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February 14
February 14

I’ve been dreading writing this because putting it into words makes it real, and I badly didn’t want it to be.
I have so many fond memories of you. You were my first point of contact with Rendeavour, and it was a pleasant and seamless candidate recruitment experience with you.
You got me a Fitbit when mine spoilt. You didn’t have to, but it was such a thoughtful gift and gesture. I remember you taking me out to lunch on my first day at work to help me settle in. I remember our banter. I’d stop by your desk every time I was overwhelmed and you always welcomed me with your usual “how na?” or “how goes it?”
You’d tease me and call me Indaboski. You also consoled me when I lost a dear friend.
I remember the late nights at the office, reviewing documents and ensuring that everything was excellent. Only the best was good enough for you!
I also remember the disagreements. We didn’t always agree, but it never mattered because we’d discuss the issues and go back to our usual banter, no hard feelings.
You sent me a heartfelt email on my last day at Rendeavour, which I’m now so grateful for, as I can keep referring to it anytime I want to hear from you.
Even after I left Rendeavour, you checked on me, and we kept in touch, although not as often as I’d have liked. I thought we had time to build a proper friendship, outside of the usual blurred lines of work and play, but God had better plans.
You were so full of life and energy, and you lit up every room you walked into, and that’s how I’ll always remember you.
Till we meet again, rest well, Odems!❤️
February 14
February 14
Dear Odema, words fail me. You were an Angel in human form. Knowing you was a great privilege. I will miss you so much. You can never be forgotten. Always in our hearts.
February 14
February 14
From the first time I saw and met you when we were kids and yet again as adults, you were constant, a light born for the world to behold. As it seems dark due to your departure, all you have left is more light and precious dear memories. Love unending and a hope so wonderful.
I join your family to say thank you to our Creator for the opportunity of you Odema. Because you lived, all will be well when your story resurface especially in the lives of your immediate family. Rest now truly in the bosom of the Lord. You will be sorely missed.
February 14
February 14
Odema this is unreal.. I have no words. You are such a kind person, no wahala person. I have spent hours thinking… God knows best because I don’t understand.
February 13
February 13
This is still unbelievable. I am struggling to form any meaningful words. What I know for sure was Odema was the very best cheerleader you could ask for. Her care, enthusiasm, passion, and love for others was fierce and deeply genuine.

What will fill this void she has left behind?

I met Odema in our 1st year at Kent and we instantly hit it off. Our friends named us Tom and Jerry - we were always running around like mad geese, engaged in friendly battles - this was our way. Throughout our uni days our friendship grew into a deep and profound love. We cried over our heart breaks, laughed over our wins, danced our hearts out over our losses and started again.

All the summers we spent together creating fun memories in Harrow and Kilburn will last forever in my mind. More recently, whenever OD was in Ghana, which was a lot, we always had an awesome time. Days filled with laughter and more laughter. Ah, OD all the things we planned to conquer, to change, to create and to retell will never die. You breathed hope, love and pure joy into me and into so many - for me, that is your legacy.

Odema you were a gem. A true gem.
I pray over all of your beautiful family, and especially those two beautiful babies, that God comforts them in a way only He can. May you become the Angel to them that you were to us all in this life.

I will miss you sooooo much my dearest OD.

Rest well in the bossom of the Lord.
Love always
Nana Akosua Serwah Arthur
Aka Nasa
February 13
February 13
Dear Odema ogbe,
That's who i remember you as back then in FGGC Gboko. You spent a short time with us but touched lives. I remember u as a sprinter for purity house and an intelligent high flyer in your class. Your departure to Regina pacis in JS 3 left me wondering if I'll ever get to see u again. Alas! I never did till this sad news hit me today. Earth has lost a gem but heaven gained an angel...
Rest in perfect peace sweet soul
February 13
February 13
It feels so surreal to be writing this, saying goodbye to you. This shouldn’t be so. This is so hard to swallow. Rest well Odema. You are love, you are light and You are loved❤️❤️❤️.
February 13
February 13
Dear Odema,

Your personality was beautiful and your soul, kind.

May God grant consolation to your family and friends.

Rest in the warm embrace of God. Amen.

February 13
February 13
Odema… I honestly don’t know what to say.

It feels unreal. How exactly is there a forevermissed page for you? Makes no sense cuz.

I’m sorry. I’m sorry cuz, I’m so sorry.
February 13
February 13
Odema!!!!!! My fondest memory of you will always be our brilliant and good natured class captain of JSS 2C who helped keep us out of trouble. Rest in peace Odema. May GOD comfort your family, siblings, parents and loved ones.
February 13
February 13
I was really shocked to hear of your passing. I still have a very vivid picture of you from secondary school. You were a beautiful soul, quiet and peaceful with a very pleasant smile. I pray God grants your family strength and may He also grant you eternal rest.
May angels lead you in…. ️️️
Rest in peace Odema ️
February 13
February 13
Dearest Gode,
A gentle angel,ever so cheerful, kind and generous.
We go way back to boarding school days, you were like a younger sister to me,as we all watched you have a positive impact on your family, friends and colleagues. You will be greatly missed. I pray for your entire family and friends to have the strength and fortitude to bear so great a loss.
May your gentle soul rest in peace, Amen 
February 13
February 13
Audemars my friend my forever stylish friend, small in stature with a mighty personality.
Queen of pixiecuts and good vibes.
Always bubbly and smiling.
My darling heaven just got one heck of an angel.
I will always remember your “i am in kenya what can i do ” texts, our random bants about anything and everything. You were literally a judgement free-zone, a safe space.

Your beautiful wedding which is forever etched as a core memory in my heart. Our covid lives on IG with Og, Linda, Jay, Bukky, Ofure and all the queens that kept me sane during my darkest time, ah God you surely know how to choose angels.

Heaven just got lit with you in it.
You will be missed.
Rest in power and good vibes. Heaven has welcomed an angelic baddie!
Love you always
Yvette a.k.a Amaka
February 13
February 13
The news of your passing came as a shock to me and even now, I still can't believe it. You were always warm, friendly, and kind each time I met you. It's been a long time since we last saw each other, but that didn't take away from the great memories my family and yours shared at family events and gatherings.
I pray that God sends peace and comfort to your family and gives them the strength to bear this loss.
Rest in perfect peace dear cousin.
February 13
February 13
Beautiful Odema❤️
You were one of the most beautiful people inside and out that I know. You always had a smile, even when you were seemingly angry lol, always pleasant, and peaceful. Words cannot express how much of a loss your passing is to all of us. We miss you. Rest in Peace ❤️
February 13
February 13
Odema,it’s very hard to come to terms of your passing….This is too much to bear. You were such a sweet soul even though it’s been awhile we last saw each other but we never failed to keep in touch after secondary school (Regina Pacis). May God grant your soul eternal rest and comfort your family especially those little angels you have left behind,your parents,brothers and sisters and all your loved ones…you will be greatly missed
February 13
February 13
Wow Odema!

I'm still short of words

You were indeed a shining light loved many and I'm glad that we crossed paths in life. Farewell my friend
February 13
February 13
I would shout "Od!!!!" and you would say "Neeeeeeksss!!!". My darling Odema. It breaks my heart to be writing this tribute but I find solace in my memories of you which was always joy, giggles and fun. Rest on beautiful Od. May Eternal rest grant unto you and let the light of Heaven shine upon you. Amen
February 13
February 13
My dearest cousin Odema, I honestly cannot believe the news. Even though I have not seen you in a while, I still have memories from when my siblings and I spent a holiday with your family, and I remember your kindness, warmth and smile. I was looking forward to meeting you again, but unfortunately, that will not be possible. To those you've left behind, I extend my heartfelt condolences and prayers for strength during this difficult time.
Rest in peace, my dear cousin you will forever be missed.
February 13
February 13
Is hard for me to believe that you have left us but God knows best.i pray God almighty grant your soul eternal rest.amen
February 13
February 13
Even tho it hurts we celebrate you as your life here has had an imprint on everyone that has encountered you. Thank you for honoring us with your presence we wish you stayed longer. We love you but God loves you more. Rest well!
February 13
February 13
Wow. A huge loss for friends, my brother and all who ever knew you. Feels like yesterday when I saw you in Lagos in December 23. A wonderful charismatic, focused and ultimately very gentle and genuine person. I can only believe that God needed an angel in a hurry and wanted you by his side. He knows best and will keep and comfort all those you left behind. We miss you and know you’re in a better place. Rest in Peace forever.
February 13
February 13

My fine girl no pimples glowing skin …. This was not the plan . It hurts so much . I got the rude call on Friday morning saying Odema is gone … to this I said to where, hoping I would hear Baltimore or somewhere….. Kai Kai Kai …. You bowed out sha …. Its rude , it hurts , it’s cold
Odema we shared so many stores and painted so many happy endings… I was delighted when God came through for you and brought Olu and then the twins and occasionally I would say to you Odema you have left me in singleton alley … you would say Ladymak !!!! Soon… never did I imagine you would leave for good . So sad . You were so so loved and cherished. I pray that you watch over the twins from up there always . Loved you in life and even more in Death .

Till we see again and dance the streets of gold together asking God for answers…

Sleep well Beautiful
February 13
February 13
Dear Odemzi, I struggle to find the words right now. It still feels very surreal that I have to write this. You were such a genuine and down to earth person. Always kind, caring and considerate. 2 years working with you became a lifetime of friendship and family. It hurts to say it, but goodbye and rest in God's grace. Till we meet again.
Omada Okpe-Dangana
February 13
February 13
Hmmm, this is a tough one and like all shocking losses very difficult to process.

Odema, rest in perfect peace, as your younger cousin you were always so kind to me and I remember you as very bubbly and always smiling.

I’m praying for strength and comfort for everyone you’ve left behind especially those closest to you.
This is a big blow but we trust in the Holy Spirit to do His work and bring comfort and healing.
Based on all the testimonies so far, you touched so many lives and made an impact - I hope you knew how loved you are and how much you will be missed.

Rest in perfect peace and may the lights guide you home ❤️
February 12
February 12
Dear Odema I struggled to find the words to put down. I thought maybe it I didn't write it down it would not be real. But as the days pass the reality of your passing is finally dawning on me. We had recently connected after a long time apart and it was so easy for us to get back into the flow of our friendship like time had not passed. You were so excited and scared about becoming a mum and I reassured you that you would be so great at it and I know that you did an amazing job with the short time you had with the twins. I had hoped that one day we will be able to see physically and reminisce on our amazing time in ray pacis. I remember the night we spent in the hallway of the hostel talking until the day broke. There was something so special about the way you drew people in and I hope you realized how much you were loved and admired. Rest in God's love Odema. He loves you much more than we ever could. ❤️
February 12
February 12
Odema….. still trying to understand this loss.. my baby sister ! My friend.. I can hear your voice I can see your smile. Ever so gentle.. the Bible tells us we should trust God .. I am trying I Believe you are with the angels in heaven . But we miss you so much and can’t believe it’s final. Ody babe rest in peace. I wonder if you can see us.. we are heartbroken… I miss you I miss you Odema ..
February 12
February 12
You are so amazing Odema. I fondly remember all the calls and negotiations. Then there was the laughter about various topics. Thank you so much for everything. I miss you. God bless you.
February 12
February 12
Odema my dear, I still can't believe that this is so real. You are forever LIGHT and your beautiful smile will keep us strong knowing that truly you were born to leave a great impact. God has gained and angel and who are we to question him. Rest well my girl !!
February 12
February 12
My darling Godey,

How do I write this? What happened to our plans of meeting up this year? Odema the realest G, you were the best big sister a girl could ever ask for, you always listened, you were always present, and you were always so gracious with your kindness.
I keep seeing your smile, I keep hearing your voice and I am still confused but I am extremely glad I got to meet you, you will always be loved. You were light and you were love. Thank you for everything.

Rest in Peace Odema.
February 12
February 12
What a loss!

I would never have the right words to describe how I feel but I am really thankful that I met you and that we became much more than colleagues. I will still keep my last promise to you when I visit Lagos.

God bless you my dear, sleep well.
February 12
February 12
Ody Baby, I cannot even believe I’m typing this. Only a week ago you sent me a lovely birthday message as you did every year never missing a beat. So much to say and so many memories. I’m grateful for the bundle of joy and energy and laughter that you are to all of us. I am thankful that you know how much you are loved and celebrated and that in your too brief time here, you showed us how to be happy. My bonus sister who always managed to match my madness thank you so much for being a light in our lives. You’re forever loved baby girl - I don’t know how, but we will be ok, your babies, your parents, siblings and your dear husband and your other brothers and sisters. We will get through, we are shattered beyond belief- but I know we will get through this. Love you forever Go-Ode
February 12
February 12
Odema ,this is quite sad,I always saw you as a very smart girl back in the days at Fggc Gboko.Although you were my junior but I admired you from a distance.Its sad that the earth has lost such a gem like you.Rest on my dear sister and may God console your loved ones.
February 12
February 12
To think that your last message to me was "I'm in Heaven" - who knew that would become literal? Sigh. Thank you for everything Odema - thank you for making my transition so smooth, thank you for always being available and for believing in me every step of the way. You'll be missed. Rest in perfect peace. Love from one of your PPGs ❤️
February 12
February 12
I can't believe I'm typing this, it's surreal. Odema was our baby Sister in UJ before she left to England. She was the sweetest girl, always looking out for everyone, my almost birthday mate. 20th May was always about you even when we lost touch. You were just about to start to enjoy your life but it's been cut down in your prime. I pray for your family that God gives them the fortitude to bear this loss, I pray for your baby girls growing up without their Mum that God will Mother them himself. Rest well Odema, say hi to Ahubi of you see her
February 11
February 11
Odems... not you... not you with the endless supply of energy... Everyone who met you felt your positive impact. You will be sorely missed, and you will remain alive in our hearts.
February 11
February 11
I have gone back and forth in my head the past few days trying to will a different outcome. Always bubbly and smiley Odemz. Double OG!!!! This one is too much. Rest well my Oga! May God wrap His arms around all who love Odema especially her family and friends now and forever.
February 11
February 11
Odema, you were always so sweet and so pleasant. Your warm but bright smile always lit up the room. I remember the last time I saw you, you mentioned your twins had just turned one and I was super shocked because I didn't even know you were mama Ibeji. So much of life happening. I'm super glad we embraced. Keep resting in the sweet bossom of the Lord and I pray for peace and comfort to the loved ones left behind.
February 11
February 11
Gosh! This feels like a bad bad dream that I don’t think I’ll ever come to terms with.
You were such a smart, kind, warm, bubbly sweetheart. I’m happy our paths crossed and glad to have called you a friend. we had so many great and hilarious memories together that I’ll cherish forever.
So much to say, but my heart is heavy…
I miss you my darlingggggg ❤️❤️❤️.
May God comfort and strengthen your family and friends in this difficult time, because this is a lot!
February 11
February 11
Odema! You were so kind with such a gentle and beautiful soul. This is painful! May God accept your amazing soul and may he comfort your loved ones. Rest in Peace Sis!
February 11
February 11
I still can't believe you are gone, Odema. I was just still talking about you like an hour before I heard the news of your departure. You were so tender and always ready to be a shoulder to lean on. May your soul rest in perfect peace.
February 11
February 11
Audemars! Kai this one pain o. May your sweet and gentle soul rest in peace.
February 11
February 11
My Mom broke the news to me and I am still in shock. I cannot believe this
February 11
February 11
Odema. I cannot believe this. How painful is this. You were nothing but kind. Please rest in peace. We will miss you.
February 11
February 11
You left us too soon mama. Thank you for the priceless moments. You will forever be missed. Rest in Power, Rest in Peace Odema.
February 11
February 11
In loving memory of Odema, a dear friend whose light touched us all. From the joy of secondary school to the adventures in London and the heartwarming reunions in Lagos, her laughter echos in our hearts. Thank you for your invaluable help with 245 Creative. May God watch over her beloved twins, guiding and protecting them always. "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18
February 11
February 11
My dearest Inlaw, this is hard to believe. Just waiting to hear that it’s a lie. Memories are all I have and when they come, I smile. From our days as side mates in secondary school to our trip to Croydon, and so many more. You’ll be missed inlaw. May God grant your soul eternal rest and comfort your family! Until we meet again my one and only inlaw.
February 11
February 11
Odema was my senior colleague but importantly a good friend. Her words of encouragement after my surgery and her support in ensuring I was comfortable.

She was my go-to person when I need approvals done asap and issues resolved. Her words were always " Sunday don't worry it will be done, just send a mail and put me in copy" and doing that always does the magic.

I will miss her energy, her smile, her encouragement, her hugs and calling me " Sunday, the power ranger"

May GOD continue to comfort her family on this great lost. Rest on my dear friend/boss.
February 11
February 11
Words fail Me. My fingers are weak to type.
I have never been so confused.

In the tapestry of life, some threads shine brighter than others, weaving moments of love, guidance, and cherished memories. Odema, a beacon of light in my life's journey, was not just a Boss but a guiding force.

Her unwavering dedication to excellence and her boundless compassion touched the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing her. Odema's leadership was not defined solely by her professional acumen but by the depth of her empathy and the kindness she extended to everyone she encountered.

Beyond the confines of the office, Odema's presence was a source of solace and warmth. Her laughter filled the room with joy, she had a way of making the world feel a little brighter, a little kinder.

Today, as I bid farewell tears flow freely, mingling with the memories we shared. But amidst the sorrow, there is gratitude—for the precious moments, the invaluable lessons, and the enduring love that Odema bestowed upon me.

Though she may no longer walk beside me, her spirit will forever live on in the lives she touched and the hearts she uplifted. May her memory be a beacon of light, guiding us through the darkest of days and reminding us to always lead with love, compassion, and grace.

Rest in peace, dear Odema. Your legacy of love will continue to inspire generations to come.
February 11
Too many fond memories, way way too many - hoping those memories be enough to fill the void you're leaving behind! Glad I got to encounter your AMAZINGNESS.
Sleep Well Dear Friend.
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