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Nnenna, Life, and 33

July 18, 2018

One year on... it was exactly on this day the 18th of July 2017; the shock, the shiver,  the incredulous gasp... nothing about the news could possibly make sense, can't possibly be true...
But it was... then came the pain, the anguish, the cries; none could change a thing...
But your life was good and although it was CLEAR you had so much more to give to the world, your family, your kids, and your beloved husband, life insisted otherwise. Life decided you were done and dusted at 33 but it didn't make sense.
And then came the point that we are mere mortals and it all made sense why it doesn't make sense to us. For life is the boundary between us and the omnipotent and omniscient being, and the channel through which God teach and communicate to us, it was then important that we pay attention to life to make sense of our experience in it.
And then it made sense. At 33 she has achieved so much against all odds of life, influenced everyone in her world so positively, and gave her husband, family, and the world, 3 beautiful children. At 33 she had made such an incredible and amazing impression in the heart of so many and made sure it was difficult for them to forget her smiles and her kindness.
So she knew that she had just 33 years and hence worked so hard and so well within that short time. NO, Nnenna didn't know she had only 33 years but the life in her knew and communicated to her as a mortal. Most importantly, she paid attention to life that speaks to her, and hence she was able to hear the omniscient one who speaks to us through life. She listened humbly, she adhered intelligently, and lived a life that manifested goodness, kindness, love, wisdom, intelligence, and success.
She didn't know 33 was the number, but she knew what she had to do and she did it to the satisfaction of life and the one who sent her, and was therefore rewarded with meaning and fulfillment in what was a very short time.
Be like Nnenna!
Pay attention to life and not to any mortal, derive what the omniscient one is saying to you through life experiences, adhere wisely, and produce meaning and fulfillment for your life. For we know not the number but we have to know what we have to do to make life beautiful and memorable for whatever our number is.

In memory of Nnenna Anozie.
18th July 2018 (One year on)
Continue to rest in PEACE, Nnenna.

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