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Your light was bright, your heart so kind,  
A truer friend, we’ll never find.  
Though you have gone, you’re never far,  
You live within us, like a star.
In your twins’ laughter, your spirit lives,  
Your love remains, it never leaves.  
In every moment, big or small,  
We’ll think of you and cherish it all.
Rest in peace, our dearest friend,  
In our hearts, you’ll never end.  
Gone from sight, but always near,  
Your spirit lingers, ever dear.
September 15
September 15
I still can’t believe and in great shock. You were more than a boss to us all and took care of us. Your smile brightened everywhere you were. I wish you waited a bit longer to celebrate with me. You will forever remain in my heart mama.

Rest well my forever sweet 16
September 15
September 15
Nneka, you were incredible.

This is so so tough and hard. It’s so cruel that the good ones often leave too early. You were light - always happy, always smiling. We can only take comfort that you’ve left the struggles of this world and gone to be with God your maker. Your kindness will live on through us whose lives you’ve impacted incredibly.

You were an icon and mentor for so many, so many. I can’t imagine how hard it will be for your wonderful daughters. I pray that as God grants you everlasting life, he grants your daughters the fortitude to beat this loss - this devastating loss.

You’ll forever be missed Nneka. For so so many of us, this life won’t be the same again. Rest in peace Nekky Mama. Heaven’s won an Angel today. ️
September 15
September 15
Though gone too soon, your memory will live on in our hearts forever. Rest in peace, Nneka. You will be deeply missed.
September 15
September 15
This is so heartbreaking. You were so full of life and your bright smile was soothing to see. Will forever cherish the memories of you. 

Keep resting Nneka.
You will be sorely missed.
September 15
September 15
This news is so disheartening and breaking.

Like a candle burning in the dark, our love for you shall never die. It will glow and glow till eternity like your sweet smile.

Loved all KNOW time spent with you president! Especially how you’d say thank you for every little things we did.

Rest well in the bosom of your lord Jesus Christ. Amen
September 15
September 15
You were a good person, a great leader.

Made me feel sane during an otherwise turbulent transitional period for me.

I pray God comforts the loved ones left behind.

Rest in peace ma’am
September 15
September 15
Still cannot get over the shock! Sad.

May your soul rest in peace.

Praying for your husband and children, for God to give them the fortitude to bear this sad loss.
September 15
September 15

It is disheartening to know you are no longer with us. Hard news to take. I pray you find eternal peace and rest before the Lord.
September 15
September 15
I knew you through your sister (NK), you were her role model and never stopped talking about you. Through NK, you were also a role model to many of us. Still in shock, but I take solace in the fact that you are in a better place and heaven gained a soul.
September 15

This hit me deeper than I can express. It's so sad to see me write about you in the past tense. You were beautiful with the brains and made everything and everywhere beautiful. Our birthday celebrations were a season with yours coming up on 1st and mine Pastor Dee's coming on 2nd. I enjoyed the glamour your birthday always introduced setting the stage for ours.

While we were in LBS, who else danced with so much energy on the dance floor on those TGIF days, when everyone was just chatting away. You would dance and make so much fun for us to remember that semester.

Christmas party in your house was just fun.Daniel and the mom loved the few we attended. You sincerely cared for us.

Having KPMG guys in Lafarge was always proud moments for me to mention your name as my class mate as they always immediately transferred the glory of the respect you've built to me.

Waohhh, Nneka Eluma (Iyom) we will surely miss you and MEMBA 3 will never be the same because of the balance you brought always on diverse issues providing more information by posting articles and facts from respected sources.

I pray your twins will never lack help from God and from people. I pray help will always be available for them whenever they need it. Jesus Himself will comfort them IJN Amen.

You're truly a star and your star will continually shine.

Sleep well in the bossom of your lord.

Adieu my dear Iyom.
September 15
September 15
I am still in shock about the news. You touched many lives positively. The memories of you will forever remain in our hearts. Rest in eternal peace, Nneka.
September 15
September 15
I can remember when we met on LinkedIn before I joined KPMG, how humble you were to reply my chats in the busiest of seasons. May your gentle soul rest in the bossom of peace our lord Jesus Christ. Rest in peace Nneka
September 15
September 15
I still have no words. This is so heartbreaking
We love and will miss you.
You will forever be in our hearts

Rest in Peace Nneka
September 15
September 15
Unbelievable. Nneka was so full of life. Her WhatsApp status updates were a great motivation for me in fulfilling the mantra we work hard, play hard and put God at the center of it all. You will surely be missed. May the Lord comfort your children and the entire family. May your Soul Rest in Peace
September 15
September 15
Nne m, words fail me. To think that we were together a week ago and you left our home for Nigeria on Monday. I can’t put my feeling in words.
You were a wonderful friend and a dedicated mother. To imagine that we were talking about October break and holiday plans.
Christ knows best. I’m sure He has wonderful plans for your girls. They already miss you, we will miss you. 
We look forward to a great resurrection. As the Bible promised, the dead in Christ will rise first. We hold on to this everlasting promise of God. Sleep well sister m.
September 15
September 15
Nneka was a burst of bright light whenever she entered a room…..full of life and energy! You will be sorely missed. Rest well in the bosom of the almighty God.
September 15
September 15
I am speechless! Really struggling to comprehend this. I saw you with the twins a few months ago at Bode's book lunch. You were full of life! Goodness what happened, life is indeed fleeting.

May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace and may our God Lord be with your family at this difficult time.

September 15
September 15
Nneky Mama, was not just a boss, but a guiding light who inspired me with her dedication, kindness and unwavering support. Her wisdom and positive team spirit created a workplace were I felt valued and motivated every day.

I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to work with her and also learnt from her during and after I left KPMG.

She will deeply be missed but never forgotten…… Rest on Great One…….

September 15
September 15
Rest well, Nneka. May the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with your family at this difficult time.
September 15
September 15
Really shocked when I saw this news. My sincere condolences to her family and the KPMG family at large. Nneka was full of life, nice and accommodating. She will be sorely missed. Good night boss.
September 15
September 15
A Leader like no other

It still feels like a bad dream hoping to wake up and wishing it was all not true.

Wishing by Monday, we will get your usual reminder mails on revenue target and WIP adjustments.

You were vibrant and so full of life. We always joked that Nneka never sleeps, if you send her a mail by 1am/2am she will respond within an hour.

Thank you for all the invaluable support, encouragement and lessons. I will forever remember and cherish them.

Sun re ooo Nneka ️️️️️
September 15
September 15
So shocking.
Nneka was so warm and kind and intelligent. Prior to joining KPMG, I had my Partner Interview with her, I was so nervous, but her warm attitude calmed me down, and it ended up being a very pleasant interview.

Rest easy with the Lord.
September 15
September 15
My Nneky, I still can't believe that you're gone....too too soon, my dear friend and sister. Didn't know that our recent call would be our last; we talked about everything.
You shined bright, like a star, a rare gem. You were a great daughter, sister, and mom - Ada e ji eje mba. What would your girls do without you? Your parents and siblings? Oh, I'm so pained and sad.
You were a professional through and through, a great colleague and boss, one of the best. Your impact is untold, from KPMG to your home. You were always there for your people.
Rest in the peace of our Lord, Sis. You'll always be in our hearts. Love you loads

Muna nwanne gi
September 15
September 15
Nneka was a great boss and was inspiring to everyone that crossed her path. This is indeed a great loss and devastating. My deepest condolences to the family and loved ones.
September 15
September 15
Some news get to you with a benumbing effect. How do I begin to process that Nneka, my in-charge on some engagements, the ever-engaging personality that made the FSI audit pool so lively, the vivacious lady that danced to every hymn and song at Divine Mercy Lekki, is gone?

It will take something from the innermost recesses of my christian faith to accept this. And one of the consolation is that rare gems die young.

Go well, Nne. Till resurrection morning.
September 15
September 15
Nneka, you were a beauty to all that had the privilege of meeting you: Brain and beauty in one. In all, you were a good friend to me. I will always remember how you called my full name, "Elochukwu", being amongst the very few that called me that way, and how we made fun of it.

I will miss you, my friend: our warm discussions about life and family.

My family mourns deeply.

Good night my friend until we meet again.

Dr. Elo
September 15
September 15
My darling Nne, this is so sad and shocking to hear.

Thank you for being a mother figure to me during my days in KPMG Audit FSI. Having worked closely with you on multiple engagements, you taught me what it meant to be excellent at both work and family, how to be nice and at the same time, strict and not lower standards for anyone. You made me believe in myself and to keep striving to be better everyday. Even after I left to start my business you supported me and kept encouraging me never to settle. You always looked out for me to ensure that I am happy and progressing

You were a light that shone so brightly. Beyond work,you were that boss that everyone could confide in about their personal issues because you were so warm, accommodating, kind and extremely generous.

You were so beautiful in and out, you lived life fully, you loved, you gave, you touched every life you met positively

Thank you for calling me last month, I didn't know that was the last time I will be speaking with you

My heart breaks for the twins, your husband, your parents and siblings, friends and everyone who knew you. Praying for God's comfort 

I take solace in the fact that you are in a better place, resting with God and the angels. Give them some dance lessons inugo ?

I will miss you dearly Nnekky mama. From your "dearest Ebube" as you fondly call me. Gaa nke oma 
September 15
September 15
This is such a shocking news and I’m left with no words.

You were a burst of positive energy and warmth. I remember your advice and how much of an impact it had on my personal and professional path.

You will be missed dearly. I am consoled only knowing that you’re now with God, and in His bosom you have found eternal life and joy.

Rest on, Nneka.
September 15
September 15
May God’s Angels and St Anne lead you as you journey to eternal life my dear sister
September 15
September 15
In loving memory of Nneka Eluma, a remarkable leader who inspired us all with her leadership and kindness. She was very cheerful person and always took our welfare as a priority. Her legacy will forever live on in our hearts and the work she accomplished.

Rest in peace, Nneka.
September 15
September 15
I am in shock. Nneky mama!!!
My heart is heavy.
Nneka was such a loving, caring and easy-going person who touched the lives of everyone around her. She was someone to be admired, one of the few people who truly had it all- character, beauty and excellence. Nneka made busy seasons easy to navigate with her constant show of care and love. Her presence was a source of inspiration and comfort, and she will always be remembered for her remarkable qualities and the positive impact she had on our lives.
September 15
September 15
Nekky mama - my heart hurts so much. My tears are not stopping and my screams just seem to let themselves out involuntarily. You really were an icon and the very best.

I don’t know if you realised how much I looked up to you - your strength and your vision. I was always impressed with how well you managed your girls and your career. Raising twins with a round-the-clock job is no easy feat but you just got on with it while still being a genuine mentor and friend to many.

Your heart, openness & honesty were the most beautiful things about you. The people that are hurting badly from your exit are too many to count. You are so so deeply missed and our lives have lost a bright light now that you are gone.

Thank you for everything; may you have eternal rest at the bosom of our Lord.
September 15
September 15
…shocking news and a rude reminder of how fickle life is.

The joy however is that for the little moments you were with us, you lived on your terms. Your personality and carriage exemplified someone that knew her worth. I still recall how you had tough conversations with a client when I was a Semi, you looked after your own people.

Your commitment and care to the growth of people you worked with is most desirable. I still remember the gifts and nudges.

May your memories be forever blessed, rest well boss.
September 15
September 15
Rest in peace, Nneka. You were a blessing to many of us that worked with you in one way or the other. May the good Lord comfort your family in this difficult moment.
September 15
September 15
This is so heartbreaking . You will forever be in our heart. We love you and will miss you dearly
September 15
September 15
My heart is very heavy as I remain in shock. This is a huge loss that is difficult to understand and accept.
You were a thorough professional and an inspiration to those you came in contact with. You impacted so many lives and careers. You will surely be missed.
I pray for the Lord to comfort your family, friends, colleagues and all your loved ones.

Good night Nneka
September 15
September 15
My dearest Nneky mama, I’m hoping to be woken up from this terrible dream.
You lived a life of purpose and impacted all around you positively. You shone bright and showed up for everyone around you.
My heart is shattered mama, may God comfort your children, husband, close family and friends.
I would miss you so much, Rest in the bosom of the Lord mama
September 15
September 15
I’m still in shock as it still doesn’t feel real. You were full of light, love and joy. You always had a positive outlook to things. It saddens me to be typing this, it honestly seems unreal. You cared about your team members beyond work, you were more than a partner, you were someone we all admired, you did everything with so much grace.
We would miss you dearly.
September 15
September 15
Bright and shining light … you made a great impact on us at kpmg ..

Rest in peace

May God comfort your family and loved ones
September 15
September 15
This is so sad. Knowing that you would no longer be very close to us any more. We take respite in knowing that where you are now is a better place. This still hurts irrespective of what we tell ourselves. I remember the guidance you gave me in 2016 that completely lifted my career and so many other people you helped and showed your light.

Keep resting.
September 15
September 15
Surreal! Speaks to the fleeting nature of life

Nneka was a quintessential professional who impacted lives beyond measures. Cheerful and affectionate.

Our thought are with the family at this time and may God almighty comfort you guys
September 15
September 15
I am deeply saddened by the loss of our beloved partner. Necky Mama as she was fondly called, she embodied beauty, grace, elegance and kindness in every aspect of her life. Her presence brightened our Unit, and her compassion touched us all. She was more than a Boss—she was a friend, a mentor, and an inspiration. Her legacy of elegance and warmth will remain in our hearts. We will forever miss her.
September 15
September 15
Nneki mama, this feels so unreal. Thank you for being such a shining light and a selfless person. You will never be forgotten Nne️
September 15
September 15
I'm at a loss for words.

You were a kind and joyful soul, always spreading positivity and making a difference in everything you touched.

Nneka, may your soul rest in eternal peace.
September 15
September 15
I was in shock for moments after I learnt this news. It took a while to process cause you were the last name I was expecting, not that anyone deserves death but your life was so bright it seemed there was no shadow of it around you. In the end all I can say is IT IS WELL.
Vini Vidi Vici nneka in the short time you were given. I pray for guidance and comfort to your young children, family and closest friends during this period.
Rest in the bossom of the lord.
September 15
September 15
This truly hurts! You were a great and inspiring boss, shining light on us all.
May the Lord comfort your family that you've left behind.
You're greatly missed.
September 15
September 15
Our dearest Nneka, you were beautiful in and out, you were a mentor, you were a shinning star. You had just teased me in your office on Thursday when I told you my plans, I even pestered you for a hangout which as usual you agreed. It is with a heavy heart I say fare well Nneky mama. You will be greatly missed. I will always cherish the few moments with you. Rest in peace
September 15
September 15
Oh my IYOM! My heart is shattered by your sudden, untimely demise. You were such a beautiful soul, caring and a selfless giver. I’ll never forget how you supported me on my 40th birthday initiative for indigent school children and the book drive for school kids. Iyom, you’ve sown good seeds, your twins will never lack, their future is secure. MEMBA 3 will never be the same without you. You were a shining star, you’ll remain a shining star and forever loved. May God comfort your lovely twins, husband, parents and siblings. Rest well Nne
September 15
September 15


You were an amazing boss, a dedicated mentor and best of all a true friend.

You taught me what it meant to be consistent and reliable.

You were a source of strength to me, always had my back, always provided guidance. 

Your impact on this world will continue to live on.

You are truly amazing!!! May your gentle souls continue to rest in peace.
September 15
September 15
You always brought so much light and radiance around you. This is so shocking and painful. Can't believe you are gone so soon Nneka. May God comfort your loved ones. Rest in perfect peace.
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September 23
September 23
Rest on Nneka,in the bosom of ur Lord God ✌️
September 23
September 23
My dearest friend and sister Igbo as I fondly called you. Your demise came to me as a rude shock when I saw it on Berth’s Facebook page, I couldn’t believe it!

Dearest Nne, I can’t believe I’m writing a tribute to you. I can’t think that our friendship of over 21 years from our NYSC days is gone, you are such a beautiful and amazing soul.

I wore the wristwatch you gave me on my fortieth birthday throughout the week you passed on, I didn’t know you were passing a message to me. Igbo! I promise to cherish the wristwatch as your wish and memory. I didn’t know that the last time you visited me and the girls was the last time I would set my eyes on you. 
I wish I had probed further your response when I last chatted with you. You made a statement that caught my eye. My dearest Igbo words can’t express the pain I feel right now.

Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.

You will forever live in my heart.

I love you beyond words.

Adieu Nneka.

Tina Akhaome.
September 22
September 22
May your memory live on forever, Nneka! As your university schoolmate and a friend to your husband, I mourn your passing.

Rest on!
Her Life

A tribute to Nne

September 16
Nneka affectionately known as “Neky Mama” was a beacon of light and love, touching the lives of those fortunate enough to know her. At just 44 years old, her journey was a testament to a life lived with boundless energy, profound intention, and unwavering affection.

Nneka’s radiant spirit transformed the ordinary into the extraordinary. Her smile and boisterous laughter were pure joy. She lived each day with an open heart, embracing life’s challenges with a vivacious and inspiring spirit.

As a devoted mother to her 17-year-old twin daughters, Jessica and Jennifer, Nneka was their rock and greatest cheerleader. They were her “besties” and together the “Three Musketeers”.Their bond was a testament to the depth of her love and the strength of her spirit. Nneka poured her heart into nurturing her daughters, teaching them to live fully, just as she did.

Nneka was a pillar of support for her parents and siblings, carrying the varied responsibilities with grace and never resting until every issue was resolved. Her siblings described her as the super glue that held the family together, a symbol of her unwavering commitment and love. 

Her influence extended far beyond her immediate family. Nneka had a remarkable talent to make everyone feel seen and valued. Her kindness was limitless, and her generosity was a gift she shared freely and often. Nneka had a way of making each person she encountered feel like they were the most important person in the room.

In her professional life, Nneka achieved remarkable success. As a Partner in the Financial Services Industry, Audit Division of KPMG Professional Services, Nigeria, she brought over 20 years of expertise and dedication to her work. Her career reflected her drive, excellence, and the impact she made in her field.

Though her time with us was all too brief, the legacy she leaves behind is one of profound impact and lasting love. As we remember Nneka, let us honor her by carrying forward her spirit of joy, her dedication to her loved ones, and her unwavering commitment to living life fully.

In the quiet moments and the loud celebrations, in the shared memories and the heartfelt tears, Nneka will forever be a part of us. Her light will continue to shine in the lives of her daughters, in the hearts of her family, and in the countless lives she touched.

Rest in peace, Neky Mama. Our lives are poorer for losing your vibrancy, but your spirit will forever illuminate our hearts. The cherished memories we hold will guide us through this profound loss and keep your radiant presence alive in our hearts.

Recent stories


September 18
I could remember the last time I saw you in uncle's children birthday party, seeing you and hugging you that day was a dream come true you were everything a human could ever ask or have ever asked for...... Thank you for all you have done for me and the whole family I know that this won't bring you back but this is what a sore Heart can offer GOD ALMIGHTY WILL NEVER LEAVE YOUR GREAT GOOD AND SOUL FOR ANY SLIGHT MISTAKE YOU MIGHT HAVE MADE you are really A CHERUBIM WHICH COUNTENANCE IS FULL OF LOVE, OVER CARING AND EXTREME BENEVOLENCE and I pray that the LORD ALMIGHTY WILL COMFORT EVERYONE THAT KNOWS ANS LOVE YOU AND HAVE HEARD ABOUT YOU LEAVING IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AND I PRAY GOD ALMIGHTY HELP US ALL TO LEAVE A LIFE THAT WILL PLEASE HIM IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN 

Adieu Nneka! Your Legacy Lives On!

September 17
It was heart wrenching to read of the news of Nneka's passing yesterday. She was a bright and beautiful soul. Praying God's comfort and consolation to Barth, her twins and the entire family! May God grant her eternal rest in Him and may perpetual light shine upon her soul.

Rest Well Nneka

September 16
This is really devastating news. I pray that God comforts your family and loved ones at this difficult time, and grant your soul eternal rest. You were a shinning light. Rest well Nne. 

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