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March 28, 2021
March 28, 2021
Aunty words can't describe how much I love you ❤. Buh God knows the reason for wat he did. Keep resting in the bosom of the Lord. Ur memories can never be erased from our hearts.
March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
For sometime ago this year, I had the urge to call you on phone but couldn't. However, I never had the premonition that the strong urge I had that moved me to call you on phone at about 8:00pm on the 14th day of March, 2018 even if it was late, will be the last time I will ever speak with you on this earth. We spoke and chatted well on phone for quite a long time that night, that made me wonder if you were actually in labour as you did inform me that same night and we bade each other goodbye after I had promised you that in the morning I will check on you at the hospital. In the morning being Friday 15th March at about 7: 45am your thoughts filled my heart not knowing that you were being snatched away by the cold hands of death and about 8:15am we got this distressed call of your depature. My dear Uju, our relationship was that of sisters and not just neighbours, I lack words to write this because I know you are not dead but resting in the bossom of the LORD. For that I will ask death- where is your sting and where is thy victory? I will miss you mama Ifuu, that night proceeding the morning you left us, you said that Honey has forgotten you but fortunately he also spoke with you after which he bade you good bye not knowing that that will be the last conversation you will both have on earth, indeed Honey will miss you. Mama Ifuu, you were an outspoken lady that hides not your feelings afterwards you let the sleeping dog lie. Rest on my dear till we meet in the LORD JESUS CHRIST to part no more.                                     Nne jee nke oma.                Adieu Obianuju!                 Adieu mama Ifuu!!               Adieu mama Nne my love!!!
March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
Life they say is a separate entity to everyone. I never know the world will be this wicked and heartless until i received the sad news of your demise on Friday night 16th march 2018. The news disorganized the humanity in me because i never imagined it to happened so soon because you were full of life and happy the last time i spoke with you on phone exactly one week ago 9th of march 2018 informing you about my coming to Awka for interview and possible visit to see you and your children. I never knew it will be my last discussion with you on this earth. I remembered the last time i came to Awka with some of our siblings, you cooked a delicious meal for us and was calling all your yard members to come and exchange pleasantries with your siblings: me,my wife Afoma, Nonso my immediate elder brother,chika my second eldest brothers wife from my mother side and her children. We were very happy and our Joy that day knows no bound. That joy we share with you has now turned to sorrow. Death why?
From the beginning of my early life, you have been my source of inspiration trying to meet up with you. I have always listened to your sisterly advice and issues as it relate to me. You have always been there for me in time if distress whenever i walk up to you with my issues. You motivates me, pray for me and above all always wanted me to excel in life. The success i share today in my life, part of it comes from you. Without you i wouldn't have imagined to study harder during my school days. The role you played in our family to remain together as one will always remain evergreen in my memory. Thank you for all the efforts you have put. Its a pity i have to say it in your death. I will always remain grateful to you for been there for me.
May Almighty God grant your soul eternal rest in HIS bosom. Rest in peace my beloved sister Obianuju Juliana Nnatuanya. Till we meet again to part no more. Weeping!!!
From your beloved brother
Sylvester Okafor Amuluche.
March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
It all started at the late hours of Thursday when you texted me “Nwannem please am on my
way to the hospital, please your prayer is very important”. My reply for your request was
“OK noted. The Lord is your strength and will grant you safe delivery, Amen”.
After Mass on Friday morning, on entering my room around 8.00am, your husband’s phone
call was coming in and I picked the call full of expectations, but distressing news that you
delivered and that the child died. I caught in immediately consoling him that the one that
would stay would come, but he said that is not the issue Father, “MY WIFE IS BLEEDING”
and the phone went off. I called back immediately asking him to give his wife the phone, but
all I could hear was my sister calling me “Father Father” in a deep groaning voice. I told her
to hold on that I am on my way to Awka now, for I knew there was trouble. On my way
another call came in “FATHER, MY WIFE IS DEAD”. I ignored the message, but on
getting to Awka low and behold it was true. Then I realised the loss of a precious treasure in
my life, my second mother, and I would never again hear her call me “NWANNEMOO”.
Ujunwa, why couldn’t you hold on for me to at least say sorry to you. I have known you for
quite a long time now for having strong will, but the cold hands of death snatched you way
from us. You left this world quietly and un-noticed, but your departure left us with so many
questions for God like the psalmist “Why have you forgotten me? Why do I go mourning
oppressed by the foe? With cries that pierce me to the heart, my enemies revile me, saying to
me all the day long: Where is your God?” I was also strengthened by the same psalmist who
asked me “Why are you cast down my soul, why groan within me? Hope in God; I will praise
him still, my saviour and my God. Uju, I am convinced that your death would end in praise to
the greater glory of God for the happy repose of your soul and for the good of all you left
behind to mourn you.
The resurrection of the dead which you believed when you were alive and again, honest,
generous, humble and transparent Christian life you lived which so many people testified to,
was the source of our consolation. Now with St. Paul you can confidently say, “I have fought
a good fight to the end, I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith; all there is to
come for me now is the crown of uprightness which the Lord the upright judge will give me
on that day… .” 2 Tim 4: 7-8.
Good night Ujunwa! Laru na udo Nwanne Fada! Till we meet to part no more.
March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
The 16th day of March, 2018 was a dark day to me and my entire household when the shocking and sad news of your demise was received through a phone call from your dear husband, Mr Tagbo Nnatuanya. It was untimely, unwarranted and unbelievable that you have left those kids of yours motherless at this early hours. The pain of your death is still great in our hearts.Your memories and legacies as a young mother and pillar of Tagbo's household will forever be remembered. We mourn you as we believed that God Almighty knows the best and will take good care of those you left behind and also will give them the fortitude to bear the great loss. May your gentle soul rest peaceful in the bosom of our Lord ....Amen 

Ezechi Kenneth & Family
March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019
It is so disheartening, sorrowful and heart breaking writing this tribute at this time. Death ! is an inevitable end of every mortal, which must come anytime and hour,we can't question God why now because He is all knowing God. Obianuju, as I fondly called you and in return you will call me Chikaodili,you were part of my family that my husband nicknamed you Obianujunwam .Our blissful friendship commenced like a sparked light. You were courageous and a brave
woman who never tolerated injustice and prejudice. Your slogan was "equity and fairness". One of your principles as a teacher was, assessments must be marked by subject teacher and not students, of which, you maintained this principle till your death. You completed marking of your mock examination scripts before child birth.
On that fateful day, being 16th March 2018, when the news of your demise was announced to me by my husband , I was dumbfounded. It was just three (3) months I lost my sister ,you stood by my side to comfort and gave me hope of a better tomorrow not knowing another great blow was coming.
Today, am supposed to be rejoicing and dancing but am weeping over your life less body.what did you expect from you husband, Nneoma,Evangel and Precious to do in this wicked and selfish world without you? I pray that God will give them fortitude to bear your loss.
Obianuju,you were a woman of great faith, you never relented in anything concerning God. You placed God first in all your endeavors. A woman with a golden heart ,benevolent and kind nature is no more,people around you felt your impact physically and spiritually. You were involved in every aspect of my life and did everything in your power to help me achieved my goals.
Obianuju,you were the strong pillar of your family.You will be sorely be missed by all and sundry. You death has created a huge vacuum in our lives which will be difficult to fill. Your memories and legacy shall comfort us as we wait to join you on the last day when trumpet shall sound. We are going to miss your smile and words of encouragement.
Obianuju, you died in thy Lord, I strongly believe you are with your creator. I know you are in a place full of joy and peace. A place where sickness, sorrow, pain can no longer over power you.
Sleep in thy Lord my bosom friend and sister, till we meet to part no more. See you on the resurrection morning.
Adieu Obianuju!
Jee nke OMA Ezigbo Enyim!!
Ifeanyi Christiana Chikaodili

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