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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Nnenna Anigbogu Anozie, 33 years old, born on May 29, 1984, and passed away on July 18, 2017. We will remember her forever.
July 18, 2018
July 18, 2018
Nnenna, Life, and 33
One year on... it was exactly on this day the 18th of July 2017; the shock, the shiver, the incredulous gasp... nothing about the news could possibly make sense, can't possibly be true...
But it was... then came the pain, the anguish, the cries; none could change a thing...
But your life was good and although it was CLEAR you had so much more to give to the world, your family, your kids, and your beloved husband, life insisted otherwise. Life decided you were done and dusted at 33 but it didn't make sense.
And then came the point that we are mere mortals and it all made sense why it doesn't make sense to us. For life is the boundary between us and the omnipotent and omniscient being, and the channel through which God teaches and communicates to us, it was then important that we pay attention to life to make sense of our experience in it.
And then it made sense. At 33 she has achieved so much against all odds of life, influenced everyone in her world so positively, and gave her husband, family, and the world, 3 beautiful children. At 33 she had made such an incredible and amazing impression in the heart of so many and made sure it was difficult for them to forget her smiles and her kindness.
So she knew that she had just 33 years and hence worked so hard and so well within that short time. NO, Nnenna didn't know she had only 33 years but the life in her knew and communicated to her as a mortal. Most importantly, she paid attention to life that speaks to her, and hence she was able to hear the omniscient one who speaks to us through life. She listened humbly, she adhered intelligently, and lived a life that manifested goodness, kindness, love, wisdom, intelligence, and success.
She didn't know 33 was the number, but she knew what she had to do and she did it to the satisfaction of life and the one who sent her, and was therefore rewarded with meaning and fulfillment in what was a very short time.
Be like Nnenna!
Pay attention to life and not to any mortal, derive what the omniscient one is saying to you through life experiences, adhere wisely, and produce meaning and fulfillment for your life. For we know not the number but we have to know what we have to do to make life beautiful and memorable for whatever our number is.
In memory of Nnenna Anozie.
18th July 2018 (One year on)
Continue to rest in PEACE, Nnenna.
September 25, 2017
September 25, 2017
Rest in peace EZIGBO mmadu. My condolences
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
God understands and knows better.. You are such a beautiful and young cheerful woman. May your that you left behind find peace and comfort as you rest in peace.
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
God understands and knows better.. You are such a beautiful and young cheerful woman. May your that you left behind find peace and comfort as you rest in peace.
September 23, 2017
September 23, 2017
Nnem, that was what I and my friend ishmael used to call you back then in the Den of lions both in abuja building and in zik's flat hostels. I know you are already resting in the bosom of the almighty God. We will miss you so dearly more especially your smiles and your good heart. It is well my dear. You dwelleth in the secret place of the most high and abideth under the shadow of the Almighty God. Adiue
September 23, 2017
September 23, 2017
Nnenna you lived well!!! Keep resting in the lords bosom
May God comfort obum and your kids. Adieu
September 23, 2017
September 23, 2017
From Janet Fellows. Rugby Salvation Army.
Dearest Nnenna. You are missed at the Corps so much. That beautiful smile that greeted us every Sunday morning is what we will remember always.
Thank you for always willing to help me when I conducted Sunday morning worship. Your solos always thrilled our heart. Your beautiful voice was God given.
RIP dearest Nnenna. Your gorgeous family are a credit to you. We will look after them for you. We will never forget you.
Goodbye and now rest in eternal peace.
September 22, 2017
September 22, 2017
To lose a friend and a study mate like Nnenna hurts so much. An Angel with a heart of gold, a virtuous woman and a woman who has fear of God and loves her fellow human being. I will never forget those beautiful soothing smiles of yours that kept flashing in my memory and your words of encouragement back then in school when the going gets tough. Neny or Nnennaya as my friend Roseline used to call back then in school, You will forever be remembered by those who came across you cause you are too good to be forgotten.keep resting in peace of the Lord your maker till we meet to path not more.
September 22, 2017
September 22, 2017
My sincere condolence to the family. She was a good colleague.
September 22, 2017
September 22, 2017
My condolences to your family more especially her husband and her children. May our good gracious God give the courage to bear the loss.
August 22, 2017
August 22, 2017
Cant believe am writing this...Don't even know what to write...Dumbfounded....Such a cheerful Lady...Obum, may God give you the fortitude to bear this unbelievable loss...Still cant believe this...Am shocked!!!!!!!
August 21, 2017
August 21, 2017
Nnenna, the news of your passing came as a great shock to me. I stumbled upon an obituary of you but I refused to accept it. The day I finally confirmed the news, Oh!!! how I wept. I wept for your 3 lovely children and husband whom you left behind. What a huge loss!! I will always remember your smile and friendly demeanour on the phone. We had hoped that we would meet again and our children would get to know each other but I guess God had other plans. You fought the good fight and make a positive impact. Your legacy lives on through your children
Adieu!!! Gone to soon. You will always remain in our hearts. Ijeoma Obih on behalf of the Obih family.
August 20, 2017
August 20, 2017
Nnenna, you are indeed a masterpiece. You are not dead, you just relocated. Indeed you came and affected this world and your generation. We don't have all the answers but this we are sure of...God loves you and your passing didn't take Him unawares. We will do all to be there for your lovely family.
August 17, 2017
August 17, 2017
Just as many great legends that has walked the face of earth. You came, left your mark and now your legacy lives on. Like Jesus of Nazareth and Alexander the great, you died at the young age of 33 yet you influenced the life of many people around you including me. You and uncle Obum was my one stop for advice and every answer to my questions.
I still can't believe we only met December 2013 when you invited me to your home. Your charming smile and sense of humour will be in my memories, you are one of the nicest people I have ever met and even my parents used you and your husband as a yardstick of what a good person should be like. You influenced me a lot without forcing your opinions on me. In 2015 I, Lotachee and you accomplished reading the whole of the new testament while cheering and encouraging each other, I admired you and always made jokes of how I wanted to be like you in every single way (motherhood, marriage, career, physique), I always made jokes about how ugochi will be a model when she grows up. you were always polite and humble and would always start with "Good morning umu nnem" on the group chat. I was so angry, confused, shocked, sad and heart broken when you left. I have a lot share as usual but when I picked up my phone I remember you are no more.

We had plans for so many things, you couldn't wait for us to start planning my church wedding, you talked about how you would dance that day, you talked about reviewing my CV, you cheered me on with my guilt free and blogging ventures. I literally looked up to you. It's so sad I didn't the chance to say goodbye.

You used to tell me about Ugochi's super hero stories. Well, I didn't get to tell you that you were one of my own super heroes because you were always there for me. Thanks for the privilege of getting to know you and you family and the example you have shown me. I pray I will able to influence people and teach young people as you did.

People say you're dead. I say you live on. Goodnight Ore mi toh sure
August 10, 2017
August 10, 2017
I am bereft of words in hearing of Nnena's passing. She was a wonderful woman with lot of promise. May God grant her immediate and extended family the fortitude to bear this very painful loss and give them the most desired comfort at this time.

We take solace in the truth, she has returned to her creator.
August 8, 2017
August 8, 2017
You will be forever remembered my dearest
Whenever I play, listen or sing IT'S A WONDER OR FILL MY CUP LORD by Cece Winnas, I remember this amazing praise and worship minister of God. Cece is good but there was something about your own voice and ministrations. It's so so so painful to lose you at this time, but God knows why He allowed that. May you find peaceful rest dearest and may God Himself comfort us all you left to mourn. Adieu Nne
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
The relationship between my late husband, Professor Thurstan Shaw, and the Anozie family has spanned continents, cultures and decades. Our fates have intertwined for generations. We have survived war and deepest lose. My husband knew Obum since birth and he loved his lovely Nnenna. He especially appreciated her plantains and Jollof rice. Nnenna served food for Thusrtan's 96h birthday celebration in 2010 and cooked for his Memorial in 2014, feeding hundreds of guests.

Obum, with Nnenna's support, kept all-night vigils with Thurstan in hospital.

Before Thurstan passed, he whispered to me, "God willing, I will love
you more after death."

That is what I wish for Obum. God willing, Nnenna will now love him more.
Bless you all,
Pamela Jane
August 5, 2017
August 5, 2017
I am in such shock about this very sad news! My deepest sympathies to your husband, kids and family....I feel honored to have met you. I enjoyed our conversations and your laughter while our kids were swimming and the times we hung out. You were a beautiful, easy going person. Gone too soon, you will be sorely missed.....words fail me.
August 2, 2017
August 2, 2017
You were a shinning star and a rare gem that brightened the life of everyone that came in contact with you. Beautiful indeed both inside and outside, ever smiling and cheerful. Our hearts are very heavy with grief and we deeply miss you.....but we take comfort in God's word that reminds us not grieve like those who do not have hope because we know that you have already been ushered into Heaven (1 Thess 4:13-18).
We pray that God will continue to strengthen and comfort your family especially your husband and the kids".
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017

"Our sincere condolences to the family"
Is just like yesterday, this is how u left us, i chatted with u some month ago not knowing that was my last time chat with u, I remembered congratulating u on your promotion on LinkedIn what is life? a passage to eternity, Death who can know it! so sad that you are no more it breaks my heart, i could still remember your advice on my choosing course of study back then in my hundred level in Abuja building, that Computer Sci/Statistics required extra effort to make it as a student and that has made me a better person today and since then we have remained friends still this time, when the cold hand of death took you alway from us, you will be ever missed.
Sleep on dear friend..............................God knows best. Still we met to part no more. On behalf of my wife, children and I

                                             The Odiete's
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Words cannot express that sadness and shock I felt when I returned to work(DB) and saw the email from our Managing Director. You are such a young hardworking beautiful girl When you showed me the pictures of your children I was "how old are you" I thought you were 21. God has a reason for everything and I trust him and I know he has taken you somewhere beautiful... We know not when God is going to call us home. He knows best let us all be ready. I pray for your husband, children, family and friends. Its just soo hard to take in. Love you
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
My deepest condolences to your husband, children and entire family. It is so painful that you left the world at such a tender age. From tributes here, it is obvious your were such gift to humanity. The Almighty God that has allowed your departure at this time knows best and we cannot question Him. May your sweet soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace.
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
Our main consolation is that you are finally going to be singing with the angels with your angelic voice. When we sleep at night, we will listen for your voice knowing that it will give us comfort. Rest on, Nnenna.
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
The death of Nnenna has come as one of many stories that one would wish it is told in the dream. Unbelievable! I pray that the almighty God will give her soul a peaceful rest while granting the entire family the strength of mind to bear the vacuum created by her death. Rest in peace Nnenna!
July 26, 2017
July 26, 2017
When the roll is called up yonder, I know you will be there and down here you will always be remembered by the things you have done. I salute you, beautiful and gracious soul. We shall understand this better, by and by. Ka e mesia...
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017

Our most beautiful and most intelligent.Those 4 years we used to know you,Computer Sc/Statistics,UNN was always magical.You were always willing to teach anyone that cares to learn.Your smile and cheerfulness was so contagious and ever radiant...

We will miss you dearly.I don't know why God decided to take you now,but who are we to question him.

All i will say is a prayer...

May Nnenna's soul and may the souls of all the faithful departed,through the mercy of God REST IN PEACE....AMEN!!!
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
And Pastor Ebenezer Okechukwu testifies about Nnenna.

I am grieved for your death, my dear Nnenna Anigbogu Anozie. We shared prayer and study times together. You changed my opinion about ladies by being so close without being a temptation to me even when we were alone. You were an embodiment of sincerity, wisdom, respect, worship and gratitude.You were eager to learn and generous in sharing your own knowledge. You challenged me when my ministry schedule began to weigh heavily on my studies.You were more than a friend to me.

I will miss you until we meet in the bossom of the Lord! The body of Christ will miss you. So will Nwando, UNN, SCM and everyone who knows you. Your loving husband and wonderful kids will not find it easy: may God comfort them! Posterity and the world will miss your winsomeness, ingenuity and positive impact. For me, your exit is a wake-up call, a call to do my best for the Lord and mankind always! My life and ministry will not remain the same again.

It is painful, but in submission to God's sovereignty and eternal love, I bid you farewell, my sister. We shall see again!

Your friend and study mate -Statistics/Economics 2001.

Pst Ebenezer Okechukwu
(City of Purpose Min. Int'l)
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
And Pastor Ebenezer Okechukwu testifies about Nnenna.

I am grieved for your death, my dear Nnenna Anigbogu Anozie. We shared prayer and study times together. You changed my opinion about ladies by being so close without being a temptation to me even when we were alone. You were an embodiment of sincerity, wisdom, respect, worship and gratitude.You were eager to learn and generous in sharing your own knowledge. You challenged me when my ministry schedule began to weigh heavily on my studies.You were more than a friend to me.

I will miss you until we meet in the bossom of the Lord! The body of Christ will miss you. So will Nwando, UNN, SCM and everyone who knows you. Your loving husband and wonderful kids will not find it easy: may God comfort them! Posterity and the world will miss your winsomeness, ingenuity and positive impact. For me, your exit is a wake-up call, a call to do my best for the Lord and mankind always! My life and ministry will not remain the same again.

It is painful, but in submission to God's sovereignty and eternal love, I bid you farewell, my sister. We shall see again!

Your friend and study mate -Statistics/Economics 2001.

Pst Ebenezer Okechukwu
(City of Purpose Min. Int'l)
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
I can’t believe that am writing this tribute to you my beloved sister Nnenna. It has finally dawn on me that you are no more. When the news of your departure came I couldn’t believe it because we communicated a night before then. It’s still like am dreaming!
Where do I start and where do I stop? Nne, you were so loving, so caring and true. The fun and laughter I can always chase. The things we’ve done created memories forever and kept us strong even when we are not together. You were always there to lend a listening ear and have always shown how much you care. From your life I’ve learnt to be a better me. So loving and kindhearted that’s how you will always be.

Nne, what happens to the plans we both have for our children and families? With no final words of farewell, you have left us your loved ones. I’ve cried so much, asking myself why your sudden passing. I still cannot understand, but what can I do my dear sister? It’s all God’s plan. My heart aches but I’m so glad I’m your sister and you are mine.

I’ve prayed someday we will meet again where the pastures are green, and there will be no pain, no sorrow of heart, only joy and laughter.

Rest in perfect peace nwannem.

You are gone but not forgotten.

Love you always.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017

My heartfelt condolence to your beloved kids, husband and entire family. Your demise is really a shock to all of us NACOSS 2006 year UNN. You are just calm, intelligent, God fearing and accommodating. We cannot question God because only Him knows the best.Keep resting in the bossom of our Lord until we meet again. RIP Nne
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017

My heartfelt condolence to your beloved kids, husband and entire family. Your demise is really a shock to all of us NACOSS 2006 year UNN. You are just calm, intelligent, God fearing and accommodating. We cannot question God because only Him knows the best.Keep resting in the bossom of our Lord until we meet again. RIP Nne
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Condolences to your beloved kids, husband and families behind. Your death remains a shock to me and the entire year 2006 NACOSS UNN. Ga ije gi nke oma. Until we meet again. Tears
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Nne! you were one soul that blessed my life, your words of encouragement and hope at the time when i felt like calling it quit is something i can't forget in a hurry. Am penning this down with so much sadness in my heart, still in shock at the news of your dismissal on earth but in all i have a blessed consolation that we would see on the glorious morning. Je nke oma NNE! My sincere condolences to the family and may God give us all the fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss, Amen
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
In life I have come to see how simple and beautiful life should be when reflecting on the lives of special people like you - Nnenna. It really pains to witness your demise at such a time in your life. There are so many beautiful attributes you possess which everybody that came across your path experienced, because you were such an epitome of kindness. Words cannot describe your priceless contributions to humanity and I will say you have lived well in the hearts of many.

In this great future we can't forget the past; the past we shared from uni days till your last breath was a great one to always remember. As I write I still remember that your tiny ever smiling voice that will always have something positive to convey, the beautiful smiles and that passion of never say die which you posses always ring a bell.. Back in the days in Uni, you reminded me so much of my sister who has the same attributes of an intelligent focused lady. For me I adore those your charismatic principles of building great friendship with so many along the way. I will surely miss you till we meet to path no more. REST IN PEACE GREAT ONE.

May the good lord comfort your family, Obum your wonderful husband and those lovely kids, and to us all you left behind. Rest on Neny
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Dear Nnenna,
I am still in shock over your demise, it's still like a dream to me. Just seem like yesterday when we were all in Uni bubbly and striving to be the best not knowing the end will be this soon. You were beautiful both in and out and above all you loved God. Your demise has put a lot of things in perspective especially living each day like it's going to be our last. You will be truly missed. I pray that God grants your family especially your husband the fortitude to bear this great loss. Rest in peace - you are indeed a candle in the wind!!!
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
Although I wasn't your classmate, I felt your gentleness and easiness through your ways and we admire people who have the values we have. Abuja building brought so many faces to familiarity and yours was one of them.

May your soul rest well in the bosom of the Lord and may He grant your family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss. Who can question Him who has defeated death for on the last day the dead shall be the first to rise and we shall see to part no more.

July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
My dearest Sister, I still cannot believe you're gone at such a young age of 33, leaving behind three beautiful children and an amazing husband. I pray you find rest in our heavenly Father's arms, until we meet again. Keep singing and smiling as you've always done. You will forever be in our thoughts. Adieu Sister! Ugo, Nancy and Zanna.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
So sad to hear you are gone, i still cannot believe the news. Rest in peace Nnenna.
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
This is very difficult to phantom as just thinking about what happened sends a very cold chill to my entire body. This is huge loss and very difficult to accept, however; we cannot question God who knows the best. The time I met you was very memorable and gentleness portrayed was and still in my subconsciousness. Your husband was one of my best friend who also was my defender from the bullies at the time. Rest in peace gentle and perfect soul and your gift of smile will always be with us Amen
July 25, 2017
July 25, 2017
On the 18th of July my children found my UNN roar magazine and in it I saw many familiar faces some of which I proceeded to sending a friend request on facebook including you Nnenna. Just to see news of your death the next day on Facebook. To say I was speechless is to say the least but I take solace knowing that God made me remember you on the day of your death. Back in Zik's flat UNN you were never without your smile and Loved by many. I pray to you Lord please give your family the strength to bear such irreplaceable loss. Adieu Nnenna
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Dear Nnenna,

I have cried so much and doubted this reality so much and now I think it's time to start winding down the devastation and focus on paying tribute to your beautiful life and celebrating it.

Admittedly, it is not easy to switch off this devastation but I think that tribute and celebration of your life is what you deserve now rather than more of our tears and devastation.

You were an exceptional human being, an embodiment of talents and wisdom, and a reflection of a true strength of a good woman.

You were very good, very helpful, very supportive, very reliable, God fearing, very intelligent, very smart, very humble, and very hardworking.

I am not here to say you were perfect because nobody is. However, for all the time I knew you, I knew someone who lived their life everyday striving for perfection and integrity with this impressive sense of simplicity and humility that charmed everybody around you.

You were a friend with so much smiles and laughter and a lot of positive vibes and influence over everyone around you.

You were multi-talented and a star in everything you did. While in Uni, you were that academic and intellectual star that always shared knowledge that dragged many into academic excellence along with you.

Your heart and soul was so beautiful and this beauty reflected in your personality so much that many saw you as a precious GOLD in their heart.

Your positive footprints and legacies are so good your memories will live in our mind always.

Your time here was too short but you accomplished so much and had a quality impact on so many who met you in this short journey of life.

We will miss you so much...

We will cry no more for we know your pains are over and you are now at peace with your Creator.

You were bless with such a beautiful family; a great and wonderful guy for a husband and 3 sweet and beautiful children. Therefore we will cry no more and choose to celebrate your life that was full of beauty and excellence.

May God grant all of us the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss especially to your husband (Obum), your beautiful children, and families.

Your God and your peace will not let Obum and the kids down as they move on from this very painful loss. Your bliss will overwhelm them with joy and comfort them.

For being so good a person, may your soul be filled with joy and happiness FOREVER and EVER in the bosom of God whose breath and words made all things.

July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
As you lay still and asleep, just know that family, friends and associates crave to have you back as they continue to shower ecomiums day and night.

May our prayers and the will of God be your stronghold, and your resting in glorious peace be our consolation.

Rest in peace Nenny. God be with you.
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Your face I could barely recall
but your smiles I will never forget
when I used to tag along your big brother’s car after work
There is only but one reason why you were recalled
You are simply an Angel who finished her assignment ahead of time
Down to earth you are, smart, purposeful, goal driven, beautiful and godly
You delivered a whole year's target just within the 1st quarter
A feat that amazed your Rewarder
So amazed at your speed that He had to invite everyone to celebrate you
But a celebration without the celebrant is incomplete He said.
He thought of the implications of having you back but then He is the only wise God
He also knows that u have not only finished this task but have laid a foundation for future ones
Proactively God has given u the best Husband and Children to continue where u stopped.
They will certainly find the tasks ahead so easy
because u have laid a solid foundation for them.
You have also dropped with them the formula for every life situation
We mourn your departure Angel but the host of heavens celebrate your accomplishments
Have a good time dear and keep watching over the ones u left behind.
May God give your family and friends the fortitude to bear this great loss
Adieu Ange
July 24, 2017
July 24, 2017
Hard to believe I'm leaving a memorial for you Nne! You lived, you loved, you served and when the ovation was loudest you took a bow.
Your passing reminded me that all is vanity! Its a movie stage, once your part is over you leave the scene, may God teach us to number our days and apply our hearts to wisdom.
I have no fear that the Lord that took you home has it all planned for your kids! Sleep on Nnenna
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July 21
July 21
Thank you for all the mountains you moved for humanity while you were here. You are greatly missed; keep resting ezigbo mmadu,
July 19
July 19
Nnenna, continue to rest in the bosom of God. I miss you so dearly
Recent stories

Nnenna, Life, and 33

July 18, 2018

One year on... it was exactly on this day the 18th of July 2017; the shock, the shiver,  the incredulous gasp... nothing about the news could possibly make sense, can't possibly be true...
But it was... then came the pain, the anguish, the cries; none could change a thing...
But your life was good and although it was CLEAR you had so much more to give to the world, your family, your kids, and your beloved husband, life insisted otherwise. Life decided you were done and dusted at 33 but it didn't make sense.
And then came the point that we are mere mortals and it all made sense why it doesn't make sense to us. For life is the boundary between us and the omnipotent and omniscient being, and the channel through which God teach and communicate to us, it was then important that we pay attention to life to make sense of our experience in it.
And then it made sense. At 33 she has achieved so much against all odds of life, influenced everyone in her world so positively, and gave her husband, family, and the world, 3 beautiful children. At 33 she had made such an incredible and amazing impression in the heart of so many and made sure it was difficult for them to forget her smiles and her kindness.
So she knew that she had just 33 years and hence worked so hard and so well within that short time. NO, Nnenna didn't know she had only 33 years but the life in her knew and communicated to her as a mortal. Most importantly, she paid attention to life that speaks to her, and hence she was able to hear the omniscient one who speaks to us through life. She listened humbly, she adhered intelligently, and lived a life that manifested goodness, kindness, love, wisdom, intelligence, and success.
She didn't know 33 was the number, but she knew what she had to do and she did it to the satisfaction of life and the one who sent her, and was therefore rewarded with meaning and fulfillment in what was a very short time.
Be like Nnenna!
Pay attention to life and not to any mortal, derive what the omniscient one is saying to you through life experiences, adhere wisely, and produce meaning and fulfillment for your life. For we know not the number but we have to know what we have to do to make life beautiful and memorable for whatever our number is.

In memory of Nnenna Anozie.
18th July 2018 (One year on)
Continue to rest in PEACE, Nnenna.

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