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This memorial website has been created in memory of Norbert Muller. His passion for Freddie Mercury and all things Queen knew no bounds. He was unique, a one-off.
Dearest Norbert, This is such a huge shock- you will be so deeply missed by all that had the privilege of knowing you. I was so honoured to have been your friend all these wonderful years and with so many lovely, very special memories of which I will never ever forget. God bless you. My thoughts and condolences to your dear family. RIP precious soul xx
Merci d'avoir croisé nos vies et de les avoir embellies par votre gentillesse et votre bienveillance.
Vous resterez dans nos mémoires et ancré pour toujours dans nos coeurs. Pensées chaleureuses pour Lucien et toute la famille ❤️
Such a wonderful human being. You will be hugely missed. Montreux won’t feel the same without you. Everyone knows you as you spoke to everyone. RIP my friend always in our hearts and thoughts. ❤️❤️❤️
Merci Norbert pour ces moments partager...ta gentillesse...ton énergie...ta passion...tes anecdotes... c'etait toujours un grand plaisir de partager un moment avec toi... maintenant tu les partages avec Freddie,
Thanks for guiding us to the queen sights when we were in your store and the interesting queen conversations.
Rest in peace and greetings to Freddie
Resting in peace might be difficult now you're with Freddie... we salute you from down here. Condolences to family and friends.
Unbelievably sad that after another great celebration weekend, Norbert left us for another world. Thank you for everything that you have done for us fans. We would have never discovered Montreux and all it had to offer without you. We will continue to party on and remember you always xx
Lieber Norbert,
ich kannte Dich nicht und kanntest mich nicht, da wir uns nie begegnet sind. Ich habe erst leider jetzt von Dir Notiz erhalten, weil Du verstorben bist. Das tut mir sehr leid! Und Deinen Angehörigen möchte ich an dieser Stelle mein tieftest Beileid aussprechen.
Und obwohl wir uns nicht kannten, verband uns etwas: Die Liebe zu Queen und Freddie! Und nach dem Foto zu urteilen, welches ich auf der Queenonline-Seite gesehen habe, scheinst Du jemand gewesen zu sein, der einen Spaß vertragen konnte und das ist immer gut!
Ich gehe fest davon aus und hoffe, dass Du jetzt an einem sehr friedlichen Ort bist und Du vielleicht sogar Freddie irgendwie begegnest.
Ruhe in Frieden!
R.I.P. Mr. Muller! I haven't had the honor of knowing you or being in Bazar Suisse, Montreux. Unfortunately, the world has lost another important piece of the band's legacy and the great Freddie.
I remember you from the first time I came to the Freddie birthday weekend event, I was so excited to be there and You were selling boat tickets, working the bar, up on stage and doing everything you could to make sure the weekend went perfectly, which of course it did! I saw you many times since. Always polite, always hard working and professional and I always looked for you to see what you were upto that year. You embodied everything great about the whole weekend and it will never be the same without you, but next time I’m there I’ll raise a glass to you as the sun sets down by the statue and toast to the successes of everything you achieved. You have left an ever lasting mark on Montreux and all the people you met. Rest easy my friend 
I was in Montreux sitting at Freddie with friends last week when the news about Norbert came, we were all very shocked. I have come to the Montreux Celebrations since 2017 and being there every year with Queen and Freddie fans from all over the world has changed my life. I knew who Norbert was because I saw him at the podium sometimes, but I really met him in 2022 when I offered my selfmade bracelets to his shop to sell for the Mercury Phoenix Trust. Since then I have brought new ones in every year, along with sweets from the Netherlands.
Norbert was such a friendly man, he really showed his appreciation, and even put some of my bracelets in a showcase in the shop with a note added that they were made by me for the MPT. That is one of the nices things anyone has ever done for me.
Rest in peace Norbert, lots of strength to your family and friends, I will never forget you!
I visited Montreux for the first time in May and discovered Bazar Suisse. It was there I met the most friendly, helpful Norbert and chatted for ages. Went in each day I was there and told him I would see him again in 2025. Like everyone else, I was deeply saddened and shocked to hear of his passing. I send my sincere condolences to his family and close friends and may he rest in peace. Let's hope he is with Freddie looking over the beautiful Montreaux x
Très cher Norbert, ta présence ne s'effacera jamais. Tu es et seras à jamais l'âme de Montreux et tu nous manqueras à tous
Tu as toujours eu le sourire pour tout le monde et chacun de nous te portera dans son cœur.
Sans vous, rien ne sera plus pareil mais nous continuerons à soutenir l'excellent travail que vous avez accompli et nous soutiendrons votre famille pour garder votre mémoire vivante.
Je suis sûr qu'il est déjà proche de Freddie et il vous félicite pour tout le merveilleux travail que vous avez fait pour lui et pour nous tous.
Je m'accroche à la douleur de vos proches
Maria Teresa Adilardi
I didn't have the pleasure of meeting you and visiting your shop, but I am close to your family and friends in mourning and I am grateful to you for having lovingly spread the art and work of Queen in all these years of your life, RIP ️️
Dear Norbert, we will miss you for all time, you were the Spirit, the heart and the Soul of the Freddie Celebration Days, I will never forget your friendly contact to us, when we visited you in your Bazar, you had allways time to speak with us and Talk with us about Freddie . RIP in Peace , you will never be forgotten
Dearest Norbert
Last year we both said see ya next year to each other, thank you so so much for everything you have done for all us Freddie and Queen fans worldwide, we will be forever grateful for your Love and friendship and compassion, you are a wonderful man and i will see you next year.
All my Love

À toute la famille de Norbert, je vous adresse mes sincères condoléances.
J'ai eu la chance d'échanger avec Norbert à mes multiples passages à Montreux et à chaque fois c'était un régal de parler Queen, Michael Jackson...
Que Norbert chante à présent là-haut avec ses idôles.
The Show Must Go On!
I will never forget Freddie's birthday week and how you worked quietly behind the scenes while we enjoyed the festivities. Thanks to your behind-the-scenes help, we had a really good time in Montreux. I couldn't make it this year, but I can't believe I won't see you next time I go to Montreux. Sadly missed. Please may Norbert rest in peace. My condolences to Norbert family.
Norbert will remain forever in my heart, with his kindness and the way he always welcomed me . He was the first person to visit when I was in Montreux. Deepest condolences to Lucien Muller and all his family
Barbara Boffa
Dear Norbert,

Thank you for all you did and for sharing it with us all. I hope you’re now partying with Freddie in heaven. God bless xxx
Dearest Norbert
I was so sad to hear of your passing— you made Montreux magical- my first visit in 2000 before all the celebrations I visited your shop and bought my Statue - I did meet you on every visit - a wonderful man with a wonderful heart, Godspeed and I’m sure you will meet Freddie in a party upstairs

E' stato un piacere e un onore conoscere una persona straordinaria come te Norbert.Te ne sei andato troppo presto, ma hai lasciato dentro ognuno di noi ricordi indelebili e rimarrai nel nostro cuore per sempre.Non ci sono parole adatte per alleviare alla tua famiglia un dolore così grande, ma voglio stringermi a loro in un grande abbraccio.
Ora tu sarai con il nostro Freddie e un giorno ci ritroveremo tutti...intanto abbraccialo per me.
Non ti dimenticheremo vuoto che hai lasciato sarà incolmabile e mancherai infinitamente.
Norbert merci, depuis ma première visite à Montreuxmusic en 2006 ,tu nous a accueilli chaleureusement et avec beaucoup de gentillesse, tout de suite nous avons noué une très belle amitié qui va cruellement me manquer. Toutes ces années de dévouement pour Queen et Freddie fait avec énergie et passion, tu as toujours pris le temps de discuter avec chacun d'entre nous... Père fondateur de "Montreux music" et "Montreux célébration" tu as apporté à tous les fans du monde entier toutes ces années de bonheur. Tu vas énormément me manquer ainsi que nos discussions passionné pour la fête de Freddie,mais comme nous le faisions avant je ne manquerai pas de lever mon verre en ton honneur à chaque Freddie célébration ! Adieu très cher ami Norbert, je ne t'oublierai jamais.
Sono stata più volte al Bazar Swisse e lui é stato molto gentile lo ricordo bene, mi dispiace molto che riposi in pace
RIP Norbert a fabulous human being who will forever missed world wide.
Two, Norbert and Peter, that will always be associated with Freddie's birthday party in Montreux. Unfortunately, Norbert has now left and is celebrating in heaven. What he has created is magnificent: a meeting place for Freddie and Queen fans from all over the world.
Ricarda and Thomas/Cologne

Sorry, I wanted to post a picture but it didn't work.
I thank heaven for knowing you. Thank you for your kindness, sympathy and big heart.
Norbert was such a lovely, kind man. He will be sorely missed ❤️
My first visit to Montreux was in the 80s as a child with my parents. I have not really a memory of that but the Basar Suisse shop might have already been there. My 2nd visit in 2000 though I do remember. The shop was selling the Freddie statues by then. Skip to 2015 and I was very happy to see the shop was still there! I always connected the shop with Norbert, he was there most of the times I visited the shop each year. I knew a bit of his involvement in the Freddie celebrations, but never how much he did! We, the Queenfans, owe a lot to him and he will be sadly missed. From now on a glass will be raised when visiting Montreux, in honor of Norbert and to remember him. I wish all his friends and family lots of strenght in these sad times.
Ciao Norbert,
the sad news of your passing shocked me. We used to write each other to wish each other well and chat about the Montreux celebretion days. We will miss your friendship your smiles your kindness to all the Queen fans who loved you so much and to all the people in Montreux.
But I am sure that all we have to do is look up to the sky above your lake and we will find you there like a new star, the brightest. I toast your lonely journey, as we would have done together, my friend. A big hug to Lucien and all your wonderful family. Always in my fondest memories. Thank you for your friendship.
RIP xx

Angelo from '39 QT
Hi Norbert,
I will remember our conversation at your shop and on the boat for Freddie’s tour together with Phoebe.
Rest in peace my friend, Montreux will miss you. ❤️

In silent remembrance of
Norbert Muller
Initiator and co-founder of the Freddie Celebration Days in Montreux.

 My heartfelt condolences to the family and all the lovely people who were close to him and knew him. We will miss him dearly, his kindness, his wonderful stories and his shining eyes when he told us about Montreux and his experiences. In April 2024 we still had lively conversations and laughed together. I was in his bazzar again in September and missed him. Now I have found out why he wasn't there. He passed away quietly.
I am so sorry. May he rest in peace....
Cher Norbert, nous t'avons rencontré en 2009 à travers la musique de Queen. Au fil du temps, notre connaissance est devenue une amitié sincère et loyale. Votre présence à Montreux nous manquera lorsque nous viendrons vous dire bonjour même de simple passage. Merci pour tout. Nous nous souviendrons toujours de vous. Un gros câlin à ta famille. Sérénelle et Beppe 
Say Hi to Freddie from us all! Thank you for keeping him alive, you will be remembered with fond memories!
Dear Norbert, you will be sorely missed. Thanks for everything
Une gentillesse saluée par tous, et une grande disponibilité et bienveillance envers l’ensemble des fans de Freddie Mercury et Queen qui se sont succédés à Montreux, que ce soit pour les Freddie Celebration days ou d’autres visites dans l’année. Merci pour les échanges sympathiques notamment au bazar suisse, et merci pour toutes ces magnifiques initiatives qui permettent aux fans du monde entier de se retrouver chaque année. Beaucoup de tristesse à l’annonce de votre disparition… Toutes nos condoléances et notre soutien en pensée à la famille, reposez en paix cher Norbert ️
You will be forever missed our dear kind friend Norbert. You were a bright light in dark times, a kind soul to so many strangers who passed through once, or returned many times and became friends. You made everyone feel special and so welcome. Your smile was as big as your heart and your enthusiasm was infectious. Thank you for everything you did. It is so hard to really believe you are gone from this world. However, I sincerely believe that your spirit will live on and that perhaps somewhere, somehow, when the right time comes, we will meet again. My condolences to your family and all those in sorrow over your passing. Montreux will be a different place without you
Cher Norbert,
J’ai eu la chance de pouvoir te rencontrer à Montreux il y a quelques années, tu étais d’une incroyable gentillesse. Tu étais l’âme de Montreux et de de toutes les festivités,en particulier les journées dédiées à Freddie , et du Marché de Noël.
Tu vas nous manquer. Repose en Paix.
Norbert was a very special man. So kind & friendly.  In 2019 I visited Montreux with three friends. On the morning of our departure Norbert came & opened the shop early so we could go there one more time before heading home! Thank you for caring  you will never be forgotten
I didn’t know him but he sounds like a wonderful man..I hope he is now with Freddie!
N - o way you could miss him in Montreux
O - rdinary, yet si luminous
R - are, in all his kindness and generosity
B - rave, giving he could for others
E - nthusiast, involved, motivator
R - est in peace, Norbert
T - o all your family and the Queen fans community, we are all family. Therefore, we will all miss Norbert... Love to everyone 
Thanks Norbert for everything. I’ll never forget your kindness.
Norbert, la gentillesse, l’amour, le partage et la passion incarnée. Tu as rempli tellement de cœurs de bonheur avec ton sourire et ton accueil dans ton magasin. Toutes ces heures passées avec toi, à discuter et partager sur des sujets différents ( en particulier sur Queen et la musique en général ) resteront gravées pour toujours dans ma mémoire. Tu étais une des personnes qui me faisaient me sentir autant chez moi pendant mes séjours à Montreux, qui n’auront aujourd’hui plus jamais le même goût. Merci de m’avoir tant appris. De m’avoir raconter toutes ces anecdotes. Merci pour les rires. Merci pour tout. J’ai été très heureux de te connaître. Tu vas me manquer, et manquer à beaucoup de monde. Toutes mes condoléances se tournent vers ta famille, et tout les gens qui t’aiment. Repose en paix mon ami.
The memories that remais are eternal.
I am glad we had the chance to meet you.
R.I.P Norbert Muller.
Quand j étais près de vous Cher Cher Norbert, je me sentais encore plus près de Freddie.
Dès notre première rencontre nos liens étaient tissés forever
Lydie et Jules ❤️❤️
Comme tout les êtres chers comme tous les amis tu seras toujours dans notre cœur.
We still love you ❤️
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Dearest Norbert, This is such a huge shock- you will be so deeply missed by all that had the privilege of knowing you. I was so honoured to have been your friend all these wonderful years and with so many lovely, very special memories of which I will never ever forget. God bless you. My thoughts and condolences to your dear family. RIP precious soul xx
Merci d'avoir croisé nos vies et de les avoir embellies par votre gentillesse et votre bienveillance.
Vous resterez dans nos mémoires et ancré pour toujours dans nos coeurs. Pensées chaleureuses pour Lucien et toute la famille ❤️
His Life

Norbert Muller

September 16
Norbert and Bazar Suisse were for us inextricably linked. We first met in the 80’s when his amazing toy and souvenir shop was an Aladdin’s cave for small people.   Gradually the toys and cuckoo clocks gave way to more and more Queen gear and I doubt a Queen fan exists anywhere in the world who, if in Montreux, didn’t enter the portals of his shop...Bazar Suisse.

Norbert was a phenomenon, his zest for life, his devotion to Montreux, and his passion for Freddie Mercury and all things Queen knew no bounds. He was the custodian of the Freddie statue working tirelessly with the Commune to keep it in immaculate condition. When some lunatic painted Freddie bright green, it was Norbert who alerted the council workers at dawn and it was clean by 8.00 am.  

In the ‘90s Norbert started the annual Freddie Mercury Fan Celebration which became Montreux Celebrations and the hugely successful Christmas Market was his brainchild.

We are going to miss him…his friendship, his love for Jim, and his support for the MPT gave us such a special bond. He was unique, a one-off. Thank you Norbert for being you and for your over-the-top crazy enthusiasm. We salute you.

Claudia and Jim Beach

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Durant notre premier séjour à Montreux, nous avons découvert le Bazar Suisse et rencontrer Norbert. Sa gentillesse et sa passion pour Queen nous ont marqués.
A chaque visite dans ce petit paradis, nous ne manquions pas de revenir nous ressourcer dans sa boutique.
Reposez en paix cher Norbert
Et merci d'avoir embelli nos vies.

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