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Missing you even more

December 22, 2018

well dad its getting close to Xmas and I sit and wish you were here with us I miss how we would just sit and talk I can still see u sitting outside ur trailer in ur chair enjoying the weather. We miss u dad

Miss you dad

June 23, 2018

dad today you have been gone two years and i still need you everyday wanting to hear your voice to hear you say old dad will help you girl its the little things i miss so much dad and I know ur with me everyday i just wish I could see u and hear you .. 

Best dad ever

June 18, 2018

he came  into my life when I was 4 years old and became my father. We have had our ups and downs but he will always be my dad after we would fight it was like five minutes later he would be at my house like nothing ever happened and when  me and Rick got married my dad had him drinking moonshine on the morning of our wedding, we got lost and was late to our wedding but no matter what that memory will always be with me when ever i start to miss you dad i think about you and remember everything even the smallest thing's you did dad i love you and think about you all the time 

                            Love lotta lulu 

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