Though it has been a long time we saw you physically but we will all miss you dearly. I pray God to grant you internal rest. May God grant your loved ones fortitude to bear the irreparable lost. Rest In Peace, Nneka!
September 19
September 19
May your gentle soul rest in peace, and may God almighty comfort your family and friends.
September 19
September 19
May your gentle soul rest in peace may God grant your family andnloved ones the fortitude and strength to deal with the loss
September 18
September 18
Your memories will always live on in our hearts...With deepest sympathy and love.
Rest in peace Nneka.
Bayo-Toyin Ayoade.
September 18
September 18
Words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that I feel about this shocking news. It has taken days to process this but it still would not make sense.

Nneka, even in death your light keeps shining. You were an exemplary boss and leader, a people lover and an absolutely great friend.

Heaven’s gained an angel and definitely a piece of our hearts. Nneki mama, we love you dearly but God knows best. Rest in the bosom of your creator, you have fought the good fight.
September 18
September 18
The news of your death, is still a shocking one....... May God rest your soul, Nneka and may He comfort your beloved ones, Amen.

You will be sorely missed .
September 18
September 18
Nwa Nneka Nwannem ooooo Aya ya
Nwa Nneka Nwannem ooooo Aya ya
Mama Nneka na por gi ooo Osisi na pu ego Aya ya
My mother told me that this is the song she used to sing to you and now I understand that you are more than what this song says even before this incident you are more than this song, I was devasted and brought down emotionally even till now but I pray you find rest in the Bosom of OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST
You have been more than a friend, a GREAT HELP IN TIME OF EVEN THE SLIGHTEST NEED AND WANT, even beyond the characteristics a sister, you are more than that...... THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME AND MY FAMILY THE PROVISION IS TOO GREAT TO BE HIDDEN AND FOR ALWAYS BEEN THERE FOR ME SINCE 2005 NOVEMBER 27 FROM MY BIRTH TILL TODAY you are still in my memory banging in my ears and am finding it hard time to believe you have left
GOD HAVE USED YOU TO BE An Inspiration and a Motivation to me and my Siblings
Aunty Nne I know we will see one day and spend quality time together and I Pray that you are and will be okay in the BOSOM OF OUR LORD BY HIS MERCY GRACE LOVE AND KINDNESS
September 17
September 17
It’s so hard to believe that you left already. You were a classic representation of beauty, elegance and intellect. Rest well, Nneka.
September 17
September 17
Dear Nneka

I found it so hard to accept this. But God knows best
Thank you for shinning your light to all of us around you.
You were an inspiration and a mentor to many of us. Thank you for the love, encouragement, and those warm smiles of yours.
Continue to rest in the bosom of our Lord.
I pray God will comfort everyone you left behind especially your family.
September 17
September 17
Hello Nneka,

You have always been and will forever remain a radiant beacon of hope, ambition, and grace. Though it hurts deeply that you are gone, I refuse to let the weight of loss dim the brilliance of your memory. You were loving yet firm, kind yet unwavering, a woman of strength and deep compassion. The brief moments I had the privilege of working alongside you were enough to feel the warmth of your soul like a glint of sunlight on the coldest day.

You were not just a person but a force! Every bit the change you sought, every glimmer of hope you nurtured in others especially us women. You embodied the essence of what it means to lead with both heart and wisdom. The world is dimmer without you, yet I know the heavens are brighter with your presence. Your legacy of kindness and strength will live on in all of us who had the honor of knowing you.

Heaven has truly gained a remarkable soul but you will never be gone from our hearts.

Rest well Nneka.
September 17
September 17
Goodbye Nneka, you were very passionate about your jobs, so much so that it rubbed off on me while working with you, I mean how could It not? How else would I have survived those hundreds of comments, it's funny, you always spoke with so much grace, so much steeze and composure, even under pressure, God! this life. I went to Catholic Church of Divine Mercy on Sunday and I realized I would never run into you again, I will never see you from afar wearing your red /pink lipstick, sad! I know you're resting in God's bossom. Till we meet again 
September 17
September 17
Dearest Nneka
Ive spent the past 3 days trying to process this news and articulate my thoughts. Words fail me. Its really hard doing this. The first in charge I worked with when i joined the firm and the last manager before i left (with lots of jobs inbetween) You took me under your wings and became the big sister I never had but needed. Both professionally and personally you were always there. Ever so caring and loving.
I remember the endless rides we took in your car from client site to the mainland talking about any and everything.
Always there for me even after I left the firm. Always showed up at my house each time i had a baby, the time you invited me to “raid your wardrobe” shortly after i left the firm, lunch dates at your house……. I could go on and on…….
I pray that the good Lord comforts your family at this time. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Your memories would forever remain in my heart. Goodbye Nneka.
September 17
September 17
Dear Nneka, I've admired you for the few weeks I have known you. Hearing all the beautiful words said about you tells me that angels truly live in human form. I wish I could beg God to give us more time to have you on earth. Rest in peace!
September 17
September 17
I find myself keep opening and closing this page as I refuse to accept that you are deed gone! How? Why? These are the questions I keep asking myself since I heard the news.

You were a remarkable individual, a beacon of wisdom and guidance, a MENTOR in the truest sense of the word. You approached every challenge with a lively spirit and inspiring those around you to reach for their best. Your laughter and joy radiate each time. You were at my place in the UK in August 2023, I still remembered how we danced, laughed and had fun! You have this unique laughter that can’t be easily forgotten. You visited again in June 2024 to celebrate our daughter’s birthday bearing gifts as usual. Everyone who met you that day are still in shock! You always go all out for people! How about your dedication and commitment to the twins! I always tease you on how you manage to excel in all areas so easily!

Nneky mama, this hurts so bad but we are comforted that you lived an impactful life. Your lessons will forever resonate in our hearts and your spirit will continue to inspire us everyday.

Keep resting in the bosom of our Lord!
September 17
September 17
To a great Marwick leader, ever approachable for guidance.

Keep resting in the Lord.
September 17
September 17
Nneka, you will be sorely missed. Its hard to process, but we assure you that your memories will remain forever in our hearts. Farewell, dear friend.
September 17
September 17
Ah, Sweet lepy my oga, I am still in shock. Rest on Nneky Mama.
September 17
September 17
Dear Nneka,
It was easy being your friend, so many things we were still to do together. I thank God for your life . I pray for your beautiful family, especially your beloved twins, may they receive comfort and strength in Jesus' mighty name, Amen . Love you always ❤
September 17
September 17
This is so very shocking. You were so so warm, kind, friendly and loving towards everyone that came in contact with you. Thank you for all the lives you touched and inspired during your sojourn on this earth. I pray the Lord will comfort your husband, children and all your loved ones and give them the grace to bear this great loss. Rest in peace dear Nneka and keep dancing on the streets of gold in heaven.
September 17
September 17
My dear Nneka,
I've been lost for words since I heard the news and still am.
You were an epitome of beauty and brains... you were a role model. I still can't believe I'm typing this in past tense. I'm still struggling with accepting this fact
I'm glad that i fully expressed to you, your awesomeness in words everytime I got the opportunity to.
I'm assured that you are in a better place with your Father in heaven and I pray for peace and consolation for all your loved ones.
You were truly loved and I'll miss you soo much.
Rest well in your Father's bossom
September 17
September 17
Oh dear....I'm still trying to come to terms with this news!

Waow, it was just 21 years ago we met @ KPMG and to hear of your sudden departure is quite heart breaking.

Indeed you have impacted many lives and will forever be missed.

I pray your family receives the strength and fortitude to bear this loss. Rest on Sister !!!

September 16
September 16
Nekky Mama,

I am still in shock! I wish this was all a dream. You made working in KPMG Nigeria fun with your great personality. You were always available to listen and to help.

May your beautiful soul rest in peace. May God grant your family the fortitude to bear this great loss.

September 16
September 16
What a world we live in!!! Today, we are here and tomorrow no more. Nneka, it seems like a dream that you're gone so soon. I refused to believe that it was not a fake news until I opened this tread. You were an inspiration to me and you are the closest to my mind when when require a professional financial services provider in the office. Your solutions to issues make difficult problems look cheap. I will miss you greatly. Rest in peace and may God comfort your immediate and extended family who lean on your love. Goodbye
September 16
September 16
Dear Nneka,
You were beautiful, brilliant, warm, and simply amazing.
The news of your passing hit really hard and the thought of never seeing your beautiful face and confident strut on the 9th floor hurts so much.

I can’t believe you’re no longer here with us.
Rest well sweet Nneka.
You will be greatly missed.

September 16
September 16
Dear Nneka,

I can’t believe you’re gone. It still feels surreal that you are no longer here and won’t ever becoming back to the office. I can’t believe your vibrant spirit is no longer here with us.

How you lived your life was such an inspiration.

May you rest in perfect peace.
September 16
September 16
Nneka, you lived, you loved, you conquered. You will be sorely missed by everyone. We are comforted by the fact that your legacy will live on forever. Rest in Peace Sweet Nneka
September 16
September 16
Nneka, I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard the news but only God knows best!
I never had the opportunity to work directly with you, but I’d heard great things about you. Despite that, you provided support to me during my trying times in KPMG.
The good news is you made the best use of your time and impacted lives!
May your soul rest in eternal peace, and God grant comfort to those you left behind.
September 16
September 16
Nneka, your legacy and memory will forever be remembered, Adieu great mother and sister...Rest on
September 16
September 16
Nneka, I know you are a good person,sister and wife. I am really dumbfounded that that you are gone. I pray the Almighty God still be with you and your family. Rest in peace.
September 16
September 16
You were more than a boss; you were a sweet soul, sister and a mentor. In every sense, you embodied kindness, wisdom, and strength. Your presence lit up any room, and your warmth was felt by everyone fortunate enough to know you.

You guided me with grace and an unwavering spirit. You believed in me, often seeing potential that I couldn't see in me. Your mentorship was a gift, and your approach to leadership was not just about work; it was about growth, support, and becoming the best versions of ourselves.

You had a unique way of making everyone feel valued and heard. Whether through your encouraging words, infectious laughter, or the simple way you listened, You created a space where we felt not only as colleagues but as family.

Nneka, you will be missed more than words can express. Your legacy will live on in the lives you've touched, the lessons you've imparted, and the countless moments of joy you brought into our lives. I am forever grateful for your leadership, your kindness, and the love you shared so freely.

Rest in the Lord, Nneky mama.
Thank you for being our guiding light.
You may be gone, but you will never be forgotten.
September 16
September 16

In Loving Memory of

Nnaka Cicilia Eluma

( [Birth Date] - September 13, 2024)

Your sudden departure has left us with unbearable pain and sorrow. Your love, kindness, and warmth will forever be etched in our hearts.

Cicilia, you were more than just a friend/family member; you were a shining light, a beacon of hope, and a pillar of strength to many. Your infectious smile and unwavering optimism inspired us to face life's challenges with courage and resilience.
We cherish the memories of your:

- Unwavering faith and devotion
- Unrelenting support and encouragement
- Infectious laughter and joyful spirit
- Selfless love and generosity

Your legacy will live on through the countless lives you touched, the hearts you healed, and the memories we shared.
Rest in Peace, dear Cicilia. Your memory will be a blessing to us all.

May God comfort your loved ones and grant them the strength to bear this irreparable loss.

Tribute from: Femi Diya Barth friend and Classmate
September 16
September 16
Nneka, my international Partner, Mama ibeji, it took me days and days to face reality that you’ve gone to be with the saints. In all situations and circumstances, we thank Almighty God. We are pained, we are speechless, we are confused but our faith remains rock solid. You lived a short but accomplished life, as we mourn this irreparable loss, heaven has gained a shining star. You were exemplary, supportive and dependable. Barely two weeks ago, you n I spent hours brainstorming on the way forward for your career and the girls but God knows best. Your Aunty B has refused to be consoled. Almighty will comfort your Dad, Mum n Siblings. Jessy n Jenny will be great by His grace. You have left indelible memories in our minds n giant footprints in the sands of time. Remi Babalola
September 16
Nneky Mama, this is difficult to process. I look at your beautiful smile in the photos and they still feel real! When I think of you, I see a strong, beautiful intelligent woman who was unapologetically herself.

You Lived! You shared your light with us and I am grateful that.

Our first close encounter was when I confided in you about my decision to resign from KPMG barely weeks after i joined. I didn't understand why it had to be that hectic. You convinced me to stay and I spent the next 5 years working with and learning from you. In every interaction, you sought excellence, demonstrated humility and the exceptional quality of going above and beyond. You challenged me to dig deep and always put my best foot forward.

Writing this tribute feels like I have accepted this news, but I'm yet to grasp it. There's no logic to this.
The Lord console and comfort your family, friends, mentees and everyone that felt your warmth in one way or another.
I pray for your girls! The seed of genuine love and kindness you showed others shall be extended to them.
The Lord will guide and comfort them; and they'll keep making you proud.
Je nke oma!
September 16
September 16
Thinking about this breaks me
A shining light,
A beacon of hope
"Jacob, how na?"
Thinking about the few times we discussed
Watching other talk about her
An effigy of beauty and brain
She told her story and others awed
She's a mentor, teacher...
This shouldn't be happening
Mama, we will all miss you
Wish you had tarry longer 
September 16
September 16
My heart is shattered
The loss is deafening. My memory is still fresh with the energy, enthusiasm and laughter that defined you
May your soul rest in eternal peace Nneka. May your light shine in those you left behind
September 16
September 16
Nneka will he remembered for her radiant spirit and character. A joyous soul full of life and generosity. Rest well Nneka. Gone but never forgotten
September 16
September 16
Aunty Nneka, this all feels surreal. I pray God comforts the twins and everyone you’ve left behind. Your energy, your charm—everything about you will be sorely missed.You have left a mark on all of us that had the privilege of knowing you.Rest in peace, ma.
September 16
September 16
Dear Nneka,
The news of your passing is so heart breaking.
I'll miss seeing your radiating smile and hearing your voice in meetings. Thank you for being approachable and always making working with you easy.
Rest in peace. May God comfort those you've left behind.
September 16
September 16
Been opening and closing this page because words fail me. I don't know what to say though I know there is a lot to say.

I thank God YOU LIVED, you wasted no time being YOU. YOU lived your life and impacted so many lives and destinies. You supported others with your time and resources. You accomplished A LOT in a very short time. You will be missed by many:
By your family; by those who were very close to you; by those who watched and admired you from a distance; and even by those who never saw or met you but heard about you.

It's difficult to accept this news. Rest in peace Nneka knowing you impacted lives that are now better for it. May the Holy Spirit comfort your baby girls.
September 16
September 16
Dear Nneka, we received the news of your passing with great sadness. I still struggle to digest it, it's choking. However, you have made a lasting impression on those you have left behind. You have left a wide gap which might take some time to bridge.

Good night, Nneka, may you rest in peace in the embrace of your Lord.
Page 1 of 5

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Recent Tributes
September 23
September 23
Rest on Nneka,in the bosom of ur Lord God ✌️
September 23
September 23
My dearest friend and sister Igbo as I fondly called you. Your demise came to me as a rude shock when I saw it on Berth’s Facebook page, I couldn’t believe it!

Dearest Nne, I can’t believe I’m writing a tribute to you. I can’t think that our friendship of over 21 years from our NYSC days is gone, you are such a beautiful and amazing soul.

I wore the wristwatch you gave me on my fortieth birthday throughout the week you passed on, I didn’t know you were passing a message to me. Igbo! I promise to cherish the wristwatch as your wish and memory. I didn’t know that the last time you visited me and the girls was the last time I would set my eyes on you. 
I wish I had probed further your response when I last chatted with you. You made a statement that caught my eye. My dearest Igbo words can’t express the pain I feel right now.

Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

You will forever live in my heart.

I love you beyond words.

Adieu Nneka.

Tina Akhaome.
September 22
September 22
May your memory live on forever, Nneka! As your university schoolmate and a friend to your husband, I mourn your passing.

Rest on!
Her Life

A tribute to Nne

September 16
Nneka affectionately known as “Neky Mama” was a beacon of light and love, touching the lives of those fortunate enough to know her. At just 44 years old, her journey was a testament to a life lived with boundless energy, profound intention, and unwavering affection.

Nneka’s radiant spirit transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary. Her smile and boisterous laughter were pure joy. She lived each day with an open heart, embracing life’s challenges with a vivacious and inspiring spirit.

As a devoted mother to her 17-year-old twin daughters, Jessica and Jennifer, Nneka was their rock and greatest cheerleader. They were her “besties” and together the “Three Musketeers”.Their bond was a testament to the depth of her love and the strength of her spirit. Nneka poured her heart into nurturing her daughters, teaching them to live fully, just as she did.

Nneka was a pillar of support for her parents and siblings, carrying the varied responsibilities with grace and never resting until every issue was resolved. Her siblings described her as the super glue that held the family together, a symbol of her unwavering commitment and love. 

Her influence extended far beyond her immediate family. Nneka had a remarkable talent to make everyone feel seen and valued. Her kindness was limitless, and her generosity was a gift she shared freely and often. Nneka had a way of making each person she encountered feel like they were the most important person in the room.

In her professional life, Nneka achieved remarkable success. As a Partner in the Financial Services Industry, Audit Division of KPMG Professional Services, Nigeria, she brought over 20 years of expertise and dedication to her work. Her career reflected her drive, excellence, and the impact she made in her field.

Though her time with us was all too brief, the legacy she leaves behind is one of profound impact and lasting love. As we remember Nneka, let us honor her by carrying forward her spirit of joy, her dedication to her loved ones, and her unwavering commitment to living life fully.

In the quiet moments and the loud celebrations, in the shared memories and the heartfelt tears, Nneka will forever be a part of us. Her light will continue to shine in the lives of her daughters, in the hearts of her family, and in the countless lives she touched.

Rest in peace, Neky Mama. Our lives are poorer for losing your vibrancy, but your spirit will forever illuminate our hearts. The cherished memories we hold will guide us through this profound loss and keep your radiant presence alive in our hearts.

Recent stories


September 18
I could remember the last time I saw you in uncle's children birthday party, seeing you and hugging you that day was a dream come true you were everything a human could ever ask or have ever asked for...... Thank you for all you have done for me and the whole family I know that this won't bring you back but this is what a sore Heart can offer GOD ALMIGHTY WILL NEVER LEAVE YOUR GREAT GOOD AND SOUL FOR ANY SLIGHT MISTAKE YOU MIGHT HAVE MADE you are really A CHERUBIM WHICH COUNTENANCE IS FULL OF LOVE, OVER CARING AND EXTREME BENEVOLENCE and I pray that the LORD ALMIGHTY WILL COMFORT EVERYONE THAT KNOWS ANS LOVE YOU AND HAVE HEARD ABOUT YOU LEAVING IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AND I PRAY GOD ALMIGHTY HELP US ALL TO LEAVE A LIFE THAT WILL PLEASE HIM IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN 

Adieu Nneka! Your Legacy Lives On!

September 17
It was heart wrenching to read of the news of Nneka's passing yesterday. She was a bright and beautiful soul. Praying God's comfort and consolation to Barth, her twins and the entire family! May God grant her eternal rest in Him and may perpetual light shine upon her soul.

Rest Well Nneka

September 16
This is really devastating news. I pray that God comforts your family and loved ones at this difficult time, and grant your soul eternal rest. You were a shinning light. Rest well Nne. 

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