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Sincere sympathy to Norbert's family on his passing.My daughter Aimee and I,Moira visited Montreux twice and he along with Rita were helpful kind people ,the true spirit of what the Freddie Mercury celebtations were about
May he Rest in Peace
All our sincere sympathy from County Cork,
Southern Ireland.
Toutes mes condoléances et soutien à votre famille. Nous ne pourrons jamais remercier assez Norbert de son investissement pour les fans, et de sa bonté si naturelle.
Je reste avec ces souvenirs de lui me conseillant et discutant bienveillance, m' installant une chaise afin que je puisse dévorer les 45 tours: " Installez vous. Vous êtes bien? Prenez le temps de regarder..." Un ange...
Il était l' une des personnes capables de donner une âme à ce lieu qu'est Montreux. Il manquera beaucoup.
Il sera pour toujours dans cette boutique, souriant et chantonnant au son de Queen.
Courage à vous
Norbert and Bazar Suisse were always my first port of call when arriving in Montreux, the best welcome ever.
I would always say goodbye before leaving Montreux. I'd call in daily in-between too for the chats we'd share. It still hasn't fully registered that I will never see Norbert again. I truly missed his presence this year, his hugs, his smile and his enthusiasm.

Norbert was the spirit of Montreux.
My visits will continue as a huge Queen fan, bittersweet memories forever ❤️
Norbert was a close and dear friend to us both.
He was always so happy to see us, always trying to bend over backwards to help make our many visits to Montreux over the years even more memorable.
He will be sadly missed, but we will continue to visit Diane, Sita, Lucien and all the others in his amazing store.
But some of the Montreux magic will be missing without the wonderful Norbert.
Rest in very well deserved peace. dear friend.
I should end the way you always did, "Love and Peace".
RIP dear Norbert✨ My condolences to his family and friends❤️
Thank you for everything you did, you wonderful man
Dear Norbert!
You were my first contact in Montreux when I came for the first time to „Freddie‘s Memorial Day“. Open for any question, friendly and hartful. In the following years we always had a nice talk when I came to Montreux.
Your dedication to Queen and Freddie was obvious and full of joy. You are a big loss for Montreux, Bazar Suisse, Freddie Celebrations and for us all, Freddie fans and friends!
Now, I‘m sure, you will rock heaven with Freddie together!
My warmest condolences to his family! Heidi
My friends and I took a quick trip to Montreux in 2022 and met Norbert when we went into his shop. He was warm and welcoming and a fixture of the Queen community in Montreux. He will be dearly missed by all who crossed paths with him. My deepest condolences to his family.
Thank you for making our time in Montreux special. Keeping Freddie memory alive. You were one special person. Sleep tight my friend.
RIP cher Norbert toute mes condoléance et courage à la famille et proches , votre gentilesse et présence me manquera comme cette année un grand merci pour tous ce que vous avez apporter au fan de Queen.
Sincères Condoléances à Lucien, à toute la Famille avec mes pensées affectueuses .
Norbert reste associé pour moi à Montreux, Freddie, Queen. Les souvenirs restent et les moments partagés avec lui durant ces années au Bazar Suisse , aux Célébrations Birthday Freddie, au Marché de Noël ! toujours attentif ! . Toujours accueillant Norbert. Repose En Paix Norbert et tu restes dans mon cœur et mes pensées.
Merci Norbert pour ton engagement. Les fans de Freddie du monde entier qui ont un jour visité Montreux sont en deuil et touchés de ta disparition .Montreux ne sera plus jamais pareil sans toi. Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer.❤️
che la terra ti sia lieve. Grazie per tutto quello che hai fatto.
Un grande abbraccio a Lucien e a tutta la famiglia.
Montreux ne sera plus jamais pareil sans ta si gentille présence mon cher Norbert
Reposes en paix.... Tu seras toujours dans nos cœurs
Un grand monsieur nous à quitté. Lui qui nous partagé et nous permettais de vivre cette passion commune de Queen à travers toutes ses actions . Un homme que nous n oublierons pas . Toutes mes condoléances à sa famille , ses amis et collègues . Puisse t il reposé en paix .
Norbert you where so dear to me my friend I have too many good memories of you from day one thanks for everything I will miss you so much say hi to Fred and Dave Richards my thoughts and prayers to your family fly high with the angles love forever rest in peace my dear friend Colm ❤️
Norbert était mon ami. 45 ans qu'on se connaissait bien. Il m'a connu tout jeune enfant. Il était hyper sympa et souriant. Chaque année, j'avais toujours plaisir d'aller le voir au Bazar Suisse. Nous discutions de Queen, The Struts, Marc Martel et le Mountain Recording Studios. Il va énormément me manquer. Repose en paix mon ami. Toutes mes condoléances à Lucien et à sa famille.
What a legacy you left behind, Norbert! Thank you for your enthusiasm for all things Queen and Freddie Mercury, and for making Montreux Celebrations all they are today!

And thank you for giving me back my glasses after I lost them during another legendary Montreux party :-)

Love and strength to your loved ones. <3
Norbert was one of the first people I spoke to on my Queen Productions adventure over 20 years ago and the memory really does make me smile. I had not met the band yet or spoken to anyone at the record label, and only just been introduced to Jim Beach a few days earlier, but on my very first day I had this delightfully warm and quirky man from Switzerland greeting me over the phone like royalty, yet pestering me to stock his Freddie statues in our online store! I never told him this, but it really helped calm my early nerves about being part of this huge Queen machine. I wish I had thanked him.

We got to know each other more and more over the years and seeing him on my regular trips to Montreux was always a highlight, he just made you feel good, and he even granted me a cuddle with his beloved granddaughter in the middle of the shop a few years ago! His character was infectious and it has clearly been handed down, as I now have a great friendship with his son, Lucien.

The celebrations next year down at the lake and in the casino will be sad, but as we do with Freddie, we shall celebrate loud and proud and raise a glass or four to our great friend, Norbert - The Godfather of Partying in Montreux!

Rest In Rock
Norbert, it was such a pleasure to meet you. Your commitment to Freddie's legacy and the annual celebrations was dynamic and limitless.
You have now left a legacy of your own and we will never forget you.
A wonderful man, sadly missed.
We visited Montreux and your shop for 19 years and every year was asked for a photo, you gave up so much time, always smiling saying What again!!!… we were treated like royalty, we missed you this year, and then the terrible news, we loved you Norbert, give Freddie a hug, thanks for the memories 2005-2023….
RIP Norbert  In 2018 On my first visit to Montreux, I visited your shop I didn’t know anything about you or your connection to Queen/ Fred  Your welcoming demeanour was memorable and I will never forget it  I still have a replica Freddie statue which I bought from you 
Norbert you were very special. One of the kindest and thoughtful people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. It was always a joy to see you. You will be missed by many and never forgotten.
May you rest peacefully.
Rest in peace Norbert,

I never had a conversation with you, but my first two trips to Montreux, your presence was such a fantastic vibe. You've helped create a Mecca for us Queen fans. I've made some amazing friends thanks to the Montreux celebrations.

Sending love to all your closest friends and family. "Only the good die young " xx
Thank you for your dedication to Freddie and making it possible for us all to celebrate. R.I.P
Condolences to the family.
I met Norbert only one time in Montreux, so I didn’t know him well. I was hoping he would’ve been in Montreux this year for Freddie Days. He was there in spirit. He’s done a wonderful job creating the Celebration Days for Freddie, bringing all the love and admiration together, meeting new friends with great experiences and allowing us to learn a little bit more about Freddie. Thoughts and prayers go out the family. RIP Norbert. You will be missed by many.
I first met Norbert in 2022. It was my first time in Montreux for Freddie Celebration days. It was actually my first trip abroad, so every experience was a new one. I loved Norbert immediately and would visit Bazar Suisse several times before I left. When I returned to Montreux this year (2024) the first thing I wanted to do was go to the store and see Norbert again but was sad to hear that he wouldn't be there for this year's celebration. I was told he was on holiday.  I was so disappointed that I wouldn't get to see him this year. After all, it's not every day that you get to travel from the US to Montreux. When I got home and heard that he had passed, I cried for a while. I didn't know him well, but he helped to make my first trip overseas a memorable one. We will miss him terribly and I send my love to the family and friends who loved him. R.I.P.
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