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November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Dear Pastor Nomthi your demise still remain a big shock. Thank God you give and served God without holding any thing back.Thank you for always reminding us to enjoy our life and I know you will continue to sing halleluyah with the angels in heaven.Till we meet to part no more dear Pastor Nomthi. Rest in peace good woman.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Pastor Nomthi... "enjoy your life" ambassador...
You impacted me online as a follower on Instagram. I first saw you on your wedding and it was a reminder of Pastor Bimbo's absence, I wasnt sure how to feel about you even though I'm a stranger but fast forward a few years later, I fell in love with you. What's not to love about you?
You display the attitude of Christ that makes it hard to believe that's not who you truly are. Reading your messages, I always saw a true Christian and in the abundance of all the treachery online, you always stood out.
You will be missed... your smile, your messages - most unusual and unlikely messages... you always found a message in the oddest things.
I have loved you despite not meeting you physically, but I believe we will meet in Heaven. As usual, your smile will stand you out.
Rest in power Pastor. Your memory is blessed!
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Goodnight our SA Rose!
Pastor Nomthi, It is so tough processing not seeing or reading your treasured messages on this side of the divide anymore. Thank you for being so real, so loving, so caring, so giving, so just, so objective, so YOU! 

My earliest recollection of how extraordinary you are was years ago, when my late younger Sister Yetunde (YT) excitedly recounted her encounter with you at the MMA airport lounge that she managed at the time. It is not unusual for the highly placed lounge clientele to be too busy to pay any attention or give full audience to its staff. However, I testify that from the day YT approached and introduced herself to you as my sister at the lounge till after she passed from Ill-health years later, your care and love was out of this world. I recall being puzzled who loved YT more, you or me, her relative. You checked in on her and asked after her well-being long after she had relocated. It is bittersweet now to recall how the last time I saw you in that lounge was when I was travelling with my Mum to visit YT. Upon arrival with her, I messaged you and teased how YT was hooked on an entire playlist of all your church messages even I from Lagos did not have. She was active in another ministry, but you reached out, bonded and was there for her, she passed on 4 months later and you stood with us like a rock. Thank you!

As our leader, I reflect on how uniquely special you made each of us who served with you as executives of the Home Affairs fellowship feel, you led us with such grace, such ease, nothing felt forced or pretentious with you, we simply flowed and it was such a privilege, such a high honour to have served and followed your authentic, caring, blessed leading in the service of God and humanity. I will treasure the opportunity forever. Woman Leader extraordinaire, you are sorely and regrettably missed but we take solace knowing you are now singing Hallelujah to the One who called you.

Thank you, Pastor Nomthi, for demonstrating God’s love in words and in action. Infact, I was never in doubt I featured on your intercessory radar, the timely phone calls and chats were always so in tune with God. You reached out almost so eerily a day I regard as the most stressful day of my working life, I had to do 3 interstate trips urgently, in the very moment I lamented the strain on the Ibadan expressway Interchange, you called to say I was on your mind, and you thought to check in on me! Wow, your thoughtfulness meant the whole world to me. There are truly not enough words to thank you for all the timely rhema, the counsel, the evident love for my children and family, the peace that followed interactions, events, and prayer fellowships with you etc etc. God indeed has added a great deal to your crown on our account.

Pastor Nomthi, You lived, you taught passionately, you enriched lives, Now you rest in glory. Adieu Woman Leader, thank you for giving to the Lord! We are confident God will uphold Pastor Taiwo the boys and the family and body of Christ you left behind because He alone remains Sovereign. Oye Jesu.

November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Hmmmmmm, I am still short of words. It is very difficult for me to accept you are gone Pastor Nomthi. May be after your burial, I will accept you are gone for real. This is too much for me to accept. But the truth is, I cannot question God, He understand perfectly why He has to take you home to rest.

Truly you came to Fountain of Life to light up our world with your beautiful heart and contagious smiles.

You came, light up our world for a short time but the memory will never be erased from our minds. You were very real in all your dealings with us at the fountain of life, you were an example of a true believer. You truly loved our Papa Pastor Taiwo. I pray that God gives him the strength and comfort he needs in this time of trial.

Rest on Mama, good night Mama.

Till we meet at the feet of our Creator.

I will miss you greatly.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
This hit so hard even if we never met in person. You always responded to all my messages and said a word of prayer for me. I haven't been this hurt after my dad's death. Keep resting mama
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Rest well woman of God. You have fought a good fight and finished the race that was set before you.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Pastor Nomthi,

It was too hard to believe you are gone. I could not hold my tears when I heard the news of your death but I remember your message that says in everything situation give thanks to God...

You thought us(TFOLC) a lot with your life stories and how to enjoy our life, even when situation surrounds us. You're a mother and an encourager. You may be gone from our sight but you're never gone from our heart.

Keep Resting Mama
We love you but God love you more
Good night, Gogo...
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021

It's hard to say goodbye.

Thank you for sharing your last eleven years with us, you are indeed a light, I can't forget my first encounter with you in your office. You thought us how to enjoy our lives in every situation(s) in Christ Jesus.
We will forever miss you Gogo:
Weekly promises are fun with your stories
Your dance steps are second to none (if dance was a person it will be you mother) .
You made the word of God so simple and easy to learn with your stories...

Hallelujah no go finish for your mouth
Hallelujah no go finish for our mouth.
Keep enjoying Heaven with your Creator our Zulu Gift
.......still we meet again.....
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Dear pastor Nomthi,
You were such a joyful person, how I loved everything about you your smile, great vibe and beautiful energy. If happiness was a person.....
you truly enjoyed your life serving God and the hallelujah never finished from
Your mouth, HALLELUJAH. Rest in glory till we meet again
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Dear Pastor Nomthi,

It was a great shock when my wife brought my attention to your passing on.

Mama, you had us all like we were your children.

Your soft spoken words were always encouraging anytime you lend your words out.

Ma, we will sure miss you

Continue to rest in His Glory till we meet again.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Dear Sisi Nomthi,

Thank you for being you, for being a great warrior of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Your life portrayed the character of Christ, which is one thing I loved about you. I am so glad we got to reconnect over the years. Thank you for all the encouraging messages, calls and sermons you shared with me. Knowing you was a blessing I wouldn’t trade for anything. I am so heartbroken because I didn’t see this one coming. 

I was going down memory lane the other day, remembering how tough you’ll be on me at school, you’d send me to detention with a smile, make me stand on the stage during assembly with a smile on your face. You were such a humble and cool prefect . I am grateful that we got to meet after almost 20 years of not seeing each other. You were so proud of the woman I’ve become and continued to become. Thank you for praying for me and for lending your ears when I needed to chat or even offload!

Hamba kahle Mageba! Sthuli sikaNdaba! Ndabezitha! Mntwana! ♥️
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Beautiful inside out, you let GOD'S LIGHT shine through you. Even now as you chill with the Master your Light still shines. We thank GOD for the life you lead.......Hallelujah no go finish for our mouth
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
May your beautiful soul continue to dance with our Lord. You came and left an indelible mark. You impacted so many lives and you lived wholly for the Lord and His flock. Such an exemplary Christian. You are forever loved.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Thank you Pst.Nom...

You had no guile. Simple, sweet, and kind. Loved me like I was your fave, as you loved everyone.

Rest well Pst.Nom
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Hmmmmmmmm still can’t believe you are gone ma
An Angel has Returned Home
You will be missed definitely @pastornomthi your Stories
Words of encouragement
Promises of God
Your dance
Your good vibes
Your caring personality
Your love for our country Nigeria 
Your love towards the TFOLC
Your laugh.
But we are glad you're in a beautiful and better place now, free from all pains

Your Popular Words that can't be forgotten...
*Enjoying my life
*let's put a praise on it
*Hallelujah no go finish for our mouth...

Chai God, I wish say na dreamland I dey so make I wake up without this news.
We celebrate you, I celebrate you pastor Nomthi

Till we meet again at the bosom of our Father.. Rest On Mama. we love you, But God loves you more

Good Night 

November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
It really hit me so bad when I heard and still when I saw it on pastor's IG page could not believe my eye still
I will so much miss your smile, your story and you always looking good
Even up till now is still like a dream but God knows best
I know you are resting and dancing with the angels now
You will will forever be miss mama
May God comfort pastor, your lovely kids and the whole family you leave behind
I love you dearly
Your maker love you more
Till will meet again
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
I celebrate the life of our dear Pastor Nomthi. You came…You impacted…Your legacy lives on. 
We are grateful for the gift you were to so many people on this side of heaven. Your smile, your “down-to-earthness”, the stories you shared…always a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being you.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
Dearest Pastor Nomthi, you came into our lives in TFOLC, within a short period you impressed your image, indelibly, on every one. Your special way of presenting the promise of the week, your thrilling and empirical stories, your sonorous voice, your psychedelic dancing steps while putting a praise to it... became something to look forward to in every service. Not to mention your 'Halleluyah no go finish from my mouth' chorus and your memorable trademark 'I'm enjoying my life' greetings
Pastor Nomthi the effect of your coming and untimely leaving us, helplessly, will be evergreen. Just to say 'Siyabonga' for passing our way. Adieu! !! !!!
Mr. & Mrs. Bayo Rojugbokan
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
It's so hard for me to say goodbye pastor nomthi odukoya. I don't even have the right words to say but God knows best.
Still feels like a dream or a movie to me.
Thank you for teaching us how to enjoy our lives in Christ even when situations around us says otherwise you taught us to keep enjoying our everyday.
This is the hardest news I will ever believe in recent times.
Pastor nomthi thank you, you made every promise for the week super fun and having deeper meaning with your stories in church that alone I will NEVER FORGET.
Your dance is second to none if dance was a person it's you ma @pastor nomthi odukoya.
I miss you trying to speak yoruba. So much to say about you pastor nomthi odukoya.
The hallelujah crooner. It was always fun to see you dance in church.
Hallelujah no go finish for your mouth. You made that song our anthem @The fountain of life church and we loved it and we will forever love it.
You made the word of God simple and easy to learn.
Indeed you're greately missed.
It's hard for me to say goodnight gogo.
Keep enjoying your life with your maker.
I love you so dearly pastor nomthi Rosemary odukoya but God love s you more!!

Till will meet again in heaven.
E sun re oo.
Keep resting ma.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
It's so hard for me to say goodbye pastor nomthi odukoya. I don't even have the right work ds to say but God knows best.
Still feels like a dream or a movie to me.
Thank you for teaching us how to enjoy our lives in Christ even when it doesn't feels like it you teach us everyday to keep enjoying our lives.
This is the hardest news I will ever believe in recent times.
Pastor nomthi thank you for making every promise for the week super fun and having deeper meaning with your stories in church that alone I will NEVER FORGET.
Your dance is second to none if dance was a person it's you ma @pastor nomthi odukoya. 
I miss you trying to speak Yoruba so much to say about you ma.
The hallelujah crooner. Hallelujah no go finish for your mouth. You made that song our anthem @The fountain of life church and we loved it and we will forever love it. 
You made the word of God simple and easy to learn.
Thank you for bringing more smiles to all fountaineers. Indeed you're greately missed.
It's hard for me to say goodnight my gogo.
Keep enjoying your life with your maker.
I love you so dearly pastor nomthi Rosemary odukoya but God love s you more!!

Till will meet again in heaven.
E sun re oo.
Keep resting ma.
November 13, 2021
November 13, 2021
My Darling Pastor Simangele Nomthi Odukoya, it is still dream-like.
Nevertheless, I thank the Lord God for your life of grace, love, joy and laughter. We prayed and the Lord God brought you to us. You came and served God Almighty with your purity of heart. No guile, no double standard, just pure faith and love.
You were gifted with a special perspective that always opened one's eyes and heart to Scriptures in a refreshing yet instructive manner. This cultivated the appetite for more
nuggets of sound doctrine from you.
Darling Sis and Mum, you came, we played, you loved, you prayed, taught us to 'enjoy your life' and left while the music was
still playing! I will miss your special December smile and prayers for me.
You have joined the cloud of witnesses to sing unending 'Alleluia'. Thank you for giving me your contagious joy and love. Thank you for being the gift that always gave. Good night, darling One.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Pastor Nomthi, I've only had very brief encounters with you but I can honestly say you were always a ray of sunshine , even from far away, with your soft voice and contagious laughter and beautiful smile. Always telling us to "enjoy your life".

As a member of RGK, every time I danced in the main church and I found myself getting nervous, I ALWAYS made a conscious effort to look your way because your smile always made me feel at ease and less nervous. The complete joy in your eyes, a comfort, doing your little dance on your seat. I find it hard to believe you're not with us to give us encouraging words like you always do, ending this year without you is saddening, but you're not in pain anymore, that's more than enough for me.

We love you and would miss you so so much Pastor Nomthi. Sleep tight in God's embrace
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Hmmmm heaven as gained a wonderful soul

I have always admire you from the first day I set my eyes on you, the word in which u dish out were wonderful Nd inspiring.

I remember in one of your ministration, you said no matter what we are passing through we should always be happy and tell the devil you can’t steal my joy, I AM ENJOYING MY LIFE and you ask us to say that word with confident.

Thanks for all the emails you do send they are always on time. Thank you for your word of encouragement.

Rest on the blossom of the Almighty and keep rejoicing cos you have fought a good fight of faith, and you are a winner.

We love u and we will all miss you Mama
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Hmmmmm, Heaven has gained a wonderful soul.

Thank u Maama for your words of encouragement, your stories, your smiles and for teaching us how to enjoy our lives both in good and bad times

Thank u for always helping the promise of the week to sink into our heart with ur stories and how you handle it.

Thanks for your beautiful dance indeed Hallelujah no go finish for our mouth.

Love u Maama and good nyt Maama, till we meet at the feet of the Master.

Keep resting and dancing with the Angels in Heaven

November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Heaven's angel returned.....

Pastor Nomthi,so really had to believe you are no more but knowing fully well you have gone to reunite with your father in heaven gives me joy....
Thanks for all those teachings Pastor Nomthi,Rest on in power till we meet to part no more....You will be greatly missed.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
We have no questions Lord, all we have and give is our surrender, we surrender to your will, we surrender to your way and we command our souls to surrender to your unchallengeable sovereignty (Oba a se yi owun).

You won Pastor Nom, you won.

Thank you for all the life lessons and the joy you brought to our lives, we will not forget in a hurry.

Goodbye for now Gogo and see you on the resurrection morning where we will surely meet again, united with Christ, never to part no more.

Kiss Jesus for me.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Thank you for living an exemplary life.
Thank you for teaching me to enjoy my life.
Thank you for making every promise of the week have a deep meaning with your stories.
Thank you for writing those children books, it made my life east as a teacher.
Thank you for bringing more smile.
I don't want to cry.
Heaven has called an angel home.

Till we meet again Pastor Nomthi.
No more pain, keep resting.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Pastor Nomthi.

I never met you in person, twas through Instagram.
The way you exude so much joy
The way you teach the word of God in simple and practical ways, even a child can understand and apply the wisdom in it
I'll definitely miss your posts on Instagram and of course, your ever smiling face.
So much joy, so real and tangible!

Now it's "enjoying your life" indeed.
You'll be missed greatly, but God knows best.
Rest on ma.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Pastor Nomthi you remained forever in our heart, you came to The Fountain of Life Church with Love and Aims of great Impact, you impacted lives, you introduced Children Discovery,you Mentor, you cultivate a cheerful mood in Fountaineer.
We Adults can't forget you, Children will forever remembered you, Teenagers will always for you for their memories.
Good night Mama
Rest on Pastor Nomthi.
We love you but Jesus loved you more
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
My ever smiling Pastor Nomthi, the peace you have on your face that connects with your big wide smile, when you say I'm enjoying mine too, I pray I have it and can say with all my being the words you say. At times I say it, at times I don't because in honesty I wasn't enjoying my life. But when you breakdown the practicality of God's word in the simplest terms with practical stories. My hope is lifted. I am happy you are smiling and dancing on the other side, I have cleaned my tears and my eyes are no longer puffy, well slightly in honesty as I write this, just know you and God would help us answer questions. God always wins. 

Halleluyah no go finish for my mouth and my household. We love you our Southern Mama.

I pray God keeps giving Pastor T, your darling and your covenant sons, warm hugs everyday and every minute as a comfort for your absence, strength, peace and joy to go on and live life to the fullest in enjoyment.

I miss you Pastor Nomthi. We shall reign and dance forever with Christ.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Pastor Nomthi, I didn't really know you personally but followed you on Instagram. First, it's your smile for me, always radiating your inner beauty, then your dance which you give to the Lord without reservations. These and some of your inspirational messages impacted me and I know heaven has gained a great soul. Rest peacefully with the Lord where you are free from pain and worries, till we meet again at Jesus's feet, Amen!
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
My darling Pastor Nomthi,your death was a rude shock to me,but I know you resting peacefully from the troubles of this world.You will be forever missed for your warm counsel in my relationship when I was uncomfortable,enjoyyourlife affirmative which keeps me happy always,lovely stories,Sunday promises and victory/halleluyah dance always. Goodnight ma.Greet Pastor Bimbo Odukoya in heaven.RIP
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Pastor Nomthi with a beautiful smile I learnt to enjoy my life from you, your a true definition of an angel. We love you but GOD loves you more we the Honourable fountainer would always enjoy or life and miss you sweet stories that comes with the promise for the week. We love you mama
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Hmmm there are no words to describe you and your genuineness…you are just special pastor Nomthi .Daddy , please embrace your son , the children ,grandchildren and the entire family in your warm embrace. ..we love and celebrate you. Enjoy your ascension to higher glory
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
The Enjoy your life MINISTER has gone to rest!

Your teachings were motivating, inspiring and practical.

Goodnight Pastor Nomthi!!!
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Dear Pst Nomthi, it is soothing to know we will meet with Jesus on that day.

You inspired me in no small way. I love you Ma'am!
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Its difficult to put this to writing because never did it ever cross my mind that I will have to write this. My dear Pastor Nomthi, my Mama, Boss and Mentor. You left so soon but left a deep and wonderful impact on me . You are exceptional You are a happy and bubbly soul . You never allowed any situation to affect the joy you spread to others . You remain alive in my heart forever. Thank you for all you did and for trusting me with FundaWazi Foundation. Love you Gogo. ❤️
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Thanks for the Sunday teachings, Hallelujah songs and the resounding confessions on "Enjoying our lives"

Thank you Pastor Nomthi for the light and salvation you shared with us.

You're always loved and will forever be in our hearts
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
You were such a source of inspiration. It is indeed sad to say goodbye but we are comforted that it doesn't end here. May God strengthen Pastor Taiwo, the children and the rest of the family.
November 12, 2021
November 12, 2021
Beautiful Pastor Nomth.
Thank you for all that you were and for allowing God use you as a source of blessing to many. You had a heart of gold your love for God was unmatched. Those who knew you can attest of how beautiful your smiles, words of wisdom and personality was. We would never forget to always put a praise on it. Indeed hallelujah no go finish for our mouth.

You came, you fought, you conquered. Till we meet on the resurrection morning, rest well In God's blossom. Cancer did not win, God won. He loves you dearly. I would miss you dearly. You would always be in our hearts. Bye 
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021

Many Sundays went by without your cheerful stories that beam light, with wonderful radiance, into my situations. The Pastors tried, but theirs could not be compared with your juicy stories that we always look forward to at church and all over the media.

I thought this was just a short season that would soon be over, I was so hopeful that another #EnjoyYourLife season will emerge in the twinkle of an eye. Alas! God had His way - He took you Home. Now I am missing you till eternity. Only God can fill the void you have left behind.

Pastor Nomthi - such an epitome of fun, sweetness, joy, grace, wisdom... need I say beauty inside out? Yet so humble! Your infectious smiles and laughter make quite a sermon! I so much miss them already!

What more can I say? Your love for children and their sanctity? Your wisdom in marriage and home affairs? Your books propagate your passion, respect for people, service to humanity and dedication to God.

It is so hard to say goodbye, to speak of you in the past tense... But I am deeply grateful to God for helping you achieve a victorious life. Indeed, you came, you saw, you conquered!

Glory be to God in the highest! Just like our Lord Jesus Christ, yours has been a triumphant entry into the heavenlies! #EnjoyYourLife continues in my life, and like never before, I will hold on to this legacy so dearly.

Your light shines on, Pastor Nomthi! Rest in perfect peace.
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
Words aren't enough to describe you Pastor Rosemary Nomthi Odukoya. God loves you more. Sleep on mama
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
So heartbroken that Pastor Nomthi is no more. The life enjoyment chief. I am always delighted to see in church on sundays. May your soul forever rest in perfect peace pastor Nomthi. Thanks for teaching us those thing we do not know. May the Lord comfort us all.
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
Oh Dear Pastor Nom, I never got to meet you personally, but I have been blessed numerous times by your teachings and writings. I admired how much of God's wisdom you were blessed with, the way you'd compare real life situations with how God relates with his own and His love for us. You were such an inspiration.
You will forever be missed Dear Pastor Nom.
Keep enjoying your Life with the Father..

Till we meet to part no more..

November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
Goodnight Pastor Nomthi.
We love you, but God love you more.
We take solace that you are resting in the blossom of our Lord.
I pray our father and everyone of us be comforted
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
You were a source of encouragement to the People around you.Your Slogan 'Enoy your Life' made me to always see the positive side of life.Its so sad that I won't get to see your beautiful smiles  again.You will be greatly missed Pastor Nomthi.
Keep Dancing with the Angels in Heaven
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
Oh dear Pastor Nomthi, Instagram introduced me to you and quickly I warmed up to you, your sense of style, the weekly promises that I looked forward to, the dances that left me smiling always, the way you just had your way with children, your calmness, your infectious smile, your joy that was equally infectious, your elegance oh ngibala ntoni na? I can’t tell of you in a paragraph. You encompassed the fullness of womanhood. My delight is that you represented our South African nation well. Thank you Mama wethu.

I remember jokingly commenting on a post of you and Pastor Sunmbo Adeoye that one day I would love to host you in South Africa for a conference.

This may never be realized now, however I welcome the will of the father in its totality. It is perfect!

I will miss you Mah.

To Pastor Taiwo and the boys, it will make sense one day. All things will continue to work together for your good. Take heart. In prayer we will continually lift you.

The family at large, be conformed. Sikhala nani (we mourn with you)

Lala ngoxolo Pastor Nomthi
Siyohlala sikuthanda
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
Salute to a general indeed!!!.

You reflected light to all as you aligned with Christ .
You nudged us to enjoy our lives as HE intended.
Practical sermons and raw passion in Christ.

We are comforted that we will meet at His bosom with no limits, continually rejoicing , singing and dancing.
Your memory spurs us on to finish well in grand style!.

Keep on enjoying at His bosom with no limits.
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
You lived a beautiful life, Pastor Nomthi. You were loved while you shared time with us here. Thanks for sharing your gift with us. You will always be in our hearts!
November 11, 2021
November 11, 2021
May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.May God comfort your entire family in Jesus name Amen It is well.
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