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September 16
September 16
What a Loss!

I am still shocked beyond words. Nneka, you were a consummate professional.

Your interpersonal and professional skills were unmatched. 

When we spoke a few months back, little did I know that it was the last time speaking with you. You were always looking out for your colleagues and firm.

May your soul continue to rest in peace, Nneka.
September 16
September 16
Dearest Aunt Nne,
May your beautiful soul rest in the bosom of the Lord.
You left a mark on us all and will never be forgotten. Your legacy lives on. I love you ma.
September 16
September 16
I found it very difficult to believe but we take solace in God’s mercy and grace. Nne, you have lived a great life and your impacts cannot be easily forgotten. May your great soul rest in eternal peace.
September 16
September 16
The news of your death was a rude shock! We just spoke on phone last Thursday and you sounded so alive! You were a nice, cool and pleasant person. I pray God comforts all your loved ones. Rest in God’s bosom.
September 16
September 16
Hearing the news of your passing while I was in church on Sunday made me freeze for a minute. I wish you rest in God's blossom and may God grant your family and loved ones the fortitude to bear this irreversible loss. Sleep well Nne.
September 16
September 16
I was hoping it was just a dream that I’d wake from, but it turns out to be reality. This hurts deeply.

You were such a thorough professional who inspired many women in the firm, including me. I am glad to have worked with you and learned from you. I will miss you.

Rest in the bosom of the Lord Nekky Mama

September 16
September 16
Rest in peace Nneka. I pray for peace and comfort for you and your family. You’ll never be forgotten. Rest well
September 16
September 16
Rest in Paradise dear Nneka. You lived life LOUD and very intentionally..beautiful inside and outside. You light will forever shine ... May God be with your loved ones left behind . Amen ... Till we meet at Jesus's feet babes.. Adieu.
September 16
September 16
Dear Nneka,
It's with a heavy heart I write these words in memory of you.
Your compassionate spirit and unwavering support during one of the darkest times in my life, will forever be etched in my memory. Your ability to uplift those around you, even in challenging moments made you truly special.
The void you leave behind is immense and your legacy of generosity and empathy will forever be cherished.
You will be deeply missed Nneka and your impact will never be forgotten.
September 16
September 16
For someone born in the same year and month as myself I say weldone champ. You came you saw and conquered. May God keep and preserve all that you have left behind.
September 16
September 16
I am still in shock
I still find it hard to believe
May your soul rest in peace Aunty Nneka ️
September 16
September 16
Nneka was a powerhouse. A wonderful role model and a genuinely kind soul. I have soo many fond memories. I pray God grants your family the fortitude to bear this great loss. Rest in peace
September 15
September 15
I still recall our initial phone conversation.
You have given my brothers and me so much light.
I am at a loss for words right now, but I have so much to say.
May your sweet and generous soul rest in peace.
September 15
September 15
In Loving Memory of Nneka Eluma

It’s hard to put into words the deep sense of loss we feel at the passing of Nneka. Not only she was a valued colleague, but she was also a true friend—someone we could always count on, both in and out of the workplace.

Nneka had an incredible work ethic, always going above and beyond with a passion that was contagious. But what made her truly special wasn’t just the work she did, but the way she made us all feel. Her smile could light up the room, and she had this gift of making even the most difficult days seem manageable with just a word of encouragement or a shared laugh. She was the kind of person who didn’t just care about the job, she cared about the people.

Working alongside Nneka wasn’t just about completing tasks or meeting deadlines; it was about building relationships, supporting one another, and growing together. Her impact is deeply felt, a constant source of support, wisdom, and joy.

As we say goodbye, we find comfort in the memories we created, the laughter we shared, and the lessons we learned from her. We will carry her spirit forward, honoring her legacy in the way we treat one another and in the dedication we bring to our work.

Rest easy and continue to rest in peace, dear friend. You will always be a part of us.
September 15
September 15
Still speechless! May your joyful and vibrant soul rest in peace. Farewell, Nneka.

September 15
September 15
Nneka hun, I’m still processing all of this. It doesn’t feel real…still very hard to believe that I’ll not see your smiling face or hear your laughter again. My dancing queen, so full of life. Death snatched you away from us. Heaven just gained a shining star. You’re loved but God loves you more. Your impact will never be forgotten, for you touched so many lives. Rest my girl ❤️‍
September 15
September 15
Nekinti as I always called you and those days in our university life am still so shocked to believe that you are no more. "Oh death where is thy stingy" always vibrant and ever smiling no matter the situation....

Oh dear words can't express how you will be deeply missed  

Forever in our hearts 

May you continue to rest in perfect peace amen .
September 15
Dear Nneka,

I don’t know what to say! May GOD by HIS Holy Spirit comfort everyone who loved you through and through.
September 15
September 15
This is shocking! I will never forget your kind heart Nneka. God's strength and comfort for your family in Jesus' name.
September 15
September 15
I have always admired you from afar... this is indeed sad but God definitely knows it all.. Rest well and may God give your family the grace to bear this.
September 15
September 15
To say we are deeply saddened by your untimely demise is an understatement Nneka. Though you may be gone, your legacy and impact lives on through the countless lives you touched and the incredible work you accomplished.

Your absence will be deeply felt, but your impact will always be remembered. May your soul find peace with your maker and may God grant your family the strength to bear this great loss
September 15
September 15
My dear Neky mama as I always called you, you were so full of life and I'd never have thought I'll be writing this tribute about you. While you were here you lived fully and made an impact everywhere you went. I never knew our recent chat will be the last. You will be sorely missed. Rest on my beloved sister, friend and boss. Till we meet again.
September 15
September 15
Nneka your heart for others would always be remembered.

Nneka (Nekky Mama), your love for people pointed me to and reminds me of Jesus:

- Your hospitality and congeniality.
Hosting people in your home by cooking for and serving people by yourself was my experience.
This I see in Jesus!

- Your attention to welfare of people - inspiring.
People person to the CORE. You were keen about everyone’s health status. Also, you did well to attend people’s occasions - weddings, events, baby dedication etc sometimes traveling just to show face and honor people - even younger colleagues. You also uniquely reached out and kept in touch with people.
This I see in Jesus!!

Your benevolence.
Always bearing gifts. Whether solicited or not solicited, Nne you were always bearing gifts.
This I see in Jesus!!!

Nne, may your life continue to inspire us all. May your life and legacy turn many to the Lord Jesus.
September 15
September 15
I am deeply saddened to hear about your passing. It was always a delight working with you, my fun loving and cheerful Nneky mama. You will be greatly missed.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. May your wonderful and amazing soul rest in perfect peace.
September 15
September 15
"Nne, my dear friend. From the moment we met, it felt like we'd known each other forever. Your heart is pure, made of diamonds and pearls. You're gone now, but I'm grateful for the memories .The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh.

We shared many happy and sad moments together. You were strong, kind, and loving.

I'm very sad, but I trust God's plan. You're in a better place now. Look after your beautiful angels. You gave them amazing memories that will last forever.

I love you so much, and I always will. Rest in peace, dear Nne."
September 15
September 15
Dear Nneka,

I’d have never imagined in a million years that I’d write about you in past tense. You were such an amazing person, an amazing mother, a mentor, a wonderful colleague and a Partner. You once told me I reminded you of younger self and I always prayed and will keep wishing to be half of the amazing,kind,confident,loving person that you were.

I’m still in shock and disbelief. You were ever so beautiful, so graceful, confident, intelligent, a peoples person , down to earth and a lot more that even words can’t be enough. You always had beautiful aura around you. Anytime you walked in, I would always stare and watch you in awe wondering how you were able to balance your family and work and still have fun. Your charisma, your love for fashion, your dedication and commitment to your work, the way you cared for us and loved us will be forever missed.

May God grant your family the fortitude to bear this great loss. May your soul rest in perfect peace. Amen

September 15
September 15
This feels sooo wrong! I thought our next conversation after your birthday celebration was supposed to be this week as we celebrate each other every September, and now, I'm confronted with the reality that I won't hear your voice or chat with you again, despite having pending conversations. I barely check Whatsapp statuses but always longed to see yours because of the meaningful and insightful posts you share daily to teach and inspire others.

Nne, you were one of the coolest, smartest, nicest, and sweetest people I know, and we came a long way together. You will be sorely missed! I love you, but God loves you more, and He is unquestionable in tough situations as this. I pray that God will fill every void you have left behind in your family and among your loved ones. May your sweet, gentle soul rest peacefully in the Lord's bossom in Jesus's mighty name . Good night, dearie!
September 15
September 15
I never had the opportunity to work closely with you but I had always admired you from afar.

Your impact was felt in the unit and throughout the firm. You will be sorely missed.

Your legacy lives on. My heartfelt condolences to your family and KPMG Nigeria during this difficult time
September 15
September 15
So sad to hear of your passing! I will always remember you for how cheerful and full of life you were. May God comfort your family and the entire KPMG Nigeria family.

Rest in Peace, Nneka
September 15
September 15
Nneka, you were such a bright light! May you rest in peace! I pray for comfort for your loved ones! Amen
September 15
September 15
Nneki Mama, my Mama. Are you alright? Do you love that place? I don’t really know what to type here. I still feel you are here and then we can have that our pending discussion someday when we have free time. I’m still hoping by some miracle, you would respond to my message.

I miss you Mama. They say your work here is done, but I don’t believe that. They say you are in a better place so I’m holding on to that. You are with our Lord Jesus and you are smiling down on us all and taking care of us all just as you did here.

Thank you Mama! Thank you for accepting me into your world. I loved it there. I would tell you how I lived my life when I see you again and don’t worry, I would be a good girl. I promise !

Our good God would give each and everyone of us the grace to survive this phase. You would never be forgotten. I love you Nneki Mama, so much!!! The boys send their love too.. They said “Mummy, don’t worry, Nneka is fine. She is in a good place. At least she is in heaven “.

Don’t be too lonely until we all meet on the last day! Okay?!
September 15
September 15
Oh God, this is such horrible news. I really wish it’s all a lie, death, why?!!

Thank you for all the positive impact you have had in my life and in the lives of others. You taught me so many lessons that I still hold on to today. You carried yourself in an exemplary manner and were a model of the kind of professional we ladies aimed for in FSI. I am grateful for the short time we shared.

My heart goes out to all who would miss you more - your family. May God grant them the fortitude to bear this loss, amen.

September 15
September 15
To an exemplary leader,
Nneka you will be greatly missed, you were more than just a boss to everyone in the unit, you were a mother.
Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.
May the Lord comfort the family you left behind.
I will miss seeing your beautiful face and hearing your voice.
September 15
September 15
Nneka was a true and a dedicated professional as there are always things to learn whenever you are working with her.

This further describes life on earth as very limited, we are only remembered by what we have done.

I pray that God comfort her family and give them strength to bear this.
September 15
September 15
Dear Nne,

Words fail me, this was totally unexpected.

Thank you for everything I learnt from you while at KPMG - professionally and personally; You will never be forgotten. Rest on with the angels, I pray that God will comfort all of your loved ones.
September 15
September 15
Saying I’m shocked to hear this is an understatement. Nneka was a down-to-earth human, and I have fond memories of when she would come to Mainstreet bank audit room occasionally (c.2013) and tease the team jokingly. I’m glad she proved herself as a leader and I got the feeling that she made the best use of time, enjoying every moment of it. I know she’ll be missed dearly by her loved ones and I pray they get comforted.
September 15
September 15
In this very moment, there are no words. All there is is hurt. It really hurts. It hurts as I sit staring at an unread message from you and I wish I had responded sooner.

I remember you vividly at the start of my career, a solid and unwavering advocate / mentor.

Thank you for being you and for the joy you brought. I pray for comfort and balm to your family in this time.

Thank you Nne and rest in the bosom of the lord with the rest of the saints.
September 15
September 15
Tribute to a Queen

Dear Nneka,

Your love was kind, your love was patient.

I am beyond saddened to know that you are not here with us anymore.

Some weeks ago when I was involved in an accident, you called me every other day to check up on me. I keep replaying the voice note you sent me, wondering how it is possible that I would never hear that lovely and loving voice again.

You were a people’s person through and through and a force to be reckoned with; ever cheerful and colorful. I feel so blessed to have worked hard with you and for you.

Your legacy will forever remain. Thank you for the light that you were and the love that you shared.

Rest well in the bosom of the Lord ️
September 15
September 15
I am still in shock that you've gone to be with the Lord.

You were such a wonderful, loving person, always having my best interests at heart.

Since I left the firm to start my practice, you consistently checked on me and offered encouragement. You never missed an opportunity to refer my firm to your network.

I pray that the Lord will comfort and strengthen your children, husband, and entire family during this difficult time.

Rest peacefully in the Lord’s embrace, Nneka.

You will be deeply missed.
September 15
September 15
To a vibrant and ever- cheerful leader.

We appreciate you for all did. We know you are in a better place.
September 15
September 15
Nneka was a thorough professional.

How many times have we been comforted by her presence in occasions?

Nneka treated everyone with so much relevance. This is difficult, it really is.

When it comes, we're lost because we can do absolutely nothing.

Lord Jesus, comfort everyone that's affected by this terrible news!

Nneky mama, rest in peace.
September 15
September 15
This is a huge loss. You were such a great inspiration to many young female professionals. May your gentle soul rest in peace and may God be with your family at this difficult time.
September 15
September 15
This hit really hard. I admired you from afar. You were a role model to many.

May your soul rest in perfect peace
September 15
September 15
Indeed, life is so fickle! I'm in deep shock and short of words. I pray God comforts the family you left behind. May your soul rest in peace Nneka️
September 15
September 15
Dear Nneka, you are a beautiful soul, the Lord decided you be with Him at this time, we can't question Him. Rest well dear.
Prisca, TNA
September 15
September 15
There was never a moment I spent with you, that i didn't have or leave with a smile on my face. Never!

September 15
September 15
Gone too soon!!! Nneka you were an asset and a gift to our generation!! You lived a life of impact. It's sad to see you go but God knows best!! I pray God gives us all the grace to accept that you are gone. Rest in peace ! My sister
September 15
September 15
Nne God knows better.
We will miss you.
I can’t find the words to express myself.
We love you but God loves you more.
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