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April 18
April 18
Sola has gone....
When I asked the question the evening of February 7, 2024... has he gone? The answer was yes....That marked the end of our journey of 10 years of
friendship and 20 years of marriage. We were like the proverbial snail and it's shell.
We met in SCM UI in 100level in 1994.We became friends and eventually got married on January 24, 2004. Sola was not only my husband he was my best friend. His sense of humour was legendary....he had a way of making a joke out of everything no matter how serious it was. This made the 14 years of waiting for Tolunimi pass so easily. He was a wonderful father. Who will carry Tolunimi every morning now?? Tolunimi tells me everyday how much he is missing you. He wanted to come to the hospital to see you so badly...I didn't know you would not come home. He was 'Mr Fix it' ... He had an insight into so many things and just knew what to do to make things work. He was a perfectionist....things had to be just right. He was a people person. He touched lives everywhere he went. On Tuesday night you said 'ki la si nse nibi yi? Eyi ti a se nibi yi ti to. E je ka maa lo'. I'm glad you are 'doing merry merry' with the angels now free of pain.You said you would go again and win again and indeed you have won. For to live is Christ and to die is gain Phil 1:28. Till we meet again....

Foluke Wojuola
February 27
February 27
My dear Sola,
I don't know where to start from. Is it from our primary school days @ St Clare's Osogbo or secondary schools days at FCHS? Or is it from the close relationship your parents & mine had, which also cascaded positively to us the children ?          
Your departure has left us in deep grief. You lived a short but very impactful life.
I pray that the Lord Almighty will comfort the family & loved ones your left behind IJN. Adieu, my good friend.
February 27
February 27
Sola and I were close friends during my first year at Wesley College of Science. However, we lost touch with each other as our lives took us in different directions.

Thanks to social media, we reconnected and established an active alumni group for our class, with Sola serving as the general secretary. Although we didn't talk frequently, we occasionally connected over the phone to discuss business, family, and life. During one of our phone calls, I learned about his health challenge, and we stayed connected, discussing his treatment and progress.

We had a lengthy conversation just a few days before his last procedure, which was our final conversation. Sola remained positive and strong for his family and fought until the end. You’re surely missed, dear friend, as you continue to rest in the bosom of the Father in Heaven. I pray that the good Lord keeps, consoles, and blesses your wife, son, and loved ones.
February 27
February 27
I have been typing and deleting for days now because no words seem right. I am simply speechless, still speechless. I can't but say rest in peace bro, cos you are not dead but sleeping....
February 27
February 27
Your impact on the lives of those you came into contact with lingers on. I never really get to acquaint with you during your days at Fakunle Comprehensive High School Osogbo, but I met your impact. You were a gentle soul that will not be forgotten. A candle that will not stop burning. Rest on my brother.
FCHS'93 set President
February 26
February 26
Dr Wojuola,

I fondly referred to you as a friend of our school.

You were one of the kindest parents to have registered their child with us. Your kindness to everyone of us at school was second to none! You selflessly gave your time at short notice - convenient or not; we only ever had to ring you to be guest at a function or give a talk to the children on your profession. No, was never a word we got from you.

We all at MBIS feel truly blessed to have known you and are forever grateful for the time we had with you. Your memory lives on in our hearts.

May the Lord comfort your wife, son and the entire Wojuola family.

Abiola Bidokwu
CEO Millie’s British International School
February 24
February 24
I got to know Bro Sola at the Word Stand (formerly Tapes Unit) about 8 years ago, and last year, I was selected to join Bro Sola’s leadership at Powerhouse Helmsmen fellowship.

From an initial distance I could tell of his unwavering faith in God and his commitment to everything that is Godly. And getting closer to him, I could sense the positive vibes that oozes out of him, and his drive to make everything he is involved in to be better.., in-fact he strives always for perfection in everything he gets involved in.

You were a man of faith, confidence and strong determination, and we judge God faithful in it all.
I am deeply pained by your demise, but the consolation I have is that you have gone to rest from all the pains and worries of this earth, fully alive with Christ Jesus in heaven.

Till we meet again at Christ’s feet my brother, while we continue our race and to finish in good faith… enjoy the beautiful worship of God with the host of heaven.
February 22
February 22
I met Dr Sola Wojuola few years ago and noticed his nice,kind and accommodating nature who had passion for making sure all goes on well and ok.
I am still heartbroken with the news that he passed on . He will never be forgotten by us all He made a mark on everyone he came across in a positive way and his memories will forever be in our hearts.
You touched many lives,you gave hope to many people,you brought smiles to many faces
and you have given us a lot of reasons to fight through this journey of life .
Your family will miss you, your friends will miss you. The Almighty will give us the comfort we need.

February 21
February 21
When the Chairperson called me that morning I was shocked. Still in shock.

Our Beloved former General Secretary, Vice Chairman, Friend and Neighbor. You gave yourself to serving God and humanity. Your services to our Association and Estate are too numerous to list.

I can only pray that God shall continue to comfort, be with and keep the family left behind, friends and Associates, our Association and The Church of God. I know you are enjoying your rest with The Lord Jesus Christ who loves you and gave Himself for you.

Sleep on The Beloved.
February 20
Uncle Sola Wojuola, known him for about 15 years at the tapes ministry, now WordStand of Vine Branch Church. Your dedication to service in God's house is worthy of emulation. You have your best to God and people. It's our sincere prayer that all you left behind will not just thrive but blossom and expand in the years to come.
February 19
February 19
The news came as a shock and still wondering why certain things happen to the people you love and cherish.

The questions are endless!

Our family celebrates the life of bro Sola, as we fondly call him. He was a dear friend, a cherished family member, and a beacon of warmth and kindness. His absence leaves a void, but the memories he leaves behind are a testament to the life he lived and the legacy he carried.

We remember the times we shared together in Lagos and when the whole family visited your warm family in Ibadan. We remember the vibes and the slangs..èmi ĺègàñ, èmì bùrù gàn . We remember the beach outings and picnics, the house fellowship meeting, the driving stunts, and the self-appointed mechanic when his car broke down. We remember his boldness to confront Nigeria police or traffic officials... we remember his kindness... always accommodating and going the extra mile...truly bro Sola was full of life.

Though bro. Sola is gone, his spirit lives on in the laughter he shared, the love he gave, and the memories he etched in our hearts.

We miss you already bro Sola. Continue to rest in the bossom of your maker.

Love always,

Dele and Uwa
February 19
February 19
The news came as a shock and still wondering why certain things happen to the people you love and cherish.

The questions are endless!

Our family celebrates the life of bro Sola, as we fondly call him. He was a dear friend, a cherished family member, and a beacon of warmth and kindness. His absence leaves a void, but the memories he leaves behind are a testament to the life he lived and the legacy he carried.

We remember the times we shared together in Lagos and when the whole family visited your warm family in Ibadan. We remember the vibes and the slangs..èmi ĺègàñ, èmì bùrù gàn . We remember the beach outings and picnics, the house fellowship meeting, the driving stunts, and the self-appointed mechanic when his car broke down. We remember his boldness to confront Nigeria police or traffic officials... we remember his kindness... always accommodating and going the extra mile...truly bro Sola was full of life.

Though bro Sola is gone, his spirit lives on in the laughter he shared, the love he gave, and the memories he etched in our hearts.

We miss you already bro Sola. Continue to rest in the bossom of your maker.

Love always,

Dele and Uwa
February 19
February 19
Bro Sola, its still hard for me to come to terms with the fact that I wont see you on this side of heaven anymore. We have been family friends for more than 15years and shared so many times together. When I left the ward that Monday it never crossed my mind. You were full of life, ideas, inventions and energy even when naturally you should have slowed down. Whatever you were involved in you did with passion and gave it your all. You went through the last few years with so much courage and strength. A good friend you were, I will NEVER forget how you and sis Foluke stood by us when it so mattered. I was like your personal physician, you almost always shared every health issue with me ( thank you for the honour). You were a good husband, devoted to Foluke. Remember you telling me to do something about the abscess on her leg the morning of the surgery and jokingly said ' her legs is one of the reasons I married her'. We never got to execute the ER thing we had talked about for years. I am glad I met you. We surely miss you, your laughter and gist but know you are in a better place. Till me meet at the Father s feet Bro Sola. Adieu.
February 19
February 19
It’s so sad to know you went through all I just read on the help site now. The comfort is that you have overcome.

Our paths kept crossing from SCM UI, to Vine Branch to my husband serving in AkwaIbom. You were such a great person, your infectious enthusiasm to things of God was outstanding. The strength in your laughter is something I remember you for. Rest well beloved brother. Our prayers are with your beautiful family, the Lord will uphold them and protect them. Till we meet to part no more. Sleep on!!!
February 18
February 18
Writing with mixed feelings, it has always been difficult to understand how good people sometimes exit the scene more quickly. One of those things we may never fully understand on this side of heaven. I thank God nonetheless for the life you lived, an indeed impactful one. One thing that stood out was that you always wanted to fix things & never stopped until you got it right. For me personally, I would say, Thank you for always opening the doors of your home to me when I needed care & support. Thank you for the days you released Sis Folu to my aid without questions. Thank you for the days you both showed up at my doorstep because I needed help. What more can I say Doc?...Till we meet again at Jesus' feet, keep singing, dancing & drumming with the angels. You will be greatly missed.
February 18
We could remember meeting you for the first time in Mrs Oduolowu now Prof. Oduolowu's house in the early 90s with Foluke.
You were a consistent, selfless, God fearing, generous, hard working and creative person.

We later met in the same church, got married around same time, lived in same neighbourhood and at a time you were our Cell leader. Your leadership quality was second to none.

We could also remember your family giving money towards our house project and giving gifts to our kids even when you were yet to have yours. You were never envious or intimidated by others successes. You were just amazing!

When we heard of your sickness everyone moved to salvage the situation but God knows best and took the righteous away before the evil days.

Sola, we love you but your creator loves you more. We pray God's abiding presence shall continue to be with Foluke and your son.

It's hard to say GOOD NIGHT in the AFTERNOON of your life but GOOD NIGHT we have to say to a fighter and a perfect gentleman!

Niyi & Toyin Adesokan
February 17
February 17
It is well
This is so sad to here, brother Shola was a very energetic man full of life.
May your soul continues to rest in peace.
I pray that the Lors strenghtens the family he left behind ❤️❤️❤️
February 17
February 17
Dr. Sola,
You came, you fought and you conquered. Your legacy of humility, love and strength in the midst of adversity lives on within us. Rest in peace Dr. Sola.
February 17
February 17
A fellow Soldier in Christ is gone to be with his master, it is heaven gain while we will miss him here. A dogged fellow SCMer and a passionate Vet. Dr. God will comfort the wife, children and family left behind.
Adieu till we meet again.
Rev. Remi Olalekan
SCM UI/ Oyo/Osun Sector President
February 17
February 17
We could remember meeting you for the first time in Mrs Oduolowu now Prof. Oduolowu's house in the early 90s with Foluke.

We later met in the same church, got married around same time, lived in same neighbourhood and at a time you were our Church Homecell leader. Your leadership quality was second to none.You were a consistent, selfless, God fearing, generous, hard working and creative person.

We could also remember your family giving money towards our house project and giving gifts to our kids even when you were yet to have yours. You were never envious or intimidated by others successes. You were just amazing!

When we heard of your sickness everyone moved to salvage the situation but God knows best and took the righteous away before the evil days.

Sola, we love you but your creator loves you more. We pray God's abiding presence shall continue to be with Foluke and your son.

It's hard to say GOOD NIGHT in the AFTERNOON of your life but GOOD NIGHT we have to say to a fighter and a perfect gentleman!

Niyi & Toyin Adesokan
February 16
February 16
The news of the demise of Dr. Olusola Wojuola came to us at the Ibadan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association Worldwide with rude shock.

It's therefore not only painful but grievous to contemplate writing a dirge in honor of the memory of a friend, professional colleague and a brother with whom one has shared close professional space and great vision of better tomorrow for many years.

Dr. Sola Wojuola was a veterinarian who understood his passion and innate capabilities. He faced his vision squarely, avoiding all distractions while living a purpose driven and exemplary life in the service of God and humanity.

As a veterinarian with more than two decades of cognate experience, he was an inspiration to younger colleagues, especially, in the area of building personal brands from the scratch, creation of personal niche and zone of comfort in veterinary business, not withstanding stiff competition with existing and renowned brands.

While he encountered storm, as a result of unexpected debilitating health challenge, he remained strong and hopeful of full recovery. He was resilient though, recognizing the supremacy of God in the affairs of men. He remained faithful to the very end.

May the entire Wojuola family be comforted by the Holy Spirit.

May the Almighty God grant them the fortitude to bear the irreparable loss.

Let's take solace in the fact that our God is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. His wisdom is unsearchable and He's unquestionable.
Let's submit to His will at this difficult time.

Adieu, Dr. Olusola Wojuola.
Rest in Peace.

Dr. Ibikunle Faramade
General Secretary
Ibadan Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Alumni Association Worldwide.
C/o Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Ibadan. 
February 16
February 16
What a life to live
What a world to be
Shola, I will miss you.
Rest in Peace, Doctor
February 16
February 16
Haa Sholay as l fondly called you, l remember last December our last conversation concerning the last operation session you had before your demise how uncomfortable you are about it,at the same time the plans concerning what you planned to do in the house once you're much better in this 1st quarter of the year
Se oti wa tan naa ni yen abi?
But my consolation always is that you came you saw and you conquered and as children of God we do not need to morn but to celebrate God's faithfulness cos you're in a better place.
Adieu my friend Dr.Olusola Wojuola. Till we meet to path no more. Sun re oo

February 16
February 16
Sole!!,like you were fondly called. Very reliable, loving and super detailed. Mr. Fix it! You never give up anything you were set to do! The last time we spoke few days before your going HOME, I really thought we were going to see again. You were a very strong and resilient man. You fought the good fight and indeed you won. No doubt you are in a better place now. You were not just my friend's darling husband but a good and kindhearted man, a friend and a brother. Will really miss you Dr. Sola Wojuola.
February 15
February 15
Olusola, words fail me. I can't stop reading my last chat with you, i still find it difficult to believe you are no longer with us.I know you're in a better place where there is no pain. Sleep on, beloved... till we meet to part no more.
February 15
February 15
At times I wonder why straight and good trees do not last very long in the forest. But we have this consolation, that we part ways now, we shall meet again yonder.
Dr Sola Wojuola, you came, and impact the world around you, touching lives in gestures that cannot be forgotten.
Sleep on at the bosom of the Lord.
Dr Odunayo Azeez
February 15
February 15
I trusted God to preserve you for us and heal you but He knows why He took you away and he is unquestionable. You were a very friendly person and we shared a bond of you attending same primary school with a secondary school mate of mine. You always gave me the latest info about her that culminated in my attending her wedding in Osogbo 7 years after we parted from secondary school. I attended with 4 other school mates when we never sighted the IV except the oral invite from you.
Blessed is the remembrance of the righteous. My prayers always with your beautiful family. Adieu Sola.
February 15
February 15
A warrior has gone to rest. There is nothing impossible for you, you always do your things in a special ways.
A Rare Gem and a leader.
Good night Dr. Olusola Wojuola
February 14
February 14
A highly courageous, strong and forthright man had transited into eternal glory! I know assuredly that it's not goodbye but good night. Sleep on beloved.

Bunmi Kehinde
WESCOS 1993set
February 14
February 14
Sola, you have left us so soon but we can't question God. We will always keep the memory of you alive and cherish the moments we spent together. You were such a good man. We will always honor and cherish your memory, our beloved friend. Rest in perfect peace friend.
February 14
February 14
A gem is lost!!!
Full of ideas and had big dreams (I can't even handle ReddyFarm without you). You go out of your way to make sure I am fine. Your kindheartedness is rare, your smile lits the room. Our last moments have turned to memories that would be cherished forever. It's really hard to say goodbye but it's earth's loss and heaven's gain. I know you've gone to rest, I miss you dearly. Keep sleeping in heavenly peace. The elder brother I never had! Love you lots- your SIS.
February 14
February 14
Tribute and farewell to a good friend Olusola Ayodeji Wojuola

It is with extreme sadness but will full gratitude to God that I write this on behalf of me and my wife on the sudden and shocking demise of Sola .

We met Sola through Foluke at the University of Ibadan in the early 90s.
My wife had known Foluke closely in high school.
Sola and Foluke were an inseperable item and often seen on the walkway church [SCM] and a few social occasions.
Sola stayed at Kuti Hall and was one of the fine guys there.

Later in life we were still very close and we attended the wedding and even followed him to Osogbo at the family house for close family events.

Sola was always bubbling with novel and well researched ideas as well as business strategies.
He was also very handy and a go to person with electronics and various gadgets including household stuff.
Only God knows what his exploits would have been if he had read engineering or business development officially.

He really gave the last moments a good fight and was conscetious with the treatment regimen.
He did all he could and I thought he was out of the woods.

It was really shocking when I learnt he had passed on nights after his last procedure.

Praying that God have mercy and keep the immediate and extended family under his firmament

It is well

Mobolaji and Iyabo Iyun
Ibadan Nigeria
February 14
February 14
Sola my name sake.    

It was very difficult and so sad to accept the news.  

I thank God for your life. Even in your pains and health challenges, you showed commitment and faithfulness to your words. 

It is sad you have to go and rest.   

Till we meet again.

kola Wojuola
February 14
February 14
Tribute to my Egbon
Egbon, Boda Sola
Where you are now cannot be in any way compared to any pain you could have experienced on this side.
I was told you had been asking to go “home” for a few days before that glorious Wednesday .
And since you were already gone before I arrived, there was no point trying to pray you back.
We were not just housemates in Webster house in Wesley College of Science- we were brothers and we had the rare privilege to be that close for at least 2 years. I can never forget the day you called me to say you had gotten born again. I was indeed filled with awe. I will forever thank God for that day and also the day you found your church.
You and Ibadan! Ibadan was where you were born and born again. It was where you schooled, graduated,, married, lived and finally passed to eternity.
I salute a man of thoroughness, a man of service, a family man.
Like you told Deola , “head or tail, we win”.
You won Egbon, though you are missed.
Good night Bro, you have made your mark here, so rest from your works .
You are home free- that’s what matters most.
Kola Wojuola
February 13
February 13
Hmmmmmm who are we to question God...

Seeing you on Monday before you passed out on Wednesday was a great relief on my side seeing you walk from one end to the other in the ward in UCH. My husband and I was so happy that u are getting better.... Oluwa o se ooo is all I was saying... they will soon discharge Bro Sola... not knowing that is the last time we gonna see you

Hearing the shock and sad news of your demise on Wednesday evening was sooooo painful. Seeing you at the morgue on Friday when we went to pay for embalming with your sister (Lola Wojuola) was something else.... I thought u will just wake up and say ahhhh what am I doing here... let us go home... where is my wife and Tolunimi??? But noooo couldn't raise up again

God Almighty will console your wife and son, mummy, your sisters and bro and every other member of the family . May you continue to rest in the bosom of the Almighty God. You will be greatly missed Bro Sola
February 13
February 13
We met at the Alpha Grace Resident Association. He was a man totally given to peace and progress and I must say that his commitment to given assignments or projects was exemplary in the few years I have known him! 3 weeks ago, we still met on the road and in his usual jovial but progressive manner, suggested what I can do as related to the Estate Project at hand and alas, that would be my last physical sight!

I am still finding it very hard to believe that you are truly gone but I am deeply consoled that you slept in the Lord!

Good night Dr Wujuola...good night a beacon of dedication!
February 13
February 13
You came, you saw & you conquered- you made your impact, this is our consolation despite your early exit. We are grieved but God knows the best. Rest on bro!
February 13
February 13
We saw last in October 2023 and also took pictures together. We discussed how God came through for you during the earlier surgeries and I remember your repeated statement that if God decides to keep one and take another, He is still God and forever will be God.
From the students fellowship days in Grace Bible Mission (then Grace Baptist Church) till end, you were an ardent lover of God with unwavering faith and service in God's vineyard.
We love you but God loves you more. Continue to rest in Him.
February 13
February 13
Rugged Yes that is whom you are! The level of your faith amaze me, Even in pains you serve God with all your strength.You told us you have won two surgeries and this third surgery you will go, win and come out victorious and our testimony will be a full package. But as it please your maker he calls you home.
Good night bro Sola till we meet on the resurrection day when we will part no More.
February 13
February 13
We had quite an history Sola...from Fakunle Comprehensive High School Osogbo at Junior Secondary School to University of Ibadan as undergraduates and finally to Akwa Ibom State as the only two Veterinary doctor Corp members posted to that State. Your love for God and commitment to soul winning earned you a position as our Rural Rugged ( Envagelism Secretary) I'd hoped your journey on this side of eternity will last for at least a century but alas! It pleased the Master to call you home this season. Your departure, i must confess is painful...but we are consloed knowing fully well you lived a beautiful and impactful life. Rest on dear friend and may God grant your dear family the fortitude to bear this loss.
February 13
In loving memory of Dr Sola Wojuola,
As I sit down to write these words, my heart is heavy with both sorrow and gratitude. Sorrow for the loss of a friend, but gratitude for the privilege of knowing you and knowing that you have transited to a better place. We will forever cherish and miss the laughter and warm personality you had, My Condolences to the family. Sleep on brother
February 13
February 13
We did everything real friends should do: helping, sharing and standing up for each other. You were a friend without guile. You share in the credit for helping me find my way back to God when I was almost lost back in our days at the University of Ibadan. Even though it hurts that you are gone, we won't grieve as those who have given up because we know that heaven has you. Goodnight, buddy. You will always be remembered!

February 13
This is a rude shock but who are we to question God .... good heart has stopped beating, but a heart that has touched so many lives can't help but live on in those it loved. Bro Sola till we meet to part no more . My Condolences to the Wojuola’s family.
February 12
February 12
My sincere heartfelt condolences go to the entire family of Wojuola and Nigeria at large. Another bright light has just been prematurely cut short. Rest in peace brother.
February 10
February 10
You came and lit up the room.
You left but your light is not extinguished.
Rest on sir. All is well.

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