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February 1, 2022
February 1, 2022
Everyday without you, is like a whole city without illumination which is in total darkness. You are that Light that shines and lighten many lives on this planet earth. You affected lives with your special love, advice, generosity, courage, kind gesture, simplicity, smartness, and unrelenting attitude. You personally inbuilt in me ways of connecting to the right people for business development, most especially in the contracting and construction sector.
The last few month without you, has shown me another dimension of this world bcos you are my confidant and a very special element in the journey of my personal life.

OVA, I wish you are still alive, so you can achieve those beautiful dreams of yours but God knows why he took you away at that time.

I know you have found a better place in the bossom of your maker than this planet earth full of trouble.

You will always be in my heart egbon mi daadaa "Olayiwola Victor Ayandele Ajayi"
February 1, 2022
February 1, 2022
Uncle Victor ❤
You're forever in my heart
January 31, 2022
January 31, 2022
Too too soon Victor, but I leave everything to the creator of ALL . I pray God grant you eternal rest, never stop remembering you and all the memory we share. Good night
January 30, 2022
January 30, 2022
Forever loved....
Forever missed....
Forever in my heart....
Rest on OVA❤️
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Honestly just wish I can keep writing and writing but its well.
Till we meet again Uncle Victor
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Anytime I think about you, I still don't believe you're gone Uncle, I cry over and over again, pretending nothing is wrong. You've been such an amazing soul❤ best one amongst all ever, the little time spent together was worth more than shekels of gold. I really do miss you badly and so painful I couldn't tell you how much my heart so much cherished you. The last time we chatted you really did encouraged me so much that I felt it small dad.

I wish you would just wake up one day and tell me you were just resting... I love you so much❤. Maybe your gentle soul rest in perfect peace, God understands all
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
It’s a whole MONTH without you!
It feels so surreal....
The hardest part of losing You,
is learning to live without you....

A month of inexplainable heart felt pains & silent cries and was told time would make it better to accept.
I miss your voice, my favourite tone ever
I miss your bright smile, one thing that always makes me crazy of you
I miss your gentle touch to my hair, that makes me feel to be loved unconditionally
I miss your naughty laughter, that always cheer me up when I feel down
I miss your soothing hugs, that always can calm me down
I miss every moment we spent together.

It was amazing when we met. Your personality was just like mine.
Overtime, we bonded and had become closer. We made plans to go places and do things together;
We could talk for hours about everything and anything, never hitting the same subject twice.
Then, on a certain morning,
I woke up to a call, the kind no one wants to receive.
I hurriedly tried to get to your place, hoping for the best, yet fearing the worst.
I found you, confirming my worst fear.
You had passed on.
My life hasn't been the same since.

I miss the late night talks, same talks I sometimes complain about it being too late and long, now I long for it!
Imagine if I was given one moment,
just a single slice of my past.
I could hold it close forever,
and that moment would always last.
My Partner, My Best Friend, My Angel

I PRAY for strength and grace for all to carry on.

I find consolation in the fact that you made peace with your maker and resting in his bosom.

Vicky of Life!
Ayandele mí...
Olayiwola Omo Ajayi...
Ajayi Ogidiolu, o ni konga a ji pon.
Sun re o!!!
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
1 Month on and it's looks like yesterday

I miss everything about you uncle victor
Continue to rest on
December 25, 2021
December 25, 2021
Ayandele mí..... My wealth in wealth!
Christmas in heaven... What do they do?
Everyday without you since you had to go
Is like summer without sunshine and Christmas without Merry!

I wish I could talk to you,
There’s so much to say
Thinking of you this Christmas and how things just aren’t the same.

There’s this dull and nagging heartache when someone speaks your name
Sadly I can’t gift you no-more
Just silent tears that fall.
For this time of the year without you is the hardest time of all
I pray that God grants the Family, myself and most importantly your mum, the grace to carry on in faith.

Vicky... I miss the bond between us ❤️
I miss your kind support
You’re in my mind 
And every Christmas thought

I will always feel you close to me
And though you’re far from sight
I’ll search for you among the stars
That shines on Christmas night,
I’ll look to the skies and see a twinkling star that shines brighter than the rest, I know that’s where you are!

Continue to rest in His bosom OVA
Omo OBA!
Olayiwola Victor Ayandele... Omo Ajayi
Sun re o!!
December 15, 2021
December 15, 2021
Victor each time I open this page, my heart ache and tears fell of my eyes. Though I know we will part ways but never believe it will be this soon. I tried not to think about you but the more I tried the more the memories of our past keep ringing in my head. "Kokoro koje gbadun obi togbo, o ma se o". I Prayed God should give me the grace to inherit eternity so I can tell you how much you are missed when you left and what your sudden demise caused the whole family and friends cos I know you have found eternity already. Love you so much Victor, you will always be remembered.
December 6, 2021
December 6, 2021
The reality of your death is just getting cleared to me. Till now, i am still indisposed and the grieved within every part of my system couldn't have afforded me to write/say much about your personality.

My relationship with you is beyond cousins relationship. While you are alive, we were like a siamese twins, the times we spent together, the daily calls/chats, confidential things you use to tell me, jokes, disagreements to agree and lots more.

It will be extremely difficult for me to pass a day without having a thought of you.

Who will be calling me every here and there?

Who will i be seeking brotherly and fatherly advice from?

Who will i frankly call to seek moral and financial assitance from?

Who will be like OVA to me in all spheres of life?

Who will i be on phone conversations with, for many hours without resistance?

Who is going to be my praying partner as we use to go to redemption camp and some other praying grounds together?

OVA you left so soon but i believe God took you away at this time for a particular purpose.

Maybe if you have lived beyond this time, you wouldn't have made it to heaven bcos i have a conviction that, you are at the right hand of the almighty God.

I could remember vividly when you decided to relocate to Abuja, a one to your final relocation, after I have helped you to pack all your loads, you told me to sit down and asked me LANRE, am relocating to Abuja now, what is your own next plan? I said maybe i will be going to lagos to start life afresh, which you said no problem that i should continue to pray for you so that your feet could be established in Abuja and you will take me over as soon as you are fully grounded there.

The last time i came to Abuja in the month of September, you accomodated and gave me special treats. My plan was to come to Abuja again this month for a meeting which i have decided I will be with you till when you are going back to the south for xmas.

But as God will have it, you are no more.

I pray the mercy of God will give you beautiful place as your abode in heaven.

Rest On Bro Vicky, i will continue to remember you OVA.

December 5, 2021
December 5, 2021
Ayandele mí....
You were my PEACE!
Your looks... IMPECCABLE
Your voice... SONOROUS
Your heart... PURE
Your lifestyle... CLASSY
Your love for CHRIST is incomparable.
Your are a COMPLETE package.

A new day dawns once again.
I stare at where you used to lay your head.
I close my eyes, your face I plainly see.
That smile that could always bring me to my knees. You were so cute In every way. So amazingly wonderful,

Who will call me Kemz...
What keeps me sane is knowing I have memories of us. The pictures captured a glimpse, but my heart captured everything like a film recorder.

I- In this journey of my life
L- Loving you kept me alive
O- One day God called you home
V- Visions of you still linger on
E- Eternal love never dies
Y- You gave me meaning to my life
O- Our love will always remain
U- Until we're reunited in heaven again.

You had the heart that cared completely. You had the smile that brought so much pleasure. You had the love that brought joy beyond measure. You came into my life for a little while, You left footprints in my heart and i will never be the same.

A golden heart stopped beating, hard working hands now rest. God broke my heats to prove to me He only takes the best!

Knowing and loving you has been the BEST experience so far, you gave me Joy, you made me go depper in Christ, you were peaceful, loving, caring and every wonderful thing one could ask for in a partner.

You have the most amazing family! I guess you were scared I’ll love them more! Your siblings are amazing and just like you, have nothing but love to give to all!
Aunty Laitan is beautiful in and out and has adopted me!
Aunty Toyin is wonderful & takes good care of me like a mum!
Uncle Dipo has held me steadfast with prayers & Sis Yetunde makes me feel warm.
Banji..... I am short of appreciative words for him, God bless him
Deyemi.... He is exactly how you described him, caring with a sense of responsibility. God bless him too.
How come you never gisted me about Aunty Nikeeee!!!! She’s a force to reckon with & questioned our heavenly race with pregnancy! If only she knew you were a Pastor in waiting. Lol! They have all been strong for me and cheered me up. Even in death I gained a new family!

Vicky I was initially upset we put things off till December/ next year but am now glad we did cos that’s the only way I was able to have quality time with you. You took a bow when the ovation was loudest, very typical of you!

I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with you, And then I remembered.... You spent the rest of your life with me.
Thank you for this!
I’ll FOREVR cherish our memories.
I smile because I know you loved me till the day you died and I will keep loving me till the day we are together.

Vicky, your Kemz will always cry and long for you, but all in all... I leave it to God because I am certain you’re with him and this gives me joy.

My Love...
Omo OBA!
Olayiwola Victor Ayandele... Omo Ajayi
Sun re o!!!
December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
Cousin, Your death is a great loss to me, what you did for humanity is inestimable.I will surely miss your hospitality, Sleep well till ressurection morning , where our Lord Jesus Christ will wipe away all tears. Goodnight Victor.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
I am writing this tribute on behalf of the Adelowotans.
Dear Mr. Victor, you have fought a good fight. You came , you saw and you conquered. Sleep on the beloved till the resurrection day. Your rest is sure.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Demise of a giant. This reminds me of a yoruba adage that says: Igi to to ki pe nigbo. Good night the beloved. Continue to sleep in the bossom of your creator. Isinmi re daju.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Condolences to the entire Ajayi Family. God will grant OVA eternal rest IJN It 8s well.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
The reality of your death now dawn on me looking at your body lying lifeless, Avicky(as I fondly called you) you never told me you did be gone from me this soon. You never told me you did leave me without a word. What do I say, what do I write, is it how we grew up, how I usually wait for you to wake up to decide what we eat for breakfast or you coming down to my room to ask what we should eat?is it how we crack jokes, make troubles, gist, etc. Congratulations is what I should be writing and not tribute Victor. Why ? Avicky we never plan it this way, our plan is to meet at Ada this year Xmas with my family. Victor why did you defile our plans why? Words won't be enough to tell about you brother so at this, I surrender to the Omnipotent God. Heaven has just gained while the earth just lost, I know we will meet again cos I know you are a lover of Christ......
Victor will rise again which I know BUT it will be a great disaster if Victor rose on the last day and YOU didn't. Therefore I charge you to surrender your life to Jesus Christ today as tomorrow may be too late so we all with Victor can sing the song of Hallelujah.....Adieu my brother.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Still in shock on the demise of our brother. Victor was a friend to our family. We became closer in Abuja as he wasn’t just that social friend…we became “church buddies” and he would always call to inform and invite me for church programs. We shared similar perceptions to life. Victor gave me words of encouragement which lead me to settling down this year. This is a personal loss to me as Victor would always visit after Church almost every Sunday….we would do breakfast together either at mine or in a restaurant. He still called me on Saturday but I missed his call and I did call back with no response. Little did I know he was making his last call to me.
Our solace should be that OVA knew God and served him diligently. He also served humans….he was generous and kindhearted always willing to give to the less privileged.
Victor remains victorious as his name will continue to be mentioned for good. May the good Lord comfort his family and friends. And may OVA’s soul rest eternally in peace Amen
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Your death news came to me as a rude shock, I never expected this. Very devastating to lose a family friend, neighbour and brother. I could remember vividly when there's dispute between our Fathers of the blessed memory, This wonderful brother would still call me on the road, outside our houses to greet me. May God rest your soul and comfort the entire Family. GOODNIGHT SIR.
December 3, 2021
December 3, 2021
Death is inevitable, it is a journey that everyone must take but I bless God on how yours End Uncle

On Sunday 28th of Nov 2021 after eating around 8:30 you told me to remind you once it's 9pm coz you need to pray and @ exactly 9:00pm I did which you told me to excuse you so you can speak to your God alone and when you finish you called me back inside, I came in and saw ur forehead dripping of annoting oil, I smiled and we countinue gisting while you gave me further instructions on what you need, I told you to sleep on time @ 11:56pm so you can have enough rest which you told me you will, so what happened between 11:56pm to 1:22am 29th November still happens to be shocking to me.....
I was speaking with someone about the alone prayer @ 9pm and I was told 3,6,9,12 are specific hours of mercy and that as given me so much comfort coz it's not everyone that have the last minute grace to have a heart to heart talk with their maker, what you discuss with God remains a mystery but I am happy you have that grace to do so.... now it make sense to me why you choose that specific time and why you choose to do it alone

Continue to rest in peace favorite uncle
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
I do not know how to say goodbye to you. I have been down since I received the SAD news. I was hoping it was a runout. I know our God has a special place for u. May your gentle soul rest in peace Amen 
Adieu! Adieu!!
Vivian (Tenant)
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
A great man loved by many. Thank you for all you taught me without you knowing.
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Ajasco, as I fondly call you
There are more than a million wonderful things to write about you.... You were very selfless, kind and always ready to help out in people's burden. I recall our numerous memories together from Mary Hill primary school to living together in lautech. I will forever cherish all those wonderful memories Ajasco. I know you are in a better place my dear brother.... You will be sorely missed
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Olavikitor (as I fondly called you),

I'm honestly still in disbelief! It's so hard to believe that you're gone!

We've lost you but heaven gained you, rest well knowing that you're loved and will forever live in our hearts.

Good night dear OVA.

December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Victor!!!!All round great and stand up Guy!!
Rest in Peace my friend and brother!!
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
I never thought i would ever put pen on paper to write this condolence note about my favorite cousin . Victor Ajayi. Writing this piece not just for people to read but also to console myself about your demise. We shared a lot of memories cousin. Victor you are an exceptional being . A loving caring and accommodating person full of smile. The only one who doesn’t get upset.The only one that we talk for hours over the phone.The one who sends me funny videos. The one who constantly remind me that he is three months older than me… in his word( you no no say I be your senior brother).The only one that his laugh makes me laugh. The one who loves to share.I really don’t know how am going to ever get over this shock. We talk about politics, marriage, family, business etc.A real goal getter who believes everything is possible. We lost a real one in Ajayi’s family, but we sure you in a better place. I sincerely Love you Victor but God loves you more. Rest well OVA, OGWUJI,

December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure...This is hardly a goodbye, I will always remember your advice...Rest in power bro
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
May his soul rest in perfect peace ,
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
A great guy gone.... God bless & keep your soul Victor.. You are victorious in death
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
I sincerely don’t know what to say. I am in shock over this sad news. May God Almighty grant all the family the strength to bear this great loss.
God knows best. Our hope of resurrection is anchor on you dear Father.
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Thank you for always sharing your humanity. Earth's loss is heaven's gain. Our only consolation is that you are in a better place.
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
To my darling Victor,

Your sudden passed away from this world is unbearable. I’ll always remember you as one of the nicest Cousin.

Brother, rest in the Lord.

Adebimpe Ajayi
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
My dear Victor

Still seems unreal

You made me realize that you don't have to know someone for too long to experience a dedicated and good friendship.

Our loss is your gain, believing you are in a better place with the Almighty.

May your gentle soul Rest In Peace

December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
Still in denial you're gone!!!
Don't even know how to say good bye...this is too sudden....but God knows best.
I will miss you bro....till we meet again...
Ayandele omo Ajayi(I'll miss calling u that).
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
May Heaven accept your soul. Keep resting Ogidi Olu...... I lack words for expression. Rest well brother....
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
The memory of you is something I can never forget, you are more than just uncle to me coz their is virtually nothing about you that hidden to me, you are a lover of christ and a kind hearted easy going gentleman, you didn't only give me access to you rather you trust me with your inner most secret, your personal phone password, ur ATM code above all you allowed me to be signing your signature and so on.... the only thing I don't know about you is that you will leave me this soon, I cooked your last meal, I talked to you last and I also stay with your body although hoping for a miracle coz I was hoping you will wake up from that sleep coz that was what he looks to me, your last word to me was banji thank you, I immediately ask why you will be thanking me for taking care of you but all you did was smile... uncle victor the love and care you showed to me is compare to none, your death is an irreplaceable loss coz your type is rare to find

I love you but God love you most countinue to rest in the bossom of the almighty till we meet again
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
I can't believe you are gone Victor, rest in peace my brother!!!
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Victor, I am so sad. So so sad… God knows best they say.

Brother to my Sister Olaitan, we will miss you beyond words. God bless you You light up every room you step into. Gosh, gone too soon. We will cherish the memories. Rest in the bosom of the Lord almighty till we meet again.

Dipo, Toyin, Olaitan and family, take heart. God remains on the throne. Love you.

Uchenna Agbo
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Word really failed me,your death came as a rude shock. I still can't believe am writing a tribute for you Victor.

Victor a dear cousin,you were so caring and generous with everyone's interest always in your heart. Ummmm God you know best. Who am I to question you. You giveth and taketh at will. Oh death why are you so final. May your soul rest in peace Victor Ajayi.
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
How can the dead be truly dead when they still live in the souls of those who are left behind? Bro, you will be forever missed!
- Ogunniran Segun.
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
This night is cold, this day is bitter, I don't feel myself Uncle Victor you refuse to bid me good bye, you played the role of an uncle, brother,that you are, you made my wedding a success, you danced, you laughed, I came with my wife to thank you, we met you resting on the couch you greeted us and bid us good wishes In our marriage Ashe ! It was the last time we would see you Uncle Victor you are a blessing to everyone who has come in contact with you. Rest in Peace you are Ineed victorious from this sinful world. Olamide & Ruth
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Victor i never knew ur death would be d last of i seeing you or hearing from you in ages,ds really sad for me i remeber d good memories we shared while in Maryhill convent school idi -ape way back as young as u were to us u were so bubbly,lively&humble.To hear d news of ur demise breaks my heart,you lived,conquered&touched lives as i learnt those good deeds will lighten up ur grave&grant u passage to eternal rest ijmn.My condolences to Laitan,Toyin&d rest of you .God comfort you all at ds time.Sun re oooh Victor omo Derilar Ajayi
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021

Hands are too heavy to lift, fingers cramp to type. This is too soon, too! too soon..... a radiant and ever smiling young man.... you will be sorely missed.....
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Dear Victor,

You're one of my favorite brother and inlaw. My condolences to the family. It's so hard to lose someone unexpectedly. Losing someone anytime is hard, and quite painful.

You're all in our prayers God Bless & Comfort us all, amen. Rest in peace Victor.

Tunde and Mosunmola Ajayi

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