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June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Dear Uncle Femi,
I wish I had spent more time with you, many people have told me about how much of a kind person you were and how you are always caring for others over yourself. I know you were an amazing person and you have helped many people in your life. I inspire to be as kind and as caring as you in my life.

Romans 14:8
If we live, we live for The Lord; and if we die, we die for The Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to The Lord.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
My dearest Chief Olufemi oshideko. I can't seem to get over the shocking news of your demise. You were much more than a senior colleague you were a big brother to me. I came to know you as a teenager through my dad (your name sake) who you worked closely with. You were so humble, gentle and kind. Anytime we met you asked about every single member of my family. I've always admired your genuine concern for those around you .
You were there at my major child's naming etc.
You will be greatly missed.
My hope is that you are in a better place.
Rest on Egbon ...till me meet again to part no more.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
My chief... your death came as a devastating shock... it is so painful to accept that you're truly gone. Words would fail me to describe my current state of mind. Everything is messed up.
Even if given an eternity to say a word about you, I would always be hard put to it.
You lived a life that would always be worthy of emulation. I will always remember and cherish the moments we spent together, in Asokoro DH. You were as much a friend as you were an elder brother and older colleague, a confidant, a counsellor, etc.
When death comes and takes our loved ones, it leaves our hearts so lonely, so drear then do we wonder why it has to be thus so.... my tears will never cease to flow. This is one death too many for me... your passing has plunged a lot of people into their darkest nightmare ever.
Nobody that has ever had an ecounter with you would not attest to your character and amazing personality. You were such a good man, the perfect definition of a gentleman. Your characteristic smile, your humility, etc.
We will take comfort in knowing that you're in a better place. Knowing you are in that better place still doesn't /can't console completely because that's not where we love to have you at this point in time.
God knows why you had to go at this time. We may not understand it, but we may get to understand it farther along, if christ tarries. Till then, it's just tears and rain.
God will grant you eternal rest and watch over family....
Adieu my chief, my brother and friend.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
This is so hard to put down...I am still in great shock over your demise. Vivid memories of your smile, liveliness, positivity, resilience... You related with everyone so freely...coming down to each person's level. You showed what humility personified in Christianity. Everyday at work in ADH was always lighter with you around. You played many roles in my life... A mentor, a father, a friend, a senior colleague...always looking out for me. This is so hard to accept. We cannot question God. I believe, you've gone to a place that's peaceful, without all the struggles of this world to rest. Keep glowing were indeed an angel to many lives. Rest on my Chief.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Dr Osideko !This is shocking! Unbelievable and unexpected! We spoke a few days before your illness. You sang “happy birthday “ to me and complimented my birthday pictures! We talked about some academic stuff that you were to help me with! When I called a few days later and you did not answer I thought it was the pressure of work and that you will call back later like you always did but little did I know that it was never going to be! You were such a pleasant friend and brother. We journeyed through residency together! I remember those days we were all gathered in Maitama Family Medicine seminar room working late to meet deadlines for submission of our casebooks and desertions. Alas! We became Fellows and you proceeded to be MD! I remember congratulating you and you said “Mams yours is coming “!! You were always smiling, always cheerful!! A great orator! Even though your journey on earth was short, you lived an impactful life. You shall surely/ sorely be missed. Adieu my friend!! Continue to rest at Jesus’ feet!!
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
My very own personal person, beloved spiritual brother and my zonal leader. I thank God for your life. You had so much love to give and you gave it so generously. I rejoice in the fact that you are with the saints in heaven.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Dr. Femi, my bro, my personal person. Tears, shock and disbelief are what the news of your demise evoked in me. So I won't see you again especially at school runs? I am pained. I submit to the wisdom of God in all these. You are still much loved and appreciated. Thanks for all you did and all you were to me. May God's mercy be on your soul. May your soul rest in the peace of the almighty God. Amen
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
I remembered when growing up there use to say, the Young shall grow and the Old shall die! Doc ! Your death is still a shock to were always there for my family. I can never forget the words and encouragement you gave me when I was down and almost gave up. You have left this world and the pains are over. I know you are watching over us right now and you are in the place of Peace. No more troubles ! Heaven gains rest on my Doctor,brother and friend.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Hmmm…I am still in greater shock after I saw the post of your demise yesterday on Facebook by a former colleague, just couple of weeks back you signed my reference form Chief, This news is unbelievable but now a reality..well! God knows best, you were such a good man who lived an exemplary life, encouraged your colleagues, showered them with support, respect and dignity but life happened unfortunately just a year after you became a Medical Director, it’s well! Our loss over here is heavens gain we pray that God grant you eternal rest in his blossom. Good night Chief Osideko.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
I see those smiles on your face, hmmmm may God grant your family a heart to bear this huge lost, rest on Dr Osideko
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Chief Osi!
Words fail me! You were hardworking and always ready to receive and impact knowledge.
You always had a smile on your face, and treated fellow doctors with respect and dignity.
Thank you for your service to humanity and may God grant you eternal rest. Amen.

June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
I strongly believe that death is a passage to resurrection but yours came unexpectedly. Femi, death came @ a time we needed our generation to correct the ignorance and fix the mistakes of our fathers - the older generation.

I haven’t spoken with your sister, Yetunde in about three years or so but I got her # and called last week. Without asking of you she told me that you were very ill, admitted to the hospital, been discharged, and gone back home hale and healthy. Is this the home she meant or something else?

Ah! Death where is thy sting? O grace, where is your victory?

Olufemi Abiola Osideko, you have finally walked into the glory of Jehova. U have seniored everyone in the Osideko generation in death. We love you but God loves most!

Rest on my dearest Femi, All your children, siblings, cousins, entire Osideko family, friends, classmates, n colleagues mourn your loss. May you find peace with your maker (Amen).
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
The news of death was shock to me , the humility in you cannot bedescibe, even as Medical director humbled yourself and relate with your staff. May your soul find rest in the bosom of our lord Jesus Christ and your family be console by the holy spirit.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
My very own Chief!
Where do I start from? Primaries, residency, life, everything! Even recently you called to check on me…
I promised to fill in your shoes, but alas! They are too big for me. I can’t even stand in them let alone walk. God knows why you had to leave now, but you will surely be missed.
I pray the Almighty comforts your lovely wife and children. May they find helpers wherever they go!
Adieu my Chief!
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Dear Pastor Femi, thank you for everything. I can't thank you enough.

You were a huge encouragement.
Always going out of your way countless times for everyone medically and beyond.

You were more than a Pastor or Doctor but a big brother one can talk to.
I have so many memories of my encounters with you. Counseling me back to health, your advices, encouragement, prayers, and love.

It's still so hard to believe you are gone.
I know you are smiling down on us you left behind, as you are filled with heavenly glory.
You ran the race, you kept the faith and you won with victory.
We are assured you are with the Father.
You will be forever missed.
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
I'm terrified reading about your demise this night my Chief...
You were a good and humble man Sir ..the only person that always called me by my nickname.....
I was very excited when you were appointed as the Medical Director Of Kuje General Hospital...
You played a great role in trying to make sure I get a residency spot.
You will be greatly missed Sir. Rest in perfect Peace Chief Osideko...
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Rev. Dr. Femi Osideko was my mentor in every respect. Mentored my wife and I when we were preparing to get married. He taught my wife and I how to organise medical outreaches. His life of humilty was endearing, ever smiling even in the midst of pressure. I remember the medical outreaches we organised and carried out together. I have so many questions to ask God on that day as I strongly believe its not your time yet to leave. Its really hard to believe that you are no longer with us physically. I look forward to that resurrection morning when we will all be gathered at the feet of our Master, Jesus to part no more. My family and I miss you dearly sir. 
FCT Hospitals Medical Directors
June 18, 2023
June 18, 2023
Tribute to late Dr Olufemi Osideko.

Gone too soon.

Our hearts are heavy and words fail us as we struggle to come to terms with the passing of our dear colleague and brother, Dr Olufemi Osideko.
Never did we know that the last meeting of all medical Directors that we held a few days before this incident, was our very last time of seeing you. Oh death!
We prayed fervently and hoped that his life will be spared but now we know that it was never meant to be.
It is impossible to capture the whole essence of him but we agree that he was a fine gentleman; with impeccable manners and a love for God and humanity. Brilliant, outstanding, charismatic, confident, resilient and humble with an uncanny sense of humor.
He had dreams, hopes and aspirations but alas the cold hand of death has struck and taken one of our finest.
Although we mourn, we take solace in remembering that he knew the Lord and he now rests in his bosom; where pain, sickness and death can no more touch him. That is the victory that comforts us; that he is now Heaven’s gain.
Sleep on beloved of God.
We miss you dearly!

FCT Hospitals' Medical Directors
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Ever smiling Pastor Dr Femi, my chief, faith family and unit leader.
You taught me how to organise free medical outreaches, something I thought was difficult and for only those who had money.
I learnt from you how to get wholesale drugs, raise the team, crowd management during the program etc
It was when we were planning one and raising the team, you asked me to speak to one doctor in church who is now my husband. You connected us together and nurtured our relationship and marriage.
I remember the first word you spoke into my life and our faith family meetings.
You had a special touch to each of our lives.
I went through our chat today and smiled at your consistency.
You will surely be missed.
Thank you for loving us.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
I have been incredibly heart broken and devastated since I got this news. It is still rather unbelievable to me. Pst Femi epitomized love. He radiated such a bright light of joy and peace. Always willing to help and provide support. We find comfort in knowing that he is resting in the bosom of the most high. Till we meet again sir ❤️
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
My Brotherfriend, my MOG of MOG. My gist partner. Covenant brother. My 3 musketeers member. My cheerleader..... death where is your sting?
I love and miss you. I will cherish always our friendship. We will see again on resurrection morning.
You are a Good man. A wonderful and compassionate friend. A doctor of doctors.
A pastor and loving family Man. Tobi and the Sisters will be OK. God will continue to comfort your Sisters and aged parent.
The Church you dedicated your life to will miss you. I will always miss you
Adieu my darling PFO. ♥️
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Hmmmm words fail me Dr Femi I was hoping for your thanksgiving but its turned out different, I'm heart broken Still confused and devastated. Thank you for all you do sir,you will be missed Rest on till we meet again and path no more.
Good night Pastor Femi Osideko.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Devastating news. The "good ones" truly die "young". In Medilag, Femi was an epitome of good looks, charming disposition... and ALWAYS ready to receive you with that unique smile of his... I know he is resting in peace in the bosom of The Almighty. I pray his loved ones left behind are granted the fortitude to bear his irreparable loss
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Oh my… oh tears uncontrollable!
I cannot sufficiently express how devastating the news of your passing on to the greater beyond has done to me. I always console people whenever there are deaths, but I find myself inconsolable at this moment. Thank you for being a good great man to all. The Heavens definitely celebrate the arrival of an Angel while we on Earth remain pained at the departure of the Angel, The Gentleman Osideko. Though you tarried a little while with us, you achieved a lot and you touched many lives and brought impact to many lives and God bless your dear soul forever! Warm condolences and strength to The Osideko Family… 100% love and warmth always! Adieu Boss and rest well in the warmest embrace of The Good Lord!
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
I got a call from Gloria, the tone in her voice meant I needed to take a few breaths and pause. I asked the dreaded question who, she said pray, it’s Femi Osideko. From that moment I have spent praying and reflecting on my memories of Femi. Meek, gentle, kind, humble, thoughtful, God fearing, mature are just a few ways to describe him the one I knew and still the same I’m told. You were the best of us you embodied everything we strived to be, may your soul rest in peace Femi.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
It's exactly 1 month today (17 May) you sent a condolence message to me about my Dad. So I was so shocked to hear about your demise today. You were such a wonderful person and one of my favourite Doctors in Asokoro Hospital. Very jovial and encouraging. May the Lord bless your soul. Rest well Doctor Osideko.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
You’re a good man with his flaws just like anyone but you’re very humble and simple, Easy to talk to and I’ll forever cherish the times I’ve spent knowing you. Rest easy in God’s eternal rest sir. Your legacy will continue to live.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
My Chief !!!
Words fail me
You were a good man
Simplicity personified………..
We love you but God proved that He loves you most
Soar with the angels 
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Chief. You knew us all.
All the Abuja babies, from when we only dreamt of becoming doctors, coming to see our mums in the hospital until we achieved all our goals. You watched us grow up. Thank you for everything
Your death has come as a shock to me, may the good Lord grant you eternal rest. Amen
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Femi. *smiles*
Your ubiquitous smile was hard to ignore. Checking in, jesting, you were non-judgemental, acknowledging and understanding people beyond their labels.
My only regret is that we had no warning, but such is the nature of life. I rejoice in the fact that you were my friend, and that really is enough.
Adieu resilient one. God's got you, rest in our Father's bosom
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
My dearest friend, I don't know what to say. This has hit hard.
Anyone who has met you knows you were the kindest, loveliest God fearing gentleman.
I will truly miss you and pray that God comforts your family.
Rest in God's loving arms.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Good night Sir .
You lived an impactful life.
Rest on till we meet to part no more.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
I once asked at the passing of a close and loved one if life was worth living a life of service to others and die young and the response I got is as follows- “Well, it depends. If we live life without God then it's not worth it, it becomes very futile and hopeless. However, if we build a close relationship with him, it gives life meaning. His word the bible explains why things are this way, how we can cope now and how we can have real hope for the Real life.”

Pastor Dr. Femi, your untimely death has come to us as a big blow to most of us and we are yet to come to terms with the brutal fact that you're no more with us. I believe your life has been worth living as exemplified by all that has been said and written about you. I’ll never forget your soothing voice and conversation during our last reunion. May your gentle soul rest in peace.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Psalms 116:15 The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die. (NLT)
Psalms 68:5 Our God, from your sacred home you take care of orphans and protect widows.(CEV)
Chief Osideko, I mourn with the assurance that your gentle soul rests.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023

Femi Oshideko, friend of my youth, from way back then at FGC Sokoto.

All through the years, you have been a true friend and brother. That same old smile never faded away, through thick and thin, it remained. Once you hear of anyones problem, it took precedence over yours.
You brought joy to many and the testimonies are flying around.

May the Angels of God lead you home to Christ, where you would recieve your well deserved crown of glory. I feel so blessed to have been a part of your last journey on mother Earth and I wouldnt trade it for anything.
Go towards the light old friend, and take your final rest knowing you have Children, Parents, Sisters, Friends and Colleagues who stood beside you night and day to the very end.
If tears and prayers could keep you here, you would have still been with us, but God chose to take you to a much better place and we cannot but accept His will.
We will surely miss you.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
This was one of those devastating news I heard this morning. Very sad. U lived & struggle to succeed. God was raising u to greatness, but the devil came... Snatched u from this wicked world. May God grant u a peaceful eternal rest. SOFPON FCT/Keffi & Ur colleagues in the NPMCN will surely miss u.
My heartfelt condolences to the immediate & extended family. Rest in peace.

June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
I woke up to this sad news of your passing ..
And I remembered vividly my encounter with you in my carrier, my Nysc days serving directly under you in GOPD ADH
I remembered all the scolding for coming late ,all the times you made me take your calls..and how we became good friends thereafter as you moulded me into the great doctor I am today
We will surely miss you
Rest in peace the great one.....
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
This is one of my saddest Goodbyes.There is no appropriate way to say it or the right way to grief your exit.
The ovation was set to start and you have sadly left the stage but we have the consolation of God's love for you.

You were that humanitarian Icon that made everyone around you feel so special with your kindness.
We can't truly get over this in a hurry.

Rest solidly,Dr Olufemi Abiola Osideko.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
The vacuum you left cannot be filled Still shocked to hear of your demise. You have left your name in gold on the sounds of time. Rest in peace my honourable, humility personified MD. May God grant your family the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
I am glad , I had a touch with your personality ..Warm friendly and amiable despite being my Consultant...It's a rude interruption, I feal so pained at your leaving soo soon , but I believe that all things work together to the good of them who love Jesus......Rest on Cheif Osideko
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Thanks for being Heaven’s representation in NAN Clinic. If I knew this would happen, I would have spent longer time chatting with you in the clinic the last time you sent for me. Thanks for being a blessing
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
My FO, it is unbelievable that l will never hear your voice?? Your number was a quick dial no matter the day or time, you will always answer. Your infectious laughter from the heart, loving spirit, passionate about the things of God, never judgemental, positive not matter the narrative, a man of peace, kind hearted. A professional per excellence. Caring and passionate about your patients, friends, family and colleagues.

My bestie Doctor, Ore mi atata! Hmm, how am I supposed to live life without seeing or hearing your voice....The news yesterday left me disoriented and very emotional. My mind is in so much turmoil, my FO - maybe l missed something when we spoke last...l keep calling your line with every hope that you will answer and call me by my native name. I saw a video of you and l at our last school reunion, and l broke down...the memories are so beautiful and filled with your enchanting smiles.

What can l say, FO, l know death is inevitable, but l was hopeful that we will be here till age ninety, but l guess heaven needed you to come over. Thank you for over 40 years of impactful friendship, connection, love, support, and encouragement. My Ijebu Prince, rest on FO. I will miss you so much. God keeping us, your aspirations for your children will be fulfilled in Jesus name.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Chief Osideko, your demise came as a rude shock and has left me heartbroken. I cant stop remembering all the times we shared, the jokes, laughter,medical stuff and your wise counsel. This is indeed a great loss. We will miss your physical presence, especially at our morning presentations but your memory lives on. Adieu Chief, May your gentle soul rest in peace.
Obeten, Yowonke
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Dr Osideko, Hmmm! The ever smiling Doctor that took special interest in loving my entire family including my parents. God bless you for all the lives you touched on this earth. We miss you dearly and you'll never be forgotten, May your soul rest in perfect peace....
Uchechi Rowland-Esi
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Dr Osideko, I can't believe you are gone. You were such a kind, humble and compassionate soul. You had such a big heart to accommodate everyone. I got to know you through my sister and that is how you became a close friend to our family. I can't ask God questions..but I know you are in a better place where there is no more pain and sorrow. May your gentle and kind soul rest in peace, and may God comfort your dear family and us, your loved ones. This is very hard. We are all heartbroken, but God knows best. Goodnight Sir. Adieu!
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Chief Oshids as I fondly called you, the news of your passing was such a huge and unexpected shock. I still can't believe it. Who will call me PK? I want to ask God why? But I know he knows best. I have looked for who to blame and I can't find. I cant stop crying everytime i remember. Sleep well Chief Oshids. It's well.
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Femi, your life was exemplary but too short, you had so much to give but time wouldn’t let you, God has bigger and more rewarding assignments for you in heaven, Rest In Perfect Peace doctor, we can’t question the creator
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Oh Chief.Life has dealt us a hard blow.I am still trying to come to terms with this shocking news.You where an epitome of humility, Simply a good man with sincere intentions towards all and sundry.I remember the first day I met you as a young medical officer in Asokoro District Hospital, you where so down to earth that I was even confused about your cadre.i remember meetingv you at National hospital sometime in March or so i told my husband to park i want to greet my Chief.It was a wonderful exchange of pleasantries as usual.Oh my God i didnt know that would be the last time i would see you.Indeed your life challenges us to think about the impression we leave behind with everyone we meet.MAY GOD RECEIVE YOU IN HIS PARADISE AND COMFORT AND CONSOLE THE ONES YOU LEFT BEHIND.THIS IS AN IRREPARABLE LOSS
June 17, 2023
June 17, 2023
Chief,as I always called you. My brother,my friend and my senior colleague. I am yet to process this reality of your absence. We prayed and hoped for a miracle and testimony but God who knows best decided to call you home.You were a good friend,very kind-hearted ,compassionate and always had kind words of encouragement for everyone who crossed your path. You were a genuine lover of God. Words fail me to express how I feel. One thing I am certain of is that, indeed heaven has gained an angel.
My family and I will miss you.
Adieu Olufemi Osideko,till we meet to part no more.
Sleep well in the Lord and goodnight .
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