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June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
Tribute from Tokunbo Oguine (nee Alonge)

What can one really say at this time?
This is painful and sad, but God knows best.
I remember you as a brother-in-law, a brother in Christ, and simply as a brother.
I remember you as a darling and devoted father to my nieces, Ruby and Moyin, and nephew, Tobi.
Many happy memories - at home, at TCA, at family functions - that go on and on.
So much to remember, and remember again.
Rest in Peace, Dr. Femi. God truly knows best
June 27, 2023
June 27, 2023
Hummmm! "The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart: and merciful men are taken away, none considering that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He shall enter into peace: they shall rest in their beds, each one walking in his uprightness"
Isaiah 57:1‭-‬2

So is the case with my able Leader, Mentor, Zonal Leader, and Pastor; Dr. Olufemi Osideko; though a vacuum has been created but still rest till we meet and never to part anymore sir.
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
A great leader with an uncomplicated faith. May God continue to console his family and keep them strong.
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Dear Pastor/Dr.Femi Osideko,

I was in shock that fateful day, when I stumbled on a Facebook post, with your picture ,stating ''gone too soon"!
I couldn't believe it.But it turned out to be true and I thought to myself;
Oh death where is thy sting?

Who can question the Almighty God who 'knows the end from the begining.'

You related so well, even when you may not have seen someone in a while.
You were a good Man,Man of God and a great doctor.
Always smiling,you were ever willing & ready to assist,encourage,advise and pray for one, when the need arose.You would listen without complaining, even with your tight schedule.

I will not forget this particular one; some years back, when we met you at the hospital & you took it upon yourself to ensure we got help quickly.You introduced my husband and i to a physiotherapist.You would call him to make sure he prioritized our case, even though it was at almost no cost.
We appreciate you even in death,thank you.

It's so sad you're truly gone.
You'll be dearly missed!
But we take solace in the fact that, you're resting in the bosom of your creator.

We pray the lord to rest your soul, comfort your kids, your wife, the Capital Assembly Church family, everyone who knew you & would miss you.

Farewell Pastor Femi,
Farewell Doctor!
Rest In Perfect Peace.

Patience A. Bepo
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Dr Osideko … I can’t believe I am writing a tribute.. the heartbreak your demise has caused is so much.. somehow I believe as much as we love you God loves you more I know you have gone to rest in his bosom.. You were such a good friend always advising me and giving me counsel.. you ll always be remembered. May God give your family the strength to bear your absence.. Rest in peace Osideko…
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Dearest Uncle Femi,
My dear uncle, It's so hard to say goodbye. I remember when mum and dad got your wedding invite, I was more excited than the couple getting married. Your place of residence might not make us connect as such, but your works and deeds was known all over. You were a lover of God & people. Gentle and peaceful. I never knew our last meeting will be at our aunty's 60th. We miss you and love you, but God loves you more. Rest well dear Uncle. The osideko family will greatly miss you forever. Till we meet again.
June 26, 2023
Hmmm, Pastor Femi, it is indeed hard to write this tribute because when we met at your mother-in-law’s funeral in Lagos 3months back, you were so full of life! Your usual boisterous, jovial and kind heart. My sons had come to tell me: “Mummy we met a Dr Femi who asked if we are your sons? Waow, I sought you out and the reunion was heart-warming. I had imagined more of these moments in the future but…….. our Heavenly father whom you loved and served so well (right from University Days) had other plans. We submit to His will.
Back in MEDILAG, you were my pastor. You were sacrificial, you taught God’s word with passion. You administered with fairness and integrity. You were so matured in your approach to things that when many of us realised how old you were then, we had no choice but to agree that the saying, “age is nothing but number” is so true concerning you because you operated mentally way above your chronological age. You were a pastor in the real sense of the word, you not only ministered spiritually to your flock, you also saw to our welfare. Your efforts made some of us (dedicated but relatively financially-challenged members) to become recipients of a bursary award by a kind alumnus of Loveward Fellowship, Pastor Femi Ayankogbe.
Being that our homes were near in Festac, I got to know your sisters especially Dupe who became a friend and sister to me. The kindness and care continued from her. Then you became my good friend’s (Bimbo) brother in-law and so we were privileged to meet at their family functions.
Pastor Femi, you will be greatly missed because you have been an awesome personality to many. I pray for comfort and strength for your lovely wife Dayo and the children. The kindness you have shown to many will be multiplied on their lives. Adieu my Pastor, Friend and Brother. Rest in the bosom of the Lord whom you loved and served with zest.
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Hmmmmmm! You will be dearly missed Pastor Femi. Always there when I call you for advice medically, you never sound tired of taking my calls. I don't know why but God does and I trust Him cos He knows best. It is well!!
June 26, 2023
June 26, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi,

I love you.

You are one person I connected with so fast... One conversation, and that was it... I loved the real and I loved the wit. But for time, we had such potential to just stay there... talking.

It has always been something I couldn't resist - a good conversation, a very meaningful one... Even better when godly, and immersed in humour. That's how it was with you that first time, how it has since been.

You hadn't known me that long, yet you were most generous with your encouragement and admiration... You never hid it. And I could relate because it's also who I am - the one fully naked in my affection for others, especially those who capture my heart like you.

Its so hard, feels really hard to engage, to imagine, to fully realize that "that" life, full life, "alive" life is done here.

We didn't get to say goodbye, I didn't get to say goodbye.

I wish I knew... wish I got to tell you I love you all the time... Wish I got to sit with you just a little while, just one more time...

I still want to hug you...

There's so much I had in store to say to you, to gist you about..The time wasn't there, so I had countless conversations with you in my head while I waited - I've shared things really personal with you in my head, cried to you in my head, laughed hard with you in my head, and ahead, I always pictured your - enthusiasm, smile, humour, random comments, amazement... 

I already miss that.

I wonder if my appreciation of you to you mirrored enough, I hope they did times I gleefully expressed that your words were timely and accurate.

You were my most favourite person in TCA. I ever so pictured myself having the opportunity to say that to you someday, openly... it would have been on the stage, and you seated in your usual corner, on your usual sit would nod and smile enough for me to know that you hear me...

This is my best bet now.

I feel i didn't get to fully express that God confirmed things to me through you but I truly hope you saw the gem and friend that you were in my eyes, in my smiles, in my hugs.

This one truly hit hard and I had to process ... But thanks be to God Who has these past days helped me to understand properly that I was "endeared to a messenger"...

That's who you were Pastor Femi - God's messenger to each and everyone of us you encountered and impacted, so that when you smiled and cheered and prayed and spoke and lifted etc., It was actually God doing all that.

You were God's messenger and a fine job you did of it sir... Crazy hard as it is, knowing this will make it more bearable with each passing day.

I'm glad I met you... Eternally grateful that I met you. It was only 3 years, but very meaningful they were for me. And your legacy,... Christ's legacy through you of "Real, Intentional and Personal" will ever stay with me.

Rest on my beloved pastor and friend... See you on the other side - you're one person I look forward to seeing in heaven.


I was endeared to a messenger
In him I delighted
In him I enthused
For his eyes for me, his warmth to me
But I did not know a messenger he was

I was endeared to a messenger
In his admiration I revelled
In his validation I nestled
For Nakedly he showed, and excitedly he told
But I did not know a messenger he was

Kings and kingdoms must pass away
So alas his time it came
And while I despaired of the vacuum left
Then my eyes began to see

Kings and kingdoms must pass away
Yet remains the words and warmth
As ones from the Loving One
So now I know whose ways I loved

I was endeared to a messenger
He stayed his course, an herald he was
And grateful I am for the message his was
From the King, through His king

I was endeared to a messenger
I've been endeared to messengers all my life
Eternally grateful for them I remain
For joyfully living the Sender's Love

Sleep on God's messenger - I love you dearly, I love you forever.
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Pst Femi,
I'm bereft of words to express how I feel. It's unbelievable because you were one person that was so full of life.

Pst Femi, you were authentic; you modelled service, faithfulness and love. You were loyal to a fault, an outstanding quality l could really relate with. You were everyone's doctor and Pastor. You always saw the humorous side of things which made you an awesome encourager. You were down to earth and honest. And above all, you really cared about people. 

My only regret is that I didn't get to tell you all these things when you could have really appreciated it.

Pst Femi, it pains me to pen down this tribute. I've struggled for days, but I guess I just have to accept that I won't be seeing you anymore on this side of eternity.

Rest on MOG, rest on Pst (Dr) Femi Osideko.
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi
What a shock to hear of your transition!!

Your passion for God and His kingdom from a young age, was remarkable.
You made sacrifices cheerfully for people and touched so many lives through the years.

May the comfort that only God can give sustain and strengthen our family and loved ones.

Indeed you left your mark, and I pray your legacy speaks for your loved ones in all their endeavours.

Rest well in the bosom of our Lord.
Good night!!!

Ibiye Briggs
June 25, 2023
June 25, 2023
So many beautiful things has been said about this valiant soldeir....that has laid his sword down,may his beautiful soul rest in peace...we bless God for the work he has done for the Lord and the many lives he impacted from his Medilag days @ UNILAG....MAY RHE Lord comfort the entire family and the church he left behind in Jesus name amen
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
To my Dearest Pastor Femi

I honestly wished I am not writing this now. I dreaded this day so much that I prayed and interceded when we waited in faith to receive you I guess God wanted you to be at his side now and as a believer, I understand that to be absent in this body is to be present with the Lord.

Since I met Pastor Femi through my husband in 2010 shortly before our wedding it's been wonderful. The same love he had for my husband he extended to me as well and the two families became closely knitted. Pastor Femi was a big brother and a Pastor that was a call away, he was there in every moment we ever experienced as a couple and then as a family

In his later years, I have come to experience him personally, beyond our family level. He has a name for me ''WOTY'' an acronym for the award of Wife of the Year that I was honored with within the Church. He will say, "You are WOTY and you remain that forever". I have had moments when this role had been questioned Pastor Femi s voice hailing me and calling me "WOTY" was always a big encouragement.

Pastor Femi Your sudden demise taught me that life is transient and that my impact must begin from the moment I realize it. It was like you knew this from the beginning, you hit the ground running. Your 51 years were so impactful and it felt like Jesus's 33 years that changed the whole world and our lives forever till eternity. You touched lives with your callings and your gifts; you care for our bodies and you minister to our souls. Your consistency in everything is unfathomable and I believe you are Graced for it. God bless Your Soul Pastor Femi. You lived well

This is the scripture I received about you Matthew 27:54
[54]When the centurion and those with him who were guarding Jesus saw the earthquake and all that had happened, they were terrified, and exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!”

The Powerful testimonies about You everywhere are proof that You are indeed the Son of God, You did life the way Your Father wanted. Heaven will be rejoicing over you now.

Thank You for everything Sir and You will always be a part of our lives.

Till we meet to part no more Pastor(Dr)Femi Osideko.I love you Forever. Rest in Peace!
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
To my Dearest Pastor Femi.

 In 2006, when you led the TCA team to minister to us at the Kubwa NYSC Camp and you began your personal affection towards me, you took me on as your own. Thanks to your constant support and encouragement since then, I've been able to accomplish many great things.  

Thank you for all the great times that you ministered to me in the Word of God and kindness, in your usual way you were all over me hailing and motivating me a few weeks ago. You extended the same love to my family.

Words are not enough My Pastor... You used all the gifts that God gave you to make Christ Known.    

Thank you for the last days of hope and strength that we had to believe in God for your full restoration, but I guess you desired more to be with your Maker.
I am glad for the access and it’s an honour to be loved by you as my brother and pastored by you. I will forever treasure this love PF. I Love You till eternity.

The journey continues.

 Ayodeji Aluko
June 24, 2023
June 24, 2023
Pastor Femi…..
It is so hard to accept that you are truly gone and we are now having to write tributes in your honour.
You were more than a Pastor; you became a good friend, brother, co-adolescence parent, confidant and encourager. How do I begin to write about the many prayers, words of wisdom and health consultations that came forth through you and brought victories?
Our conversations were always open and sincere and long; you were my person.
Pastor Femi was genuinely interested in people’s well-being and always had something to say to make everyone laugh.
Looking back now, I wished I had cherished our moments/conversations more than I did.
I am grateful to God for the gift of you.
Your passing is painful; but we surrender; Lord we surrender; we surrender to the will of God.
We take solace in knowing that you are in a better place.
Rest on beloved Pastor Femi.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Dr. OluFemi Osideko has been our family doctor for 23 years, His impact and love for our family are beyond what words can express.

We became close when you were resident pastor of the Capital Assembly city centre branch. I was your mentee and friend. We did visitations together. We traveled to preach on behalf of our SNR pastor together.. you inspired me deeply. You were a mentor to me.

Knowing you as a covenant brother, a friend, and doctor has been an amazing and beautiful journey.

Hearing about your last critical health conditions was shocking to me, I had to cut short my retreat to set up a ministerial prayer team, and we prayed at 6 prayer watches daily for 12days while you were in Coma.

We prayed,and prayed and fasted,yet you didn't want to come back.

We are still in shock.

But we trust that you are with our Heavenly father in a better place and we will never forget your impact and presence in our lives.

We love you Big Brother always.

Forever we will miss you

Rev. Olusegun Alalade and Family.
The Champions Assembly Christian Centre Minna Niger state.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi myself and Pastor Noble bid thee farewell as your demise is a hard shock to us but we know you are with your maker resting in power...thank you for all the love you showed us when we worked in TCA were a great source of on
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Pastor Femi my families number 1 physician , my personal person, my brother. O ma se o, my heart bleeds from the news of your passing. You were a man of God, who served till the last day, a good friend,a great confidant and a helper to all. Your smile brings joy and peace to everyone around you. I am blessed to have known you, you were always available for others no matter the time, you gave your time being a helper to all. I still remember the powerful prayers you gave during my 50th birthday celebration (11 years ago) and I can boldly testify of Gods goodness in my life till now.Pastor Femi your kindness and memories will forever be in our heart. Sun re ooo.
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
In loving memory of my dear Uncle Bafemi, a treasured member of our family and a true blessing in my life. Uncle Bafemi, you were not just an uncle; you were a guiding light and a source of endless joy. Your friendly nature and warm heart made every moment spent with you truly special.

You had a special way of bringing us together and creating wonderful memories. I'll never forget the times you took me and my cousins to the movies, treating us to laughter and excitement. Your presence made those outings even more memorable and enjoyable.

You had a knack for giving everyone a unique nickname, and I was blessed to be called "Slimi" by you. It was a term of endearment that reflected the close bond we shared. You made me feel special and loved, and I will forever cherish that.

Today, we mourn the loss of your physical presence, but we find solace in the beautiful memories we shared. Your kindness and love will continue to inspire us in our lives. Your absence is deeply felt, but your spirit will forever live on in our hearts.

Rest in peace, dear Uncle Bafemi. Your memory will always bring a smile to my face, and I will carry the lessons you taught me throughout my journey. Until we meet again, I will hold onto the love and joy you brought into my life.

"And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away." - Revelation 21:4

June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
This is so shocking

You were loved by so many Pst Femi,
You’d never be forgotten
Rest on sir️️
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
It's really hard to come to terms with your death, dearest Pastor (Dr) Olufemi Osideko
But IAM consoled I was able to say thank you before your transition to the great beyond.
Even though you didn't wait to hear the word we talked about.
We where everything in one body,
I can't question God.
I take solace knowing that you are resting in better place.
May God console all those you left behind
Especially you beautiful Children, and the entire church.
Rest in power God's general.
Sun re Egbon ati oremi
Lola Agara
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Words fail me! It came as a rude shock to hear of Femi's sudden demise. I met Femi in 1985/86 through a youth Christian group called Power Pack in Festac, Lagos, the group was led by Sola Olufolabi, John Isa Ibrahim, Cyprian Adaba etc. Femi was one of the youngest members of the study/prayer group then. Despite his age, he was very fervent, jovial, loved the Lord and very passionate for the things of God. His love and Zeal for God continued after he gained admission into Unilag to study medicine. All the tributes I have read also testified that the love he had for God grew and continued all through his life. I believe and I say this always, that it is not how long one lives that matters but how well. Jesus lived a short but impactful life as some of the great apostles. Though very painful but we cannot question or query God but we all have this witness that Femi has gone to be with the Lord that he loved and served well on this side of eternity. A gallant soldier has laid down his sword! I pray for his parents and family that the Lord comfort them on every side, that never will it be said that any member of the family experiences such sorrow again. Rest on Femi, make the angels laugh as you made people laughed. This is goodbye and not goodnight for we will meet at the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Fola Sonowo
June 23, 2023
June 23, 2023
Uncle Bafemi was a kind, loving and godly man.

He was even my father in the spirit.

Uncle Bafemi was wise, and he always guided me on what to do with my life.

He used to leave his house to come to mine to spend time with us and teach us more about God’s word.

May the Lord bless and keep him in His embrace.

June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Pastor Femi (Dr.) am still short of words, still doesn't seem real. Even with your tight schedule you still had time to pick your call and listen to whatever the issue was your first approach will be to pray and then give counsel. I still believe that God knows the best. May your gentle soul rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Oh dear, this is such sad news. I have not seen Femi since Medilag but I know he will always be remembered as a part of my faith journey.
May God’s comforting arms surround all his loved ones. May the legacy he has left behind and beautiful & pleasant memories light up their hearts as they navigate the darkness of grief. And may God’s grace and mercy lift them all up IJN
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Dear Pst Femi,
It's so difficult to accept that you are not here anymore.
We can't question God. He knows it all and we judge Him faithful in all things.
You were a great encouragement to my hubby and I. I called you (hubby's biggest fan in TCA) You welcomed us with that broad smile, a hug and always a word of affirmation.

You asked questions about my health the last time we saw and gave quick tips on what to do. You were a good man with a kindred spirit. I'm glad you were a blessing to me.
Rest on soldier. We will miss you greatly Pst.
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
I remember Femi very well. Lovely chap.. had a smile on always back then in Medilag. He was already leading flock to God then whilst a lot of us couldn’t be bothered sadly. His was a true calling! May your soul rest in peace in the bosom of the Lord where you belong perpetually,
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
I am typing through the tears…pretty unreal, unbelievable!

Pastor Femi Osideko, my Medilag Campus Pastor…a great man of God. You were love and patience personified. You raised us with the Word of God at barely 20 years old. How did you become? How did you combine the rigors of medical school, becoming a scholar of the Word and ministering to your mates weekly? This needs to be told!

Though we occasionally kept in touch via phone calls and WhatsApp chats, the last time I saw you was in January 2019 at the 50th birthday celebration of Dr Yemi Amusan (your Deputy Pastor). My story cannot be told without the impact both of you had on my life

I am dazed and pained. My consolation is that you definitely have a mighty crown awaiting you in heaven. You have done well Brother. I will miss you.

I pray for God’s comfort, protection and guidance for all your loved ones

Rest in Power General 
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Dear Pst Femi.I can still remember vividly your gentle,kind words of advice you gave me concerning my health during our last ingathering.
You are a good man.
Keep resting in glory.
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Chief supreme!!!
I am lost for words
From house job to residency to medical politics to growth in personal life, you played major roles
I cannot question God!!!

I remember when I was asked " why does this Doctor always come to the ophthalmology Dept to say hi"
I smiled and responded he is my boss! And he cares for his boy!!

I really cannot question God

By Faith I know you are in a better place
I will really miss you sir!

Our conversations always ended with affirmations from me saying how refreshing it is to talk with you

This one leaves a sour taste sir!!!!

I pray for comfort from the almighty to you family
Adieu My chief, boss, colleague, My friend!
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
May your soul rest in peace Pastor Dr. Olufemi Osideko. We will miss you.
June 22, 2023
June 22, 2023
Dear Pst Dr Femi,
Your demise still remains a nightmare to me, never did it occur to me that the prayers you made to me over the phone few days to the day the wicked sickness struck you which ushered in ur demise was your way of letting me know that you will soon be transitioning to that beautiful city. You will forever be in our hearts. Rest in power my dear Pst femi , see you on the resurrection morning
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pst Femi, I know you wouldn't trade where you are now for a thousand tomorrow's and that's the only comfort. Even as I write this the tears well again in my eyes cos I think it's only just hitting home that you've gone home so soon.
See you soon!
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pastor Femi
Thanks for all the years of encouragement. You always reminded me of the hand of GOD in my life. Your selflessness was so loud and you had a way of making tough issues seem simple.
I personally miss you but I know you are with the LORD.
Rest On Sir.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
How does one begin to pay a tribute to such a one?
Femi, our armour bearer, a son, a brother, a friend, a confidant, a solid partner, our personal physician, faithful support, a true founder, a loving encourager, a relentless warrior, and a faithful Christian.

How does one describe what you are to us? You were a shoulder to lean on, a devoted co-labourer, a fearless counsellor who spoke the truth in love and with kindness. You were ever willing to grow, improve and be more. He was always willing to grow beyond his faults and weaknesses and was patient with the shortcomings of others around him. He was there at every milestone in our lives, every glorious mountaintop experience, and even in the darkest pits and valleys we have endured.

You were the loving uncle to our children, always affirming, inspiring and supporting them. You were a shepherd to the church, a teacher of God's word, and a model of leadership. Your children, my nieces and nephew, will forever be proud of their daddy.

It is so hard to refer to you in the past tense because you were so everpresent in everything and at every time. Words fail us...

We will always love you, Femi.
Till we see you at dawn, fare thee well...

Bob & Teju Alonge

"If I had wings like Noah's dove
I'd fly the river to the one I love
Fare thee well, my brother; fare thee well

Well, I had a man, strong and tall
He moved his body like a cannonball
Fare thee well, my brother; fare thee well

I remember one evening in the pouring rain
And in my heart was an aching pain
Fare thee well, my brother; fare thee well

Fare thee well, my friend; fare thee well
Fare thee well, my armour-bearer; fare thee well."

Adapted from the song by Song by Marcus Mumford and Oscar Isaac

June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Sometimes I wish it were a nightmare from which I would eventually wake up! It’s so sad to miss you so soon on this side of life’s journey. Your warmth, humility, love, kindness and faith continue to resonate even now that you’re not here with us. Sleep well my brother, rest well soldier. We shall see on the other side when our own assignment here is done as well.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pastor Dr Femi Osideko!
You will definitely be missed Sir! You touched my life in a very special and unique way.
The way you exemplify leadership by going first
Your unique way of asking about my family by calling everyone's name and waiting to genuinely get a feedback, even when I seem to be in a hurry.
The many times I have called to seek for your medical advice concerning our members and you will not just give the advice but follow up and ensure they are well taken care of.
The way you celebrate my little wins in church and make me see myself like a great achiever!
The many words of prophecies and profound encouragements.
A great team leader!
Your death taught me a great lesson Sir
Oh, how I wish you stayed longer but
Thank God we know where you are! Joined the cloud of witnesses
Rest on ever cheerful Pst Femi
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Dr. Femi as I used to call you.You were a dedicated brother, friend and genuine Christian. My son wanted to do internship after he came back from China. You took it upon yourself,eventually he was posted to Asokoro Hospital where he spent 8months. I told another medical doctor in Lagos testimony of you qualified as consultant family physician, he became consultant O& G. Each time I had issues with my son I called you and you will counsel him. Your love for God and your 3 children was second to none. I pray for those children, Light of God will shine on their paths in Jesus name. God will direct their steps in Jesus name. They will not mistake enemies for friend in Jesus name. I believe you are with God. Dr Femi,good night.
Heaven has gained a soul.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pastor Olufemi, a true friend, brother, Doctor, leader and pastor. You showed me by example what true humility is! There is so much to say about you, yet the pain of your departure makes it difficult. I have been trying to write but each time I try my hands begin to shake! You were an embodiment of love and encouragement put together. We will miss you greatly and deeply. Rest on till we meet to to part no more.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Still in shock after hearing the news of your sudden demise. I will surely miss our humorous talk.
Rest in heaven's glory my Pastor, Brother and Friend.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
My dear Olufemi Abiola,

Okunrin meta, humble Shepherd, Ore mi timotimo... you fought a good fight till the end. I was there and I could see it...
I didn't see this coming, I would have asked we sit more often to talk about the things that mattered. I had really thought we would be sitting on your or my porch deep in our old age...
The one thing I know is you gave so much to so many but above all God and your family especially your three beautiful kids were the centre of your life.

You filled and held a huge space in my life from way back with warmth, love, compassion, faithfulness, loyalty and unwavering support with a healthy dose of your usual boisterousness.... ooh how I will miss these.

You were a pillar I could count on Olufemi, a cheerleader... you appreciated the littlest things in people!!! No one was too small for your attention or a conversation and your smile was always upfront....

You were that friend I could arrive to his house without warning at anytime of day

My unseen backbone,

my brother, my friend, my earthly 'angel'...

Gone too soon

June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pastor Femi, you will be greatly missed!! Continue to rest in the bossom of the lord .
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
I’m still praying for a miracle, it’s hard to come to terms that you passed, though you transitioned to a better place, this one hits hard. You were selfless in your service, you were kind. Rest in peace Pst Femi.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Pastor Femi, you were my brother and the pastor of our Loveward fellowship when we were students at medilag(LUTH). I still remember your jokes and smiles. You made a positive impact in my life while in school and I will forever cherish those moments. We chatted not long ago, I never knew that would be the last. Your children and wife are in good hands because God will surely take care of them. To live is Christ, to die is gain.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
In loving memory of my dear Uncle Bafemi, a remarkable man whose kindness, warmth, and unwavering support shaped my life in extraordinary ways. Uncle Bafemi, you were not only a beloved family member but also a mentor who played an integral role in my journey.

You were affectionately known as Uncle Bafemi to me, a name inspired by my mom who lovingly referred to you as "Brother Femi."

I will always cherish the memories of our playful times together. When I was younger, we would sit in front of your computer, playing games like Jenga, stacking blocks virtually and sharing laughter. Those moments created a bond that transcended age and brought us closer.

Beyond our digital adventures, there was a day when we ventured outdoors to play a game of badminton. The joy and excitement filled the air as we rallied back and forth, reveling in the simple pleasure of competition and shared moments of fun. It was a testament to your willingness to engage and create lasting memories.

But your impact extended far beyond our leisure activities. Your love and care embraced every aspect of my life. From the moment I entered this world, you took on the role of my doctor. Your expertise and care guided me through life's challenges, from asthma attacks to moments of "jedi jedi." Your dedication to my well-being went beyond the ordinary; you were a guardian angel.

Beyond the practical help, you were a constant source of wisdom and guidance. Your quick science lessons and explanations helped me navigate the complexities of the world around me. And whenever tensions arose, your loving intervention in family situations, cooling Mommy down when she was upset, showcased your ability to bring harmony and peace.

You were a pillar of strength in my life, offering guidance and assistance in every aspect. Whether it was setting up "TechTime with Jola" or providing a listening ear during difficult times, your presence brought a sense of security and assurance.

As we bid you farewell, dear Uncle Bafemi, we do so with heavy hearts, grateful for the profound impact you had on our lives. Your kindness, generosity, and selflessness will forever inspire me to be a better person.

Rest in peace, dear Uncle Bafemi, knowing that your memory will forever bring us comfort and inspiration. Your legacy of love, guidance, and joyful moments will continue to shine brightly in our hearts. Until we meet again in the presence of our Heavenly Father, I hold onto the precious memories we shared and the profound impact you had on my life.

Goodbye, Uncle Bafemi.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
Gone so soon but we cannot question God. He knows what we don't know. I can never forget the encouragement and prayers you always say for my family infact everyone in my family both home and abroad where broken when they heard about your death  I pray that God will give all of us the grace to bear the loss in Jesus mighty name amen. Pst Femi may your soul rest in peace in Jesus mighty name amen. We love you but God loves you more.
June 21, 2023
June 21, 2023
The Golden Son.

Your Impact on Earth is Eternal.

My dear Uncle, The World has lost a Golden Soul.

I miss you.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
My dear brother and friend. I will forever miss you. We talked about anything and everything. I regretted not seeing you on that Monday. I knew you wanted to share something with me. You loved you family so much and never missed the opportunity to talk about them and fulfilling their needs. You told me you would live for the children and give them the very best. It was a rude shock to hear of your passing on. What will happen to all the big plans you had for them???
You fought everything but death. May your soul continue to rest in peace Amen l.
You will be missed.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Ahhhhhghhhh!!!!!! Pastor Dr Femi! You exchanged Mortality for IMMORTALITY!✝️

WE lost one of the most selfless, dogged Pastor and Doctor who dedicated his life in helping others and going out of his way to make others happy, with a BIG SMILE!

Hmmmmmm! We Reflect on the Extraordinary Life and Legacy of Pastor Dr. Femi. Unforgettable!!!!!!

It was such a pleasure to have worked closely with him as the lead of the Protocol Team in our Church (TCA) then. A TRUE trailblazer and humanitarian. In every aspect of the word he was that COMMITED!

Rest in Power Pastor Femi!!! You were such a Gooooood Person! Great man, who tirelessly sought the good in others, to help people, make them happy, smile and to be of Service!

You are leaving behind an enduring and lasting legacy!

With so much sadness, and rivers of tears we say fare thee well! 

June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Femi! Our Femi!!

Femi was our classmate - The Medilag 93+1

We all started life together as Medical Students at the University of Lagos (Medilag) in the late 80's.

Femi was famous for his walk, and work, with God. He was one of the leaders of the Campus Fellowship and it was not unusual to run into Femi speaking in tongues as he walked down the corridors.

Femi was warm, friendly and very approachable. He was always wearing a smile.

We left Medilag and life took us in different directions. Thanks to the digital platform created by our Class; we began to reunite in a chatroom after decades following graduation.

Not long after, we began meeting for physical reunions. Femi was part of the Abuja Crew of our Class.

Femi was one of us.

We never imagined Femi's disembarkation would be so soon. The news of Femi's demise came as a shock to the entire Class. We were all heartbroken at the sad news!

As we comfort one another, we wish you well on your journey to eternity. May the angels guide you into the bosom of Our Lord

As we mourn your loss, we celebrate your humanity. We celebrate the good memories we shared as colleagues and friends

May the Lord bless the family you left behind. Amen.

Adieu Brother Femi
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