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June 20, 2023
Everything still seem surreal to me. I can’t even place my feelings, blank? trance like? denial? Femi, how do I begin to refer to you in the past? This one really hits home. I am terribly broken. Fare thee well my darling friend and brother, Femi. The class of ‘86, FGC Sokoto will miss your gentility, kindness and humility. You were the youngest in our set, but brilliant and peaceful. We would not mourn like those who have no hope but take solace in the fact that we will meet at Jesus feet on the resurrection morning. Soar with the angels and take your deserved rest, Olufemi Osideko, friend of my youth. Words cannot adequately express this painful loss
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
This world is market square, you will be greatly missed in the health and church, heaven gained a soul, sleep Dr. Osideko
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Hmmmm. No words powerful enough to describe this angel. He stands there to welcome me each Sunday I attend service. He goes out of his way to ask after my family with all smiles that even though I want to rush in, I am constrained to first answer him before stepping in to church. He is unassuming and has a good spirit. May the good Lord forgive his sins and bring him into His presence. Rest on Pastor Femi Osideko. You have run your race and have finished your course. You will be surely missed. Boma Otobo
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Still in shock after hearing the news of your sudden demise. I will surely miss our homorous talk.
Rest in heaven's glory my Pastor, Brother and Friend.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Pastor Dr. Femi Osideko was the PR1 of the Love Ward (Word Incorporated) Fellowship at Medilag, Idi-Araba, during the early to mid-90s. I was privileged to be a member of that wonderful fellowship and Pastor Femi was my Pastor. He was instrumental in my decision to stay the course and not give up on Medicine. As a Pastor, Dr Femi would visit us frequently and ask how we were doing. June 1990 will forever be a time I remember. Dr Femi told me I should not give up and to continue in Medical school. I thank God, because indeed things turned around after his prophetic word from God. Pastor Femi showed us love and pointed us to Jesus. We had two Singing groups and ministered in song and in worship at other fellowships, churches and multiple venues. I first learnt Hosanna Integrity music at Love Ward and still am blessed by their ministry until today. Pastor Femi encouraged us to minister to the Nurses at SON. We ministered on the hospital wards. I look back at those days and remember that the LORD was there with us indeed. God bless you Pastor Femi. In Jesus Christ’s Name Amen. Kindest regards from Yetunde Ogunlesi
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Care and Warmth.
It's remarkable how easy it is to find the words that describe you. Maybe it's because of how ridiculously consistent you were with these traits while here with us.
I'm glad I got to say thank you and appreciate it while you were still here with us. Yes I'm disappointed, but I'm glad to have known you all my life. May you live on in the hearts of everyone whose life you impacted!!
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
…Hmmm… It feels like a bad dream… words fail…the pain is deep… the sadness is real…

Your LEGACY of a prayerful life, service to God, your loyalty, genuinely caring for people, helping others, sacrificing and giving your ALL to our children will continue and be built upon.

Nobody can fill the gap you left OluFemi.

With love
Temidayo Osideko.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Chai! my dear covenant brother and friend. Your life was a great blessing. Am deeply sad by your loss, my beloved friend you may have left us far too soon but your loving presence will remain in our hearts for ever. I will miss you till we meet again.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
What can I say. I am still shocked by your passing. Pastor Femi was a great man of God. A gentle soul. I can’t forget the message he preached on Christmas morning some 20 years ago on the meaning of Christmas. Pastor Femi you came, did your part, and today you are with your Lord. Well done faithful child of God. We would miss you. Praying for your family.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
It was with so much shock we heard the awful news that Femi had passed away.
I remember first meeting Femi on the second floor of Mariere Hall Unilag in 1987 during our preliminary year as we started studying Medicine.
He was so smiling and friendly as he called out to me with a humorous chat about life in the hostel.
In medilag subsequently we weren’t close but he always took time to chat or smile.
Many years later he would ring or text me with very encouraging soothing or clarification words though we hadn’t seen for numerous years. Yet his words didn’t reflect that.
He was such an asset to our university medical set which we fondly term 93 + 1 .
A lovely man indeed that has gone far too soon.
May his soul rest in peace. Amen.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Hmmmmmm. It is hard to say goodbye but this is a hard truth that we must accept. Your gentility, humility, simplicity and humble nature is making it difficult for all of us to come to terms with what has happened. You have gone to rest. May the Almighty God forgive your shortcomings and give all us especially your family the fortitude to bear this great loss.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
My Chief Osideko,
Your dedication, humility and contribution to medical profession is quite admirable
Your death was a shock to me and your name will forever ring a bell in my photographic memories. Thanks for being my teacher in the profession. Your advice and teachings will remain a guide for me now and beyond. Rest on Sir
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
you came!! you saw!! you conquered!!; we will miss you greatly ,go ahead and wear your crown of glory.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
The news of your demise was a rude shock to me yesterday when I heard. I am still finding it difficult to believe that you have left this world. The last time I saw you at LUTH, you were so full of life with your infectious smile. The only solace we have is that, you ran your race, left a legacy and have gone to a better place.
May God comfort your wife, family and all loved ones. Rest on Femi.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
A rear gem, God's own general, a soldier of Christ. Humble and gentle, exemplary, deliberate and purposeful.
You gave your all and we say a big thank you sir.
God be with you till we meet again.

You remember your officiating along side other Ministers if God during my wedding.

We love and miss you great sir. Adius
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
My dear brother and friend. You left us too soon. I could not in any way anticipate this. You became a friend the first day I was introduced to you and have been a good friend all the time. The world has lost. May God bless your soul and grant your prayer for us.
June 20, 2023
June 20, 2023
Mr Osideko,

I count myself privileged to have made the acquaintance of your entire family in the way that I have.
I will always remember you as the perfect representation of a dad.
I am overwhelmed thinking about the black hole your absence has created in their lives and the lives of others who know you. Even without a constant presence, I never forget that I promised to send you a special invitation to my wedding.
What now?

Friday evening we prayed for your recovery, little did we know that you were going to leave us.

What is the lesson?
I know there is a lesson, because you were always teaching, always a guiding voice, always present, always listening in, cautioning.

I cannot make sense of this grief, but I hope someday to make sense of what your life teaches us. Now, it is too hard. Too bitter to think of living in a world devoid of a Mr Osideko.

Rest in Peace.
Thank you Sir.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Pastor Dr. Femi Osideko was an embodiment of selflessness. What an amazing man and gift that ever lived.
His contribution to me and my family was unquantifiable. He was always there, when ever you called. He gave every attention needed.
We will all miss him. We all wished he stayed longer for us, however, God knows the best.
We also thank God for courage and comfort at this season of our lives. May we continue to see God in all.
Rest well my dear Doctor and my Pastor. Even at death, we still love you. We also thank God for all the impacts and the legacies you left behind. Your memory will always be a blessed one!
Good night sir, we shall meet at the resurrection morning!!!
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Oh death!!! Where is your power?
It's still unbelievable that Dr.Pst Femi Osideko has gone forever.
For Me and my family you have been a great encouragement for u. And You are always there for me and my family.
We Love PST Femi Osideko but God Love you more..  Good Night.
Adieu! Adieu!! Adieu PST Femi Osideko
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Oh! Dear Dr Femi Osideko.
Its really difficult to say goodbye
I could still hear your gentle sweet voice whenever we came around.
You were a true representation of commitment and loyalty to the entire CMA & CMC Family, and you will be greatly missed.
We love you and the memories we shared with you are blessed
Adieu God's Beloved son
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
He was a great person...he fought well and hard....but God knows best. I will miss you, particularly on our usual School drop-off times together. Rest now my dear brother....till we meet again at Jesus' Feet.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
It was a rude shock to hear of your demise chief, especially because you were so full of life. I recall how you often teased me of my young looks and I would counter that you were “worse” and absolutely ageless. I remember vividly 2 out of your numerous presentations. One on knee joint examination in your voluntary effort (with Dr Abdulrahman) at getting us to scale the MWACP (FM) and another on spirituality in medicine. The later topic quite adapted for/to your persona.
Not surprising it was your research topic towards your fellowship.

Getting to the peak of your career and as MD, I am sure the medical community and civil service would have had a lot to benefit from your style of leadership. We should not question God, but this is a hard pill.
Quite impressionable is how your smile never leaves your face as you relate with all.
HIS EMINENCE, we nicknamed you. I am not quite sure why this sobriquet. Perhaps it was how you, as one of the pioneer set of family medicine residents of FCTA, carried on with such calm cheerful demeanour, despite the uncertainties at the time. Or perhaps your love for God? How you epitomise the biblical injunction, “be still my soul?” How you spread good cheer and hope even when the tempest rages! I imagine your inner being smiling even on your last days.

My sincere condolences to your immediate family and the host of all who have encountered you. Memories are all we have and etched in our hearts are good ones. You will be greatly missed Dr Osideko. Smile on with the saints.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
I write this with so much pain in my heart. It still feels like a dream.
You were an amazing Man, one who touched so many lives, helped so many, my family felt that same love and dedication from you. You were selfless, you loved God so much, you always had the time to stop and chat whenever we came to church.
Heaven indeed gained an angel. Rest well Dr. Femi.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
It hit me hard!!!!!!
Still unbelievable!!!
You were amiable,you were approachable, your calmness and funny ways you spoke was so warm.
My family has enjoyed your counsel on health issues as we called you regularly.

Dear Pst, brother and friend,we will miss you greatly!! Im still in tears
. I have decided to just keep a picture of you somewhere around me,this way the pain of your loss won't linger.

I will speak to you as though you can hear me,bye dear brother
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Oh no! He was a very kind and ever smiling Doctor.May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace.May God give his family,colleagues and friends the fortitude to bear this loss.
Rest on.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
It hit me hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I'm still pinching myself and trying to speak to you when I know you can't hear me.You were such a friend
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
This is so sad and hard for my wife and I to come to terms with honestly. Pastor Femi and pastor Anne joined us (wed) and declared us man and wife. Pastor Femi cares, he will always ask about your wellbeing, your family, work even future plans and steps on how you intend achieve them. He follows through. Great encourager, an impactor, great man of God. He love his God passionately. Pastor Femi words still echoes in my head sir.
You'll forever remain in my heart sir. I will greatly miss you. Again , is so hard. I don't just know how to...take it. Oh Lord.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
I can't believe that you are gone so soon. It's like the good men & women leave us so suddenly!! You were very passionate & zealous for God & the things of God. May the good Lord comfort your immediate family, extended family & friends that you left behind!!
Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord till we all meet to part no more!
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
My heart is so heavy as I type. You were a friend and big brother to my husband and I, we always came to you for medical counsel especially throughout our fertility journey. You never complained, you never grew tired of us, you just loved us and we knew it. I can’t break this news to Lanre! Rest on big brother till we meet to part no more.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
My brother, friend and colleague. This is truly difficult for me to write. We talked at length recently and we both agreed we should be speaking more often. Ah! MoG as you loved to call me ( and I you),This was not the plan!
You always helped me to see things from a calmer persepctive when we served together in the pastoral team, you embodied a sense of dignity and served God with poise. You were diligent and loyal to the cause of Christ in all you did.
You fought well and have run your race, comforted in knowing that we shall meet again.....
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Pst. ( Dr ) Femi Osideko- YOU Loved God, lived for God, served God, sold out to God .
You saw humanity through the lens of God.
You give the best you can, when and wherever you can...

You served with all loyalty and devotion and dedication.

You have left a void
You will be missed.

God reward your love and service for Him by upholding to the highest level everything that is dear to you that you left here.

Much loved.
Much missed.

- Onyekachi Favour
Snr. Pst., Livingspring Chapel Int'l.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Dr Osideko was such a lovely friend.I met him about 15 years ago and he was always a joy to meet in the hospital were I used to visit as a medical rep.He really inspired me and I was blessed every day by his presence and friendship.He will be missed.May God console his family and grant him eternal bliss
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
It's still unbelievable. Your passing is so heart rending and the pain of your exit still bites so hard. I take solace in the fact that you are in a better place now and I rejoice in the wonderful legacy of service to humanity and sacrifice as a Pastor in the body of Christ that you left behind. May God uphold your family and rest your soul. Till we meet to part no more, rest on dear brother.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Pst. Femi,

Your departure was a blow to me.
The last time I saw you was on Sunday sitting quietly in Royal City. I didn't go near you. I thought "He obviously came for a bit of solitude." So I left. Now I wish I had gone to you just one more time.

It's like you left without goodbye.

You were my very personal Barnabas. Always encouraging me.

I loved watching you parent your children, especially Tobi during worship. It was very deliberate.

Thank you for being a blessing to me personally.

"In total submission to the will of God" now makes more sense to me. I will never forget you.


June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
I was so shocked when I saw on social media that you re gone to meet with the Lord, I'm shot of word's that you're no more in the land of the living.Pst.Dr Olufemi was a kind man that when I was staying with his family @ setraco Quarinpa in Abuja as their Nanny taking care of Moyinoluwa and Seyifunmi,he took me as a sister always advising me,teaching me the way of the Lord till the day I left his family.Seeing his post as a death man on Friday made me cried and shed tears dat a Real man is gone to meet wit his Creator..... May his wife and children take heart and be Strong in the Lord. Pst Femi may ur gentle soul rest in the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ....Sleep well till we meet agn
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
The news of your death came as a big shock and brought tears to my eyes.
I remember the second to last time we met at TCA, you asked that we take a picture together because we never know when we will need the picture. 
I will always remember your humility and simplicity. Our loss is heavens gain .
Till we meet again dear brother.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Dr. Olufemi Osideko!
Words fail me as I struggle to control my tears and articulate my thoughts... I was not privileged to know you for long. The few months were however quite memorable; your love for your family, God and His people was undeniable.

God cannot be questioned but your sudden eternal journey is extremely painful nonetheless. May God strengthen and comfort all your loved ones. Rest well Sir
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Like most people, I’m in shock. I met you briefly during my visit to TCA on the invitation of Bishop Bob and Mama Teju. Our exchange was brief, but I walked away thinking 3 things. 

1. What a lovely smile he has
2. Wow, this gentleman is very handsome
3. He seems like a nice guy

Our faith makes us believe that physical death is not the end. Those you impacted and touched will miss you. 

We thank God for you.

It is and shall be well. 

June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Dr Osideko.Dr Osideko. My MEDILAG brother.My person...
I can't believe I am writing a tribute...That we are talking about you in past tense. I can't believe what I am hearing.
I first met you when you did my pre-employment screen to get into Asokoro hospital for house job in 2008.
We gisted so much, that first day in Wuse hospital and you have remained a huge part of my life since.So much so that you are even dear to my husband. You showed up when my sister passed. You didn't have to. But you did. That whole time was a blur, but your visit and your words of encouragement were burned into my memory.
You visited my mum when she was ill in 2020. You didn't have to. I wasn't even in the country anymore. You encouraged her so much. My sister still talks about how uplifting your visit to them was.
How about how hard you always worked to create cohesion among Drs?Through Drs forum, ARD, ati be be lo. There was no type of person you couldn't flow with. The higher ups respected you. The junior ones were free with you and always could approach you.
I always teased you about how weird the acronym SOFPON sounded. And you would laugh. I can still hear your laugh in my head. We had so many laughs. You were one chief that I could always be free with, and yab and we would laugh and laugh. This world is very somehow. I already know that. But this one, it is hard.
What can I say? May God help us to walk with Him. So that when our time comes, He will say "well done, my good and faithful servant".
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
When the Lord allowed me the privilege to serve briefly with the Capital Assembly under Bishop Bob and Reverend Mrs Teju Alonge in 2009, it was Pastor Femi and his wife Temidayo who first housed me until a place was found for family and I. This was my opportunity to know him up-close. A sweet, profoundly gentle and unassuming brother, he always answered the call of every duty unreservedly.He was a highly accomplished and classy man who used all of his substance to serve. Right now, he is heaven’s gain alright, but the loss of his kind at this time almost brings one to the point of questioning God. But we know better than to do that. Here’s one more occasion to submit to the sovereignty of God however difficult. May we remember Dr. Olufemi Osideko for all the ways he shone so brilliantly in life, and may we honor his legacy by being diligent to always conduct ourselves like he would. May the grace and peace of the Lord’s presence envelop his dear family and all who cherish him at this time. ❤️
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Shock is an understatement on the news of your passing, Femo!
At a point in our young adult lives we were inseparable. We arrived Abuja from Lagos for NYSC (1995/96) and took the city by storm through execution of a successful health campaign project all over schools and hospitals in the FCT. Your tenacity, drive, passion and desire to impart lives was brought to bear and rewarded with NYSC FCT award!
With the same zeal you consistently served in God’s vineyard. Always with a smile and a calming approach to issues.

You’re gone too soon and it really hurts! But you left such incredible legacy that one must thank God for your life as we reflect on ours left to run the race. May God grant your family and all of us the fortitude to bear this loss. Rest in peace my dear brother and friend.
Adeyemi Joy
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023

I was deeply saddened to hear of the ailment which lead to the passing on to glory of a pathfinder and medical torchbearer who lived a life that is worthy of emulation.

Your unwavering commitment to excellence in rendering service to humanity, your kind heart, and your selflessness were some of the qualities that made you stand out from the rest. You always went above and beyond to ensure that those around you felt valued and appreciated, with your outpour of respectful interaction with everyone. Your positive energy and infectious gentle smile could light up a room, and your wisdom and knowledge were unparalleled. The image of the hospital you lead is not the same with what you took over, in the short time you assumed seat, there is a markable positive difference in every department.

As I sit here trying to come to terms with your passing away, I take solace in knowing that you lived a life worth emulating. You touched countless lifes with your kindness, humility and generosity, and your legacy will continue to live on through the many people whose lifes you touched.

Although you are no longer with us physically, your spirit will always remain with us. Your memory will continue to inspire and motivate us to be better versions of ourselves. Rest in sweet peace, Dear Friend, and Medical Director. You will be missed but never forgotten.

With heartfelt condolences.

Adeyemi A Joy
NANNMKuje Chairman.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
What can I say but Thank You Pastor Femi for allowing God to use you to bring me into the knowledge and love of Him.
When I came into medical school and the Loveward fellowship you were my biggest fan, especially of my rap songs. You really encouraged me to discover myself and grow as a Christian. You had this ability to make people feel special. You were down to earth, humble and your smile and laughter lifted the room.
When you visited the UK, you gave me advice on how not to lose focus as my business grows, advice I still observe to this day.
You are a true Salt of the Earth, A City on the Hill that will never be hidden. Shine Forever my dear Friend, Brother, Mentor and Pastor. Till we meet again.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Really a Painful Exit
Dear Pastor Femi
Your death came like a shock and I still feel its a dream. We will not cry so much like we are unbelievers but be grateful to God that you have joined the heavenly host. I can still hear your voice asking Julieth, Are you sure you are okay? whenever you passed by the office. You are always there to encourage and uplift people. You are a special bossom friend to my boss and hope you will continue to watch his back even as a spirit. Rest on Great man of God
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Pastor Femi, we just can't believe that you're gone. Just a few weeks ago, you still commented on Tayo's Facebook picture with your usual wit and charm.
Our story as a couple is not complete without mentioning the role you played (Led by the Spirit of God) in introducing us to each other those many years ago in Medilag. You will always have a special place in our hearts.
We remember how you taught the men in Loveward fellowship to honour and respect the women in their lives, which was not always the conventional wisdom of the time. You were one of a kind.
You have left a lasting legacy in so many lives, and we continue to live and appreciate you.
You remain in our hearts and we are assured that you are resting in the bosom of the Father.
Sun re o!
Folake & Tayo Kufeji
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
You always had a big smile and an encouraging word for everyone.
Rest on Chief, where there’s no sorrow or pain
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Pastor Femi.. Likita.. Egboŋmi....
Last time I saw you was the Sunday afternoon you came over to say hello to Aaron.. A 6 month old member of your Faith Family zone... So special... But that's typically you.

Two days later, I heard you were in ICU..
Today, you're with the heavenly hosts.. New abode. For eternity.

Friend. Pastor. Doctor. Brother..
So many times you made out time to check if I was ok.

The many intellectual conversations..
The educative exposés, the history lessons.. From such a well of knowledge.

Encouragement when I didn't believe in myself.
Always available to offer godly counsel.
I guess just the memories will have to suffice now..

Sing your worship to The One Who has called you home..
Till we come to join the chorus..

June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi,
It sad to know that you're gone but can I say thank you?
Thank you for taking time to love me.
Thank you for never judging me.
Thank you for calling to check in on me and the children.
The most unforgettable memory of your kindness to me was when you were working at the Multi Clinics and you'd come to my house multiple times to check if I was home. Not worrying that I wasn't around, you'd come again and again.
You're a gift to the world and too bad you left us early.
Continue to rest in God's perfect peace.
We love you and we will sorely miss you.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Pastor Femi,
Caught up in sundry tasks we had to handle in church on Sunday, May 28, we, uncustomarily, exchanged casual, brief greetings. Without saying words, we understood we were to see later, for the usual, warm greetings. How was I to know that that would be the last exchange we would have. I bid you bye so casually?
During my wife, Joyce's golden jubilee in 2021, against my entreaties and the great odds, you flew from Abuja to Lagos, together with Tobi, to wish my wife, Happy birthday! That’s who you are Doc. Sacrificial!
I noticed that tired look on your face, during that last, casual exchange. But you didn't show that you were tired of this world, and the many platforms you were meant to mount, in victory after victory.
The devil thinks that he has won. But you are up there with the saints, celebrating the victory that you declared while lying unconscious after the incident on Monday, May 29.
Rest on brother, rest on friend, till we meet to part no more.
Adieu, Pastor Femi
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
You listened, you advised, you counselled, you took correction, you laughed, you teased and you were sometimes naughty...

There where times you were hurt, you were laughed and jeered at...sometimes embarrassed ‍but you showed respect and honor and exuded humility..

You were human but made room for Divinity..
You admitted your frailty ‍and acknowledged God's Sovereignty and faithfulness...

One thing is for sure...You took this life as a journey️ and now this chapter has closed...another has begun.

Its amazing to know you are with 'Abba' now.. This warms my very thought of you...

You will be missed. But only for a us some seats as you watch us journey‍ through...

for truly in Him(God), we live,we Move and we have our Being...

Rest on Dr you are fondly known..Give 'Abba Father' a hug for us all❤
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